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Two grabens were developed in the Yi-Shu segment of the Tan-Lu fault zone (TLFZ) during its exten-sional activities, and are now confined by four major NNE-trending normal faults and filled with Creta-ceous sediments. These faults were developed due to their reactivities, containing gouge and cutting the graben sediments. Detailed fieldwork demonstrates that the faults experienced sinistral transten-sional moment related to regional NE-SW extension during the reactivity. X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis of ...  相似文献   

本文采用天然地震近震走时反演地壳三维速度结构的方法获得了郯庐断裂带鲁苏皖段及附近地壳(30°N—37°N,113°E—122°E)三维速度结构.对地壳内分层速度结构的分析发现,郯庐断裂带鲁苏皖段存在速度的分段特征.郯庐断裂带鲁苏皖段浅层35.3°N以北,34.5°N—35.3°N间,33°N—34.5°N间呈现的速度分段和地表出露地层有关,与地质上安丘段、莒县—郯城段,新沂—泗洪段三个破裂单元相对应,且和各段的地震活动相呼应,表明郯庐带新沂到泗洪段可能是断裂的闭锁段.郯庐断裂带鲁苏皖段地壳速度结构自浅至深分为三段, 大体位置是:南段(32.5°N—33°N以南),中段(32.5°N—33°N至35°N—35.3°N),北段(35°N—35.3°N以北).上地壳分段与苏鲁超高压变质岩带的插入有关,中、下地壳速度分段则可能和火山岩滞留有关.地壳各层速度结构不同段的速度差异反映了构造块体的速度差异,表明各构造块体在地壳下部仍有差异,郯庐带西侧速度总体高于东侧,反映了不同构造块体的形成和组成差别,也说明了该断裂带可能延伸到莫霍面.而不同深度的分段性可能反映了不同地质演化过程.  相似文献   





本文对龙门山断裂带金河磷矿浅钻岩芯中的三种断层泥开展了低速到高速摩擦滑动的实验研究,并对实验变形样品开展了BET比表面积研究.摩擦实验在干燥和孔隙水压条件下开展,速率范围涵盖20 μm·s-1~1.4 m·s-1.实验结果显示,三种断层泥在干燥条件下的摩擦性质差别不大,但在孔隙水压条件下,三者的中低速摩擦强度与层状硅酸盐矿物的种类而非总含量紧密相关,蒙脱石和伊利石相比绿泥石更能有效地弱化断层.三种断层泥在孔隙水压条件下存在中低速率域的速度强化,暗示着对断层的加速滑动存在一定的阻碍作用.孔隙水压下,黄绿色和灰绿色断层泥的初始动态弱化非常迅速并伴随断层泥层的瞬时扩容,凹凸体急剧加热导致的局部热压作用可能是造成这种力学行为的物理机制.在经历高速滑动之后,三种断层泥在干、湿条件下的BET比表面积都显著降低,暗示着可能发生了颗粒烧结.中低速域内,孔隙水的存在使得断层泥呈现分散式的剪切变形,BET比表面积的增加因此比干燥条件下更加明显.对表面能的估算表明,颗粒磨碎所消耗的能量至多不超过摩擦力做功的8%,暗示着断层作用中颗粒磨碎所占的能量比例较低.


Multi-period of pseudotachylytes of variable occurrences and shapes are widely outcropped in Haizikou and Mukurasen sections of the Koktokay-Ertai fault zone. They consist of clasts and matrix. The clasts comprise fine fragments of the host rock (mylonite) and quartz grains, while the matrix consists of cryptocrystalline and glassy materials which contain fibrous and radial microlites. The chemical compositions of the pseudotachylytes resemble those of the host rocks. Their features indicate that the pseudotachylytes were formed from local melting of the mylonites during the rapid movement of the fault, and that the formation depth was 10—12 km. The geologic event that produced pseudotachylytes is believed to be paleoearthquake. Project supported by the Joint Earthquake Science Foundation.  相似文献   

