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胶州湾滨海湿地的景观格局变化及环境效应   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在湿地景观类型分类基础上,利用RS及GIS技术提取了1986、1995和2010年胶州湾滨海湿地的Landsat卫星假彩色合成影像的空间属性数据,利用斑块动态度、斑块密度指数、景观多样性指数、斑块破碎化指数研究了胶州湾滨海湿地的景观格局变化及累积环境效应。结果表明,1986~2010年胶州湾滨海湿地总面积减少,河流与河口湿地面积稍有增大,潮间带滩涂和潮上带湿地面积和斑块数减小;养殖池面积增大、斑块数增多,盐田面积减小、斑块数基本未变,增加了湿地公园这种新的人工湿地景观类型。期间,湿地的景观斑块密度指数、多样性指数和景观斑块破碎化指数增大了。上述湿地面积和景观格局变化是由围垦、城市化、港口和道路建设、河流径流量和输沙量减少、海岸侵蚀、海水入侵、全球变暖、海面上升等因素引起的,并导致湿地生物多样化水平下降、有害植物入侵、环境净化功能降低、污染和赤潮灾害加重、植被退化演替、渔业资源衰退和湿地生态系统服务价值降低等累积环境效应。为减轻这些不利的累积环境效应,应采取建设湿地自然保护区、控制养殖池和盐田规模、发展工业循环经济和生态农业等措施保护胶州湾滨海湿地。  相似文献   

在湿地景观类型分类基础上,利用RS及GIS技术提取了1986、1995和2010年胶州湾滨海湿地的Landsat卫星假彩色合成影像的空间属性数据,利用斑块动态度、斑块密度指数、景观多样性指数、斑块破碎化指数研究了胶州湾滨海湿地的景观格局变化及累积环境效应.结果表明,1986~2010年胶州湾滨海湿地总面积减少,河流与河口湿地面积稍有增大,潮间带滩涂和潮上带湿地面积和斑块数减小;养殖池面积增大、斑块数增多,盐田面积减小、斑块数基本未变,增加了湿地公园这种新的人工湿地景观类型.期间,湿地的景观斑块密度指数、多样性指数和景观斑块破碎化指数增大了.上述湿地面积和景观格局变化是由围垦、城市化、港口和道路建设、河流径流量和输沙量减少、海岸侵蚀、海水入侵、全球变暖、海面上升等因素引起的,并导致湿地生物多样化水平下降、有害植物入侵、环境净化功能降低、污染和赤潮灾害加重、植被退化演替、渔业资源衰退和湿地生态系统服务价值降低等累积环境效应.为减轻这些不利的累积环境效应,应采取建设湿地自然保护区、控制养殖池和盐田规模、发展工业循环经济和生态农业等措施保护胶州湾滨海湿地.  相似文献   

多年冻土地区的排水沟渠经常遭受水平冻胀力的破坏,严重影响构筑物的服役性能。根据青藏高原多年冻土区路基坡脚U型槽排水沟渠的现场试验,并通过数值计算与理论分析,分析了结构埋深、粗颗粒换填范围以及结构形式对其温度场和水平冻胀力的影响。结果表明:改变工况,对土体温度场分布的形状影响较小,仅对其大小有一定影响。不同工况下水平冻胀力均沿深度非均匀分布,最大水平冻胀力主要出现在结构中部,而其上部和下部较小,结构侧壁在1/2至1/3处易发生冻胀破坏。梯形结构所受的水平冻胀力较U型结构增大13%~15%左右,但其分布形式基本相同。因此,U型结构在降低水平冻胀力方面优于梯形结构。随着换填范围增大,排水沟渠的水平冻胀力最大值逐渐减小;对于埋深1.7 m的排水沟渠来说,其侧边的0~2.8 m是影响水平冻胀力的主要换填宽度范围,而当换填宽度超过2.8 m后,水平冻胀力几乎不再降低。  相似文献   

