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Thermal diffusivity measurements are carried out in nanofluids, solutions containing gold nanoparticles (~ 10–40 nm size), using the mode-mismatched dual-beam thermal lens technique. An Ar+ laser is used as the heating source, and an intensity stabilized He–Ne laser serves as the probe beam. This technique provides a reliable photothermal alternative for measuring thermal diffusivities of nanofluids and semitransparent samples. The characteristic time constant of the transient thermal lens was obtained by fitting the experimental data to the theoretical expression for the transient thermal lens. From this characteristic time, the fluid thermal diffusivity, which increases when the particle sizes increase was obtained. The size of the nanoparticles was obtained from transmission electron microscopy (TEM) analysis.Paper presented at the Seventeenth European Conference on Thermophysical Properties, September 5–8, 2005, Bratislava, Slovak Republic.  相似文献   

Time resolved thermal lens (TL) spectrometry is applied to the study of the thermal diffusivity of edible oils such as olive, and refined and thermally treated avocado oils. A two laser mismatched-mode experimental configuration was used, with a He–Ne laser as a probe beam and an Ar+ laser as the excitation one. The characteristic time constant of the transient thermal lens was obtained by fitting the experimental data to the theoretical expression for a transient thermal lens. The results showed that virgin olive oil has a higher thermal diffusivity than for refined and thermally treated avocado oils. This measured thermal property may contribute to a better understanding of the quality of edible oils, which is very important in the food industry. The thermal diffusivity results for virgin olive oil, obtained from this technique, agree with those reported in the literature.Paper presented at the Seventeenth European Conference on Thermophysical Properties, September 5-8, 2005, Bratislava, Slovak Republic.  相似文献   

A novel comparative method has been developed at the National Physical Laboratory (NPL) to measure the thermal diffusivity of semi-infinite samples without a priori knowledge of the boundary conditions. It is based on photothermal radiometry, and involves the detection of modulated thermal radiance from a target irradiated by a modulated, focused diode laser beam with a power of 1W. The technique exploits the fact that the frequency response of the surface temperature modulation scales with thermal diffusivity for a given target geometry (this is a fundamental property of the heat diffusion equation). In the process two samples are measured, one of which is known, and the diffusivity of the second material is derived from scaling the results over frequency. Measurements on samples of platinum and Inconel have shown the validity of the methodology but also raised issues concerning the difficulty of accurate measurements due to surface coatings or roughness.Paper presented at the Fifteenth Symposium on Thermophysical Properties, June 22--27, 2003, Boulder, Colorado, U.S.A.  相似文献   

Thermal Diffusivity and Microstructure in API5L-X52 Carbon Steel   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The determination of the thermal diffusivity of API5L-X52 carbon steel at room temperature, by means of the photoacoustic technique in a heat transmission configuration, is reported for the first time. Since literature values of thermal diffusivity for this low carbon steel do not exist, comparisons among our thermal diffusivity (α) results for API5L-X52 steel and those reported in the literature for steels with similar compositions are reported. Moreover, a study of the microstructure of this low carbon steel by means of scanning electronic microscopy (SEM) and X-ray diffraction (XRD) is presented. Paper presented at the Fifteenth Symposium on Thermophysical Properties, June 22–27, 2003, Boulder, Colorado, U.S.A.  相似文献   

A photothermal radiometry technique is being developed at the NPL with the goal of improving the accuracy of thermal diffusivity measurements. The principle is to perform a laser-induced thermal experiment while simultaneously making accurate measurements of the experimental boundary conditions. A numerical three-dimensional heat diffusion model based on thermal transfer functions has been developed to account for the measured boundary conditions. The thermal diffusivity is determined from the experimental data by a nonlinear, least-squares fit to the model. Experiments carried out on pure metals at 900 K demonstrate good agreement between the theoretical predictions and experimental data, and uncertainties of about 1.5% for the thermal diffusivities of platinum, titanium, and germanium were obtained.  相似文献   

超细微粒,特别是纳米级粒子的研制,在当前的高新技术中己成为一热门领域,在材料、化工、轻工、冶金、电子、生物医学等领域得到广泛应用.超临界流体技术制备超微粉体是一项新技术.本文介绍了近年来开发的一些新方法和新工艺,诸如超临界溶液快速膨胀法,超临界流体抗溶剂法,超临界流体化学反应和超临界干燥法.重点介绍了超临界溶液快速膨胀法、超临界流体抗溶剂法的研究进展及其影响因素.并指出,要将这些技术应用于工业化生产,尚需在理论上有一定的突破.  相似文献   

