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Gestural recognition systems are important tools for leveraging movement‐based interactions in multimodal learning environments but personalizing these interactions has proven difficult. We offer an adaptable model that uses multimodal analytics, enabling students to define their physical interactions with computer‐assisted learning environments. We argue that these interactions are foundational to developing stronger connections between students' physical actions and digital representations within a multimodal space. Our model uses real time learning analytics for gesture recognition, training a hierarchical hidden‐Markov model with a “one‐shot” construct, learning from user‐defined gestures, and accessing 3 different modes of data: skeleton positions, kinematics features, and internal model parameters. Through an empirical comparison with a “pretrained” model, we show that our model can achieve a higher recognition accuracy in repeatability and recall tasks. This suggests that our approach is a promising way to create productive experiences with gesture‐based educational simulations, promoting personalized interfaces, and analytics of multimodal learning scenarios.  相似文献   

Accelerometer-based gesture control for a design environment   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
Accelerometer-based gesture control is studied as a supplementary or an alternative interaction modality. Gesture commands freely trainable by the user can be used for controlling external devices with handheld wireless sensor unit. Two user studies are presented. The first study concerns finding gestures for controlling a design environment (Smart Design Studio), TV, VCR, and lighting. The results indicate that different people usually prefer different gestures for the same task, and hence it should be possible to personalise them. The second user study concerns evaluating the usefulness of the gesture modality compared to other interaction modalities for controlling a design environment. The other modalities were speech, RFID-based physical tangible objects, laser-tracked pen, and PDA stylus. The results suggest that gestures are a natural modality for certain tasks, and can augment other modalities. Gesture commands were found to be natural, especially for commands with spatial association in design environment control.  相似文献   

一种实时手势识别应用开发框架   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
提出并设计了一种简化的、基于自然手势的实时识别的软件开发框架,通过手势样本采集和消息映射机制,开发人员可以自定义手势含义,将手势含义封装成消息发送给具体应用.降低了开发实时手势识别软件的成本,屏蔽了手势识别技术本身的复杂性.  相似文献   

Motion recognition is a topic in software engineering and dialect innovation with a goal of interpreting human signals through mathematical algorithm. Hand gesture is a strategy for nonverbal communication for individuals as it expresses more liberally than body parts. Hand gesture acknowledgment has more prominent significance in planning a proficient human computer interaction framework, utilizing signals as a characteristic interface favorable to circumstance of movements. Regardless, the distinguishing proof and acknowledgment of posture, gait, proxemics and human behaviors is furthermore the subject of motion to appreciate human nonverbal communication, thus building a richer bridge between machines and humans than primitive text user interfaces or even graphical user interfaces, which still limits the majority of input to electronics gadget. In this paper, a study on various motion recognition methodologies is given specific accentuation on available motions. A survey on hand posture and gesture is clarified with a detailed comparative analysis of hidden Markov model approach with other classifier techniques. Difficulties and future investigation bearing are also examined.  相似文献   

Face and gesture recognition: overview   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Computerised recognition of faces and facial expressions would be useful for human-computer interface, and provision for facial animation is to be included in the ISO standard MPEG-4 by 1999. This could also be used for face image compression. The technology could be used for personal identification, and would be proof against fraud. Degrees of difference between people are discussed, with particular regard to identical twins. A particularly good feature for personal identification is the texture of the iris. A problem is that there is more difference between images of the same face with, e.g., different expression or illumination, than there sometimes is between images of different faces. Face recognition by the brain is discussed  相似文献   

In temporal data analysis, noisy data is inevitable in both testing and training. This noise can seriously influence the performance of the temporal data analysis. To address this problem, we propose a novel method, termed Selective Temporal Filtering that builds a noise-free model for classification during training and identifies key-feature vectors that are noise-filtered data from the input sequence during testing. The use of these key-feature vectors makes the classifier robust to noise within the input space. The proposed method is validated on a synthetic-dataset and a database of American Sign Language. Using key-feature vectors results in robust performance with respect to the noise content. Futhermore, we are able to show that the proposed method not only outperforms Conditional Random Fields and Hidden Markov Models in noisy environments, but also in a well-controlled environment where we assume no significant noise vectors exist.  相似文献   

Many handwritten gestures, characters, and symbols comprise multiple pendown strokes separated by penup strokes. In this paper, a large number of features known from the literature are explored for the recognition of such multi-stroke gestures. Features are computed from a global gesture shape. From its constituent strokes, the mean and standard deviation of each feature are computed. We show that using these new stroke-based features, significant improvements in classification accuracy can be obtained between 10% and 50% compared to global feature representations. These results are consistent over four different databases, containing iconic pen gestures, handwritten symbols, and upper-case characters. Compared to two other multi-stroke recognition techniques, improvements between 25% and 39% are achieved, averaged over all four databases.  相似文献   

