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落巨福  刘强 《昆虫知识》2011,48(4):971-977
2004-2005年在西鄂尔多斯地区,选择巢室数>300的沙漠石蜂Megachile(Chalicodoma)desertorum Morawitz巢区,通过标记巢室和雌蜂,在整个成蜂活动期连续对沙漠石蜂的筑巢习性和行为进行了观测研究.结果显示:该蜂一生一般能建8~12个巢室,优先利用未被破坏的旧巢.利用旧巢的过程为:...  相似文献   

落巨福  刘强 《昆虫知识》2006,43(3):352-355,F0004
沙漠石蜂Megachile(Chalicodoma)desertorumMorawitz的成虫活动期与西鄂尔多斯地区多种植物的开花物候相适应,是多种荒漠植物(其中包括一些珍稀濒危植物)的重要传粉昆虫。该文报道了沙漠石蜂除成虫外各虫态的形态特征、生活史及幼虫和成虫的行为等生物学特性。该蜂在西鄂尔多斯地区1年发生1代。越冬成虫翌年4月中旬开始出巢活动;雄蜂早于雌蜂9 d左右出现,完成交尾后数日死亡,雄蜂出巢后寿命20 d左右,雌蜂约35 d。卵期约12 d。幼虫期85 d左右,老熟幼虫多数在6月中旬结茧,7月末开始化蛹,蛹期约18 d。成蜂于8月中旬陆续羽化,羽化后的成虫很快进入滞育状态,并在茧内越冬;滞育期长达235 d。  相似文献   

柑马蜂Polistes mandarinus在不同的环境中会利用植物材料制作各种不同的蜂巢。我们在2009年5-8月间观察研究了西藏自治区波密县的柑马蜂筑巢习性, 并收集62个蜂巢。柑马蜂利用植物纤维和树脂将它们的巢穴筑于当地居民的木屋檐下。收集的42个在用蜂巢中, 8月末平均拥有79.64±65.28个蜂房, 13.1±10.68个蜂蛹。20个弃用蜂巢中, 平均拥有12.95±3.99个蜂房。8月末, 成功的柑马蜂群拥有约80个个体。研究地的柑马蜂采取3种方式来筑巢, 但以第1种方式最为普遍。第1种筑巢方式筑造的蜂巢以两个蜂房连接巢柄, 结构最为稳定, 所以也应用最广, 后两种筑巢方式筑造的蜂巢均以一个蜂房连接巢柄, 是由于越冬雌蜂在找不到合适的筑巢材料时才采取的建巢方式。  相似文献   

相对于标准鼠盒,实验大、小鼠更喜好有筑巢材料的“环境丰荣”鼠盒.向标准鼠盒中放入筑巢材料,可以为大、小鼠提供筑巢、躲避、攀爬、休息的环境.因此,在实验大、小鼠饲养过程中,提供筑巢材料,是一个简单有效的丰富实验动物环境,提高实验动物福利的方法.本文就筑巢材料应用背景、近年来在啮齿类实验动物环境丰荣中的应用、对实验动物福利的影响三方面做以综述,并对今后筑巢材料在改善实验动物福利的应用前景作以展望.  相似文献   

于1990—2004年的繁殖季节,在青藏高原北部地区收集了12种常见的雀形目鸟类的巢,并且对这些鸟巢的分布格局和结构特征进行了比较研究。所有鸟巢分布表现出草地、灌木丛和沼泽的水平分割和地上、地面及地下的垂直分割的空间分布模式,其中地面杯状巢最普遍。巢结构特征,存在从简单到复杂的系列谱变化,主要表现:巢形状从浅到深,从开放到封闭;巢材性质从单一的植物性到复合的动植物性;巢材重从少到多。不管这些变化有多大,都反映了所有鸟种选择巢址是在安全和隔热两种基本条件之间权衡。在变化谱上的每种鸟巢都有自己的利弊,选择哪种类型的巢是由鸟本身的遗传和环境特征两方面的因素决定的。另外,巢材的运输反映了亲鸟对筑巢活动的投资,是繁殖投入的重要组成部分。因此,巢材重与亲鸟体重之比可以反映出筑巢活动投资的高低。百灵科鸟的开放式地面巢材重大约是亲鸟体重的1/2;而褐背拟地鸦的地下封闭巢的巢材重约为亲鸟体重的5倍以上。其余种类都在两者之间变化。总之,如此不同的投资差异是在捕食压力和种间竞争作用下以及亲鸟为满足鸟卵胚胎和雏鸟迅速生长发育的必要条件下,各种生物学特征协调的结果。  相似文献   