This paper presents absolute measurements for the thermal conductivity and thermal diffusivity of toluene obtained with a transient hot-wire instrument employing coated wires over the density interval of 735 to 870 kgm–3. A new expression for the influence of the wire coating is presented, and an examination of the importance of a nonuniform wire radius is verified with measurements on argon from 296 to 323 K at pressures to 61 MPa. Four isotherms were measured in toluene between 296 and 423 K at pressures to 35 MPa. The measurements have an uncertainty of less than ±0.5% for thermal conductivity and ±2% for thermal diffusivity. Isobaric heat capacity results, derived from the measured values of thermal conductivity and thermal diffusivity, using a density determined from an equation of state, have an uncertainty of ±3% after taking into account the uncertainty of the applied equation of state. The measurements demonstrate that isobaric specific heat determinations can be obtained successfully with the transient hot wire technique over a wide range of fluid states provided density values are available.  相似文献   

The measurement of thermal diffusivity for thin slabs by a converging thermal wave technique has been studied. Temperature variation at the center of the heat source ring that is produced by a pulsed high-power laser is detected by an infrared detector. A computer program based on the finite difference method is developed to analyze the thermal diffusivity of the slabs. Materials of both high thermal diffusivity (CVD diamond wafer) and low thermal diffusivity (stainless-steel foil) have been used for the measurements. The measurements have been performed by varying the size and the thickness of specimen. The converging thermal wave technique has proved to be a good method to measure the thermal diffusivity of a CVD diamond without breaking the wafer into small specimens. The technique can be applied for a small slab if the diameter of the slab is two times larger than that of the heat source ring. The sensitivity of thickness in measuring the thermal diffusivity is low for ordinary CVD diamond. The use of the converging thermal wave technique for nonhomogeneous, nonuniform, and anisotropic materials has been accomplished by applying the finite difference method.  相似文献   

This paper reports measurements of the effective thermal conductivity and thermal diffusivity of various nanofluids using the transient short-hot-wire technique. To remove the influences of the static charge and electrical conductance of the nanoparticles on measurement accuracy, the short-hot-wire probes are carefully coated with a pure Al2O3 thin film. Using distilled water and toluene as standard liquids of known thermal conductivity and thermal diffusivity, the length and radius of the hot wire and the thickness of the Al2O3 film are calibrated before and after application of the coating. The electrical leakage of the short-hot-wire probes is frequently checked, and only those probes that are coated well are used for measurements. In the present study, the effective thermal conductivities and thermal diffusivities of Al2O3/water, ZrO2/water, TiO2/water, and CuO/water nanofluids are measured and the effects of the volume fractions and thermal conductivities of nanoparticles and temperature are clarified. The average diameters of Al2O3, ZrO2, TiO2, and CuO particles are 20, 20, 40, and 33 nm, respectively. The uncertainty of the present measurements is estimated to be within 1% for the thermal conductivity and 5% for the thermal diffusivity. The measured results demonstrate that the effective thermal conductivities of the nanofluids show no anomalous enhancement and can be predicted accurately by the model equation of Hamilton and Crosser, when the spherical nanoparticles are dispersed into fluids.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the short-pulse-flash method developed for thermal diffusivity measurements on thin films. Two kinds of CVD diamond film have been prepared, and their thermal diffusivity in the perpendicular direction has been measured with this method. The measurement errors caused by the surface coating are discussed.  相似文献   

A practical representation for the critical thermal conductivity enhancement is developed by incorporating a finite cutoff into the asymptotic mode-coupling integrals for the diffusivity associated with the critical fluctuations. This procedure yields a simplified approximation to a more complete nonasymptotic solution of the mode-coupling integrals obtained by us earlier. A comparison is made with thermal conductivity data for carbon dioxide, ethane, and methane.Paper presented at the Tenth Symposium on Thermophysical Properties, June 20–23, 1988, Gaithersburg, Maryland, U.S.A.Formerly National Bureau of Standards  相似文献   

The laser-pulse method is a well-established nonsteady-state measurement technique for measuring the thermal diffusivity, a, of solid homogeneous isotropic opaque materials. BNM-LNE has developed its own bench based on the principle of this method in which the thermal diffusivity is identified according to the “partial time moments method.” Uncertainties of thermal diffusivity by means of this method have been calculated according to the ISO/BIPM “Guide to the Expression of Uncertainty in Measurement.” Results are presented for several cases (Armco iron, Pyroceram 9606) in the temperature range from 20 to 800°C. The relative expanded (k = 2) uncertainty of the thermal diffusivity determination is estimated to be from ±3 to ±5%, depending on the material and the temperature. Paper presented at the Fifteenth Symposium on Thermophysical Properties, June 22–27, 2003, Boulder, Colorado, U.S.A.  相似文献   

