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为研究淤泥质河口的水沙运动规律,建立了用于模拟淤泥质河口水沙运动的二维数学模型。该模型采用基于无结构三角网格下的有限体积法对方程组进行离散,结合Roe-MUSCL方法及时间方向的预测-校正格式,使模型在时空方向具有二阶计算精度。模型中分别采用不同方法计算粘性和非粘性泥沙的输移源项,并引入粘性泥沙的起动流速和冲刷率计算公式。采用已有的概化水槽试验数据对模型进行了初步验证。然后模拟了1995年10月小潮及大潮期间海河口的潮流运动与泥沙输移过程,计算得到的潮位、潮流速及含沙量过程与实测过程符合较好,结果表明模型能够用来模拟淤泥质河口粘性和非粘性泥沙的不平衡输移过程。同时还比较了泥沙输移源项的不同处理方式对计算结果的影响,计算表明在淤泥质河口水沙运动数学模型中必须同时考虑粘性和非粘性泥沙的输移。  相似文献   

通过对辽河三角洲273个上三角洲平原湿地表层沉积物及100个浅海湿地表层沉积物的粒度和常量元素的系统测试,且对其中的128个表层沉积物样进行了球囊霉素蛋白(GRSP)的提取与分析,揭示了研究区GRSP、粒度、常量元素分布和风化特征及其控制机制,研究表明:上三角洲平原湿地表层沉积物以砂质粉砂和粉砂为主,而浅海湿地表层沉积物由于受潮汐及波浪的淘洗作用影响,颗粒较粗以粉砂质砂和砂质粉砂为主;研究区常量元素以SiO_2和Al_2O_3含量最高,其它元素平均含量均小于5%,且除了CaO外,其它常量元素与沉积物粒度呈显著相关(p0.01);值得注意的是,本研究发现有植被覆盖的上三角洲平原湿地地区的风化指数(CIA=58.50)显著地高于浅海湿地沉积物的风化指数(CIA=50.17,p0.05)以及近基岩山区的风化指数(CIA=52,p0.05),Na/K值与CIA指数分析表明该区从近基岩山区、浅海湿地至有植被覆盖的上三角洲平原湿地依次呈未受化学风化、初等化学风化和中等化学风化过渡特征,且CIA值与GRSP含量呈显著相关(r=0.47,p0.01),由此揭示了生物作用在地质体风化过程的重要意义。  相似文献   

针对传统电渗法治理淤泥质土过程中排水效率低且治理后土体不均匀等问题,从改变软黏土颗粒自身持水特性角度出发,提出采用新型有机高分子材料阴离子型聚丙烯酰胺(APAM)联合电渗法治理淤泥质土的思路。利用自制的一维电渗固结试验装置,探究絮凝−电渗法联合作用机制以及不同絮凝剂掺入比对电渗排水加固效果的影响规律。试验结果表明:与传统电渗法相比较,絮凝剂 APAM 的掺入减少了软黏土颗粒表面的结合水膜厚度,使得淤泥质土的前期电渗排水速率和累计排水量显著提升,从而降低了电渗法的平均能耗系数;同时,絮凝剂高分子长链的“吸附架桥”作用增强了土颗粒的黏结力和絮凝沉积效果,有效缓解了电渗过程中细小黏粒迁移集聚而造成的阴极淤堵问题;治理后淤泥质土的抗剪强度大幅增高,土体的均匀性也得到了明显改善,且当絮凝剂 APAM 掺入比为 0.30% 时,土体的电渗排水固结效果最佳。  相似文献   


