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Tariq A. Khan   《Limnologica》2003,33(4):316-326
Major physico-chemical parameters of four saline lakes (Lake Colac, Modewarre, Bolac and Tooliorook), in the volcanic plains of western Victoria (Australia), recorded bi-monthly between November 1999–September 2001 are described. Lakes are permanent, large (surface area range 3.5–29.6 km2) and shallow (mean depth range 1.5–3.9 m). Physico-chemical parameters revealed that lakes were homogenous with few differences between sites within lakes. Of the four lakes, Lake Modewarre had the highest salinity of 8 ppt with weak seasonal fluctuations in salinity in all the lakes. All the lakes were turbid (turbidity range 30–659 NTU), with low light penetration (suspended solids range 23–465 mg l−1) and low Secchi depth (Secchi depth range 7.7–89 cm). pH of the lakes varied between 8.2–9.3 with low seasonal variations, indicating well buffered waters. Based on nutrient status, lakes were classified as eutrophic to highly eutrophic with higher nutrient concentrations. Nitrogen was limiting in one lake (Lake Colac) and phosphorus in the other three lakes. Meteorological events probably influence the physico-chemical parameters of these lakes strongly.  相似文献   

Large-scale geomorphic drivers that operate at continental scale are often climate driven. Changes in land use can accelerate wind erosion. The range of land management practises within one land use can have dramatic effect on ground cover and wind erosion. This study uses meteorological observations, land use, land management and dust concentration measurements of 129 dust events recorded between 1990 and 2007 to describe a dust chronology of Mildura, in south-eastern Australia. Frontal and frontal trough weather systems account for 74% of dust events. Furthermore, 88% of dust events come from rangelands in the northwest and the cropping lands to the southwest. The cropping areas to the southwest are the most common source of dust, accounting for 66% of events There is no relationship between rainfall and dust activity in this study, suggesting that land-management practices, especially on cropping lands, over-ride the controlling effect of rainfall. When cropping lands received above average rainfall in spring and summer during the 1990s, cultivation for weed control lead to rapid decline in ground cover that predisposed the land to wind erosion in following summer and autumn. In drought years, dust blows into Mildura from all directions suggesting that dust is climate driven rather than controlled by land use. © 2019 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Lake shapes and their spatial distribution are important geomorphological indicators in previously glaciated areas. Their shapes are influenced by the underlying geological structure and processes of glacial sediment deposition or erosion. Since these processes act on large areas, distribution of lakes can reflect the intensity of glacial erosional/depositional processes and their spatial extent. Landsat imagery was used to extract lake outlines from a selected pilot‐study area on the widest ice‐free coastal margin of the south‐western Greenland north of Kangerlussuaq. Analysis included image classification and spatial analysis of lakes with elevation data using geographic information system (GIS) tools. A morphometric index was applied to extract kettle lakes as indicators of a specific glacial process – ice stagnation. Analysis of their spatial distribution helped in the reconstruction of glacial dynamics in formerly glaciated terrain. Our results show that spatial lake distribution combined with elevation analysis can be used to identify zones of glacial erosion and deposition. The highest concentrations of lakes within the study area occupy the elevation range between 164 and 361 m above sea level (a.s.l.). This zone can be identified as an area where intensive glacial erosion took place in the past. The widespread distribution of modeled kettle lake features within the same elevation range and across the study area suggests that the last deglaciation process was accompanied by abandonment of blocks of stagnant ice. This conclusion is supported by surface exposure ages obtained in the same study area and published elsewhere. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Glass-slides were exposed in four different bog lakes located in great forest areas in Northern Germany, about 100 km north of Berlin, in order to examine the protist community of these dystrophic, acid lakes. Species composition and succession of the periphyton were studied during one year. The four investigated bog lakes exhibit similar species compositions, most of the species were present in each of the four lakes. The periphyton was composed of a great variety of protist species. Specimens of all major flagellated protists and of most of the ciliate taxa were found on the slides. Many of these species are ubiquitous. Some species, however, like the flagellates Spongomonas sacculus, Rhipidodendron huxleyi, Cyathobodo sp., and Pseudodendromonas vlkii as well as the ciliates Ophrydium hyalinum, Leptopharynx costatus, Uroleptus caudatus, and Platyophrya sphagni are found more frequently in acid waters. A regular and common occurrence of these species partly characterizes the acid Sphagnum bogs. Besides that, common species like Bodo spp., Cryptomonas spp., Goniomonas truncata, Chilodonella uncinata, Vorticella sp., and Cyrtolophosis mucicola are represented in the periphyton. Examinations of the testate amoebae in the Sphagnum mats show a very different species composition compared to earlier studies.

