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In patients with nephropathic cystinosis, corneal crystals develop by one year of age; they progressively accumulate and eventually cause recurrent corneal erosions and photophobia. After an in vitro study of cystinotic corneal stromal cells showed cystine depletion by cysteamine and after topical cysteamine was determined to be nontoxic in rabbits, we performed a controlled double-blind clinical trial of 10 mM cysteamine eyedrops in young patients with cystinosis, using one eye for treatment and the other as the control. Two children begun on the protocol before two years of age had a striking decrease in the number of corneal crystals in the cysteamine-treated eye within four to five months of entering the study. Cysteamine eyedrops appear to be safe and efficacious in the short-term treatment of patients with cystinosis who are under two years of age. The long-term value of such treatment and its effectiveness in older patients remain to be determined.  相似文献   

Swallowing dysfunction in nephropathic cystinosis   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
BACKGROUND. Nephropathic cystinosis causes renal failure in most patients at approximately 10 years of age. This can be prevented or retarded by cystine-depleting therapy with oral cysteamine. Many patients who do not receive adequate cysteamine therapy undergo renal transplantation, but the accumulation of cystine continues in other organs, resulting in various clinical abnormalities. We report age-related swallowing dysfunction in patients with nephropathic cystinosis. METHODS. We studied 43 patients with cystinosis (24 who had received a renal transplant and 19 who had not), 3 to 31 years of age. Oral motor function was assessed by a cranial-nerve oral sensorimotor examination, and an oral motor index was calculated for each patient. The oral phase of swallowing was assessed by ultrasonography, and the pharyngeal and esophageal phases were evaluated by videofluoroscopy. RESULTS. Approximately half the patients were slow eaters. Oral motor dysfunction, reflected by a higher oral motor index, increased with age. Speech, oral structure and anatomy, and tongue and lip strength were particularly affected. Seven of nine patients 21 to 31 years old had abnormalities in all three phases of swallowing; the deficits were variable in younger patients. In 28 patients with cystinosis, the mean (+/- SD) duration of oropharyngeal swallowing for a dry swallow (3.06 +/- 1.06 seconds) was longer than in 14 normal subjects (1.89 +/- 0.57 seconds; P less than 0.001). This prolongation reflected impairment of the initiation phase of swallowing. CONCLUSIONS. Swallowing dysfunction is a late complication of nephropathic cystinosis, probably related to muscular dysfunction. Changes in the consistency of foods, swallowing exercises, and long-term cysteamine therapy should be considered for patients with cystinosis who have difficulty in swallowing.  相似文献   

IntroductionNephropathic cystinosis is a rare autosomal recessive lysosomal storage disorder caused by mutations in the CTNS gene. Patients with nephropathic cystinosis suffer not only from renal disease but have also other systemic complications like myopathy and swallowing dysfunction. Dysphagia for solid food is mentioned in patients with cystinosis, but in clinical practice swallowing investigations are only performed when the patient has complaints. The aim of this study was to explore the swallowing function in patients with cystinosis by use of the Test of Mastication and Swallowing Solids (TOMASS), and to compare their performance with patients with myotonic dystrophy type 1 – a neuromuscular disease in which dysphagia for solid food is a known problem.MethodsTwenty adult patients with cystinosis (11 men and 9 women, range 19–51 years) and 10 patients with myotonic dystrophy type 1 (5 men and 5 women, range 20–60 years) were included. All cystinosis patients were treated with cysteamine.Data of the two groups were compared with normative data using independent-samples t-tests. In case the variables were not normally distributed, the non-parametric Mann-Whitney U test was used.ResultsThere was a significant difference in the number of bites, masticatory cycles, swallows and total time between the normal values and cystinosis patients. The results of the cystinosis patients were comparable to those of the patients with myotonic dystrophy.Discussion and conclusionAdult patients with cystinosis have significant dysphagia for solid food. Clinicians treating these patients should be aware of this fact. The TOMASS can be performed easily in clinical practice to investigate whether patients with cystinosis have swallowing dysfunction. The swallowing dysfunction can now be diagnosed by use of a non-invasive, very simple, non-harmful test. It can be discussed whether this should be added to the regular care scheme of cystinosis patients in order to regularly follow-up swallowing function.  相似文献   

