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无烟煤滤料,石英砂滤料,磁铁矿滤料,活性炭、锰砂滤料,焦炭滤料,核桃壳滤料,麦饭石滤料,铝矾土、伸缩器、卵石、砾石、果壳滤料,陶粒滤料,石榴石滤料,双层陶瓷滤砖.  相似文献   

《振动工程学报》是反映振动工程研究成果的学术刊物,由中国振动工程学会主办.南京航空航天大学出版,双月刊,国内外公开发行。本刊的读者对象主要是从事振动工程教学、研究、设计、开发和应用的科技工作者,以及理工科大学的研究生。一、刊登内容《振动工程学报》主要刊登以下内容的综合评述、专题研究论文:振动理论及其应用,模态分析与试验,非线性振动,随机振动,机械动力学,结构动力学,转子动力学,动态设计与测试,动态信号分析,故障诊断,振动、冲击与噪声控制,振动环境预估与监测,振动利用,动力稳定性,流-固、气动弹性…  相似文献   

这款笔是由设计师Peter Vardai给我们带来的,看似小巧的笔却有很强大的功能,让我们一起来看一下效果图吧,首先,外形它酷似蟠龙,故起名为蟠龙笔:它不仅可以当做笔用来记录,而且其前方内置有灯:更重要的是,这支笔还有更强大的功能,就是可以扩展,另外值得—说的是,它由四部分组成,笔尖,中央组,尾部,可扩展单位,笔尖用作书写,它可以更换为圆珠笔、钢笔、铅笔、签字笔等等,中央部分设置有LED灯、音乐播放器、充电器、存储卡以及电池,在侧部还设置有耳机插孔,您选择音乐播放的时候就可以与蓝牙连接进行声音输出,扩展部分可扩展为照相机、麦克风、激光指示器、印章、USB接口等等。  相似文献   

雾灵山、位于河北承德光隆县境内,巍峨高耸,海拔2118m,素有“京东之首”、“燕山明珠”之美誉。 历史上,雾灵山曾有伏凌山、孟广硎山、五龙山等之称,到明代始称雾灵山。北魏地理学家郦道元的《水经注》曾载“伏凌山甚高峻,严嶂寒深,阴崖积雪、凝冰夏结、故世人因以名山也。” 雾灵山山势雄伟,层峦叠嶂,奇峰异石,千姿百态,树木葱郁,花草繁茂,莺歌蝶舞,瀑飞泉涌。其自然造化,鬼斧神工,其钟灵玉秀,古韵神风,融合南国秀丽、北疆伟岸,集高峻奇险,清纯灵幻之独特……令人心旷神怡,留连忘返。 雾灵山,1984年12月…  相似文献   

韦清 《上海包装》1998,(4):19-22
酒标,即酒类商标,是酒的标志、标识,也有称酒标为瓶贴、酒签、瓶签、标签的。由于酒的价格较贵,所以酒标的设计、印刷很讲究,有的瓶酒包装非常精美。普通的瓶酒,在瓶肚上贴一校正标就是了,显示酒类属性即可,但有的高档次瓶酒,酒标却由项标、颈标、正标、尾标、背标组成。顶标,设计在酒瓶瓶盖顶部;颈标,位于酒瓶瓶颈部位,形状呈横形长条见多,以围裹瓶颈,面积较小;正标,占据酒瓶较大面积的主要标志,显示瓶酒牌号及所属酒类;尾标,位于正标下呈横条长形的标贴,一般起装饰作用;背标,位于正标的酒瓶的背面,一般是对该酒历…  相似文献   

陈军 《中国科技博览》2011,(29):535-535
梧州市是桂东南的中心城市,城市建设用地日渐扩大,按照《梧州市城市总体规划》纲要中城市建设发展的思路:“南拓、西联、东优、北控”,梧州市应优先建设基础设施,在做好港口码头,公路、城市主干道,铁路运输、航空运输,站场等规划的同时,按梧州市地形地貌实际情况,逐步把梧州城区建成为六区三小片,即河东区、河西区、西城区、长洲岛区、苍梧、旺甫区、高旺(南岸)片、塘源片、莲花山片。  相似文献   

《振动工程学报》是反映振动工程研究成果的学术刊物,由中国振动工程学会主办,南京航空航天大学出版,季刊,国内外公开发行。本刊的读者对象主要是从事振动工程教学、研究、设计、开发和应用的科技工作者,以及理工科大学的研究生。一、刊登内窖《振动工程学报》主要刊登以下内容的综合评述、专题研究论文:振动理论及其应用,模态分析与试验,非线性振动,随机振动,机械动力学,结构动力学,转子动力学,动态设计与测试,动态信号分析,故障诊断,振动、冲击与噪声控制,振动环境预估与监测,振动利用,动力稳定性,流-固、气动弹性等…  相似文献   

