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A unique feature of the Circum Pacific orogenic belts is the occurrence of ophiolitic bodies of various sizes, most of which display petrological and geochemical characteristics typical of supra-subduction zone oceanic crust. In SE Asia, a majority of the ophiolites appear to have originated at convergent margins, and specifically in backarc or island arc settings, which evolved either along the edge of the Sunda (Eurasia) and Australian cratons, or within the Philippine Sea Plate. These ophiolites were later accreted to continental margins during the Tertiary. Because of fast relative plate velocities, tectonic regimes at the active margins of these three plates also changed rapidly. Strain partitioning associated with oblique convergence caused arc-trench systems to move further away from the locus of their accretion. We distinguish “relatively autochthonous ophiolites” resulting from the shortening of marginal basins such as the present-day South China Sea or the Coral Sea, and “highly displaced ophiolites” developed in oblique convergent margins, where they were dismantled, transported and locally severely sheared during final docking. In peri-cratonic mobile belts (i.e. the Philippine Mobile Belt) we find a series of oceanic basins which have been slightly deformed and uplifted. Varying lithologies and geochemical compositions of tectonic units in these basins, as well as their age discrepancies, suggest important displacements along major wrench faults.We have used plate tectonic reconstructions to restore the former backarc basins and island arcs characterized by known petro-geochemical data to their original location and their former tectonic settings. Some of the ophiolites occurring in front of the Sunda plate represent supra-subduction zone basins formed along the Australian Craton margin during the Mesozoic. The Philippine Sea Basin, the Huatung basin south of Taiwan, and composite ophiolitic basements of the Philippines and Halmahera may represent remnants of such marginal basins. The portion of the Philippine Sea Plate carrying the Taiwan–Philippine arc and its composite ophiolitic/continental crustal basement might have actually originated in a different setting, closer to that of the Papua New Guinea Ophiolite, and then have been displaced rapidly as a result of shearing associated with fast oblique convergence.  相似文献   

J. Golonka   《Tectonophysics》2004,381(1-4):235
Thirteen time interval maps were constructed, which depict the Triassic to Neogene plate tectonic configuration, paleogeography and general lithofacies of the southern margin of Eurasia. The aim of this paper is to provide an outline of the geodynamic evolution and position of the major tectonic elements of the area within a global framework. The Hercynian Orogeny was completed by the collision of Gondwana and Laurussia, whereas the Tethys Ocean formed the embayment between the Eurasian and Gondwanian branches of Pangea. During Late Triassic–Early Jurassic times, several microplates were sutured to the Eurasian margin, closing the Paleotethys Ocean. A Jurassic–Cretaceous north-dipping subduction boundary was developed along this new continental margin south of the Pontides, Transcaucasus and Iranian plates. The subduction zone trench-pulling effect caused rifting, creating the back-arc basin of the Greater Caucasus–proto South Caspian Sea, which achieved its maximum width during the Late Cretaceous. In the western Tethys, separation of Eurasia from Gondwana resulted in the formation of the Ligurian–Penninic–Pieniny–Magura Ocean (Alpine Tethys) as an extension of Middle Atlantic system and a part of the Pangean breakup tectonic system. During Late Jurassic–Early Cretaceous times, the Outer Carpathian rift developed. The opening of the western Black Sea occurred by rifting and drifting of the western–central Pontides away from the Moesian and Scythian platforms of Eurasia during the Early Cretaceous–Cenomanian. The latest Cretaceous–Paleogene was the time of the closure of the Ligurian–Pieniny Ocean. Adria–Alcapa terranes continued their northward movement during Eocene–Early Miocene times. Their oblique collision with the North European plate led to the development of the accretionary wedge of the Outer Carpathians and its foreland basin. The formation of the West Carpathian thrusts was completed by the Miocene. The thrust front was still propagating eastwards in the eastern Carpathians.During the Late Cretaceous, the Lesser Caucasus, Sanandaj–Sirjan and Makran plates were sutured to the Iranian–Afghanistan plates in the Caucasus–Caspian Sea area. A north-dipping subduction zone jumped during Paleogene to the Scythian–Turan Platform. The Shatski terrane moved northward, closing the Greater Caucasus Basin and opening the eastern Black Sea. The South Caspian underwent reorganization during Oligocene–Neogene times. The southwestern part of the South Caspian Basin was reopened, while the northwestern part was gradually reduced in size. The collision of India and the Lut plate with Eurasia caused the deformation of Central Asia and created a system of NW–SE wrench faults. The remnants of Jurassic–Cretaceous back-arc systems, oceanic and attenuated crust, as well as Tertiary oceanic and attenuated crust were locked between adjacent continental plates and orogenic systems.  相似文献   