The investigated bog lakes revealed mesotrophic conditions. In the upper regions of the Sphagnum mats and in the center of the larger bog lakes, oligotrophic conditions still prevail. The lower regions of the Sphagnum mat and the smaller lakes, however, are influenced by the partly degradation of plants and the run-off water from surrounding land. In comparison to earlier studies, the species composition indicates a beginning eutrophication of the bog lakes. A direct anthropogenic impact can be excluded.  相似文献   

Although acidifying deposition in western North America is lower than in many parts of the world, many high‐elevation ecosystems there are extremely sensitive to acidification. Previous studies determined that the Mount Zirkel Wilderness Area (MZWA) has the most acidic snowpack and aquatic ecosystems that are among the most sensitive in the region. In this study, spatial and temporal variability of ponds and lakes in and near the MZWA were examined to determine their sensitivity to acidification and the effects of acidic deposition during and after snowmelt. Within the areas identified as sensitive to acidification based on bedrock types, there was substantial variability in acid‐neutralizing capacity (ANC), which was related to differences in hydrological flowpaths that control delivery of weathering products to surface waters. Geological and topographic maps were of limited use in predicting acid sensitivity because their spatial resolution was not fine enough to capture the variability of these attributes for lakes and ponds with small catchment areas. Many of the lakes are sensitive to acidification (summer and autumn ANC < 100 µeq L?1), but none of them appeared to be threatened immediately by episodic or chronic acidification. In contrast, 22 ponds had minimum ANC < 30 µeq L?1, indicating that they are extremely sensitive to acidic deposition and could be damaged by episodic acidification, although net acidity (ANC < 0) was not measured in any of the ponds during the study. The lowest measured pH value was 5·4, and pH generally remained less than 6·0 throughout early summer in the most sensitive ponds, indicating that biological effects of acidification are possible at levels of atmospheric deposition that occurred during the study. The aquatic chemistry of lakes was dominated by atmospheric deposition and biogeochemical processes in soils and shallow ground water, whereas the aquatic chemistry of ponds was also affected by organic acids and biogeochemical processes in the water column and at the sediment–water interface. These results indicate that conceptual and mechanistic acidification models that have been developed for lakes and streams may be inadequate for predicting acidification in less‐understood systems such as ponds. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The chemistry of varnish scrapings from within and adjacent to rock engravings on sandstone outcrops in semiarid Australia was analysed using an electron microprobe (WDS mode). Small-area analyses were used to reduce potential contamination from identifiable within-varnish detrital grains and from substrate material. Ratios of (Ca + K):Ti were compared for rock engravings on older and younger rock surfaces, and between different engraving styles. Although ratios from varnish on the older surface were lower than for the younger surface, differences were not statistically significant. Sorting of analyses for potentially anomalous amounts of minor elements had little effect on the ranking of individual ratio values. Rankings of within-engraving ratio values were generally in accord with relative age expectations but differences between samples were not significant, with the chemical variability of varnish being high even without the contribution of discernible detrital inclusions. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In order to understand the ecological functioning of lake ecosystems, little is more crucial than knowledge of their mixing regime. However in tropical regions, this information is scarce for all except the largest lakes, and often inferred from occasional observation of physical water-column properties. In this study, a total of 276 water-column profiles of temperature, conductivity and dissolved oxygen collected between 2000 and 2017 in 60 volcanic crater lakes in equatorial western Uganda are used to classify these lakes according to mixing regime. Most study lakes are small (on average 29 ha), but together they cover a spectacularly large gradient in maximum depth (Zmax) between 1.4 m and > 220 m, and consequently they display a wide range of mixing regimes. We identified four lakes as continuous warm polymictic, 12 as discontinuous warm polymictic, and 11 other lakes mix completely once or twice each year. We classify these 11 lakes as equatorial dimictic, because they experience deep mixing during both dry seasons separated by long periods of stable stratification, while the season of complete mixing may differ between years and among neighbouring lakes. The 33 remaining lakes do not usually mix completely and are thus meromictic. Relative depth (Zr) is the main factor controlling the mixing regime of these lakes. The presence of a shallow permanent chemocline reduces mixing depth, and the smallest meromictic lakes (< 3 ha) tend to occasionally mix deeper than predicted by Zr. Based on these variables, predictions can be made about the mixing dynamics of Ugandan crater lakes not covered by our dataset. Previous suggestions that the mixing depth of tropical crater lakes is strongly influenced by the wind shelter provided by a high crater rim or by water-column transparency could not be confirmed.  相似文献   