火红拟孔蜂的筑巢习性和行为   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
对火红拟孔蜂(Hoplitis pyrrhosoma)连续4年的野外观察研究发现,该蜂为濒危植物四合木的重要传粉昆虫,其切取霸王,蝎虎霸王,白刺,红沙,猪毛菜,雾冰藜等植物叶片并与土粘合成巢室;筑巢场所有砖石缝,废弃的土墙或土坯墙,建筑物和崖壁上的孔洞或缝,植物茎杆内管,亦产发现在枝条稠密的灌木基部,挂在植物上的编织物和黑色塑料袋,马粪内筑巢,并在人工蜂箱的巢管内筑巢率极高。筑巢程序大致分为:选址与识记,构筑巢壁,贮粮与产卵,封闭巢口。  相似文献   

条纹短攀鲈栖息于静止、植被茂密、靠近稻田和池塘边缘的浅水中。本文研究了它在泰国稻田和小池塘两种生境中的繁殖特征。与池塘相比,稻田筑巢地的pH值、溶解氧的含量和温度较高,而电导、溶解的固体物浓度较低,水也较浅。稻田中的种群密度低于池塘。雄性个体的体重和体长均大于雌性个体,且其体重与体长和体宽正相关,但雌性个体的体重仅与体长正相关;泡巢的面积与雄性个体的体长和重量均不相关。繁殖期间,条纹短攀鲈雌、雄个体交尾多次。每次交尾产卵3.74±1.02(Mean±SD)粒,每个繁殖季节交尾84±12.97次;在一个持续178±51.17min的产卵时段里,条纹短攀鲈平均产卵314±109.77粒。鱼苗孵化需30.75±0.55h,2日龄个体的大小平均为3.21±0.29mm。  相似文献   

于1990—2004年的繁殖季节,在青藏高原北部地区收集了12种常见的雀形目鸟类的巢,并且对这些鸟巢的分布格局和结构特征进行了比较研究。所有鸟巢分布表现出草地、灌木丛和沼泽的水平分割和地上、地面及地下的垂直分割的空间分布模式,其中地面杯状巢最普遍。巢结构特征,存在从简单到复杂的系列谱变化,主要表现:巢形状从浅到深,从开放到封闭;巢材性质从单一的植物性到复合的动植物性;巢材重从少到多。不管这些变化有多大,都反映了所有鸟种选择巢址是在安全和隔热两种基本条件之间权衡。在变化谱上的每种鸟巢都有自己的利弊,选择哪种类型的巢是由鸟本身的遗传和环境特征两方面的因素决定的。另外,巢材的运输反映了亲鸟对筑巢活动的投资,是繁殖投入的重要组成部分。因此,巢材重与亲鸟体重之比可以反映出筑巢活动投资的高低。百灵科鸟的开放式地面巢材重大约是亲鸟体重的1/2;而褐背拟地鸦的地下封闭巢的巢材重约为亲鸟体重的5倍以上。其余种类都在两者之间变化。总之,如此不同的投资差异是在捕食压力和种间竞争作用下以及亲鸟为满足鸟卵胚胎和雏鸟迅速生长发育的必要条件下,各种生物学特征协调的结果。  相似文献   

海切叶蜂的筑巢和访花行为   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
蒙艳华  徐环李 《昆虫学报》2007,50(12):1247-1254
【目的】研究毛乌素沙地重要野生传粉昆虫海切叶蜂Megachile maritima的筑巢和访花行为对保护其栖息环境具有重要意义。【方法】采用目测及拍照等方法对海切叶蜂的整个筑巢过程进行了连续观测;以2 m×2 m 样方的方式观测海切叶蜂的访花频率、单花停留时间及日活动规律等访花行为,其中日活动规律每天连续观测,共观测7天。【结果】海切叶蜂在沙土中筑巢,每巢只有一个巢室,其筑巢过程为:寻找合适的筑巢地点,挖巢,构建巢室,采集蜂粮,产卵,封住巢室,筑完一个巢。它连续筑完一个巢大约需要9 h。海切叶蜂构建一个巢室需要切取26~29片叶子,为每巢室采集蜂粮11~12次,每巢室内产卵1粒;在塔落岩黄芪和细叶益母草上的平均访花频率分别为(13.23±6.49)朵/min和(16.72±4.84)朵/min,平均单花停留时间分别为(3.08±2.48)s和(2.49±1.31)s。晴天,海切叶蜂在12:00~14:00期间活动较活跃。【结论】海切叶蜂不同个体之间的筑巢行为相似。该蜂在塔落岩黄芪和细叶益母草上的访花过程、访花频率及单花停留时间具有显著的差异。  相似文献   