This paper presents a real-time framework that combines depth data and infrared laser speckle pattern (ILSP) images, captured from a Kinect device, for static hand gesture recognition to interact with CAVE applications. At the startup of the system, background removal and hand position detection are performed using only the depth map. After that, tracking is started using the hand positions of the previous frames in order to seek for the hand centroid of the current one. The obtained point is used as a seed for a region growing algorithm to perform hand segmentation in the depth map. The result is a mask that will be used for hand segmentation in the ILSP frame sequence. Next, we apply motion restrictions for gesture spotting in order to mark each image as a ‘Gesture’ or ‘Non-Gesture’. The ILSP counterparts of the frames labeled as “Gesture” are enhanced by using mask subtraction, contrast stretching, median filter, and histogram equalization. The result is used as the input for the feature extraction using a scale invariant feature transform algorithm (SIFT), bag-of-visual-words construction and classification through a multi-class support vector machine (SVM) classifier. Finally, we build a grammar based on the hand gesture classes to convert the classification results in control commands for the CAVE application. The performed tests and comparisons show that the implemented plugin is an efficient solution. We achieve state-of-the-art recognition accuracy as well as efficient object manipulation in a virtual scene visualized in the CAVE.  相似文献   

In this paper, we present a technique to recognize the position of sensors on the human body. Automatic on-body device localization ensures correctness and accuracy of measurements in health and medical monitoring systems. In addition, it provides opportunities to improve the performance and usability of ubiquitous devices. Our technique uses accelerometers to capture motion data to estimate the location of the device on the user's body, using mixed supervised and unsupervised time series analysis methods. We have evaluated our technique with extensive experiments on 25 subjects. On average, our technique achieves 89% accuracy in estimating the location of devices on the body. In order to study the feasibility of classification of left limbs from right limbs (e.g., left arm vs. right arm), we performed analysis, based of which no meaningful classification was observed. Personalized ultraviolet monitoring and wireless transmission power control comprise two immediate applications of our on-body device localization approach. Such applications, along with their corresponding feasibility studies, are discussed.  相似文献   

基于多相机的人脸姿态识别   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王磊  胡超  吴捷  贺庆  刘伟 《计算机应用》2010,30(12):3307-3310
主动形状模型(ASM)算法被用来进行人脸特征点的精确定位,然后在多相机测量的图像中进行特征点的立体匹配,利用双目视觉和相机三维测距技术可以确定人脸特征点的空间三维位置,从而利用这些特征点的相对位置确定出人脸的姿态。实验结果显示,用该方法进行人脸姿态识别能取得比二维识别更高的精确度。  相似文献   

张毅  刘钰然  罗元 《计算机应用》2014,34(3):833-836
针对手势识别算法复杂度高、在嵌入式系统上运行效率低的问题,提出一种以定点运算为主的基于形状特征的手势识别方法。采用内部最大圆法和圆截法提取特征点,在手掌内部寻找一个最大圆来获取掌心坐标;同时根据指尖的几何特征,在手形边缘以画圆的方式获取指尖,从而得到手势的手指数、方向和掌心位置等特征信息;再对这些特征信息进行分类并识别。通过对算法进行改进,完成了在数字信号处理器(DSP)上的移植。实验证明该方法对于不同人的手具有适应性,适合在DSP上处理,与其他基于形状特征的手势识别算法相比,平均识别率提高了1.6%~8.6%,计算机对算法的处理速度提高了2%,因此所提算法有利于嵌入式手势识别系统的实现,为嵌入式手势识别系统打下基础。  相似文献   

Hand gestures that are performed by one or two hands can be categorized according to their applications into different categories including conversational, controlling, manipulative and communicative gestures. Generally, hand gesture recognition aims to identify specific human gestures and use them to convey information. The process of hand gesture recognition composes mainly of four stages: hand gesture images collection, gesture image preprocessing using some techniques including edge detection, filtering and normalization, capture the main characteristics of the gesture images and the evaluation (or classification) stage where the image is classified to its corresponding gesture class. There are many methods that have been used in the classification stage of hand gesture recognition such as Artificial Neural Networks, template matching, Hidden Markov Models and Dynamic Time Warping. This exploratory survey aims to provide a progress report on hand posture and gesture recognition technology.  相似文献   

