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有机碳是地表各种环境介质中的重要化学组分,是生态系统中能量与物质循环的重要介质。有机碳作为河流榆移的主要物质,榆运过程中对周围环境产生的效应不容忽视。本文结合近年来国内外研究动态,探讨并总结了河流作为碳源/汇角色的作用,有机碳对重金属迁移过程和水体生产力产生的影响;指出随着人类活动影响的加剧,河流有机碳正发生着显著变化,并影响到我们自身的生活;总结了传统的研究有机碳的方法,并对正在发展的研究方法做一下探讨。  相似文献   

城市河流是城市的生命线,对于当地经济发展和居民身心健康均有不可替代的重要作用。通过分析我国城市河流污染的总体现状发现,我国城市河流治污面临着城市化进程、区域利益分化、职能部门能力缺失等困境,以此为前提,分别从树立正确的城市河流治污观念、设立流域综合管理机构、预防为主和防控结合、建立科学合理的城市河流生态系统修复模式几方面提出完善对策。  相似文献   

单平 《绿色视野》2009,(1):33-36
通常认为生物群落是连续统一的,该连续统一体是由各种不同数量的生物有机体构成,河流生物群落也不例外,是个连续统一的生态系统。早在1911年,谢尔弗德(Shelford)就认为:河流中存在的种群集合是一定物理梯度变化的反应。后来,齐默(Ziemer)、斯温顿(Swansston)和范罗特(Vannote)等将该定义进一步延伸、完善,提出了“河流生态连续统一体概念”,它描述了沿一条河系生物群落结构和功能的一般变化特征。  相似文献   

石油类在河流中自净能力的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据河流的特点,利用示踪剂对河流中石油类污染物的衰减情况进行了分析,建立了污染物扩散模式,确定了河流不同断面的石油通量,求出了石油类污染物的衰减系数。为污染物的排放量和河流环境容量的确定提供了保证。  相似文献   

以辽河保护区七星湿地为研究对象,通过对湿地土壤NO3--N和NH4+-N空间分布及湿地土壤含水量与pH指标分析,研究流域湿地土壤无机氮空间变化特征.研究结果表明,湿地土壤含水量影响NO3--N和NH4+-N的空间分布,湿地土壤含水量高,土壤中NO3--N的含量相对较高;湿地土壤含水量低,土壤中NH4+-N的含量相对较高...  相似文献   

目前废水生物脱氮技术着重于对氨氮的去除,很难达到去除总氮的目的。为了更好的去除氨氮及总氮,实验研究了不同进水pH、溶解氧浓度、进水C/N比及不同温度条件下间歇生物反应器中氮的存在状态及其转化规律。结果表明:在生物反应器运行初期氨氮、总氮浓度均有明显的下降;进水氨氮浓度在30-70mg/L的污水,优化处理操作参数为pH值8.0±0.5,溶解氧(4.2±0.5)mg/L,温度20~26℃,C/N为6,曝气时间6h,沉淀2h,氨氮去除率可达到90%,总氮去除率接近60%。  相似文献   

河流水质评价中模糊数学评价法的应用与比较   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
陈奕  许有鹏 《四川环境》2009,28(1):94-98
选择2005年6个典型日(1月12日、3月10目、5月10日、7月13日、9月8日和11月10日)的水质,运用两种模糊数学评价法对浙江西苕溪流域港口断面的水质进行评价并作比较。第一种数学评价法采用较为简单的单因素模糊综合评价法,另一种采用多级模糊数学评价法。评价结果表明,1月12日、3月10日和11月10日的水质达到国家Ⅰ类水质标准;而5月10目的水质相对最差。比较两种评价方法,单因素模糊综合评价法对单个因素的影响敏感,特别是超标值对最后的相对隶属度贡献大;而多级模糊评价法综合各个因素来评价现状水质,因而反映出水质的综合情况。结合港口断面的特点分析水质变差的原因,结论是:流域农业劳作带来的面源污染物质进入港口断面使得该断面在农作高峰期水质较差;同时,断面的水资源短缺问题较为严重,导致水环境容量较小,污染物较难稀释扩散。  相似文献   