The Upper Precambrian and Lower Palaeozoic Rocks in the Mt Lofty Ranges, South Australia, have been subjected to at least three phases of folding. The first involved the formation of inclined folds and less common reclined folds. These structures are overprinted by usually upright, moderately tight, second and third generation folds which may show a well developed axial plane crenulation cleavage.

The metamorphism commenced prior to the appearance of penetrative structures and continued in many areas until after the third phase of deformation. It appears to have had its greatest effect during the static period following the first phase of folding.

Mineral assemblages of the pelitic rocks indicate that the metamorphism is of the low pressure‐intermediate type and that there are at least four progressive zones of metamorphism, namely, chlorite, biotite, andalusite‐staurolite, and sillimanite. Cordierite occurs in the sillimanite zone and kyanite is sporadically distributed in the andalusite‐staurolite zone. In the Angaston‐Springton region separate andalusite and staurolite zone boundaries may be delineated which cross as they are traced towards Angaston. This relationship is considered to be due to higher pressures operating during metamorphism in the latter area.

The maximum pressure and temperature reached in the metamorphism of these rocks are discussed in the light of recent experimental data.  相似文献   

通过塔里木板块的构造开合演化及古地理变迁,去追索层控型金属矿床成矿的时空规律,从而划分出老(元古代,以中元古代为主)、中(晚古生代,以泥盆纪-石炭纪为主)、青(中新生代,以白垩纪-新近纪为主。)三个集中成矿区间(期),并言明其层次成矿构造属性及空间分布格局。  相似文献   

The Reguibat Shield comprises a western “Archaean terrane” and eastern “Eburnean terrane” juxtaposed during the early Palaeoproterozoic Eburnean Orogeny. Metasedimentary rocks of probable Palaeoproterozoic age are preserved as flat-lying klippen (Kediat Ijil and Guelb Zednes) and steep imbricate zones (El Mahaoudat range and Sfariat Belt). These are interpreted to record a phase of thrust tectonics that emplaced a continental margin succession onto a composite Archaean foreland prior to ca. 2.06 Ga sinistral transcurrent deformation. Together, these events reflect partitioned Eburnean transpression.  相似文献   

The western Pacific region has been refrigerated by the subducting cold oceanic plates since 450 Ma. However, the region is also characterized by the presence of many oceanic microplates less than 1300 km across, as well as active magmatism; the Philippine Sea plate is representative. We have compiled and examined petrochemical characters of drilled basalts of DSDP from the Philippine Sea plate, and conclude that the source mantle for oceanic basalts is rich in water ca. 0.2 wt.%, and is 50–60 °C lower than that for MORB. The extensive melting is due to the high water content in the source mantle.It is well known that some marginal basins apparently have greater depths than the major oceans. We calculated the age–depth correlation based on a model of transient half-space cooling at given parameters of temperatures of mantle and surface, 1280 and 0 °C, and the thermal diffusivity, 1 mm2 s− 1. The calculation shows the correlation of age-residual depth from a mid-oceanic ridge is 367 for the Philippine Sea, consistent with the bathymetric data. Moreover, the mid-oceanic ridge may be relatively deep because this region is underlain by the cooler mantle.Addition of water to the mantle peridotite lowers the solidus temperature and viscosity. Melting experiments of hydrous peridotite show that addition of 0.2 wt.% H2O content lowers the solidus temperature by 150 °C. As a result, the mantle under the region may practically correspond to a ca. 90 °C hotter mantle than normal MORB-source mantle in terms of magmatism and rheology. Numerical simulation for a hotter mantle suggests that many small plates should be formed because of extensive heat release by active magmatism, consistent with many microplates in this region. The presence of many oceanic microplates may be analogous to Archean plate tectonics, characterized by a hotter mantle.  相似文献   