Because of the obvious importance of P as a nutrient that often accelerates growth of phytoplankton (including toxic cyanobacteria) and therefore worsens water quality, much interest has been devoted to P exchange across the sediment-water interface. Generally, the release mode of P from the sediment differed greatly between shallow and deep lakes, and much of the effort has been focused on iron and oxygen, and also on the relevant environmental factors, for example, turbulence and decomposition, but a large part of the P variation in shallow lakes remains unexplained. This paper reviews experimental and field studies on the mechanisms of P release from the sediment in the shallow temperate (in Europe) and subtropical (in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River in China) lakes, and it is suggested that pH rather than DO might be more important in driving the seasonal dynamics of internal P loading in these shallow lakes, i.e., intense photosynthesis of phytoplankton increases pH of the lake water and thus may increase pH of the surface sediment, leading to enhanced release of P (especially iron-bound P) from the sediment. Based on the selective pump of P (but not N) from the sediment by algal blooms, it is concluded that photosynthesis which is closely related to eutrophication level is the driving force for the seasonal variation of internal P loading in shallow lakes. This is a new finding. Additionally, the selective pump of P from the sediment by algal blooms not only explains satisfactorily why both TP and PO4-P in the hypereutrophic Lake Donghu declined significantly since the mid-1980s when heavy cyanobacterial blooms were eliminated by the nontraditional biomanipulation (massive stocking of the filter-feeding silver and bighead carps), but also explains why TP in European lakes decreased remarkably in the spring clear-water phase with less phytoplankton during the seasonal succession of aquatic communities or when phytoplankton biomass was decreased by traditional biomanipulation. Compared with deep lakes, wax and wane of phytoplankton due to alternations in the ecosystem structure is also able to exert significant influences on the P exchange at the sediment-water interface in shallow lakes. In other words, biological activities are also able to drive P release from sediments, and such a static P release process is especially more prominent in eutrophic shallow lakes with dense phytoplankton.  相似文献   

Streams draining the Barrier Range uplands in arid western N.S.W. are ephemeral and undergo rapid channel contraction away from the uplands as a consequence of transmission loss. These processes are documented on the basis of surveys of channel form and bed material at sequential sites located along the contracting lowland reaches of two representative streams. Channel width and depth display considerable fluctuation downstream, but cross-sectional area and maximum bed surface grain size decline in a very regular manner. Flood discharge, estimated from the channel capacity and predicted critical and mean flow velocities, also declines regularly. the trends are well fitted by log-linear models, and are reported in terms of a half-distance, the channel length in km over which the value of a morphometric parameter declines by 50 per cent. Rates of channel contraction and transmission loss are inferred to be inversely proportional to the volume of flow delivered from the upland section of the drainage basin. Unusual channel characteristics, including extensive tree growth in the bed, make application of ordinary flow equations difficult, because friction factors cannot be estimated with confidence. Systematic changes in the nature of the bed surface in contracting streams such as those studied here also have implications for the application of critical velocity equations, and highlight a need for further study of desert channels.  相似文献   

The periphyton of acid, dystrophic bogs was investigated. Glass-slides were exposed in four different bog lakes about 100 km north of Berlin, Germany, in order to examine the species composition and the annual cycle of the protist community. The annual cycles of the periphyton in bog lakes were comparable to those in other mesotrophic lakes: During the winter months small heterotrophic flagellates (HF) dominated the periphyton community. Besides that bacterivorous ciliates were present as typical pioneer species. At the end of the ice covering, almost exclusively unicellular green algae colonized the slides. In May high abundances of ciliates and choanoflagellates were observed. At the same time, a maximum of species was reached. From August to October peritrich ciliates significantly contributed to the periphyton. Their number decreased when early frosts occurred.