Variations from the normal female-male sequence of eggs in nests of the leafcutter bee,Megachile rotundata, were examined. Three alternatives were considered: Out-of-sequence males (i) were diploids, (ii) were the result of supersedure of nests or intraspecific brood parasitism, or (iii) were the result of females occasionally laying a male-female sequence. Electrophoretic data provided definitive evidence of diploid males and of multiple females laying in 7 of 18 nests. In the others, the remaining explanation is that females occasionally lay male eggs before female eggs in a nest.  相似文献   

Nest construction is a daily habit of independent orangutans for sleeping or resting. Data on their nests have been used in various ecological studies (e.g., density estimation, ranging behavior, evolution of material culture) because they are the most observable field signs. We investigated nest size and nest site features of Bornean orangutans in the wild during 10 months' fieldwork at three sites in East Kalimantan, Indonesia: Kutai National Park, Birawa, and Meratus. To examine individual variation, we followed 31 individual orangutans and recorded the 92 nests they made for nest size (diameter) and nest site features (height of nest above ground, tree species used for the nest site, the diameter and height of the tree, whether the nest was new or reused, and nest location within the tree). Analyses taking age–sex classes of the focal individuals into consideration showed significant age–sex differences in nest size and location, but not in nest height or nest tree features (diameter, height of tree, and height of lowest branch). Mature orangutans (adult females, unflanged and flanged males) made larger nests than immatures (juveniles and adolescents). Flanged male orangutans with larger nests used stable locations for nesting sites and reused old nests more frequently than immatures. The overall proportion of nests in open (exposed) locations was higher than in closed (sheltered) locations. Flanged males and immatures frequently made open nests, whereas adult females with an infant preferred closed locations. The good correspondence between nest size and age–sex classes indicates that nest size variation may reflect body size and therefore age–sex variation in the population. Am. J. Primatol. 71:393–399, 2009. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

双斑切叶蜂的筑巢习性   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
蒙艳华  徐环李 《昆虫学报》2008,51(11):1170-1176
【目的】明确双斑切叶蜂Megachile leachella在沙地上的筑巢环境及筑巢特点,旨在当地利用人工巢管诱引其筑巢。【方法】采用目测和拍照等方法对双斑切叶蜂的整个筑巢过程进行了连续观察; 采用挖掘、测量方法对双斑切叶蜂巢内结构进行了观测;在室内对蜂茧在土中和指形管中的羽化情况进行了初步观测。【结果】双斑切叶蜂一般在废弃的泥墙或者沙地上蚂蚁等废弃的巢穴中筑巢,有时候它也在沙地上挖掘新巢筑巢。双斑切叶蜂用叶片构建巢室,一巢多室,各巢室首尾相接排列在巢中,筑完巢后用叶片将巢口封住。双斑切叶蜂构建一个巢室需要切取11~14片叶子,为每巢室采集蜂粮6~9次,每巢室内产卵1粒;在内蒙古毛乌素沙地,该蜂一年2代,第1代在6月中下旬羽化,第2代大约在7月下旬至8月上旬羽化,主要寄生性天敌有尖腹蜂Coelioxy sp.、青蜂Chrysis sp.。双斑切叶蜂能在指形管中羽化。【结论】双斑切叶蜂不同个体之间的筑巢行为相似,雌蜂可以用人工巢管进行诱集和驯化。  相似文献   