Onshore–offshore seismic refraction profiling allows for the determination of crustal and mantle structures in the transition between continental and oceanic environments. Islands and narrow landmasses have the unique geometry of allowing for double-sided onshore–offshore experiments that favor the construction of composite “super-gathers” using the acquisition of onshore–offshore and ocean-bottom seismometer receiver gathers, land explosion shot gathers, and near-vertical incidence multichannel seismic (MCS) profiling. A number of sites at plate boundaries are amenable to the application of double-sided onshore–offshore imaging, including the Indo-Australian/Pacific transform boundary on South Island, New Zealand. By comparing the ratio of island width to mantle refraction (Pn) “maximum” crossover distance, using nondimensional distances, we provide an indicator of raypath “coverage” for crustal illumination. Islands or narrow land masses whose widths are less than twice their maximum crossover distance are candidates for double-sided onshore–offshore experiments. The SIGHT (South Island GeopHysical invesTigation) experiment in New Zealand is located where the width of South Island is sufficiently narrow with respect to its crustal thickness that a double-sided onshore–offshore experiment allows for complete crustal imaging of the associated plate boundary.  相似文献   

The tectonic evolution history of the South China Sea(SCS) is important for understanding the interaction between the Pacific Tectonic Domain and the Tethyan Tectonic Domain,as well as the regional tectonics and geodynamics during the multi-plate convergence in the Cenozoic.Several Cenozoic basins formed in the northern margin of the SCS,which preserve the sedimentary tectonic records of the opening of the SCS.Due to the spatial non-uniformity among different basins,a systematic study on the various basins in the northern margin of the SCS constituting the Northern Cenozoic Basin Group(NCBG) is essential.Here we present results from a detailed evaluation of the spatial-temporal migration of the boundary faults and primary unconformities to unravel the mechanism of formation of the NCBG.The NCBG is composed of the Beibu Gulf Basin(BBGB),Qiongdongnan Basin(QDNB),Pearl River Mouth Basin(PRMB) and Taixinan Basin(TXNB).Based on seismic profiles and gravity-magnetic anomalies,we confirm that the NE-striking onshore boundary faults propagated into the northern margin of the SCS.Combining the fault slip rate,fault combination and a comparison of the unconformities in different basins,we identify NE-striking rift composed of two-stage rifting events in the NCBG:an early-stage rifting(from the Paleocene to the Early Oligocene) and a late-stage rifting(from the Late Eocene to the beginning of the Miocene).Spatially only the late-stage faults occurs in the western part of the NCBG(the BBGB,the QDNB and the western PRMB),but the early-stage rifting is distributed in the whole NCBG.Temporally,the early-stage rifting can be subdivided into three phases which show an eastward migration,resulting in the same trend of the primary unconformities and peak faulting within the NCBG.The late-stage rifting is subdivided into two phases,which took place simultaneously in different basins.The first and second phase of the early-stage rifting is related to back-arc extension of the Pacific subduction retreat system.The third phase of the earlystage rifting resulted from the joint effect of slab-pull force due to southward subduction of the proto-SCS and the back-arc extension of the Pacific subduction retreat system.In addition,the first phase of the late-stage faulting corresponds with the combined effect of the post-collision extension along the Red River Fault and slab-pull force of the proto-SCS subduction.The second phase of the late-stage faulting fits well with the sinistral faulting of the Red River Fault in response to the Indochina Block escape tectonics and the slab-pull force of the proto-SCS.  相似文献   

The Paleoproterozoic domain of the Ivory Coast lies in the central part of the West African Craton (WAC) and is mainly constituted by TTG, greenstones, supracrustal rocks and leucogranites. A compilation of metamorphic and radiometric data highlights that: i) metamorphic conditions are rather homogeneous through the domain, without important metamorphic jumps, ii) HP-LT assemblages are absent and iii) important volumes of magmas emplaced during the overall Paleoproterozoic orogeny suggesting the occurrence of long-lived rather hot geotherms. Results of the structural analysis, focused on three areas within the Ivory Coast, suggest that the deformation is homogeneous and distributed through the Paleoproterozoic domain. In details, results of this study point out the long-lived character of vertical movements during the Eburnean orogeny with a two folds evolution. The first stage is characterized by the development of “domes and basins” geometries without any boundary tectonic forces and the second stage is marked by coeval diapiric movements and horizontal regional-scale shortening. These features suggest that the crust is affected by vertical movements during the overall orogeny. The Eburnean orogen can then be considered as an example of long-lived Paleoproterozoic “weak type” orogen.  相似文献   