The four investigated bog lakes exhibit very similar species compositions, almost all of the species were present in each of the four lakes. Differences were only distinct concerning the dominance of some protistan groups. The largest deflections, however, occurred not between two lakes, but between two habitats within one lake: The upper 30 cm of the Sphagnum mat comprise two very different protistan communities, determined by a strong vertical zoning. Due to the different light and nutrient conditions, the slides of the upper region exhibited a denser colonization, mainly consisting of autotrophic cryptomonads and vagile ciliates. In contrast to this, the slides of the deeper region were mainly colonized by heterotrophic flagellates and sessile peritrich ciliates.  相似文献   

巴丹吉林沙漠气候干旱,蒸发强烈,与之形成鲜明对比的是沙漠腹地湖泊群的长久不衰,目前对于湖泊水分的补给来源仍存在争议.本文以水量均衡为基础,在苏木吉林湖区开展了降水、蒸发及湖水位和地下水位的动态监测,结合已有的水文地质资料建立地下水流动三维模型,重现湖区地下水位的季节动态变化,并基于模型进行水均衡分析.结果表明:苏木吉林湖区降水入渗补给量不足以平衡湖泊蒸发量,湖泊需要深层承压水的越流补给;湖水位和地下水位均呈现正弦曲线形态,11月最低,4月达到峰值,水位变幅分别为22和18 cm;湖区地下水多年平均总补给量为11620 m3/d,其中降水和承压水越流分别约占13%和87%,降水补给量夏季高、冬季低,承压水越流补给量季节变化不明显;承压水越流补给量可能主要来源于沙漠周边山区降水,未发现明显的水量亏空需要断裂导水来弥补.研究结果为巴丹吉林沙漠地下水资源分析及合理利用提供科学依据.  相似文献   

Preliminary results of an optically stimulated luminescence dating study in the western Murray Basin in semi-arid south-eastern Australia are presented. The ultimate objective of the dating study is a reconstruction of dune formation indicative of palaeoclimatic changes in this region. So far, one site has been dated using the single-aliquot regenerative (SAR) dose protocol for quartz. A high scatter in individual palaeodoses was observed, which is unexpected in supposedly well bleached aeolian deposits. Therefore other sources of variability such as microdosimetry and bioturbation have to be taken into account. Nevertheless, the resulting ages are in chronostratigraphic order and document a long aeolian record from 180 to 9 ka.  相似文献   

In the German State Brandenburg, water clarity and the concentrations of the water quality components chlorophyll a, seston and gelbstoff were measured in 27 lakes. Correlation analysis showed, that spectral beam attenuation at 662 and 514 nm was mainly dependent on changes in chlorophyll a concentrations. In the UV-channel at 360 nm, beam attenuation depended mostly on gelbstoff.

Multiple linear regression provided a direct model of beam attenuation at 514 nm with the inputs of inorganic seston, chlorophyll a and gelbstoff. The specific beam attenuation coefficients were comparable to other natural waters around the world. An inverse model is presented, from which gelbstoff and chlorophyll a could be predicted with some accuracy from the inputs of beam attenuation coefficients at 514 and 360 nm. However, it became obvious that biological variability put major constraints on the predictive capacity of both the direct and the inverse model.

Furthermore, we observed a good correspondence of Secchi depth and the inverse of beam attenuation at 514 nm. The predictions of Secchi depth and chlorophyll a concentration from the inverse model were assessed in perspective of using this instrument instead of laborious chemical analysis for future trophic status classification according to LAWA (Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft Wasser). Predictions of trophic status were principally good when using calibrated models, however, quality of classification critically depended on predictions of chlorophyll a.  相似文献   

云南高原湖泊的开发与保护   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
杨文龙 《湖泊科学》1994,6(2):161-165
介绍了云南高原湖泊的形成演化,重点论述其在云南社会、经济发展中的地位,分析了湖泊不合理开发带来的不良生态后果,并提出了一些建议。  相似文献   