Cysteamine therapy for children with nephropathic cystinosis   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
We treated 93 children with nephropathic cystinosis with oral cysteamine (mean dose, 51.3 mg per kilogram of body weight per day) for up to 73 months. This agent is known to be effective in depleting cells of cystine. In our study, the mean cystine depletion from leukocytes was 82 percent. A historical control group of 55 children received either ascorbic acid (27 children) or placebo (28). At age six, 2 of 17 controls had a serum creatinine level less than 1.0 mg per deciliter, as compared with 17 of 27 patients treated with cysteamine for at least one year (odds ratio, 12.8; 95 percent confidence interval, 2.1 to 33.9). At the end of the study, creatinine clearance was higher in the cysteamine group than in the control group (38.5 vs. 29.7 ml per minute per 1.73 m2; 95 percent confidence limits on the difference, 1.8 and 15.8), even though the cysteamine group was on average 1.4 years older than the control group. Cysteamine also improved growth; those in the cysteamine group between two and three years of age grew at 93 percent of the normal velocity, as compared with 54 percent in the control group. Fourteen percent of the patients could not tolerate the taste and smell of cysteamine. Concurrent controls treated in a blinded fashion with a placebo were not included in this study. With this limitation in mind, we conclude that oral cysteamine, by depleting cells of cystine, helps maintain renal glomerular function, improves growth, and constitutes the current treatment of choice for nephropathic cystinosis.  相似文献   

The present study examined academic skills in children and young adults with infantile nephropathic cystinosis. Cystinosis is a genetic metabolic disorder in which the amino acid cystine accumulates in various tissues and organs, including the kidney, cornea, thyroid, and brain. Individuals with cystinosis have normal intelligence but subtle visual processing impairments. Subjects were 19 children and young adults with cystinosis and 19 age-, sex-, and IQ-matched controls. All subjects had IQs within the normal range. On a test of academic achievement, mean standard scores for cystinosis and control subjects, respectively, were as follows: arithmetic 89.95 ± 13.77 vs. 102.16 ± 9.62; spelling 90.68 ± 18.81 vs. 98.00 ± 10.96; reading 97.47 ± 15.59 vs. 98.58 ± 12.41. Multivariate analysis of variance revealed a significant main effect for Group (P = .009); there was no main effect for Sex, nor was there a Group x Sex interaction. Univariate follow-up tests indicated that the cystinosis group performed significantly more poorly than did controls on the arithmetic subtest (P = .001) and that there was a trend (P = .085) toward poorer performance by the cystinosis group on the spelling subtest. Regression analyses revealed no evidence of a developmental lag or deterioration of function with age. The visual processing deficits previously identified in these individuals may underlie the academic difficulties observed here. It is possible that both visual processing and academic difficulties may reflect a common mechanism of selective cortical damage by this genetic defect. Am. J. Med. Genet. 74:157–161, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Data on cystine leukocyte content are analyzed in cystinotic patients receiving cysteamine as a depleting agent of cellular cystine. During 2 years, 63 measurements of cystine leucocyte content were performed in 15 cystinotic patients, aged 20 months to 22 years, taking daily 40 to 65 mg/kg of cysteamine. An original method was used to measure leukocyte cystine: a binding protein assay with a specific cystine-binding protein from E. coli. Results were taken individually because of various clinical situations in patients. In 8 patients taking cysteamine regularly, 6 hours after a dose, cystine leukocyte content was between 1 and 2 nmol 1/2 cystine/mg protein, about 10 times less than basal values without treatment and 5 to 10 times more than control subjects. In less compliant patients, cystine leukocyte content was close to basal values without treatment (3 to 25 nmol/mg). Some variability was observed between individuals receiving cysteamine: pharmacokinetic parameters may need further investigation. This sensitive and specific assay helped in controlling compliance and adjusting dosage regimen in each patient. The aim was to maintain a minimum effective dosage in order to avoid toxic side effects of cysteamine.  相似文献   