本文对泰国湾西部T93柱状沉积物样品进行了常微量元素测试,探讨了沉积物物源和沉积环境变迁。T93柱状样全长381 cm,底层年代约14640 cal.a B. P.,间隔10 cm取样测试,样品平均年代间隔375 a。测试结果表明,末次冰消期以来泰国湾沉积物来源主要经历了4个阶段的变迁:1)14640~ 11700 cal.a B. P.期间,该阶段为低海平面时期的陆相沉积,沉积物为粘土质粉砂,Na、K、Ca等活跃的碱金属和碱土金属元素含量较低,Ti、Zr、Ba等含量高,表现出强烈的化学风化特征;δEu平均为0.60,(La/Yb)PAAS平均0.92,物质来源以马来半岛为主,但分异程度高,成分较复杂。2)11700~8000 cal.a B. P.期间,该阶段为海平面快速上升期的滨海沉积,沉积物主要为粘土质粉砂,粉砂组分含量开始增加,Mg和Mn元素含量大幅升高,Fe、Ti含量减少;δEu平均为0.58,(La/Yb)PAAS平均0.99,物质来源主要为马来半岛。3)8000~4000 cal.a B. P.期间,该阶段为高海平面时期的陆架沉积,沉积物包括粉砂和粘土质粉砂,Mg、Na、Ca含量明显增大,化学风化程度减弱;δEu平均为0.60,(La/Yb)PAAS平均1.08,沉积物主要来自中南半岛。4)4000 cal.a B. P.至今,该阶段为海平面稍有下降的稳定陆架沉积,沉积物主要为粉砂,沉积物元素总体稳定,现代沉积体系基本形成;δEu平均为0.62,(La/Yb)PAAS平均0.97,沉积物以马来半岛物质为主,中南半岛物质为辅,物源与现代一致。


Gassy sediments contribute to destabilization of aquatic infrastructure, air pollution, and global warming. In the current study a precise shape and size of the buoyant mature methane bubble in fine-grained muddy aquatic sediment is defined by numerical and analytical modeling, their results are in a good agreement. A closed-form analytical solution defining the bubble parameters is developed. It is found that the buoyant mature bubble is elliptical in its front view and resembles an inverted tear drop in its cross-section. The size and shape of the mature bubble strongly correlate with sediment fracture toughness. Bubbles formed in the weaker sediments are smaller and characterized by a larger surface-to-volume ratio that induces their faster growth and may lead to their faster dissolution below the sediment–water interface. This may prevent their release to the water column and to the atmosphere. Shapes of the bubbles in the weaker sediments deviate further from the spherical configuration, than those in the stronger sediments. Modeled bubble characteristics, important for the acoustic applications, are in a good agreement with field observations and lab experiments.  相似文献   

The correlation between specific activities of some natural radionuclides (238U, 226Ra, 232Th, 40K) measured in sediment taken from river bottom was studied. The sediment was taken from the Serbian part of the Danube River. Good correlation between some of the isotopes is observed, so that their specific activity ratios are spread over a lower range than specific activities themselves. This suggests that evaluation of specific activity ratios of some natural radionuclides could be a more sensitive method for the determination of increased levels of some of them than the straightforward analysis of specific activities.  相似文献   

本研究利用X射线荧光分析仪(XRF)对洞庭湖"四水"(湘江、资江、沅江、澧水)入湖河床沉积物进行主量元素地球化学分析,探讨"四水"入湖沉积物主量元素组成特征及其影响因素。结果表明,洞庭湖"四水"入湖沉积物中SiO2、Al2O3、Fe2O3、K2O、P2O5、LOI等元素含量变化相对较小、分布特征相似;而MnO、MgO、CaO、Na2O等则含量变化较大,在各河流沉积物中分布差异明显。其中沅江和澧水入湖沉积物中MgO、CaO、Na2O等的含量明显高于湘江和资江沉积物,而MnO则反之;澧水沉积物TiO2含量明显偏高。且湘江、资江、澧水沉积物中TiO2、Al2O3、Fe2O3、MnO、MgO、CaO、P2O5、LOI等主量元素含量变化有明显的粒度效应,而沅江沉积物则不然。不同河流入湖沉积物主量元素组成差异明显,沉积物主量元素组成的明显差异与流域源岩岩性、化学风化作用、水动力条件等因素有关。其中湘江和资江沉积物主量元素组成主要与由上地壳+花岗岩组成的源岩有关;沅江沉积物元素组成受湖南板岩的影响明显;而澧水沉积物元素组成则是总体与上地壳元素组成相近似的区域源岩有关,并受长江沉积物影响。湘江和资江沉积物显示的风化程度明显高于沅江和澧水沉积物。但化学风化作用是通过不同抗风化能力岩石的空间分布而影响沉积物的元素组成。此外,湘江、资江、澧水沉积物元素组成受水动力条件影响,而沅江沉积物则不然。但水动力分选对沉积物元素组成的影响也受源岩岩性的控制。因此,流域源岩岩性是控制"四水"入湖沉积物主量元素组成的主要影响因素。  相似文献   