Barite occurrences related to the Cenozoic (Late Alpine) low-temperature hydrothermal activity are present in the continental Ohře (Eger) Rift area. A specific, Ra-bearing type of barite has been known under the name “radiobarite” from this area since 1904. Revision of 12 localities revealed the presence of alleged radiobarite only in the Teplice (Lahošť–Jeníkov) and Karlovy Vary areas. Barite from other localities is radium-poor. Barite crystals showing concentric oscillation colour zoning totally prevail. Isomorphous substitution of Sr (X×10−1 to X×wt%), Ca (X×10−2 wt%) and Fe (X×10−1 wt%) for Ba was proved. Average SrO contents of 0.4 wt% are markedly exceeded in some samples from Lahošť–Jeníkov (max. 3.2 wt%) and Karlovy Vary (max. 4.9 wt%). Besides inclusions of stoichiometric iron disulphide, the same samples also contain iron disulphides with unusual high contents of Co (max. 12.2 wt%) and Ni (max. to 8.4 wt%). Specific activity of 238U in the studied barites is very low while that of 226Ra reaches 8 Bq/g in several samples. Therefore, 226Ra is not in equilibrium with its parent uranium. These “radiobarites” or their parts must be therefore relatively young, not older than 10–15 ka. Very low uranium contents (<0.4 ppm) were also confirmed by neutron activation analyses of barite samples.

Unit-cell dimensions refined from X-ray powder diffraction data do not show any systematic variation with the measured chemical composition. Their values agree with the data given in the literature. Reflection half-widths, however, seem to correlate with chemistry. Peaks are wider in samples from Lahošť–Jeníkov and Karlovy Vary.

Sulphur and oxygen stable isotope compositions of the Cenozoic barite mineralization of Teplice area are very uniform (δ34S values between 3.9‰ and 7.1‰ CDT, and δ18O values between 6.1‰ and 7.7‰ SMOW), while the barites of Děc˘ín area show more variable sulphur sources. Sulphate derived from sediments of the Tertiary Most Basin seems to dominate for the Teplice area, while Cretaceous sediments are a more probable sulphur source in the Děc˘ín area. Calculation of oxygen isotope composition of hydrothermal fluids based on fluid inclusion homogenization temperatures and barite δ18O data shows δ18Ofluid values in the range of meteoric waters or δ18O – shifted deep circulating meteoric or basinal waters.  相似文献   

The SW Baltic Sea occupies an area where crustal-scale regional tectonic zones of different age merge and overlap, creating a complex tectonic pattern. This pattern influenced the evolution of the Mesozoic sedimentary basin in this area. We present an interpretation of new high-resolution seismic data from the SW Baltic Sea which provided new information both on modes of the Late Cretaceous inversion of this part of the Danish–Polish Mesozoic basin system as well as on relationship between tectonic processes and syn-tectonic depositional systems. Within the Bornholm–Dar owo Fault Zone, located between the Koszalin Fault and Christiansø Block, both strike-slip and reverse faulting took place during the inversion-related activity. The faulting was related to reactivation of extensional pre-Permian fault system. Syn-tectonic sedimentary features include a prominent, generally S- and SE-directed, progradational depositional system with the major source area provided by uplifted basement blocks, in particular by the Bornholm Block. Sediment progradation was enhanced by downfaulting along a strike-slip fault zone and related expansion of accommodation space. Closer to the Christiansø Block, some syn-tectonic deposition also took place and resulted in subtle thickness changes within the hinge zones of inversion-related growth folds. Lack of significant sediment supply from the inverted and uplifted offshore part of the Mid-Polish Trough suggests that in this area NW–SE-located marginal trough parallel to the inversion axis of the Mid-Polish Trough did not form, and that uplifted Bornholm Block played by far more prominent role for development of syn-inversion depositional successions.  相似文献   

Training and Guidance (TAG) units in the Scottish Highlands are sites that people with mental health problems can access for training and learning activities designed to prepare them for (re-)entry into the labour market. These units also perform other, perhaps more intangible, roles in assisting trainees to cope with their mental health problems, thereby offering a supportive setting with therapeutic dimensions (albeit one not explicitly configured as delivering therapy). In this paper we explore the ‘in-between’ quality of the TAG units as spaces that might be said to possess dual economic and social roles. Using primarily qualitative evidence, we investigate both sets of roles, debating the extent to which the economic and social imperatives complement or contradict one another. The paper contributes to critical commentary on how ‘workfare’ initiatives articulate with the experiences and concerns of disabled trainees, the novelty arising in part from centralising the material spaces at the heart of such initiatives.  相似文献   