潜水蒸发计算方法通常依据潜水水位消退规律建立经验和半经验公式,或是依据土壤—植物—大气连续体建立的SPAC模型。但在设置排水沟控制潜水水位的地段,潜水水位的消退受沟渠排水与潜水蒸发的共同影响,需建立特定水文地质条件下的渗流力学算法。结合实际观测统计制度,将潜水蒸发及灌溉回归等变量离散成阶梯函数;将设置滚水坝的排水沟,概化为水位稳定不变的第一类边界,建立沟渠边界控制下含阶梯函数型源汇项的潜水非稳定渗流模型;利用Laplace变换给出模型解析解,并通过数值法验证解析解的可靠性。依据模型的解,建立利用潜水水位动态实测数据逐日计算潜水蒸发强度的递推公式,讨论沟渠边界的影响;以安徽淮北平原的一个实例,演示方法应用过程与步骤。计算农田潜水蒸发的渗流力学方法,原理上有别于基于潜水位消退规律或SPAC模型的现行算法,且新方法可清晰反映边界条件的影响,计算所需参量较少,易于实际应用。  相似文献   

生态系统响应全球变化的陆地样带研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为从机理上理解、评估和预测陆地生态系统对全球变化的响应,国际地圈生物圈计划在全球共启动了15条全球变化陆地样带,其中2条在中国,即中国东北样带和中国东部南北样带。从植物碳氮代谢、生物多样性、生态系统功能与碳收支及样带生态系统的变化趋势等方面较系统地总结了围绕中国这2条全球变化陆地样带的最新研究进展,加深了全球变化与陆地生态系统相互作用过程与机制的理解,提出未来中国全球变化陆地样带研究应充分利用我国特殊的生态与环境及区域特色,重点针对陆地生态系统对全球变化的适应性、地球系统相互作用的生物—物理—化学—社会过程与管理、土地利用变化的动力学过程与机制、灾害性天气气候的生态效应及其调控机制和全球变化模拟预警系统开展研究,做出一些在国际上既有显示度又服务于我国社会经济可持续发展的研究成果。  相似文献   

国土整治生态修复中的农业景观生物多样性保护策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着生态文明建设成为国家发展战略,国土整治修复需要更多生态科学和技术的支撑。农业景观生物多样性是重要的自然资源,为人类可持续发展提供了重要的生态系统服务,并提供了应对气候变化等风险的途径。本文分析了我国农业景观生物多样性保护及其对国土整治生态修复的重要性,国土整治生态修复中农业景观生物多样性保护面临的挑战,并总结了欧盟在农业景观生物多样性保护方面的经验和方法。最后,文章提出了将农业景观生物多样性保护整合到国土整治生态修复的四项策略,包括生态空间的“生态修复和管护-生态补偿-民生改善”策略、农业空间的“生态基础设施-生态系统服务提升-绿色发展”策略、城乡生活空间的“多功能景观-绿色宜居空间营造”策略、国土全域“生物多样性保护网络”策略,为生态文明背景下的国土整治生态修复提供参考。  相似文献   

粉煤灰一直被认为是固体废物,其资源属性和环境属性未能得到认可。本文从矿物资源角度,将粉煤灰"传统"的固体废物概念转变到"非传统"的矿物资源上来,提出了粉煤灰的矿物学资源属性和环境属性,探讨了它作为矿物资源在建材、化工和农业等领域的应用,阐明其环境属性。粉煤灰的环境效应体现在对陆地生态系统和水生生态系统影响与危害。然而,粉煤灰在治理环境污染和保护生态方面也有着积极的作用,如处理废水、烟气脱硫和合成环境功能材料等。  相似文献   

陆地生态系统研究通常未考虑影响整个岩石风化层--土壤剖面的生物地球化学过程,而关键带科学则强调从冠层到基岩重新认识整个生态系统的结构和功能,在流域尺度上应该强调大气和植物之间、植物和土壤之间、小流域土壤和溪流之间物质和元素循环的相互联系等。植物碳固定及分配、从地表到基岩的土壤碳库分解和转化以及小流域碳迁移与平衡是碳生物地球化学循环的起始、周转和迁移过程的关键环节,应该加强流域尺度上从冠层到基岩的生态系统碳循环过程、机制及其生态功能研究。同位素技术具有指示、示踪和整合功能,通过δ13C自然示踪和人工标记技术,可以辅助解析碳生物地球化学过程与机制。  相似文献   

生态水文学研究的奠基之作--<生态水文学>   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
生态水文学是 90年代以来兴起的一门新兴边缘学科 ,是描述生态格局和生态过程的水文学机制的一门科学 ,是生态学的水文方面 ,是研究植物如何影响水文过程及水文过程如何影响植物分布和生长的水文学和生态学之间的交叉学科。所研究的对象不仅仅局限于湿地生态系统 ,还应该包括其他生态系统 ,如干旱地区的生态系统、森林和疏林生态系统、江河生态系统、湖泊生态系统和水生生态系统等。近 2 0年来 ,水文过程在生态系统中的重要性和植物对水文过程的影响变得越来越明显。任何生态系统格局和生态过程的变化都与水文过程相关联。正确的管理水资源…  相似文献   