金林  陈万金 《照相机》1998,(8):20-21
在摄像和照相中,对高调、低调,阴、雨、雪、雾天的拍摄方法,有相同点和不同点,下面对二者作一比较,以便相互借鉴。一、高调画面拍摄高调画面,摄像和照相都是以简洁明朗,大面积的白色或浅色彩调来提高小面积深色的视觉价值为特征的。在表现风光、人物的题材上也都是以符合生活的真实的目的,力求画面简洁、素雅、清新,让人赏心悦目。例如,明朗秀丽的风光、浅色的静物。表现人物时,要符合职业、年龄、性别的特征,像医生、科研人员、儿童、妇女等都是高调片的对象。服装都要求为白色或浅色。在用光上,不论是室内或室外,都应用顺光…  相似文献   

一,论养狐的技术 1科学饲养,精心管理 狐的饲料一定要新鲜,营养全面,易消化。在日粮中,以动物性饲料为主,约占65%,主要种类有小杂鱼、海杂鱼、鱼粉、禽畜下脚料等;植物性饲料为辅,约占35%,主要种类有玉米、小麦、稻谷、黄豆、蔬菜等。同时要喂给维生素A、E、B等。在母狐产崽期间,要增加蛋类、乳类食品。炎热季节应经常向地面洒水,这样既能少起灰尘又可降低温度;在冬季,场地要用塑料步围好,以保持温度。  相似文献   

主要产品 无烟煤滤料,石英砂滤料,磁铁矿滤料,活性炭、锰砂滤料,焦炭滤料,核桃壳滤料,麦饭石滤料,铝矾土、伸缩器、卵石、砾石、果壳滤料,陶粒滤料,石榴石滤料,双层陶瓷滤砖.  相似文献   

It is proposed that vapor has been elucidated to having relation to the release of supercooled water.In this study, considering that the vapor has a relation to dissolved air, a supercooling experiment is performed to test tubes of pure water with three patterns of initial dissolved oxygen (DOi = 4.1, 7.5, and 12.6 mg L−1), i.e. dissolved air. The initial DO in each test tube is kept to the value as constant as possible during supercooling. And the pressure effect on supercooling release of pure water is observed by measuring supercooling degree and by visualizing bubbles enclosed to the ice after full crystallization of the pure water.From this study, it appeared that the factors such as cooling rate, initial DO and pressure of pure water are related to the release of supercooling (supercooling degree and supercooling time). Moreover, the initial DO was confirmed to the confined bubble in fully frozen ice of pure water.  相似文献   

张遥奇  任昀  李娅  贺俊宾 《计量学报》2020,41(1):115-120
为满足实验室纯水机内置在线监测仪表的现场校准需求,建立了一套由高精度电导率仪、总有机碳分析仪和可调流速缓冲装置组成的标准测量装置。通过将纯水机在线监测仪表的测量结果与标准测量装置的测量结果进行比较,实现了纯水机在线电导率/电阻率和总有机碳监测仪表的现场校准。对11家实验室纯水机进行现场试验和分析。结果表明:纯水机在线电导率仪器相对示值误差在-2.4%~15%,测量扩展不确定度为1.7%(k=2);总有机碳仪器相对示值误差为-98%~125%,测量扩展不确定度为4.8%(k=2)。  相似文献   

Yang Y  Jones AD  Eaton CD 《Analytical chemistry》1999,71(17):3808-3813
The unique characteristic of subcritical water is its widely tunable physical properties. For example, the polarity (measured by dielectric constant) of water is significantly decreased by raising water temperature. At temperatures of 200-250 °C (under moderate pressure to keep water in the liquid state), the polarity of pure water is similar to that of pure methanol or acetonitrile at ambient conditions. Therefore, pure subcritical water may be able to serve as the mobile phase for reversed-phase separations. To investigate the retention behavior in subcritical water separation, the retention factors of BTEX (benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and m-xylene), phenol, aniline, and their derivatives have been determined using subcritical water, methanol/water, and acetonitrile/water systems. Subcritical water separations were also performed using alumina, silica-bonded C18, and poly(styrene-divinylbenzene) columns to study the influence of the stationary phase on analyte retention under subcritical water conditions.  相似文献   

Sageev G  Seinfeld JH 《Applied optics》1984,23(23):4368-4374
Approximate analytical and full numerical solutions are obtained for the transient response of both a pure water and solution droplets to both short- and long-time laser heating. The differences in the temperature and size histories between pure water and solution droplets are elucidated. The validity of of the approximate analytical solution, extended from that of Armstrong ["Aerosol Heating and Vaporization by Pulsed Light Beams," Appl. Opt. 23, 148 (1984)] in pure water droplets, is evaluated by comparison to solution of the full governing equations.  相似文献   