The East China Sea basins, located in the West Pacific Continental Margin (WPCM) since the late Mesozoic, mainly include the East China Sea Shelf Basin (ECSSB) and the Okinawa Trough (OT). The WPCM and its adjacent seas can be tectonically divided into five units from west to east, including the Min‐Zhe Uplift, ECSSB, the Taiwan–Sinzi Belt, OT, and the Ryukyu Island Arc, which record regional tectonic evolution and geodynamics. Among those tectonic units, the ECSSB and the OT are important composite sedimentary pull‐apart basins, which experienced two stages of strike‐slip pull‐apart processes. In seismic profiles, the ECSSB and the OT show a double‐layer architecture with an upper half‐graben overlapping on a lower graben. In planar view, the ECSSB and the OT are characterized by faulted blocks from south to north in the early Cenozoic and by a zonation from west to east in the late Cenozoic. The faulted blocks with planar zonation and two‐layer vertical architecture entirely jumped eastward from the Min‐Zhe Uplift to the OT during the late Cenozoic. In addition, the whole palaeogeomorphology of the ECSSB changed notably, from pre‐Cenozoic highland or mountain into a Late Eocene continental margin with east‐tilting topography caused by the eastward tectonic jumping. The OT opened to develop into a back‐arc basin until the Miocene. Synthetic surface geological studies in the China mainland reveal that the Mesozoic tectonic setting of the WPCM is an Andean‐type continental margin developing many sinistral strike‐slip faults and pull‐apart basins and the Cenozoic tectonic setting of the WPCM is a Japanese‐type continental margin developing dextral strike‐slip faults and pull‐apart basins. Thus, the WPCM underwent a transition from Andean‐type to Japanese‐type continental margins at about 80 Ma (Late Cretaceous) and a transition in topography from a Mesozoic highland to a Cenozoic lowland, and then to below sea‐level basins. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Jody Emel  Matthew T. Huber   《Geoforum》2008,39(3):1393-1407
Natural resource investment in the mining sector is often mediated through conflicts over rent distribution between corporate capital and landowner states. Recent rounds of neoliberal policy promoted by the World Bank have highlighted the need for landowner states to offer incentives in order to attract “high risk” capital investment. In Sub-Saharan Africa, in particular, countries have been pushed to offer attractive fiscal terms to capital, thereby lowering the proportion traditionally called rent. This paper examines how the concept of “risk” has been mobilized to legitimate such skewed distributional arrangements. While certain conceptions of social and ecological “risk” have been prevalent in political and social theoretic discourse on mining, such focus elides the overwhelming contemporary power of our notion of “neoliberal risk” – or the financial/market risks – in actually setting the distributional terms of mineral investment. We illustrate our argument by examining the nexus of World Bank mining policy promotion and Tanzanian policy in the late 1990s meant to attract foreign direct investment in gold production. In closing, we suggest that just as “risk” is used to legitimate attractive fiscal terms for investment, recent events highlight how skewed distribution of benefits may set into motion risks that corporate capital had not bargained for.  相似文献   

Abstract. The oceanic basement of the Central Philippines is exposed in ophiolitic massifs the age and origin of which remain debated. The Tacloban Ophiolite Complex (TOC) outcrops as a NW-SE trending massif in the northeastern portion of Leyte Island, Central Philippines. It is unconformably overlain by sedimentary sequences dated to Late Miocene-Pliocene and Pleistocene volcaniclastic deposits on its eastern and western flanks, respectively. Field, petrographic and trace element data suggest a subduction-related origin for this ophiolite. Sensitive High Resolution Ion Microprobe (SHRIMP) U-Pb dating of zircons from a gabbro yielded Early Cretaceous magmatic age for the TOC, which is very much older than a previously reported whole rock K-Ar derived Eocene age. The Early Cretaceous age of the TOC limits its possible progenitor to the proto-Philippine Sea Plate. Correlation with other Cretaceous ophiolites in Central Philippines reveals the possible extent of the proto-Philippine Sea Plate remnants now exposed onland.  相似文献   