Fractal research of fault gouge   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
FractalresearchoffaultgougeSHUN-MEISHAO(邵顺妹)andJIN-CHANGZOU(邹瑾敞)EarthquakeResearchInstituteofLanzhou,StateSeismologicalBurea...  相似文献   

Introduction The Tanlu fault zone lies in the eastern China, which is an important huge active fault with a long history. It has experienced a complex generation and evolution process and affects significantly the regional structure, paleogeography, magma activity, minerogenesis and earthquake activity in the area. With a length of 2 400 km, the fault zone consists of 2-4 or more parallel faults of 10-40 km in width, cutting through different geotectonic elements in the eastern China (FANG et al, 1986). On July 25 in 1668, an extraordinarily large earthquake of M=8.5 occurred on the Changyi-Dadian fault (F1) that is an embranchment of Tanlu fault zone, resulting in a surface rupture with a total length of 130 km (LI et al, 1994; CHAO et al, 1995). The paleoseismic study reveals that 3 events with a magnitude equal to 8 occurred on the Changyi-Dadian fault. The recent event occurred 3 500 a ago and the reoccurrence interval is about 3 500 a (LIN and GAO, 1987). During the Tancheng earthquake (on July 25, 1668), the Anqiu-Juxian fault was not ruptured, which was a Late Pleistocene active fault (ZHENG et al, 1988; GAO et al, 1988; CHAO et al, 1994) and was doubted as the seismogenic fault of the M=7.0 Anqiu earthquake occurred in 70 BC by certain geologists (CHAO et al, 1994).  相似文献   

2 Conclusion Fenghuangshan-Tianshui fault is a Holocene active fault. It laterally slips at the average rate of 1.1 mm/a during 6.4 ka and vertically slips at the average rate of 0.37 mm/a and 0.16 mm/a since the time 16.6 ka and 6.4 ka before respectively. Diaogoumeng-Dongjiawan segment has occurred an abrupt event in the period of 6.4 ka BP, which is assumed to be related to the 734 Tianshui M=7 earthquake, but further work is still necessary. Foundation item: Chinese Joint Seismological Science Foundation (198023).  相似文献   


郯庐断裂带是中国东部重要的活动断裂带和边界构造带,其鲁苏段全新世活动断层的空间展布和古地震序列是地学关注的焦点问题,也是准确评价区域地震危险性的重要参数.以往研究工作多集中在郯庐断裂带地表地貌现象明显且有强震记录的山东段,而江苏段则研究程度相对较低,有关郯庐断裂带江苏段全新世活动断层范围和古地震序列问题存在争议.本文利用野外地质地貌调查、浅层地震勘探、钻孔联合剖面以及古地震探槽等多层次综合方法,重点开展郯庐断裂带江苏段全新世活动断层的分布和古地震序列研究.结果显示全新世时期,安丘-莒县断裂是郯庐断裂带江苏段的主要活动断层,且江苏全段该断层都是全新世活动断层.通过对比宿迁闸-皂河镇断裂南北安丘-莒县断裂的断层地貌和断层最新活动时间,并结合宿迁闸-皂河镇断裂在第四纪没有活动过等证据,推测该断层在全新世时期并不是区域阻碍破裂的断层.探槽揭示郯庐断裂带江苏段全新世两次古地震事件,事件Ⅰ限定在(6.2±0.3)-(13.4±0.7)ka B.P.之间,而事件Ⅱ限定在(2.5±0.1)ka B.P.到现今,全新世两次古地震间隔较长.基于构造类比法,安丘-莒县断裂具有深部孕震的构造特点,是区域未来强震的潜在发震构造.