Real-time fingertip tracking and gesture recognition   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Augmented desk interfaces and other virtual reality systems depend on accurate, real-time hand and fingertip tracking for seamless integration between real objects and associated digital information. We introduce a method for discerning fingertip locations in image frames and measuring fingertip trajectories across image frames. We also propose a mechanism for combining direct manipulation and symbolic gestures based on multiple fingertip motions. Our method uses a filtering technique, in addition to detecting fingertips in each image frame, to predict fingertip locations in successive image frames and to examine the correspondences between the predicted locations and detected fingertips. This lets us obtain multiple complex fingertip trajectories in real time and improves fingertip tracking. This method can track multiple fingertips reliably even on a complex background under changing lighting conditions without invasive devices or color markers.  相似文献   

针对复杂背景下的手势识别容易受到环境干扰造成的识别困难问题,通过分析手势的表观特征,提出并实现了一种可用于自然人机交互的手势识别算法。该算法基于Kinect深度图像实现手势区域分割,然后提取手势手指弧度、指间弧度、手指数目等具有旋转缩放不变性的表观特征,运用最小距离法实现快速分类。并将该算法成功运用于实验室三指灵巧手平台,达到了理想的控制效果。实验表明该算法具有良好的鲁棒性,针对九种常用手势,平均识别率达到94.3%。  相似文献   

Recent progress in entertainment and gaming systems has brought more natural and intuitive human–computer interfaces to our lives. Innovative technologies, such as Xbox Kinect, enable the recognition of body gestures, which are a direct and expressive way of human communication. Although current development toolkits provide support to identify the position of several joints of the human body and to process the movements of the body parts, they actually lack a flexible and robust mechanism to perform high-level gesture recognition. In consequence, developers are still left with the time-consuming and tedious task of recognizing gestures by explicitly defining a set of conditions on the joint positions and movements of the body parts. This paper presents EasyGR (Easy Gesture Recognition), a tool based on machine learning algorithms that help to reduce the effort involved in gesture recognition. We evaluated EasyGR in the development of 7 gestures, involving 10 developers. We compared time consumed, code size, and the achieved quality of the developed gesture recognizers, with and without the support of EasyGR. The results have shown that our approach is practical and reduces the effort involved in implementing gesture recognizers with Kinect.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a novel method for real-time gesture recognition. Aiming at improving the effectiveness and accuracy of HGR, spatial pyramid is applied to linguistically segment gesture sequence into linguistic units and a temporal pyramid is proposed to get a time-related histogram for each single gesture. Those two pyramids can help to extract more comprehensive information of human gestures from RGB and depth video. A two-layered HGR is further exploited to further reduce the computation complexity. The proposed method obtains high accuracy and low computation complexity performance on the ChaLearn Gesture Dataset, comprising more than 50, 000 gesture sequences recorded.  相似文献   

韦知辛  方勇纯   《智能系统学报》2023,18(1):144-152
自主发育算法在智能机器人等领域有着广阔的应用前景,考虑到现有方法的局限性,本文提出了一种融合人类认知模式的自主发育神经网络,并将该方法应用于手势识别任务中。通过动态改变神经元预响应值计算过程中的人为指导部分来模拟人类的学习方式,提出了基于动态 k值的top-k 竞争机制,并模拟人脑对知识的接收和记忆功能实现优胜神经元突触权重的更新,最后基于神经元认知能力反馈进行突触重调整。对比实验结果表明,与原有方法相比,经该文改进后的自主发育网络在手势识别任务中具有更好的学习效果和更高的识别率。  相似文献   

江超  艾矫燕 《计算机应用》2012,32(Z1):128-133
利用OpenCV计算机视觉库在vs2008平台上设计了一个基于实时摄像头的集动态手势检测、动态手势跟踪、动态手势轨迹识别的应用.首先,该应用基于静止的背景更新,利用背景差分检测运动手势,再结合颜色直方图的粒子滤波进行动态手势跟踪,最后利用隐马尔可夫模型(HMM)进行运动轨迹识别.在运动检测部分结合了背景差分图与通过颜色直方图获得的反投影图,达到比较满意的实时运动检测效果;在运动手势跟踪部分,改进的颜色直方图的粒子跟踪能够在经过类肤色人脸的干扰后迅速地找回运动手势,基本达到了跟踪的要求,但是同时对于HMM识别轨迹时需要的运动轨迹序列采集造成了影响;在识别轨迹部分,HMM的训练达到了识别的要求,但是识别的效果主要取决于实时运动轨迹序列的采集工作与采集方法的优化.  相似文献   

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