The broad-spectrum herbicide glyphosate has become the largest-selling crop-protection product worldwide. The increased use of glyphosate is associated with the appearance of a growing number of tolerant or resistant weeds, with socio-environmental consequences apart from the loss of productivity. In 2002, a glyphosate-resistant biotype of johnsongrass (Sorghum halepense (L.)) appeared in Argentina and now covers at least 10,000 ha. This paper analyzes the driving forces behind the emergence and spread of this weed and also examines management responses and their implications.Preventive strategies against glyphosate-resistant johnsongrass fail because of the institutional setting. Reactive measures, however, transfer the risks to the society and the environment through the introduction of novel genetically modified crops that allow the use of yet more herbicide. This in turn reinforces the emergence of herbicide-resistant weeds, constituting a new phenomenon of intensification, the “transgenic treadmill”.  相似文献   

李述靖  吕古贤 《现代地质》2021,35(5):1260-1266
汾渭地堑系位于我国东部阴山与秦岭纬向带之间,自北向南,由集宁、怀来、大同、蔚县、忻州、太原、晋中、汾渭、天水、礼县、西和、成县等10余个NE向斜列的新生代断陷盆地组成,它们呈“S”形展布,反映华北地块在新生代时期发生了顺时针旋转,使古老地块发生裂解,可称之为“S”型旋转拉分构造体系。这个构造体系对中国东部构造格局和构造发展有广泛和深远的影响,强烈改造了秦岭—大别山纬向构造带和江南地块北缘的构造格局,使新华夏系形成分段特征,启动了华北地块伸展构造发展模式,影响所及直达琉球海沟。无独有偶,亚洲中部俄罗斯、蒙古境内有贝加尔地堑系,由反“S”形分布的新生代断陷盆地组成,它们也发育于古老结晶地块之中,可与之对比,是逆时针旋转的反“S”型旋转拉分构造体系。说明它们是同一类型的旋转构造型式,是古老地块裂解的一种方式。  相似文献   

Social change in rural China is to be understood as a complex interaction of global effects, state and regional actions and competing systems of valuation. An important implication of this model of path dependence is the development of distinctive forms of markets in different regions of the country. One such distinctive model that is emerging in southern Inner Mongolia is based on the independent commodity production of milk (on small dairy farms) for large, capitalist dairy corporations. Yet this production system is also being challenged by the emergence of large, capitalist dairy farms in this region. The outcome of the competition between these two forms of production will depend on locally specific trajectories of costs and opportunities. The long run evolution of this production system is thus not plannable in advance and is locally contingent.  相似文献   

The study focuses on the “moated” Iron Age sites of N.E. Thailand, first identified as significant prehistoric settlement sites in the 1940s from aerial photography. Two more recent photograph sets are used to map the surficial geology and prehistoric site distribution for a study area west of Phimai, N.E. Thailand, with a focus on site–landscape relationships and, in particular, relationships between site location and form and patterns of palaeodrainage. The derived record of the surficial geology reflects several phases of palaeodrainage, characterized by differing locations and types of former river channels. Of note is the differentiation between a recent period in which river channels, including those presently active, are single-string meandering channels, and an older period of broad belts of meandering multistring channels. The prehistoric site distribution correlates closely with the older drainage, and for many, the encircling channels (the “moats”) are closely associated with former river channels. These relationships provide a critical and novel model for site distribution; several implications arise, supported by emerging field evidence, and introducing issues for archaeological debate: (i) there is no need, as has been done in the past, to invoke prehistoric artificial forms of drainage associated with the sites; (ii) the definition of the encircling channels as “moats” is seriously called into question; and (iii) the inferred geomorphological evolution of the floodplain implies past changes in environmental parameters such as run-off, climate or biophysical environments. Since the sites are all located in or beside ancient meander belts, these parameters should now be introduced into archaeological discussions regarding the establishment, history, evolution, and abandonment of the Iron Age sites. Methodologically, this article illustrates the need to be aware of the complexity of aerial photograph interpretation in archaeological survey, showing that careful analysis of aerial photograph information may have a significant impact upon the modeling of prehistoric interpretations. Further stratigraphical studies will be reported subsequently, and will refine the models presented here. © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

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