An analytical model for contaminant transport in multilayered capped contaminated sediments including the degradation of organic contaminant is presented. The effect of benthic boundary layer was treated as a Robin-type boundary condition. The results of the proposed analytical model agree well with experimental data. The biodegradation of contaminant in bioturbation layer shows a significant influence on the flux at the surface of system. The maximum flux for the case with t1/2,bio = 0.07 year can be 4.5 times less than that of the case without considering the effect of biodegradation. The thickness of bioturbation layer has a significant effect on the performance of the capped contaminated sediment. The maximum flux for the case with lbio = 15 cm can be 17 times larger than that of the case without bioturbation layer. This may be because the effective diffusion coefficient of sand cap can be 28 times lower than Dbio. The mass transfer coefficient should be considered for the design of the capping system as the contaminant concentration at the top of system for the case with kbl = 2.5 × 10−5 cm/s can be 13 times greater than that of the case with kbl = 10−4 cm/s. The proposed analytical model can be used for verification of complicated numerical methods, evaluation of experimental data, and design of the capping contaminated sediment systems with reactive cap layers.  相似文献   

常宏  安芷生  吴枫 《第四纪研究》2008,28(5):822-830
青海南山的隆起过程对解析青海湖-共和盆地地区构造地质演化过程具有重要的意义。通过共和盆地西北部晚新生代地层的野外地质调查,发现小水桥剖面上新世地层中存在一期角度不整合面。角度不整合面上覆地层沉积碎屑中含有10%左右的泥灰岩和灰岩,碎屑组成与现代青海南山物质组成基本一致;下伏地层中没有出现碳酸盐岩碎屑。砾岩碎屑成分上的变化显示,上覆地层和下伏地层的源区可能发生了变化。角度不整合面上覆和下伏地层常量元素含量的含量显示,下伏地层CaO平均含量(3.74%)明显低于UCC(4.20%),物源区不太可能有碳酸盐岩存在,而上覆地层CaO平均含量是UCC的2倍多,物源区应该有碳酸盐岩存在。而且,元素比值呈现的上覆地层中不活泼元素(Ti,Si)和活泼元素(Ca)同时"富集"的矛盾,也说明了上覆地层物源区可能有碳酸盐岩的出现。元素之间关系和根据元素含量判定的岩石化学分类等特征在上覆和下伏地层中也有明显的变化。剖面位置现在的物源区就是青海南山,青海南山有一定的碳酸盐岩出露,所以,下伏地层的物源区可能并不是青海南山。结合下伏地层变形特征及区域地质资料推断,上新世青海南山的隆起使其南侧地层倾向西南,并改变了原来的盆地地貌,形成上新世地层顶部的角度不整合面。青海南山形成后才成为两侧盆地的物源区。  相似文献   

Two Holocene sediment cores were retrieved respectively from the enclosed Lake Daihai in the monsoon/arid transition zone of North China and the Taihu Lake coast in the monsoonal area of the Yangtze delta, Eastern China. Distribution of major geochemical elements and their ratios were employed to reveal the characteristics of Holocene climate and associated environmental implications in the two regions. It is suggested that the temporal distribution of major elements serve as a useful indicator to denote the variations of monsoon effective precipitation for the enclosed lake area. High values of resistant elements such as Al2O3, SiO2, TiO2, (FeO + Fe2O3), MnO in the lake sediments correspond to the depressed chemical weathering and weakened mon-soon effective precipitation, while the highs of mobile and easy soluble elements such as MgO, CaO, Na2O reflect the enhanced chemical weathering and increased monsoon effective precipitation in the lake basin. In comparison, the behaviors of the major elements in sediments of the Taihu Lake coast were largely controlled by the changes both in sea transgression in the different Holocene time periods and the monsoon precipitation. The relatively highs of Al2O3, TiO2, (FeO + Fe2O3), in marine-influenced sediments suggest relatively strong coastal hydrodynamics and chemical weathering, and vice versa. Meanwhile, the lows of SiO2, Na2O and CaO in the non-marine-influenced sediments also denote relatively strong hydrodynamics and chemical weathering due to enhanced monsoon precipitation, and vice versa. Sedimentary environment should be taken into account when achieving a full understanding of their climate implications.  相似文献   

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