富营养化水体中水培蕹菜的种植密度研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用生物浮岛水上种植技术处理农村富营养水体技术已成为当前农户参与农村环保的手段之一,可达到水质净化和农业增收的双赢效果.在校区生活污水池种植水培蕹菜,通过栽种间隔为5cm、10cm、15cm、20cm、25cm、30cm、40cm的7个密度梯度实验比较发现,栽种间隔为10cm时水培蕹菜的产量和经济综合效益可达到最大.  相似文献   

山地土壤—植物系统中汞污染问题的初步调查   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
调查研究表明:在山地大气、水体质量较好的环境中,柑橘(含汞量)有超标问题,其土壤汞有超背景值现象;而蔬菜土壤则无此问题,其原因可能是由于多年生植物从大气和土壤中富积微量汞的时间较一年生植物长,以及土壤中砂粒结合汞粘粒结合汞具有更高的生物活性  相似文献   

Abstract: Sediments and soils were analyzed using stable carbon and nitrogen isotope ratio mass spectrometry and carbon and nitrogen elemental analyses to evaluate the their ability to indicate land‐use and land management disturbance and pinpoint loading from sediment transport sources in forested watersheds disturbed by surface coal mining. Samples of transported sediment particulate organic matter were collected from four watersheds in the Southern Appalachian forest region of southeastern Kentucky. The four watersheds had different surface coal mining history that were classified as undisturbed, active mining, and reclaimed conditions. Soil samples were analyzed including reclaimed grassland soils, undisturbed forest soils, geogenic organic matter associated with coal fragments in mining spoil, and soil organic matter from un‐mined grassland soils. Statistically significant differences were found for all biogeochemical signatures when comparing transported sediments from undisturbed watersheds and surface coal mining disturbed watersheds, and the results were attributed to differences in erosion sources and the presence of geogenic organic matter. Sediment transport sources in the surface coal mining watersheds were analyzed using Monte Carlo mass balance un‐mixing and it was found that: δ15N showed the ability to differentiate streambank erosion and surface soil erosion; and δ13C showed the ability to differentiate soil organic matter and geogenic organic matter. Results from the analyses suggest that streambank erosion downstream of surface coal mining sites is an especially significant source of sediment in coal mining disturbed watersheds. Further, the results suggest that the sediment transport processes governing streambank erosion loads are taking longer to reach geomorphologic equilibrium in the watershed as compared with the surface erosion processes. The dual‐isotope technique provides a useful method for further investigation of the impact of surface coal mining in the uplands of the watershed upon the geomorphologic state of the channel and the source of organic matter in aquatic systems impacted by surface coal mining.  相似文献   

Allums, Stephanie E., Stephen P. Opsahl, Stephen W. Golladay, David W. Hicks, and L. Mike Conner, 2012. Nitrate Concentrations in Springs Flowing Into the Lower Flint River Basin, Georgia U.S.A. Journal of the American Water Resources Association (JAWRA) 48(3): 423-438. DOI: 10.1111/j.1752-1688.2011.00624.x Abstract: Analysis of long-term data from (2001-2009) in four springs that discharge from the Upper Floridan aquifer into the Flint River (southwestern Georgia, United States) indicate aquifer and surface-water susceptibility to nutrient loading. Nitrate-N concentrations ranged from 1.74 to 3.30 mg/l, and exceeded historical levels reported for the Upper Floridan aquifer (0.26-1.52 mg/l). Statistical analyses suggest increasing nitrate-N concentration in groundwater discharging at the springs (n = 146 over eight years) and that nitrate-N concentration is influenced by a dynamic interaction between depth to groundwater (an indicator of regional hydrologic conditions) and land use. A one-time synoptic survey of 10 springs (6 springs in addition to the 4 previously mentioned) using stable isotopes generated δ15N-NO3 values (4.8-8.4‰ for rural springs and 7.7-13.4‰ for developed/urban springs) suggesting mixed sources (i.e., fertilizer, animal waste, and soil organic nitrogen) of nitrate-N to rural springs and predominantly animal/human waste to urban springs. These analyses indicate a direct relation between nitrate-N loading since the 1940s and intensification of agricultural and urban land use. This study demonstrates the importance of evaluating long-term impacts of land use on water quality in groundwater springs and in determining how rapidly these changes occur.  相似文献   