采用浸没沉淀相转化法制备了纳米纤维素晶(CNC)/醋酸纤维素(CA)完全环境友好的共混膜材料,考察了在铸膜液中添加不同质量分数的CNC对共混膜各方面性能的影响。通过超滤装置测定了共混膜的水通量、截留率、含水率和孔隙率;通过万能试验机、环境扫描电子显微镜(SEM)、热重分析仪(TGA)对超滤膜进行了力学性能、形貌结构和热稳定分析。结果表明,随着CNC含量增加,共混膜的孔隙率呈增长趋势,由40.8%提高到66.4%,大孔由原来的规则圆形漏斗状变为狭长椭圆状且互相连通,水通量和拉伸强度呈先上升后减小的趋势。当CNC添加量为0.5%时,共混膜综合性能最优,相比纯CA膜,水通量提高64.7%,拉伸强度提高70%,热稳定性也得到增强。  相似文献   

The method for the measurement of the pure mechanical wear loss for 321 stainless steel, 1045 steel and pure iron in the study of the synergy between corrosion and wear was studied. The methods studied included the measurement in distilled water, by cathodic protection and by adding inhibitor KI, and all were compared with the wear loss in air. The experiment showed that the pure mechanical wear losses and friction coefficients obtained by the three methods were close to each other and can be used to calculate the various wear components in the study of the interaction of corrosion and wear, but the measurements in distilled water for pure iron and 1045 steel are not recommended due to their corrosion  相似文献   

反渗透设备是水处理行业常用设备,广泛用于纯水、高纯水等的预处理.通过试验,找到两种降低反渗透设备出水电导率的方法:反渗透设备进水软化后加碱和反渗透设备进水酸化后脱气,这两种方法都有一定的应用范围,应根据工艺要求和运行费用选择使用.  相似文献   

The dynamics of disassembly of microtubules deposited on surfaces is shown to be strongly dependent on the electrostatic interaction between the microtubule and the substrate. Fluorescence microscopy of microtubules adsorbed on a Poly-L-Lysine film and immersed in pure water show a drastic decrease in disassembly velocity compared to the microtubules in bulk water solutions. While microtubules suspended in pure water disassemble in seconds, the dissociation velocity of microtubules adsorbed on a Poly-L-Lysine film ranges from 0.8 to 1.0 microm/min in pure water. Kinetic Monte Carlo simulations of the microtubule dynamics indicate that a decrease in the dissociation velocity of unstable microtubules can be achieved by reducing the heterodimer dissociation rate constant of tubulin heterodimers constituting a single protofilament, adsorbed to the Poly-L-Lysine film. This model suggests that the reduction of the dissociation velocity originates from the electrostatic interactions between the positively charged amino groups of the Poly-L-Lysine film and the negatively charged microtubule surface.  相似文献   

Zinc oxide (ZnO) nanocrystals were prepared using a wet chemical route starting from zinc acetate dihydrate dissolved in pure ethanol, pure water, and mixtures of ethanol and water. X-ray diffraction (XRD) studies along with thermogravimetric analyses results show that ZnO begins to crystallize at a temperature lower than 100 °C in a starting solution having 1:4 ethanol–water volume ratio. For other starting solutions, ZnO forms above 150 °C. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) studies confirm the formation of nanoparticles of size ~15–20 nm and XRD analysis shows that the particles crystallize in the wurtzite structure. SEM and TEM studies show that ZnO particles grown in pure ethanol, pure water and in ethanol–water mixtures (other than the 1:4 mixture) have similar morphology, with the nanocrystals forming randomly grouped clusters. In the case of 1:4 solvent, however, the morphology is different, ZnO in this case growing in the form of chain like structures which appear like rods. Room temperature photoluminescence spectra exhibit a strong emission band in the red region probably caused by transitions between deep levels involving zinc interstitials.  相似文献   

乙醇/水复合溶剂中纳米CaF2的沉淀制备及表征   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
吕燕飞  吴希俊  吴大雄 《功能材料》2006,37(7):1108-1109,1113
用纯水溶剂和水/乙醇复合溶剂沉淀制备了不同粒径的CaF2纳米粉体.用FSEM和XRD对沉淀粉体的粒径和形貌进行了观测.研究发现,使用复合溶剂减小了产物纳米CaF2的粒径,从纯水溶液制备的51nm减小到1:4复合溶剂的20nm,并且沉淀粒径随复合溶剂中乙醇含量升高而减小.结果表明,复合溶剂是沉淀制备纳米粉体中控制粒径的有效手段.  相似文献   

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