 Nephropathic cystinosis, an autosomal recessively inherited lysosomal storage disease, results from impaired transport of the disulfide amino acid cystine out of cellular lysosomes. The consequent accumulation and crystallization of cystine destroys tissues, causing growth retardation in infancy, renal failure at 10 years of age, and a variety of other complications. Early oral therapy with the cystine-depleting agent cysteamine prevents renal deterioration and enhances growth. Although the lysosomal cystine carrier has been extensively studied, its molecular structure remains unknown. The lysosomal cystine transporter gene has been mapped by linkage analysis to human chromosome 17p between polymorphic microsatellite markers D17S1583 and D17S1584. Pertinent recombination events and homozygosity by descent has verified that the cystinosis gene lies in the 3.6 cM genetic interval between these two markers. The cystinosis region has been substantially reduced in size by the observation of recombination events in cystinosis patients between markers D17S1828 and D17S2167. According to radiation hybrid analysis, these two markers are separated by 10.2 cR8000 (centirad using 8000 rad radiation hybrids). Estimates of the physical size of this interval range from 187 to 510 kb. Four yeast artificial chromosomes have been identified which form a contig covering the original cystinosis region. Two P1 clones together may span the new, smaller interval, meaning that the cystinosis gene would lie on one of them. Current efforts are being directed toward using these P1 clones to isolate candidate cDNAs by a variety of methods. The ultimate cloning of the cystinosis gene will reveal how functional lysosomal porters are synthesized, targeted, processed, and integrated into the lysosomal membrane. Received: 18 April 1997 / Accepted: 2 July 1997  相似文献   

Individuals with cystinosis exhibit specific cognitive deficits in visual spatial function. The purpose of the current study was to examine if obligate heterozygotes of the CTNS mutation have the same pattern of cognitive functioning seen in homozygotes, namely aberrant visual-spatial functioning against a background of relatively intact visual-perceptual functioning and overall cognitive ability. Study participants were 254 adults (100 heterozygotes and 154 controls), ages 17 years 10 months through 74 years 9 months. Tests of intelligence, visual perceptual, and visual spatial functioning were administered. Our results showed that cystinosis heterozygotes demonstrated intelligence within the normal range, and performed similarly to controls on tests of visual-perceptual ability. In contrast, the heterozygotes performed significantly more poorly on each of the visual-spatial tests when compared to controls. Obligate heterozygotes for the CTNS mutation display a similar pattern of visual processing decrements as do individuals with cystinosis. Namely, carriers demonstrate relative weaknesses in visual-spatial processing, while maintaining normal visual perceptual ability and intelligence in the normal range. The visual spatial decrements in heterozygotes were not as marked as those found in individuals with cystinosis, suggesting a gene dosing effect. This study provides an impetus for other studies of gene-behavior relationships in recessive disorders, and may stimulate further interest in the role of aberrant genes on "individual differences" in behavior.  相似文献   

Because high concentrations of ascorbic acid (0.57 mM) lower the free (nonprotein) cystine content of cultured cystinotic skin fibroblasts by over 50 per cent, we did a double-blind clinical trial to establish whether this drug would benefit cystinotic children. Sixty-four patients were randomized into the study; 32 received ascorbic acid (200 mg per kilogram of body weight per day), and 32 placebo. The study was terminated after approximately two years because there was no indication that vitamin C was beneficial and accumulating evidence that it might be harmful. Of 11 patients who left the study because of death or the requirement for dialysis or renal transplantation, eight were receiving ascorbic acid. The estimated relative risk (treatment vs. control) of an adverse event was R = 2.7, with a 90 per cent confidence interval of (0.8, 11.5). The serum creatinine concentration increased 0.53 mg per deciliter per year in patients receiving vitamin C and 0.24 mg per deciliter per year in patients receiving placebo (P = 0.08).  相似文献   

