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Objective: Depressive symptoms are associated with poor smoking cessation outcomes, and there remains continued interest in behavioral interventions that simultaneously target smoking and depressive symptomatology. In this pilot study, we examined whether a behavioral activation treatment for smoking (BATS) can enhance cessation outcomes. Method: A sample of 68 adult smokers with mildly elevated depressive symptoms (M = 43.8 years of age; 48.5% were women; 72.7% were African American) seeking smoking cessation treatment were randomized to receive either BATS paired with standard treatment (ST) smoking cessation strategies including nicotine replacement therapy (n = 35) or ST alone including nicotine replacement therapy (n = 33). BATS and ST were matched for contact time and included 8 sessions of group-based treatment. Quit date was assigned to occur at Session 4 for each treatment condition. Participants completed a baseline assessment; furthermore, measures of smoking cessation outcomes (7-day verified point-prevalence abstinence), depressive symptoms (Beck Depression Inventory–II; Beck, Steer, & Brown, 1996), and enjoyment from daily activities (Environmental Reward Observation Scale; Armento & Hopko, 2007) were obtained at 1, 4, 16, and 26 weeks post assigned quit date. Results: Across the follow-ups over 26 weeks, participants in BATS reported greater smoking abstinence (adjusted odds ratio = 3.59, 95% CI [1.22, 10.53], p = .02) than did those in ST. Participants in BATS also reported a greater reduction in depressive symptoms (B = ?1.99, SE = 0.86, p = .02) than did those in ST. Conclusions: Results suggest BATS is a promising intervention that may promote smoking cessation and improve depressive symptoms among underserved smokers of diverse backgrounds. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Heavy alcohol use frequently co-occurs with cigarette smoking and may impede smoking cessation. This clinical trial examined whether smoking cessation treatment that incorporates brief alcohol intervention can improve smoking cessation outcomes (7-day verified point prevalence abstinence) and reduce drinks consumed per week. Heavy drinkers seeking smoking cessation treatment were assigned by urn randomization to receive, along with 8 weeks of nicotine replacement therapy, either a 4-session standard smoking cessation treatment (ST, n = 119) or standard treatment of equal intensity that incorporated brief alcohol intervention (ST-BI, n = 117). Across follow-ups over 26 weeks, participants in ST-BI reported approximately 20% fewer drinks per week (p  相似文献   

Prospect theory suggests that because smoking cessation is a prevention behavior with a fairly certain outcome, gain-framed messages will be more persuasive than loss-framed messages when attempting to encourage smoking cessation. To test this hypothesis, the authors randomly assigned participants (N=258) in a clinical trial to either a gain- or loss-framed condition, in which they received factually equivalent video and printed messages encouraging smoking cessation that emphasized either the benefits of quitting (gains) or the costs of continuing to smoke (losses), respectively. All participants received open label sustained-release bupropion (300 mg/day) for 7 weeks. In the intent-to-treat analysis, the difference between the experimental groups by either point prevalence or continuous abstinence was not statistically significant. Among 170 treatment completers, however, a significantly higher proportion of participants were continuously abstinent in the gain-framed condition as compared with the loss-framed condition. These data suggest that gain-framed messages may be more persuasive than loss-framed messages in promoting early success in smoking cessation for participants who are engaged in treatment. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Objective: Contingency management (CM) effectively treats addictions by providing abstinence incentives. However, CM fails for many who do not readily become abstinent and earn incentives. Shaping may improve outcomes in these hard-to-treat (HTT) individuals. Shaping sets intermediate criteria for incentive delivery between the present behavior and total abstinence. This should result in HTT individuals having improving, rather than poor, outcomes. We examined whether shaping improved outcomes in HTT smokers (never abstinent during a 10-visit baseline). Method: Smokers were stratified into HTT (n = 96) and easier-to-treat (ETT [abstinent at least once during baseline]; n = 50) and randomly assigned to either CM or CM with shaping (CMS). CM provided incentives for breath carbon monoxide (CO) levels OR = 42, 95% CI [5.9, 307]) than with CMS, in which the difference between HTT and ETT participants was not significant. Assignment to CMS predicted membership in the improving (p = .002) as compared with the poor outcomes cluster. Conclusion: Shaping can increase CM’s effectiveness for HTT smokers. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Physicians used either an autonomy-supportive or a controlling interpersonal style to counsel smokers based on National Cancer Institute guidelines. Physician autonomy support was rated from audiotapes, and patients' perceived competence and autonomous motivation for quitting were self-reported on questionnaires. Validated point prevalences for 6, 12, and 30 months and for continuous cessation were examined. The intervention did not have a direct effect on quit rates; however, structural equation modeling supported the self-determination process model of smoking cessation. The model indicated that the autonomy-supportive intervention was rated as more autonomy supportive, that rated autonomy support predicted autonomous motivation, and that autonomous motivation predicted cessation at all points in time. Perceived competence contributed independent variance to cessation only at 6 months. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The authors evaluated the efficacy of fluoxetine hydrochloride (Prozac; Eli Lilly and Company, Indianapolis, IN) as an adjunct to behavioral treatment for smoking cessation. Sixteen sites randomized 989 smokers to 3 dose conditions: 10 weeks of placebo, 30 mg, or 60 mg fluoxetine per day. Smokers received 9 sessions of individualized cognitive-behavioral therapy, and biologically verified 7-day self-reported abstinence follow-ups were conducted at 1, 3, and 6 months posttreatment. Analyses assuming missing data counted as smoking observed no treatment difference in outcomes. Pattern-mixture analysis that estimates treatment effects in the presence of missing data observed enhanced quit rates associated with both the 60-mg and 30-mg doses. Results support a modest, short-term effect of fluoxetine on smoking cessation and consideration of alternative models for handling missing data. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Objective: To evaluate the impact of a classroom-based, Web-assisted tobacco intervention addressing smoking prevention and cessation with adolescents. Design: A two-group randomized control trial with 1,402 male and female students in grades 9 through 11 from 14 secondary schools in Toronto, Canada. Participants were randomly assigned to a tailored Web-assisted tobacco intervention or an interactive control condition task conducted during a single classroom session with e-mail follow-up. The cornerstone of the intervention was a five-stage interactive Web site called the Smoking Zine (http://www.smokingzine.org) integrated into a program that included a paper-based journal, a small group form of motivational interviewing, and tailored e-mails. Main Outcome Measure: Resistance to smoking, behavioral intentions to smoke, and cigarette use were assessed at baseline, postintervention, and three- and six-month follow-up. Multilevel logistic growth modeling was used to assess the effect of the intervention on change over time. Results: The integrated Smoking Zine program helped smokers significantly reduce the likelihood of having high intentions to smoke and increased their likelihood of high resistance to continued cigarette use at 6 months. The intervention also significantly reduced the likelihood of heavy cigarette use adoption by nonsmokers during the study period. Conclusion: The Smoking Zine intervention provided cessation motivation for smokers most resistant to quitting at baseline and prevented nonsmoking adolescents from becoming heavy smokers at 6 months. By providing an accessible and attractive method of engaging young people in smoking prevention and cessation, this interactive and integrated program provides a novel vehicle for school- and population-level health promotion. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The authors examined whether length of alcohol abstinence and depressive symptoms were related to motivational readiness to consider smoking cessation among patients in alcohol treatment. Participants were adults (N = 253) enrolled in a smoking cessation trial. Controlling for gender, depressive symptoms, and nicotine dependence, hierarchical regression analysis of readiness scores revealed a significant interaction of days since last drink and depressive symptoms. It was found that a greater number of days since last drink was associated with greater readiness, but only among patients with low scores on the Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale (L. S. Radloff, 1977). The findings suggest that alcoholic smokers with low depressive symptoms are more receptive to quitting smoking after sustained alcohol abstinence. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Relationships among depression, alcohol use, and motivation to quit smoking were examined in a sample of 350 hospitalized smokers. Multivariate multiple regression and logistic regression analyses indicated that participants with depressed mood were more likely to have a history of problematic drinking. Participants with depressed mood and a history of problematic drinking were more likely to be nicotine dependent and anticipated greater difficulty refraining from smoking while hospitalized. Alcohol use in heavier amounts was associated with a decreased concern with negative aspects of smoking, whereas history of depression was associated with increased concern in that area. Finally, current drinking was associated with increased confidence in quitting in 1 month whereas depressed mood was associated with decreased confidence in quitting. Overall, depression and alcohol use had stronger associations with smoking-related variables than with smoking cessation motivation variables. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Objective: The health consequences of tobacco smoking disproportionately affect African Americans, but research on whether efficacious interventions can be generalized to this population is limited. This study examined the efficacy of group-based cognitive–behavioral therapy (CBT) for smoking cessation among African Americans. Method: Participants (N = 154; 65% female, M = 44 years old, mean cigarettes/day = 13) were randomly assigned to either (a) group CBT or (b) group general health education (GHE). Participants in both conditions received 6 sessions of counseling and 8 weeks of transdermal nicotine patches. The primary outcome variable was 7-day point prevalence abstinence (ppa), assessed at the end of counseling (2 weeks) and at 3- and 6-month follow-ups. Secondary outcomes included 24-hr ppa and 28-day continuous abstinence (assessed at 3 and 6 months). Results: Intent-to-treat analyses demonstrated the hypothesized effects, such that 7-day ppa was significantly greater in the CBT than the GHE condition at the end of counseling (51% vs. 27%), at 3 months (34% vs. 20%), and at 6 months (31% vs. 14%). Results of a generalized linear mixed model demonstrated a significant effect of CBT versus GHE on 7-day ppa (odds ratio = 2.57, 95% CI [1.40, 4.71] and also an effect of time (p  相似文献   

This study examined the role of dopaminergic genes in prospective smoking cessation and response to bupropion treatment in a placebo-controlled clinical trial. Smokers of European ancestry (N=418) provided blood samples for genetic analysis and received either bupropion or placebo (10 weeks) plus counseling. Assessments included the dopamine D2 receptor (DRD2) genotype, dopamine transporter (SLC6A3) genotype, demographic factors, and nicotine dependence. Smoking status was verified at the end of treatment (EOT) and at 6-month follow-up. The results provided evidence for a significant DRD2 × SLC6A3 interaction effect on prolonged smoking abstinence and time to relapse at EOT, independent of treatment condition. Such effects were no longer significant at 6-month follow-up, however. These results provide the first evidence from a prospective clinical trial that genes that alter dopamine function may influence smoking cessation and relapse during the treatment phase. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Efficacy and costs of 3 levels of medical–behavioral treatment intensity in conjunction with nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) were compared in 240 one-pack-a-day smokers: (a) a low-intensity (LI) group that received 8 weeks of NRT (n?=?80) and 1 advice and education (A&E) session with a nurse practitioner (NP); (b) a moderate-intensity (MI) group that was provided NRT and 4 A&E sessions with an NP (n?=?80), and (c) a high-intensity (HI) group that received treatment combining NRT, 4 A&E sessions, and 12 weeks of individualized cognitive–behavioral therapy (n?=?80). Biochemically confirmed abstinence rates at 9, 26, and 52 weeks posttreatment initiation were highest for the HI (45%, 37%, 35%) group, followed by the LI (35%, 30%, and 27%) and MI (27%, 12%, 12%) groups. Group differences approached statistical significance at 9 weeks and were statistically significant at both 26 and 52 weeks. The cost of LI treatment was $308, that of MI was $338, and the HI treatment cost was $582. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Epidemiological data indicate a robust association between smoking and alcohol use. However, a critical question that is less resolved is the extent to which the smoking event takes place during the time of alcohol consumption. The present study used data from an 8-week prospective web-based study of college student smokers to examine daily associations between smoking and alcohol use, using measures of both likelihood and level of use. Findings indicated that consumption of alcohol and smoking covaried on a daily basis per person. In addition, consistent with the idea of smoking as a social activity for college students, light smokers were more likely than heavier smokers to smoke while drinking and to smoke more cigarettes while drinking. Smoking behavior among light smokers may be influenced by external social contextual cues, in contrast to heavier smokers who may be more affected by internal cues. Implications of findings for prevention work suggest the importance of targeting social situations in which smoking and drinking co-occur. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The authors conducted a meta-analysis of published studies to (a) evaluate the premise that a history of major depression is associated with failure to quit smoking and (b) identify factors that moderate the relationship between history of depression and cessation outcome. Fifteen studies met the selection requirements and were coded for various study methodology and treatment characteristics. DSTAT was used to calculate individual study effect sizes, determine the mean effect size across studies. and test for moderator effects. No differences in either short-term (≤ 3 months) or long-term abstinence rates (≥ 6 months) were observed between smokers positive versus negative for history of depression. Lifetime history of major depression does not appear to be an independent risk factor for cessation failure in smoking cessation treatment. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The authors present results of a randomized clinical trial of the efficacy of extended treatment with bupropion SR in producing longer term cigarette smoking cessation. Adult smokers (N = 362) received open-label treatment (11 weeks) that combined relapse prevention training, bupropion SR, and nicotine patch followed by extended treatment (14 weeks) with bupropion SR or matching placebo. Abstinence percentages were relatively high (week 11: 52%; week 25: bupropion, 42%; placebo, 38%; week 52: bupropion, 33%; placebo, 34%), but bupropion SR did not surpass placebo. Gender and baseline craving level were identified as significant, independent moderators of treatment response. Men were more likely to abstain than women (week 11: 59% vs. 43%, p = .001; week 25: 48% vs. 31%, p = .001; week 52: 39% vs. 27%, p = .01). Because most smokers suffer relapse with any current cessation treatment, the comparatively high abstinence percentages achieved in this trial are of interest. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Most cessation studies assume that dropouts are smokers. Instead, the authors analyzed these outcomes separately using multinomial regression to model the relative risk of quitting versus continued smoking and dropping out. Female (N = 281) smokers were randomly assigned to a 12-week smoking cessation program plus either a 3-times-per-week exercise program or a contact control wellness program. Higher body mass index and longer prior quit attempts predicted cessation. Self-efficacy was associated with a lower likelihood of dropout. Greater nicotine dependence and lower education predicted continued smoking or dropout versus quitting among exercisers. Patterns of smoking, dropping out, and quitting between Weeks 5 and 12 were different between exercisers and controls. Dropouts should be considered as a separate category from smokers. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The present study tested the hypothesis that limited ability to tolerate physical and psychological distress is associated with early relapse from smoking cessation. Specifically, the authors exposed 16 current smokers who had failed to sustain any previous quit attempt for more than 24 hr (immediate relapsers) and 16 smokers with at least 1 sustained quit attempt of 3 months or longer (delayed relapsers) to psychological (mental arithmetic) and physical (carbon dioxide inhalation-breath holding) stressors. Relative to delayed relapsers, immediate relapsers were characterized by higher baseline levels of affective vulnerability, by greater levels of dysphoria and urge to smoke after 12 hr of nicotine deprivation, and by less task persistence on the stressors, suggesting that these may be risk factors for early lapse in the context of quitting smoking. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The role of attention in the production of smoking behavior was investigated. Experienced and novice smokers were asked to perform a reaction time (RT) task under 4 conditions: while smoking (smoking), while mimicking all aspects of smoking except inhaling (pseudosmoking), while simply holding a cigarette (holding), and while not smoking (baseline). Experienced smokers' RTs increased during the pseudosmoking and holding conditions compared with baseline but did not differ between the smoking and baseline conditions, suggesting that attentional resources were not required for typical smoking behavior but were required to alter or inhibit smoking behavior. Novice smokers' RTs were slower during both the smoking and pseudosmoking conditions but not the holding condition, suggesting that novice smokers require the use of resources to smoke. Experiment 2 demonstrated that the differences in RT across conditions could not be explained by differences in urges. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Cigarette smokers with past major depressive disorder (MDD) received 8 group sessions of standard, cognitive–behavioral smoking cessation treatment (ST; n?=?93) or standard, cognitive–behavioral smoking cessation treatment (ST) plus cognitive–behavioral treatment for depression (CBT-D; n?=?86). Although abstinence rates were high in both conditions (ST, 24.7%; CBT-D, 32.5%, at 1 year) for these nonpharmacological treatments, no main effect of treatment was found. However, secondary analyses revealed significant interactions between treatment condition and both recurrent depression history and heavy smoking (≥25 cigarettes a day) at baseline. Smokers with recurrent MDD and heavy smokers who received CBT-D were significantly more likely to be abstinent than those receiving ST (odds ratios?=?2.3 and 2.6, respectively). Results suggest that CBT-D provides specific benefits for some, but not all, smokers with a history of MDD. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

"A large part of what we have learned about the correlates of smoking habits may be made to fit a conceptual model like that of Bales. The fact that a man smokes or does not seems to be determined by whether or not he has been oriented to the habit as a result of his social milieu. Whether he becomes a heavy smoker or is unable to stop smoking seems determined by the usefulness of the smoking habit to his personal needs." From Psyc Abstracts 36:01:1HJ67M. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

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