Poysa  Hannu 《Behavioral ecology》1999,10(5):533-540
Previous studies of the role of nest predation in conspecificnest parasitism have not taken into account the possibilitythat predation risk may not be randomly distributed among nestsites and that breeding individuals may use different cues toassess the risk and adjust their reproductive tactic betweenyears accordingly. Especially in cavity-nesting species, therole of nest predation in conspecific nest parasitism has beendownplayed, while the role of nest site limitation has beenhighlighted. Using both observational and experimental data,I show that in the common goldeneye (Bucephala clangula), acavity-nesting species in which conspecific nest parasitism iscommon, predation risk varies considerably between nest sitesand does not follow a random expectation. The inequality inpredation risk between nest sites also showed up in the occurrenceof parasitized nests in an experimental setup. Nests parasitizedin year t were more frequent in those nest sites that were notdepredated during the previous nesting attempt in year t - nthan in nest sites that were depredated and in control nestsites that had not been used for nesting before. A nest siteaddition experiment revealed that conspecific nest parasitismwas not associated with nest site limitation. My findings givesupport for the hypothesis that nest predation is an importantecological factor explaining conspecific nest parasitism ingoldeneyes.  相似文献   

In this paper we present data on the breeding ecology and patterns of nest aggregation in a population of Salaria pavo (Pisces: Blenniidae), in an area where hard substrates are very scarce. The study site was at Ria Formosa, an extensive littoral lagoon on the south coast of Portugal. The only hard materials available are bricks, tiles, stones and debris that clam culturists use to delimit their fields. The males of S. pavo establish nests intertidally in the holes of the bricks where they guard the eggs. Data were collected at low tide inspections of these artificial ridges and underwater behavioural observations during high tide. The main results are: (i) the same male can establish sequentially more than one nest in the same breeding season; the number of males that stay within the bricks increases before the start of the breeding season and declines towards its end; (ii) there is a large excess of mature males that do not establish nests and they are significantly smaller than the nesting males, suggesting very strong competition for nest sites; (iii) the nests of several males occur in adjacent holes of the same brick, sometimes being entirely surrounded by other nests. Thus, in this population, there is virtually no defended territory around the nest, a situation not known for other blenniid species. This pattern of nest aggregation implies both strong competition among males and reduction of aggression between neighbour parental fishes. This can be explained by the extreme scarcity and spatial distribution of available nest sites.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to identify the nest materials, some physical characteristics and the elemental composition of the nest of Dolichovespula saxonica (Fabricius, 1793). The nest surfaces were observed with a stereomicroscope and scanning electron microscope (SEM). In the inner surface of the D. saxonica nest the medium thickness of the fibers in the envelope and comb varied between 7.14 and 26.9 μm, respectively and averaged 16.4 μm. In the outer surface of the nest the medium thickness of the fibers in the envelope and comb were between 3.52 and 5.70 μm, respectively and averaged 4.63 μm. The nitrogen concentration of the nest of D. saxonica was 0.616% and the amount of protein was 3.08%. The percentages of the fibers, saliva, oil and the water absorption capacity were calculated as 67–70%, 23–30%, 12–18% and 110–140%, respectively. However, the amount of the element Cadmium (Cd) in the nest was found to have a value of 0.2 ppm. The major compounds of wasp nests are plant fibers, saliva and oil. However, the concentrations and ratios of the nest material compounds depend on the plant variety, place of origin, and time of harvest as well as on the processing and saliva conditions. The colors of the nest are beige, cream and grey with long dark brown lines. As a result of our study, we have found that the rates and quantities of physical characteristics, elemental composition and the fibers in the envelope and comb of the nest of D. saxonica change with environmental conditions.  相似文献   

Nest site fidelity and serial polyandry were examined in lingcod, Ophiodon elongatus, a teleost fish in which the nest-guarding male parent invests more heavily in parental care than the elusive female parent. Lingcod parental and progeny genotypes were established for fish spawning on a 200 m(2) section of Snake Island reef, British Columbia in two successive years to evaluate male and female mate choice (monogamy or polygamy) and nest site reuse by the same parents (nest site fidelity) and/or different parents (nest site affinity). Thirteen nests (egg masses) guarded by nine males and 14 nests guarded by seven males were observed in 2002 and 2003, respectively. No female laid more than one nest per season or spawned in the study area in both years. In contrast, at least six (86%) and possibly all seven (100%) of the 2003 guardian males had been guardian or auxiliary males in 2002. Both nest site affinity and extreme male nest site fidelity were observed, with at least four males reusing the exact same nest site. Serial polyandry resulting from the high male and low female nest site fidelity is consistent with predictions based on a low female parental investment and high rate of progeny loss to predation and cannibalism. Male polygyny, achieved primarily by cuckoldry within seasons, was enhanced by the lack of female fidelity between seasons. Polygamy in both sexes of nest-tending marine fish may minimize reproductive skew and maximize genetic diversity within populations.  相似文献   

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