ObjectiveTo establish the safety and efficacy of a new gel formulation of cysteamine hydrochloride (CH) eye drops, for the treatment of corneal complications of nephropathic cystinosis.DesignOpen label dose response clinical trial.ParticipantsEight patients with infantile nephropathic cystinosis including 4 children, 3 adolescents, and 1 adult (mean age at inclusion, 12.1 ± 4.6 years) treated with CH 0.1% eye drops.InterventionPatients were treated, in both eyes, with the control CH 0.1% eye drop formulation on average 4 times daily for one month and then switched to Cystadrops® at the same dose frequency. Based on clinical ocular findings, the dose regimen was adapted at D30 and D90 in order to decrease the frequency of instillation. After D90, this dose frequency was maintained, except in cases of crystal density worsening. Patients had a follow-up visit every 6 months during 48 months.Main outcome measuresSafety assessment consisted of adverse event and serious adverse event monitoring and recording at each visit. For the efficacy study, the primary endpoint was the corneal cystine crystal density measured with an in vivo confocal microscopy (IVCM) score.ResultsAll patients completed the study. During the 4-year study period, neither serious adverse events nor significant adverse events related to the study drug were reported. After switching to Cystadrops®, the IVCM total score decreased from baseline to D90 by a mean of 28.6 ± 17.5% (p < 0.001). From D90 to M48, the IVCM total score remained stable and significantly decreased as compared to that at D1 despite a reduced dose regimen from D90. At M48, the mean IVCM total score was 8.13 ± 4.15, decreased by a mean 29.9 ± 26.29% from D1 (p = 0.001), with a reduced number of instillations compared to that at D1. The IVCM total score and photophobia were significantly correlated (p = 0.04).ConclusionThis study provides evidence that Cystadrops® gel is superior to the CH 0.1% formulation in terms of efficacy and has a good safety profile over a long follow-up period.  相似文献   

Nephropathic cystinosis results from lysosomal cystine storage and, if untreated with cysteamine, results in end-stage renal disease by 10 years of age. The renal Fanconi syndrome occurs in the first year of life and is accompanied by a characteristic “swan neck” deformity of the proximal renal tubule. The linkage between cystine storage, Fanconi syndrome, and renal failure has not been understood. This study reports the presence of substantial numbers of atubular glomeruli (ATG) in end-stage cystinotic renal tissue. Compared to normal renal tissue, cystinotic kidneys at end stage had 69% atubular glomeruli and 30% atrophic glomeruli. Normal renal tissue had 4% ATG and 0% atrophic glomeruli (p < 0.0001 for both comparisons). These nonfunctioning nephrons may be the end result of cell loss from the tubules and represent the final stage of the swan neck deformity. The process is consistent with the previously reported increased apoptosis in renal tubule cells due to lysosomal cystine storage.  相似文献   

We report maternal uniparental disomy of chromosome 17 (mat UPD17) in a 2.5-year-old girl presenting infantile cystinosis. This patient was homozygous for the 57 kb deletion encompassing the CTNS gene, frequently found in patients from the European origin. The proband''s mother was heterozygous for the deletion and the father did not carry the deletion. We carried out haplotype analysis with polymorphic markers spanning the whole chromosome 17. Informative markers showed the presence of two maternal alleles but no paternal allele for regions spanning the 17q arm and the proximal half of 17p, and only one maternal allele on the distal 17p arm. As deletion of half of 17p is probably not viable, these results suggest mat UPD17 with heterodisomy of 17q and proximal 17p and isodisomy of distal 17p. This is the first demonstration of mat UPD17, in particular of isodisomy 17p, in cystinosis.  相似文献   

The autosomal recessive lysosomal storage disorder, nephropathic cystinosis is characterized by impaired transport of free cystine out of lysosomes. The gene responsible for cystinosis, CTNS, consists of 12 exons and encodes a 55 kDa putative lysosomal membrane protein, called cystinosin. Up to now more than 55 different CTNS mutations have been described in cystinosis. We have analyzed the mutation pattern in a population of 40 cystinosis patients from 35 families of German and Swiss origin. CTNS mutations in 68 out of 70 alleles were identified. The common 57-kb deletion accounted for 65% of the alleles. In five patients we found a known GACT deletion at position 18-21. In two patients we identified a nucleotide substitution at codon 339 and one patient showed a CG insertion at position 697-698. In five patients we observed a G insertion at position 926-927. Moreover, five novel mutations including two deletions involving exon 3 (61-61+2delGGT) and exon 6 (280delG), two insertions in exon 6 (292-293insA) and exon 7 (684insCACTT) and one nucleotide substitution in exon 11 (923G>T) have been identified. These data provide a basis for routine molecular diagnosis of cystinosis in the central European population, especially in cystinosis patients of German and Swiss origin.  相似文献   