山西宁武亚高山湖群浮游植物群落结构特征   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
通过对山西宁武亚高山湖群浮游植物群落结构的调查研究,共鉴定出浮游植物291个种、变种及变型,隶属于8门,45科,108属.各采样站点间种数相差较大,以马营海种类最多,干海最少.硅藻门、绿藻门和蓝藻门明显占优势,优势科、优势属和优势种也都较为明显.优势种有蓝藻门的细小隐球藻(Aphanocapsa elachista)、铜绿微囊藻(Microcystis aeruginisa)和小席藻(Phormidium tenue),硅藻门的库津小环藻(Cyclotella kuetzingii)、肘状脆杆藻(Fragilaria ulna)、尖针杆藻(Synedra acus),绿藻门的狭形纤维藻(Ankistrodesmus angustus)和小球藻(Chlorella vulgaris).浮游植物平均密度为3.49 × 106cells/L.水面下0.5m处比水表层的细胞密度高.综合4种生物多样性指数,宁武亚高山湖群水质总体为轻污染.  相似文献   

李砧  谢树莲 《湖泊科学》2006,18(2):189-192
在山西运城盐池湖区采到的藻类植物共5门(不包括硅藻门),30科,70属,222种(含变种和变型).其中蓝藻门4 科17属35种,绿藻门19科40属93种,裸藻门5科10属83种,黄藻门1科1属2种,轮藻门1科2属9种.该湖区的水体根据含盐量的不同可分为4种类型:淡水水体(含盐量<0.05%)、混盐水体(含盐量0.05%-3%)、真盐水体(含盐量 3%-4%)和高盐水体(含盐量>4%).由于受含盐量的影响,藻类植物在4种水体中的分布有明显差异,随含盐量增加,种类数减少.  相似文献   


Regional frequency analysis of annual maximum flood data comprising 407 stations from 11 countries of southern Africa is presented. Forty-one homogeneous regions are identified. The L-moments of the observed data indicate that the possible underlying frequency distributions are Pearson type 3 (P3), lognormal 3-parameter (LN3), General Pareto (GPA) or General Extreme Value (GEV). Simulation experiments for the selection of the most suitable flood frequency procedure indicate that Pearson type 3/Probability Weighted Moments (P3/PWM) and log-Pearson type 3/Method of Moments (LP3/MOM) are suitable procedures for the region.  相似文献   

A study of the hydrologic effects of catchment change from pasture to plantation was carried out in Gatum, south‐western Victoria, Australia. This study describes the hydrologic characteristics of two adjacent catchments: one with 97% grassland and the other one with 62% Eucalyptus globulus plantations. Streamflow from both catchments was intermittent during the 20‐month study period. Monthly streamflow was always greater in the pasture‐dominated catchment compared with the plantation catchment because of lower evapotranspiration in the pasture‐based catchment. This difference in streamflow was also observed even during summer 2010/2011 when precipitation was 74% above average (1954–2012) summer rainfall. Streamflow peaks in the plantation‐based catchment were smaller than in the pasture‐dominated system. Flow duration curves show differences between the pasture and plantation‐dominated catchments and affect both high‐flow and low‐flow periods. Groundwater levels fell (up to 4.4 m) in the plantation catchment during the study period but rose (up to 3.2 m) in the pasture catchment. Higher evapotranspiration in the plantation catchment resulted in falling groundwater levels and greater disconnection of the groundwater system from the stream, resulting in lower baseflow contribution to streamflow. Salt export from each catchment increases with increasing flow and is higher at the pasture catchment, mainly because of the higher flow. Reduced salt loading to streams due to tree planting is generally considered environmentally beneficial in saline areas of south‐eastern Australia, but this benefit is offset by reduced total streamflow. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Present understanding of armour formation and the dynamics of grain entrainment and movement, especially in natural environments with coarse and poorly-sorted bed material, is still incomplete. There are many details which require further field observation for clarification and hypothesis testing, including aspects of grain interaction during bedload transport. Evidence from the Tambo River suggests that there may be mechanisms of armour development which have significance in certain field situations but which have been relatively neglected in the literature. The particular mechanism envisaged for the Tambo River involves the accumulation on the bed surface of large clasts which had been moving as an overpassing traction carpet. These clasts are not genetically related to the underlying subarmour sediments, but nonetheless act as an armour which protects them from scour, and which hence affects grain mobility and bedload transport rates.  相似文献   

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