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教练员是为完成运动训练组织的目标,对运动员进行运动训练的直接组织者。教练员在运动训练过程中,应使本队运动员的思想和行动与教练员的思想尽量趋于一致,严格按照预定的训练程序完成运动训练任务。要想使运动员的思想和行动趋于一致.教练员必须能够掌握全体运动员在运动训练过程中所表现出来的心理行为倾向,即“群体心理”。只有掌握了运动员群体内心活动的规律,教练员才能有的放矢地去进行工作,才能实现对运动训练组织目标的科学管理。  相似文献   

运动训练方法释义 :运动训练方法是在运动训练活动中 ,提高竞技运动水平、完成训练任务的途径和方法。运动训练方法在教练员的“训”和运动员的“练”的过程中被予应用 ,是教练员和运动员在双边活动中共同完成训练任务的方法。运动训练方法是对运动训练过程中各种训练方式和办法的概括 ,是对各种具体训练方法的集中表述。运动训练方法的作用 :在运动训练过程中 ,运动训练方法是教练员进行训练工作、完成训练任务、提高运动员竞技能力的应用工具。现代竞技运动发展历史表明 :运动训练方法的不断创新和科学运用对推动各项竞技运动整体发展水平…  相似文献   

竞技体育的手段是运动训练,直接目的是为了提高运动成绩,在体育竞赛中取得名次。运动员选材,是运动训练中起决定作用的首要环节。“选材的成功,是训练成功的一半”此话有一定道理的,有人把培养优秀运动员列成一个“式子”:优秀的“苗子”+优秀的教练员=优秀的运动员。优秀的“苗子”,就是具备运动天才的少年儿童。运动训练实践证明,  相似文献   

一、体育科研与运动训练相结合的主要任务体育科研与运动训练相结合,主要是指,科技人员(包括队医)与教练员,运动员的结合,(其中也有相当一批教练员具备一定的研究能力,它们是科研战线上的一批生力军)运用各种科学手段对运动训练进行监测与控制,紧密围绕运动训练开展科学研究和科学服务,并不断解决各种与训练有关的难题,提出原始创新的见解。  相似文献   

科学训练的基本内涵是:教练员按运动训练自身规律的教与运动员创造性的学和练的有机结合。运动员创造性的学与练是这一概念本质内涵的核心所在。教练员的主导作用无论多么重要,毕竟是外因,只有通过运动员自身的观察、思考、评价、选择、领悟与应用,教练员对运动员的训练,影响和启示才能内化为运动员自觉的行动,取得良好的训练效果。因此,在运动训练中,运动员主体性的弘扬与教练员主导作用的高扬并不是“有你无我,有我无你”的互斥关系,而是辩证的有机统一。毋庸讳言,目前我国的运动训练无论是在训练的指导思想,还是在训练内容与  相似文献   

网球技能训练是网球运动员提高技战术能力的重要手段,其目的是提升运动员的网球技能水平,为比赛做好准备。在此过程中,教练员可通过对运动训练方法的有效运用,实现对运动员身体机能、运动能力和心理素质等多方面的综合提升,确保运动员在比赛中取得理想成绩。基于此,本文在分析循环训练法重要性的基础上,对其应用在网球技能训练中的实践路径进行了研究和探讨,旨在进一步提升网球运动员技能水平与竞技水平,为广大教练员在实际训练中提供借鉴与参考。  相似文献   

所谓运动训练中的“无效劳动”,是指在训练过程中运动员包括教练员花费了大量时间,消耗了许多体力和精力,收获不大或根本无任何效果的训练。纵观运动训练的全过程,它是一个由直接或间接影响运动技术水平的因素所构成的复杂的多层次系统。运动员、教练员在这个长期的教学活动过程中,要付出极大的体力和精力,运动员本身  相似文献   

体育科研对信息的处理具有前馈和反馈作用。在以教练员和运动员为主体的运动训练中,科研的作用给教练员的训练规划进行了某种定性和定量,为计划成功提供了科学理论,但决不可取代教练员的职责。体育科研不能简单地理解成“下队”二字。体育科研是与运动训练的有机结合,是更高层次的科学服务。要搞好基础研究,应用研究,开发研究。组成综合体为教练员、运动员服务,提高体育科研价值。  相似文献   

浅谈体育教练员的职责、素质与职业道德   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
运动队的主要任务是促进运动员全面发展,提高 运动技术水平,创造优异运动成绩。这在客观上决定了教练员必须抓训练比赛,使运动员在训练比赛中不断取得进步,直至达到所期望的目标,这是谁也无法替代的。运动训练离不开训练经费、训练设施以及有培养前途的运动员。这些人、财、物等因素最终发挥作用,要靠教练员将它们组合起来。1 教练员的职责1.1 训练 从运动员选材到培养、输送,直至取得优异运动成绩,是一个复杂的、长时间的过程。在这个过程中,教练员始终处于主导地位。首先,根据运动项目的要求,运用科学的方法并借助自己的…  相似文献   