The deep seismic reflection data on profile HY2 are reprocessed by the method of simultaneous inversion of velocity distribution and interface position. By the travel-time inversion with the data of the diving wave Pg and fault plane reflection wave, we determine the geometric form and velocity of Haiyuan fault zone interior and surrounding rock down to 10 km depth. The measured data show that the amplitudes have strong attenuation in the range of stake number 37–39 km, suggesting the fault zone has considerable width in the crustal interior. The results of this paper indicate that to the north of the fault zone the crystalline basement interface upheaves gradually from southwest to northeast and becomes shallow gradually towards northeast, and that to the south of the fault zone, within the basin between Xihua and Nanhua mountains, the folded basement becomes shallow gradually towards southwest. The obliquity of the fault zone is about 70° above the 3 km depth, about 60° in the range of the 3–10 km depths. From the results of this paper and other various citations, we believe that Haiyuan fault zone is in steep state from the Earth’s surface to the depth of 10 km. Foundation item: Joint Seismological Science Foundation of China (201001) and State Key Basic Research Development and Programming Project (95-13-02-02). Contribution No. RCEG200308, Exploration Geophysical Center, China Earthquake Administration.  相似文献   

Introduction The deep faults in the crust have direct relation to the occurrence of earthquakes and the dis-tribution of active seismic zones, so the researches on the geometric form and physical parametersof deep crustal faults are always an important problem in seismology. The researches are not onlysignificant to knowledge the deep tectonic background of strong earthquake and seismogenicmechanism, but also play a very important role in earthquake hazard estimation and earthquakeprevent…  相似文献   

福建漳州盆地岱山岩—珩坑北西向断裂带第四纪活动特征   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
通过对岱山岩-珩坑北西向断裂两侧第四纪地层的分布、构造地貌的发育等资料的分析,着重研究了该断裂带第四纪的活动特征,并探讨了活动断裂与地震活动的关系,研究结果表明:该断裂带是一条第四纪以来垂直正断兼具左旋水平走滑的活动断裂,在时间上断裂活动具有多期性;在空间上断裂活动具有迁移性;并在断裂的延伸方向存在差异活动而具有分段性,该断裂带第四纪以来宏观活动性和现今垂直形变活动性明显,1445年在该断裂最具活动的地段发生61/4级地震,表明该断裂现今仍在继续活动,今后仍有发生中强破坏性地震的可能。  相似文献   

甘加盆地位于西秦岭北缘断裂带西端,盆地西缘发育了三条近南北向的断层(东支、中支、西支),表现为西高东低的弧形地貌阶梯带.基于高分辨率卫星遥感影像解译、地质地貌调查、UAV航拍测量、剖面清理与14 C测年等工作,对甘加盆地西缘断裂带进行综合研究,发现该断裂带第四纪晚期有新活动.断层新活动在地貌上表现为不同级别的断层陡坎、...  相似文献   

The Anninghe fault is one of the significant earthquake-generating fault zones in the Southwest China. Local his-torical record shows that a M≥7 strong earthquake occurred in the year of 1536. On the basis of the detailed air-photographic interpretation and field investigation, we have acquired the following knowledge: 1 The average sinistral strike-slip rate since the Late Pleistocene is about 3~7 mm/a; 2 There is important reverse faulting along the fault zone besides the main left-lateral strike-slip motion, and the shortening rate across the Anninghe fault zone due to the reverse faulting is about 1.7~4.0 mm/a. If the Xianshuihe fault zone is simply partitioned into the Anninghe and Daliangshan faults, we can also get a slip rate of 3~7 mm/a along the Daliangshan fault zone, which is the same as that on the Anninghe fault zone. Moreover, on the basis of our field investigation and the latest knowledge concerning the active tectonics of Tibetan crust, we create a dynamic model for the Anninghe fault zone.  相似文献   


本文利用双轴摩擦实验对含水条件下岩盐断层带摩擦滑动性状进行了实验研究, 观测和分析了摩擦滑动过程中的声发射活动, 并利用扫描电镜分析了断层带的微观变形结构.结果表明, 含水岩盐断层带在伴随黏滑的速度弱化域和伴随稳定滑动的速度强化域, 摩擦过程中均产生了大量声发射事件; 黏滑过程与稳滑过程中的小声发射事件存在共同之处, 即两者均表现为能级低; 但黏滑过程中的小声发射事件的优势频率既有低频(10 kHz左右)和中频(100 kHz左右), 也有高频(370 kHz左右), 而在稳定滑动过程中, 小声发射事件的优势频率仅有低频和中频, 缺少高频事件.这种差异与两者变形主导机制的不同密切相关.在断层黏滑循环中, 接近摩擦峰值时声发射发生率明显增加, 但高频事件减少、中频和低频事件增加; 进入亚失稳阶段后, 声发射只有低频和中频信号, 几乎不再出现高频信号.这种差异与断层带变形方式的变化密切相关.