AIM: To investigate the morphology and function of platelets in nephropathic cystinosis (NC).METHODS: Seven patients (mean age, 6.5 years; SD, 20 months) with NC were investigated. Their platelets were examined by transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and the characteristics of the dense granules (DGs) were determined by mepacrine labelling and the uranaffin reaction. Bleeding time, turbidometric aggregation, and luminescence aggregation were studied and intraplatelet cystine was measured. RESULTS: Increased intraplatelet cystine, primary and secondary aggregation defects, and the absence of ATP release were demonstrated. TEM revealed DGs of various shapes and sizes and lamellary or amorphous cytoplasmic inclusions. Viscous material had been released into the vacuolar spaces and enlarged open canalicular system. Mepacrine labelling revealed that the numbers of DGs/platelet were comparable between the patients and the controls (mean, 2.9 (SD, 0.22) v 3.32 (0.18); p = 0.34). The uranaffin reaction revealed that the numbers of type 1, 3, and 4 DGs were comparable between the patients and the controls, but that there were fewer type 2 DGs in the patients (mean, 8.5 (SD, 1.95) v 17.22 (1.58); p = 0.01). TEM for platelet aggregation revealed a lack of induction and/or defective execution and/or delayed transmission. The patients' intraplatelet cystine concentrations were higher than the controls (mean, 1.56 (SD, 0.84) v 0.08 (0.01) nmol/mg protein; p = 0.009). CONCLUSIONS: This is the first report to demonstrate raised intraplatelet cystine, abnormal platelet ultrastructural findings, and defective aggregation in NC.  相似文献   

Halitosis due to dimethylsulfide (DMS) generation is a major side effect of cysteamine in the treatment of cystinosis. Recently, an enteric coated formulation of cysteamine bitartrate (RP103) administered twice daily was demonstrated to be non-inferior for lowering WBC cystine levels compared to the non-enteric coated formulation (Cystagon?), administered 4 times per day. Since both formulations had different pharmacokinetic profiles, we compared DMS breath levels after administration of either RP103 or Cystagon? in four cystinosis patients. Although cysteamine areas under the curve (AUCs) were comparable, AUC of DMS was lower after the administration of RP103 compared to Cystagon?. This observation is of importance in cystinosis patients, since halitosis hampers compliance with cysteamine therapy.  相似文献   

Corneal and conjunctival crystals in paraproteinemia   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A 64-year-old woman with bilateral corneal and conjunctival crystal deposition was evaluated. A biopsy of her conjunctiva showed intracytoplasmic inclusions of immunoglobulin crystals in fibrocytes, macrophages, and endothelial cells. Serum protein electrophoresis showed elevated kappa and IgA light and heavy chains which corresponded with immunoperoxidase staining results of the conjunctival biopsy. Conjunctival and corneal crystal deposition may be indicative of paraproteinemia, and histopathologic examination of a conjunctival biopsy may be useful in diagnosing this condition.  相似文献   

The most common mutation in the cystinosis gene, CTNS, is a 65-kb deletion thought to have originated in Germany. Although homozygotes for this deletion are detectable by the absence of the D17S829 polymorphic marker, no method exists to identify heterozygotes. We identified the 65-kb deletion breakpoints and used flanking PCR primers to amplify a 423-bp fragment present only in the deletion alleles. Using this method, we determined that 121 of 216 (56%) cystinosis alleles examined bore the 65-kb deletion. We found no non-Europeans with the deletion, and the deletion size and breakpoints appeared identical in all patients studied, supporting the concept of a founder effect. The addition of D17S829 primers (266 bp apart) to the PCR created a multiplex PCR system useful for diagnosing cystinosis patients homozygous and heterozygous for the 65-kb deletion.  相似文献   

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