河流梯级开发生态环境效应与适应性管理进展   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
筑坝蓄水将迫使淹没区陆生生态系统退化消失,改变其下游受影响河段的环境与生态,破坏自然河流连续性与连通性,是影响河流生态系统显著且强烈的人类活动。河流梯级开发对其生态系统的影响可能存在"累积效应",即将大坝拦截阻隔对河流生态系统的影响逐级"放大"。然而,"累积效应"的作用对象、途径与水文生态机制目前仍不明晰。不仅如此,河流梯级开发的适应性管理的对象、目标、时空范围与作用途径等已不能简单地参照或套用当前以恢复水文自然情势来修复河流生态系统为主线的实践模式,其适应性管理取决于对河流—水库系统生态结构功能、演替规律的科学认识,也受到多利益主体的制约和影响。长江上游梯级开发在全球大河流域开发中独树一帜,将深刻改变长江上游河流生态格局。对长江上游梯级开发的适应性管理应以优化河流—水库生态结构功能、维持河流—水库生态系统健康为目标。揭示长江上游梯级开发"累积效应"的作用对象与形式,通过优化提升生态系统服务以权衡多利益主体诉求,构建长江上游绿色水电运营管理新体系,值得进一步探索。  相似文献   

Some drainage ditches in the intensively managed row-crop agricultural region of southern Minnesota evolved from a trapezoidal form to multi-staged channel forms similar to natural streams. Older ditches constructed in cohesive sediment of the Des Moines Lobe till tend to follow a channel evolution model developed by Simon and Hupp. Site cross sections, longitudinal water and bed profiles and bed material particle size were determined according to Harrelson and others at 24 older ditch reaches, 5 newly constructed ditch reaches and 13 natural stream reaches. Morphological features were hypothesized to change from trapezoidal form to flat bench banks, similar to benches found in natural stream channels. All data were statistically analyzed with respect to drainage area using regression, because channel form is directly related to drainage area for a given climate, geology and land use. Results show similar regression slope and intercept for bankfull channel width and bankfull cross-sectional area (CSA) of older ditches and natural streams compared to typical trapezoidal designed ditches. Evolved ditches developed a small floodplain bench above the ditch bed and adjusted their bankfull widths similar to natural stream channels with respect to drainage area. Old ditches showed a relatively strong R 2 (0.82, 0.68) for channel CSA and width, a weaker R 2 (0.45) for water surface slope, and little to no correlation with bed particle size. Channel form appears to have adjusted more quickly than bed facets and/or bed particle size distribution. However, stepwise regression determined that D84, width/depth ratio and mean bankfull depth explained 83?% of the variability of channel features across varying drainage areas. Findings suggest a possible reduction of long-term maintenance costs if older ditches are allowed to evolve over time. A stable ditch form similar to natural streams is typically self-sustaining, suggesting that prior to a scheduled clean-out, the ditch should be examined for hydraulic capacity, sediment transport and bank stability.  相似文献   

Potassium-rich halite ores and brines occur in the Charham Salt Lake area in the Chaidam Basin in northwest China. The mean 14.3 g/l of potassium in the brines in the near-surface halite aquifer makes the Charham Salt Lake an important base for production of potassium fertilizer in China. About 30×104 m3/day of brines has been pumped from the current ditches in the Bieletan section in the west of the area, creating a cone of depression in the water table near the ditch system. A two-dimensional mathematic model describing the flow of the brines is established to predict the changes in the water table. The flow domain was discretized into 1,185 triangular elements with 641 nodes. Data of brine production through pumping ditches from November 2002 to August 2003 were used to identify the model. The developed model can be employed to predict the exploitation regimes caused by three proposed exploitation schemes A, B and C. A withdrawal rate of 22.67×104 m3/day of brines is pumped through the current ditch system in scheme A and through the current ditch system plus 16 wells in scheme B. The results of the 5 years predictive simulation for schemes A and B indicate that these rates will cause a normal fall in water table in the pumping period of 9 months and a rise in water table in the recovery period of 3 months in each of the 5 years, with one depression cone near the current ditches in scheme A and two depression cones near the current ditches and the proposed wells in scheme B. In scheme C three more ditch systems are proposed to be excavated in the northeast, northwest and southwest of the Bieletan section and brines are pumped through each of the four ditch systems in turn for 1 year in every 4 years. The predictive simulation results of scheme C suggest that normal changes in the water table will also be expected and a continual increasing or decreasing trend in the water table will not be encountered in a 12-year period of prediction. The water table near each of the four ditch systems will recover sufficiently after a 39-month recovery.  相似文献   