Abstract Characteristics of deformation and alteration of the 1140 m deep fracture zone of the Nojima Fault are described based on mesoscopic (to the naked eye) and microscopic (by both optical and scanning electron microscopes) observations of the Hirabayashi National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Prevention (NIED) drill core. Three types of fault rocks; that is, fault breccia, fault gouge and cataclasite, appear in the central part of the fault zone and two types of weakly deformed and/or altered rocks; that is, weakly deformed and altered granodiorite and altered granodiorite, are located in the outside of the central part of the fault zone (damaged zone). Cataclasite appears occasionally in the damaged zone. Six distinct, thin foliated fault gouge zones, which dip to the south-east, appear clearly in the very central part of the fracture zone. Slickenlines plunging to the north-east are observed on the surface of the newest gouge. Based on the observations of XZ thin sections, these slickenlines and the newest gouge have the same kinematics as the 1995 Hyogo-ken Nanbu earthquake (Kobe earthquake), which was dextral-reverse slip. Scanning electron microscopy observations of the freeze-dried fault gouge show that a large amount of void space is maintained locally, which might play an important role as a path for fluid migration and the existence of either heterogeneity of pore fluid pressure or strain localization.  相似文献   

在山东半岛北部近海海域进行了多条剖面的声波探测,初步查明了蓬莱-威海断裂带的基本活动特征.该断裂带由一系列北西走向的次级断层组成,主体在长岛至大竹岛之间的海域,多数断层以正断兼有走滑运动为主,部分断层具有逆冲运动性质.断裂带在第四纪活动明显,以北东向桃村-东陡山断裂在海域的延伸段为界,蓬莱-威海断裂带可分为两段:长岛-烟台段和烟台-威海段.西段长岛-烟台段为晚更新世活动段,多数次级断层上断点埋深位于海底以下30m,明显错断了中更新世地层,部分断层明显错断了晚更新世早期地层,有些断层达到晚更新世地层中部,但没有发现全新世地层错动现象.东段烟台-威海段为中更新世活动段,没有发现晚更新世地层错断现象.蓬莱-威海断裂带对历史地震和现代小震活动具有明显控制作用,其中1548年7级地震发生于断裂带西段,1948年6级地震发生于断裂带东段.蓬莱-威海断裂带与北东向断裂交汇区是中强地震发生的有利部位.  相似文献   


郯庐断裂渤海湾北段纵贯辽宁省,现今仍然活动,1975年海城MS7.3地震就发生在该断裂系统上.利用2005年5月至2006年4月布设的渤海湾流动地震台阵观测数据,结合辽宁省固定地震台网数据,重新拾取了780个区域小地震,并使用双差地震定位方法获得了546个地震事件的定位结果.通过自助法得到双差定位的平均水平误差和深度误差分别为1.5和1.9 km.结果显示在观测周期内,郯庐断裂渤海湾北段主断裂地震不活跃,但是主断裂东侧的海城河断裂和太子河断裂小震沿断裂呈条带状密集分布.利用gCAP(general Cut and Paste)方法计算了区域地震震源机制解,选取出4个可信的震源机制解;综合前人已有结果,认为研究区的小地震震源机制主要以走滑与正断为主,与区域构造应力场吻合良好.海城河和太子河断裂的地震活动深达中下地壳,结合热流数据和岩石物理实验,推测研究区中下地壳由干燥的镁铁质岩石组成.


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