本文对内江市沱江流域经济-环境系统1995~2010年时段可持续发展进行了预测分析,指出了该区域实现可持续发展的可能途径和对策措施.  相似文献   

In the Ohio River (OR), backwater confluence sedimentation dynamics are understudied, however, these river features are expected to be influential on the system’s ecological and economic function when integrated along the river’s length. In the following paper, we test the efficacy of organic and inorganic tracers for sediment fingerprinting in backwater confluences; we use fingerprinting results to evidence sediment dynamics controlling deposition patterns in confluences used for wetland and marina functions; and we quantify the spatial extent of tributary drainages with wetland and marina features in OR confluences. Both organic and inorganic tracers statistically differentiate sediment from stream and river end‐members. Carbon and nitrogen stable isotopes produce greater uncertainty in fingerprinting results than inorganic elemental tracers. Uncertainty analysis of the nonconservative tracer term in the organic matter fingerprinting application estimates an apparent enrichment of the carbon stable isotopes during instream residence, and the nonconservativeness is quantified with a statistical approach unique to the fingerprinting literature. Wetland and marina features in OR confluences impact 42% and 11% of tributary drainage areas, respectively. Sediment dynamics show wetland and marina confluences experience deposition from river backwaters with longitudinally linear and nonlinear patterns, respectively, from sediment sources.  相似文献   

Abstract: An ensemble of rule‐based models was constructed to assess possible future braided river planform configurations for the Toklat River in Denali National Park and Preserve, Alaska. This approach combined an analysis of large‐scale influences on stability with several reduced‐complexity models to produce the predictions at a practical level for managers concerned about the persistence of bank erosion while acknowledging the great uncertainty in any landscape prediction. First, a model of confluence angles reproduced observed angles of a major confluence, but showed limited susceptibility to a major rearrangement of the channel planform downstream. Second, a probabilistic map of channel locations was created with a two‐parameter channel avulsion model. The predicted channel belt location was concentrated in the same area as the current channel belt. Finally, a suite of valley‐scale channel and braid plain characteristics were extracted from a light detection and ranging (LiDAR)‐derived surface. The characteristics demonstrated large‐scale stabilizing topographic influences on channel planform. The combination of independent analyses increased confidence in the conclusion that the Toklat River braided planform is a dynamically stable system due to large and persistent valley‐scale influences, and that a range of avulsive perturbations are likely to result in a relatively unchanged planform configuration in the short term.  相似文献   

We investigate stream response to the La Valle Dam removal and channel reconstruction by estimating channel hydraulic parameter values and changes in sedimentation within the reservoir. The designed channel reconstruction after the dam removal included placement of a riffle structure at the former dam site. Stream surveys undertaken in 1984 by Federal Emergency Management Agency and in 2001 by Doyle et al. were supplemented with surveys in 2009 and 2011 to study the effects of the instream structure. We created a model in HEC‐RAS IV and surface maps in Surfer© using the 1984, 2009, and 2011 surveys. The HEC‐RAS IV model for 2009 channel conditions indicates that the riffle structure decreases upstream channel shear stress and velocity, causing renewed deposition of sediment within the former reservoir. We estimate by 2009, 61% of former reservoir sediments were removed during dam removal and channel reconstruction. Between 2009 and 2011 renewed sedimentation within the former reservoir represented approximately 7.85% of the original reservoir volume. The HEC‐RAS IV models show the largest impacts of the dam and riffle structure occur at flood magnitudes at or below bankfull. Thus, the riffle and the dam similarly alter channel hydraulics and sediment transport. As such, our models indicate that the La Valle Dam project was a dam replacement rather than a removal. Our results confirm that channel reconstruction method can alter channel hydraulics, geomorphology, and sediment mobility.  相似文献   