心理训练是指通过各种手段有意识地对运动员的心理过程和个性特征施加影响,使运动员学会调节自己的心理状态的各种方法,为更好地参加运动训练和争取优异比赛成绩做好各种心理准备的训练过程。心理训练方法和作用:心理训练在散手训练中是重要的,但由于心理训练在散手训练中的实践较少,只能以举例的方式作部分介绍。一、教练员对运动员进行心理训练的方法教练员通过第二信号系统或采用各种训练手段,对运动员的心理状态施加影响。散手运动可以采用的方法举例如下:(1)制造比赛气氛进行训练。例如教练员突然把将赢的一局说成要输,要求队员在最后…  相似文献   

对体育院校优秀运动员教学管理的探究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
就体育院校优秀运动员教学管理定位和教学管理体系的建立,抓好优秀运动员学习过程管理,提高优秀运动员的文化素质等问题进行了研究,提出了对体育院校高水平运动员的教学管理必须坚持"以人为本"、"以学生为主体",优秀运动员的教学管理是体育院校管理的重要环节。对于突出体育院校的办学特色和提升优秀运动员的文化素质具有重要意义。  相似文献   

In this study, we investigated the adjustments to posture, kinematic and temporal characteristics of performance made by lower limb amputees during the last few strides in preparation for long jump take-off. Six male unilateral trans-femoral and seven male unilateral trans-tibial amputees competing in a World Championships final were filmed in the sagittal plane using a 100-Hz digital video camera positioned so that the last three strides to take-off were visible. After digitizing using a nine-segment model, a range of kinematic variables were computed to define technique characteristics. Both the trans-femoral and trans-tibial athletes appeared to achieve their reduction in centre of mass during the flight phase between strides, and did so mainly by extending the flight time by increasing stride length, achieved by a greater flexion of the hip joint of the touch-down leg. The trans-tibial athletes appeared to adopt a technique similar to that previously reported for able-bodied athletes. They lowered their centre of mass most on their second last stride (-1.6% of body height compared with -1.4% on the last stride) and used a flexed knee at take-off on the last stride, but they were less able to control their downward velocity at touch-down (-0.4 m x s(-1)). Both this and their restricted approach speed (8.9 m x s(-1) at touch-down), rather than technique limitations, influenced their jump performance. The trans-femoral athletes lowered their centre of mass most on the last stride (-2.3% of body height compared with -1.6% on the second last stride) and, as they were unable to flex their prosthetic knee sufficiently, achieved this by abducting their prosthetic leg during the support phase, which led to a large downward velocity at touch-down (-0.6 m x s(-1)). This, combined with their slower approach velocity (7.1 m x s(-1) at touch-down), restricted their performance.  相似文献   

射击运动员训练中心率测试结果的分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
用芬兰产PE3000型心率表及处理器,对青海省射击队17名运动员训练课射击过程中的心率进行了测定。得出:运动等级高的运动员在心理素质、心理水平上比一般运动员有明显优势;优秀运动员的心理技能比一般运动员也要好;优秀运动员要比一般运动员在维持击发时的心率良好状态上,时值要长  相似文献   

Coaching efficacy (CE) represents the extent to which coaches believe they have the capacity to affect the learning and performance of their athletes, and the CE model details antecedents, dimensions and outcomes of CE. Based around the CE model, the present paper had two main aims. First, to present a comprehensive and critical review of the research underpinned by the CE model. Studies were categorised by whether they investigated antecedents, outcomes or athletes’ perceptions of their coach. Twenty-one published studies were identified for the review. Overall the review provides support for the main tenets of the CE model, with researchers establishing links between CE and many of the antecedents and outcomes proposed in the model. The second aim was to assimilate findings from the review, limitations in the CE model and relevant conceptual models to present a revised CE model. Whilst retaining the essence of the original model, the revised model also incorporates explicit processes linking coach beliefs and athlete perceptions, antecedents of athlete perceptions and an intrarelationship source of CE. It also incorporates specific categories of coach behaviour and athlete-/team-level outcomes. The paper concludes by identifying limitations in the literature and review, and by proposing key directions for future research.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to expand our knowledge and increase our understanding of imagery use by athletes in sport-injury rehabilitation using a qualitative approach. The participants were 10 injured athletes who were receiving physiotherapy at the time they were interviewed. During the interviews, the athletes provided extensive information about their use of imagery during injury rehabilitation and it was clear that they believed imagery served cognitive, motivational and healing purposes in effectively rehabilitating an injury. Cognitive imagery was used to learn and properly perform the rehabilitation exercises. They employed motivational imagery for goal setting (e.g. imagined being fully recovered) and to enhance mental toughness, help maintain concentration and foster a positive attitude. Imagery was used to manage pain. The methods they employed for controlling pain included using imagery to practise dealing with expected pain, using imagery as a distraction, imagining the pain dispersing, and using imagery to block the pain. With respect to what they imaged (i.e. the content of their imagery), they employed both visual and kinaesthetic imagery and their images tended to be positive and accurate. It was concluded that the implementation of imagery alongside physical rehabilitation should enhance the rehabilitation experience and, therefore, facilitate the recovery rates of injured athletes. Moreover, it was recommended that those responsible for the treatment of injured athletes (e.g. medical doctors, physiotherapists) should understand the benefits of imagery in athletic injury rehabilitation, since it is these practitioners who are in the best position to encourage injured athletes to use imagery.  相似文献   