Thermal property measurements of natural gas hydrates in various sediment mixtures are necessary to describe heat transfer to surroundings during well boring and gas production. An apparatus for measuring thermal diffusivity in various mixtures of hydrates with sediment has been constructed. The apparatus uses a new method for determining thermal diffusivity that has advantages over the von Herzen and Maxwell probe method. The new experiment is simple and inexpensive to construct and appears to be much more accurate than the ±30% reported for an earlier probe. The thermal diffusivity of ice has been measured to determine the uncertainty of the technique, i.e., within ±6% with a 95% confidence level. The thermal diffusivity for pure methane hydrate at various temperatures is reported. Paper presented at the Fifteenth Symposium on Thermophysical Properties, June 22–27, 2003, Boulder, Colorado, U.S.A.  相似文献   

A new apparatus based on dynamic grating radiometry (DGR) to measure the thermal diffusivity of high-conductivity materials such as graphite and diamond has been developed. In the DGR method, a sample surface is heated by interference of two pulsed laser beams, and the decay of temperature at a spot on the thermal grating is monitored by an infrared detector. In the ideal case where the grating period is much smaller than the light absorption length, the thermal diffusivity parallel to the surface can be determined from the decay constant and the grating period. This paper describes a procedure to extract the thermal diffusivity parallel to the plane while eliminating the effect of anisotropy and gives results for a preliminary measurement using Zr foil. A quadratic dependence of the time constant on fringe space has been observed in the fringe space change. Data are also presented for a 0.1-mm-thick graphite sheet. The results indicate the capability of DGR to measure anisotropic high-conductivity materials.  相似文献   

One of the most important factors in the preparation of edible films regards the choice of ingredients. Edible films are commonly prepared with single or mixed high-molecular-weight compounds like proteins and gums. In the present work, protein and gum-based edible films were prepared and their thermal diffusivity determined by photoacoustics. The films were prepared with different concentrations of four basic ingredients: whey protein concentrate, mesquite gum, sodium alginate, and -carrageenan. In single-component films, the highest thermal diffusivity was found in mesquite gum (1.97×10–7m2s–1), followed by sodium alginate, whey protein concentrate, and -carrageenan samples. In composed films, the highest thermal diffusivity was obtained in a ternary film made of mesquite gum, whey protein concentrate, and sodium alginate in identical parts (5.20×10–7m2s–1).  相似文献   

The thermal diffusivity of brittle coatings cannot be measured by the flash method directly because of the difficulty of preparing free-standing samples. Adopting the flash method using a two-layer composite sample, it is possible to measure thermal diffusivity if the radiant pulse is well defined and good thermal contact on the interface of the composite sample can be ensured. Using an equilateral trapezoidal pulse of an Nd-glass laser measuring the dimensionless temperature history of the rear face of the sample, we determined the thermal diffusivity of thermal control coatings in the temperature range of 80 to 200°C. The results for different thicknesses of substrate showed that the thermal contact resistance of the interface can be neglected.  相似文献   

This paper presents results of measurements of a graphite proposed to serve as a thermophysical property reference or standard reference material. The reported measurements contribute to a program launched in 1999 by Anter Corp. with the objective to provide a replacement for the NIST thermal property reference material RM AXM-5Q graphite whose supplies were being exhausted. Measurements of the thermal diffusivity performed on five specimens taken from different positions within a large graphite block between room temperature and 1300 K were in good mutual agreement. Measurements of NIST reference AXM-5Q graphite sample supplied to minimize effects of different contributors to a common base were also in good agreement, both with the NBS reference function established by Hust in 1984 and contributions to the NBS project from the Vinca Institute of Nuclear Sciences carried out in 1979. The influence of different data reduction techniques on the measured thermal diffusivity values is illustrated and discussed.  相似文献   

In the measurement of thermal diffusivity by the laser flash method, a temperature rise occurs in the sample as a pulsed laser hits on the sample surface. Due to the temperature dependence of thermal diffusivity of the sample, the thermal diffusivity corresponds to a temperature that is larger by T eff than the temperature before laser irradiation is applied. This effective temperature rise, T eff, has been investigated by using a numerical simulation. The results indicate that the effective temperature rise is almost equal to a maximum temperature rise, T M, of the back surface of the sample in cases where both linear and nonlinear temperature variations of thermal diffusivity are considered.  相似文献   

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