Abstract: In blackwater river estuaries, a large portion of external carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus load are combined in complex organic molecules of varying recalcitrance. Determining their lability is essential to establishing the relationship between anthropogenic loads and eutrophication. A method is proposed in which organic C, N, and P are partitioned into labile and refractory forms, based upon first‐order decay estimated by biochemical oxygen demand relative to total organic carbon, and C:N and C:P ratios as a function of organic carbon lability. The technique was applied in developing total maximum daily loads for the lower St. Johns, a blackwater Atlantic coastal plain river estuary in Northeast Florida. Point source organic nutrients were determined to be largely labile. Urban runoff was found to have the highest relative labile organic N and P content, followed by agricultural runoff. Natural forest and silviculture runoff were high in refractory organic N and P. Upstream labile C, N, and P loads were controlled by autochthonous production, with 34‐50% of summer total labile carbon imported as algal biomass. Differentiation of labile and refractory organic forms suggests that while anthropogenic nutrient enrichment has tripled the total nitrogen load, it has resulted in a 6.7‐fold increase in total labile nitrogen load.  相似文献   

Water quality modeling has been shown to be a useful tool in strategic water quality management. The present study combines the Qual2K model with the HEC-RAS model to assess the water quality of a tidal river in northern Taiwan. The contaminant loadings of biochemical oxygen demand (BOD), ammonia nitrogen (NH3-N), total phosphorus (TP), and sediment oxygen demand (SOD) are utilized in the Qual2K simulation. The HEC-RAS model is used to: (i) estimate the hydraulic constants for atmospheric re-aeration constant calculation; and (ii) calculate the water level profile variation to account for concentration changes as a result of tidal effect. The results show that HEC-RAS-assisted Qual2K simulations taking tidal effect into consideration produce water quality indices that, in general, agree with the monitoring data of the river. Comparisons of simulations with different combinations of contaminant loadings demonstrate that BOD is the most import contaminant. Streeter-Phelps simulation (in combination with HEC-RAS) is also performed for comparison, and the results show excellent agreement with the observed data. This paper is the first report of the innovative use of a combination of the HEC-RAS model and the Qual2K model (or Streeter-Phelps equation) to simulate water quality in a tidal river. The combination is shown to provide an alternative for water quality simulation of a tidal river when available dynamic-monitoring data are insufficient to assess the tidal effect of the river.  相似文献   

We investigated the influence of long-term (56 years) grazing on organic and inorganic carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) contents of the plant–soil system (to 90 cm depth) in shortgrass steppe of northeastern Colorado. Grazing treatments included continuous season-long (May–October) grazing by yearling heifers at heavy (60–75% utilization) and light (20–35% utilization) stocking rates, and nongrazed exclosures. The heavy stocking rate resulted in a plant community that was dominated (75% of biomass production) by the C4 grass blue grama (Bouteloua gracilis), whereas excluding livestock grazing increased the production of C3 grasses and prickly pear cactus (Opuntia polycantha). Soil organic C (SOC) and organic N were not significantly different between the light grazing and nongrazed treatments, whereas the heavy grazing treatment was 7.5 Mg ha–1 higher in SOC than the nongrazed treatment. Lower ratios of net mineralized N to total organic N in both grazed compared to nongrazed treatments suggest that long-term grazing decreased the readily mineralizable fraction of soil organic matter. Heavy grazing affected soil inorganic C (SIC) more than the SOC. The heavy grazing treatment was 23.8 Mg ha–1 higher in total soil C (0–90 cm) than the nongrazed treatment, with 68% (16.3 Mg ha–1) attributable to higher SIC, and 32% (7.5 Mg ha–1) to higher SOC. These results emphasize the importance in semiarid and arid ecosystems of including inorganic C in assessments of the mass and distribution of plant–soil C and in evaluations of the impacts of grazing management on C sequestration.  相似文献   

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