评估生态系统服务价值(Ecosystem Service Values,ESV)有利于衡量生态系统服务供给潜力和生态效益的大小,对城市生态规划与土地利用管控起到重要的支撑作用。选择长沙市为研究区域,基于1990、2000、2010和2018年4期土地利用现状遥感监测数据集,利用ArcGIS软件和经本地化校正的当量因子法,分析1990—2018年间的土地利用变化特征,并探讨土地利用变化对ESV的影响。结果表明: ①1990—2018年长沙市土地利用变化轨迹以耕地→林地互相转化以及建设用地对耕地、林地的侵占为主; ②1990—2018年长沙市的ESV共减少53.17×108 元,降幅3.59%,除水域外各类ESV均呈下降趋势,林地和耕地服务价值减少最明显; ③在各单项服务功能中,水文调节的价值最大,其次是气候调节,两者之和占总价值的54%; ④“退耕还林”“退田还湖”“兴工强市”等政策引起的土地利用变化势必对ESV造成影响,城市快速扩张、土地开发会导致ESV不断下降。综合分析认为,在调整研究区土地利用结构、优化土地配置时应充分重视水域、林地等生态系统服务价值较高的土地利用类型,减缓ESV的下降趋势。  相似文献   

土地利用变化对流域生态需水的影响分析   总被引:15,自引:3,他引:15       下载免费PDF全文
人类对流域生态系统的干预,导致季节性淹没区减少,天然湿地丧失,生态环境的恶化和生物多样性锐减,土地利用方式发生了剧烈变化。以流域整体性理论、物种多样性理论、物种耐性理论和景观生态学理论为基础,分析了土地利用方式对生态需水的影响。结果表明,河岸天然植被生态系统通过削减洪峰、增补枯水和截留污染物的作用,来影响流域的水量分配和水质改善,使流域受水分不足威胁的程度降低,即在更大的时间与空间尺度上,保证了流域对生态水的需求。因此,为了流域生态系统的可持续发展,应采取保护湿地、河溪森林植被、水陆交错带等合理的土地利用方式。  相似文献   

刘小文  许成承  沈细中  胡小荣 《岩土力学》2010,31(11):3563-3568
选择水平盲沟、土工席垫及水平和竖向PVC渗管3种排水方案,在黄河山东东明某堤段淤背体冲填施工中进行排水效果试验。通过埋设在淤区内的地下水位观测点,得到淤区内地下水位与时间的变化规律。试验结果表明,采取一定的排水措施能加速淤区土体的固结,但排水效果与排水方案有关;土工席垫排水与水平盲沟排水效果相差不大,且排水效果与淤土厚度有关,3 m左右淤土厚度设置一层水平排水盲沟或土工席垫,其排水效果较好;淤土厚度增加,其排水效果变差;但两者均不能有效防止横向围堤坍塌。采用水平和竖向PVC渗管方案,其排水效果好,特别是设置了竖向PVC渗管,能有效防止横向围堤坍塌。试验成果为黄河放淤固堤工程加速淤背体排水固结设计及施工提供参考。  相似文献   

Large agricultural areas reclaimed in the past century, south of the Venice Lagoon, have experienced significant land subsidence due to oxidation of peat organic soils. This has exposed the region to flood hazard particularly during severe storms and has contributed to increase the marginal management cost of the infrastructures (ditches, levees, pumping stations) designed to operate the drainage system. Direct measurements and indirect evidence from the channel network suggest a land settlement between 1.5 and 2 m over the past 70 years. This paper provides an overview of the problem with important information on its most recent evolution.  相似文献   