我国女子跳马技术现状与对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对39、40届世界体操锦标赛,雅典、北京奥运会女子跳马决赛运动员动作的类型、难度、完成质量与成绩关系的研究和对北京奥运会中、美女子跳马相关数据的对比分析,认为中国运动员选用的动作单一,整体难度和完成动作的质量上还与美国队存在差距。提出了转变训练思想、加强基础体能训练并力求创新等对策,如把“以强带弱”改为“以弱促强”;充分利用规则和器械特点找准技术突破口;加强速度和力量素质训练;发展适合我国运动员身体特点的动作,提高动作起评分等。  相似文献   

罗智  龙国强 《体育学刊》2006,13(6):111-114
从指标模型、权重模型与均值模型三维勾画出我国优秀举重运动员的形态模型。结果表明,我国优秀举重运动员各形态指标可分为肌肉质量因子和体型因子两类;权重模型显示出髂宽、髂宽指数和克托莱指数最能反映我国优秀举重运动员的专项形态特征,体现出“倒三角”的体型与发达的肌肉质量符合举重运动员的形态要求。同时,均值模型显示,不同重量级别之间,体型因子各指标的差异不如肌肉质量因子明显。另外,随着重量级别的提高,优秀举重运动员专项形态适合运动员举起更重的杠铃。  相似文献   


Coping strategies are important for performance in sport and individual differences may contribute to the coping strategies adopted by athletes. In this study, we explored the main and interactive effects of the big five personality dimensions on sport-related coping and compared personality profiles of discrete groups of athletes. Altogether, 253 athletes (mean age 21.1 years, s = 3.7) completed the NEO-FFI (Costa & McCrae, 1992 Costa, P. T. and McCrae, R. R. 1992. Revised NEO personality inventory and NEO five-factor inventory: Professional manual, Odessa, FL: Psychological Assessment Resources.  [Google Scholar]), and the Coping Function Questionnaire for Sport (Kowalski & Crocker, 2001 Kowalski, K. C. and Crocker, P. R. E. 2001. Development and validation of the Coping Function Questionnaire for adolescents in sport. Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 23: 136155. [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]). Results showed that extraverted athletes, who were also emotionally stable and open to new experiences (a three-way interaction effect), reported a greater use of problem-focused coping strategies. Conscientious athletes (main effect), and athletes displaying high levels of extraversion, openness, and agreeableness (a three-way interaction effect), reported a greater use of emotion-focused coping strategies, and athletes with low levels of openness, or high levels of neuroticism (main effects), reported a greater use of avoidance coping strategies. Different personality characteristics were observed between higher-level and lower-level athletes, between men and women athletes, and between individual and team sport athletes. These findings suggest that the five-factor model of personality can help distinguish various levels of athletic involvement and can help identify the coping strategies athletes are likely to adopt during participation.  相似文献   

速度在跳远中的作用再研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文通过对中外优秀男子跳远运动员助跑及起跳速度对比研究,认为发挥助跑速度,获得起跳所需要的垂直速度与腾起速度,才能取得优异的跳远成绩。  相似文献   

沈宇鹏 《体育学刊》2006,13(5):98-101
通过对2001、2003和2005年世锦赛男子自由泳项目前8名运动员比赛技术数据进行分析和比较,了解当今世界男子自由泳项目优秀运动员速度、划频、划幅的变化特征,并对男子自由泳运动员最佳划频和划幅组合特征进行探讨。结果发现:(1)短距离运动员划频明显高于中长距离运动员;中长距离项目运动员划幅增长也明显高于短距离项目运动员。(2)最高游速下,运动员的划频和划幅达到或接近最高水平。(3)男子自由泳运动员理想划频和划幅会随着个人特点和项目距离特点变化而变化。(4)个人理想的划频和划幅组合应保持有效划频和有效划幅的组合。(5)在疲劳状态下,仍能继续保持良好的划频和划幅是取得好成绩的关键。  相似文献   

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