土壤、大气、水和农产品质量共同构成土地生态质量的内涵。通过慈溪市基本农田质量调查试点项目,开展了高精度土壤地球化学调查和农产品、灌溉水、大气质量调查,建立了土地生态质量评估模型。以土壤地球化学质量评估为基础,进行了大气、水、农产品综合质量评估,以及慈溪市农用地土地生态质量评价。评价显示,慈溪市农用地土地生态质量绝大部分优良,只有局部如城市周边等地存在生态风险。试点成果为浙江省国土资源特别是基本农田的数量、质量和生态管护并重的精细化管理提供了示范和依据。  相似文献   

We assess the status of channel networks and pools of two tidal salt marshes recovering from more than a century of agricultural reclamation on the Bay of Fundy, Canada. A process of largely unmanaged restoration occurred at these sites since abandonment of agricultural activities during the first half of the twentieth century. Each recovering marsh was compared to a reference marsh that was never drained or ditched. We field mapped channel networks at all marshes and used aerial photographs to map the pre-abandonment channel network at one of the sites. The recovering marshes have hybrid channel networks that feature highly variable channel morphologies, loss of original channels, and incorporation of drainage ditches. Although channel networks in recovering marshes integrate agricultural ditches, the recovering marsh networks may not be substantially increased in length or density. Our aerial photograph analysis shows that channel density at one of the recovering marshes is comparable to the pre-abandonment density, but with reduced sinuosity. Field mapping of permanent tidal pools on the lower Bay marshes revealed that pools cover 13% of the recovering marsh, compared to ∼5% of the reference marsh. This study demonstrates that these essential marsh features can be regained through restoration or simple abandonment of drainage infrastructure.  相似文献   

This paper examines the issues related to salinization and water quality in the complex drainage system of the historical land reclamation of Lamone basin (Ravenna coastal plain, northern Italy), with the aim of guiding ongoing agricultural-related decisions. Major and trace element concentration and O–H–B–Sr isotope-ratios were measured on surface water from a network of canals and ditches. Sampling was carried out during the winter period and in summer, to assess the effects of agricultural water management on the aquatic system. Results show widespread salinization of waters over the entire crop, due to both the direct saltwater inland flushing through the canals in proximity of the mouths, and sea salt leaching from soils. During winter, salinization is partly mitigated by rainfalls, while in summer dilution processes are due to freshwater input from outside the watershed, planned to assist the agricultural water demand. In the winter season, the concentration of some elements such as Fe, Mn, Al, and Cu in waters exceeds the maximum permissible limits imposed by the Italian regulations, while during summer the concentration of these elements is significantly reduced. A seasonal cycling is established, where the bottom sediments of canals and ditches act as sinks of harmful elements, mostly through adsorption by Fe–Mn–Al oxy-hydroxide solid phases. The irrigation practice, although improving the water quality, increases water turbidity by re-mobilization of sediments which act as transport agents of contaminants, with detrimental effects that may become significant over the years.  相似文献   

This study presents a basin-scale integrative hydrological, ecological, and economic (HEE) modeling system, aimed at evaluating the impact of resources management, especially agricultural water resources management, on the sustainability of regional water resources. The hydrological model in the modeling system was adapted from SWAT, the Soil and Water Assessment Tool, to simulate the water balance in terms of soil moisture, evapotranspiration, and streamflow. An ecological model was integrated into the hydrological model to compute the ecosystem production of biomass production and yield for different land use types. The economic model estimated the monetary values of crop production and water productivity over irrigated areas. The modeling system was primarily integrated and run on a Windows platform and was able to produce simulation results at daily time steps with a spatial resolution of hydrological response unit (HRU). The modeling system was then calibrated over the period from 1983 to 1991 for the upper and middle parts of the Yellow River basin, China. Calibration results showed that the efficiencies of the modeling system in simulating monthly streamflow over 5 hydrological stations were from 0.54 to 0.68 with an average of 0.64, indicating an acceptable calibration. Preliminary simulation results from 1986 to 1995 revealed that water use in the study region has largely reduced the streamflow in many parts of the area except for that in the riverhead. Spatial distribution of biomass production, and crop yield showed a strong impact of irrigation on agricultural production. Water productivity over irrigated cropland ranged from 1 to 1640 USD/(ha·mm−1), indicating a wide variation of the production conditions within the study region and a great potential in promoting water use efficiency in low water productivity areas. Generally, simulation results from this study indicated that the modeling system was capable of tracking the temporal and spatial variability of pertinent water balance variables, ecosystem dynamics, and regional economy, and provided a useful simulation tool in evaluating long-term water resources management strategies in a basin scale.  相似文献   

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