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田露  陈赟 《法医学杂志》2009,25(4):306-307
某男,30岁。因未去上班,同事去其住处寻人,感觉有异,破门而入后发现其死于家中。现场勘验:现场为1室1厅房间,死者死于卧室床上,卧室门窗紧闭,窗帘呈拉合状态。卧室内地面见一烧烤用炭盆、两袋木炭及炭夹,炭盆内见木炭燃烧后的灰烬,卧室茶几上见5个空啤酒易拉罐,沙发上留有遗书1份。  相似文献   

1.1案情 某年3月15日13:00许,房东来找某男收房租.叫不开门且房门反扣,感觉情况不对,遂报警。“110”民警赶到后撬开房门,发现某男死在房内。  相似文献   

正1案例资料1.1简要案情张某,女,28岁。某年1月5日凌晨,被其丈夫送至某医院急诊室进行抢救,至医院时张某已无生命体征,值班大夫发现张某颈部有伤,遂报警。1.2现场勘验调查经勘查,现场为一间平房,门窗呈关闭状。室内可见一炭盆,内有燃烧的木炭。室内床边可见一蓝色塑料凳,凳腿部及周边地面上可见呕吐物。死者丈夫陈述,炭盆是张某4日晚7时多放进屋的,后其外出办事,次日0时许返回,发现死者趴在地上,脖子卡在  相似文献   

1案例资料 1.1简要案情及现场勘查 2007年10月11日,某宾馆204房间住客赵某被发现死于室内。死者于10日晚20时许进入房间,之后无其他人进入。室内二张床,死者平卧在其中一张床上,身上盖有被子;另外一张床及其他物品摆放整齐,未见翻动、打斗迹象。  相似文献   

对CO中毒死亡案件的判定,主要是依据血碳氧血红蛋白(COHb)浓度。但在实际案例中,会遇到血COHb浓度低于致死浓度的情况,从而对CO中毒死亡的判定带来了一定困难。本文通过分析49例CO中毒死亡案件的法医学特点,  相似文献   

1案例资料赵某(女,34岁)与其子阮某(男,9岁),2002年1月13日因患感冒在个体诊所就诊并取感冒药和消炎药,当晚服药物后赵某将煤炉移至二人所住卧室内并关门睡觉,15日凌晨5时赵某从昏睡中清醒后发现其子阮某已死亡。因怕家人责怪,把煤炉移至厨房后于当日下午3时向公安机关报案,谎称其子系药物致死。1.1现场简况现场为二室二厅,室内面积约100m2,门窗完好。厨房内有一个已熄灭的煤炉。赵某母子二人所住卧室面积约18m2,木制房门,推拉式铝合金窗户,密封性好。床上及地面上可见二处呕吐物,提取备检。1.2尸体检验尸长132cm,尸僵强度,尸斑固定,呈樱桃…  相似文献   

目的观察分析氯化琥珀胆碱中毒案件的法医学表现,以期提高氯化琥珀胆碱中毒的检验鉴定。方法收集54例氯化琥珀胆碱中毒案例,通过病理学、毒理学变化及案件特点进行回顾性分析,观察氯化琥珀胆碱中毒的检验鉴定规律。结果氯化琥珀胆碱中毒的病理学表现以急性肺淤血、肺水肿等一般猝死改变为主,部分死者心肌排列紊乱及断裂。死者心血中均检见琥珀胆碱成分,皮肤组织部分检见琥珀胆碱成分。结论氯化琥珀胆碱中毒具有死亡快、手段隐蔽、难以抢救、易漏检等特点。对于猝死案件、死因可疑案件应将氯化琥珀胆碱作为常规检验指标,防止此类案件的未检或漏检。  相似文献   

1案例资料某男,3岁,某日13时和姐姐在家吃市场上买回的“牙签猪肉串”,两人共食用约120g,姐姐食用较少,于16时两人均出现恶心、呕吐、面部紫绀等症状,即被送医院,患儿于途中死亡,姐姐经医院注射“美兰”抢救成功。尸体检验当晚20时尸检。尸斑呈灰褐色,肢端紫绀明显,血液呈深红色,脑组织未见出血,心脏肉眼观未见异常,肺淤血,轻度水肿,腹腔积液150m l,肝、脾肿大,肠系膜血管淤血,胃内有肉食等约200g。组织病理学检验镜下见心肌间质淤血,支气管腔及周围肺泡内较多以中性粒细胞为主的炎性细胞渗出,肝、脾重度淤血。毒物化验尸检时提取的胃内容检…  相似文献   

1案例 某年2月10日下午,某街道一出租屋内发现一具男尸,尸体已经高度腐败,经辨认死者系租客吴某,男性,31岁。现场门锁未发现破坏痕迹,室内有两个煤炉.炉旁堆有一些蜂窝煤.其中一个煤炉内煤炭呈未完全燃烧状态。  相似文献   

1案例 案例1 李某(女,31岁)及其女儿(5岁)被人发现昏倒在家中。即送往医院抢救。损伤检验:李某呈昏迷状态,生命体征平稳,右侧顶颞部见3cm-2cm头皮红斑,右侧肘部见2cm-2cm皮肤红斑、水泡,髋部右侧见3cm-2cm皮肤红斑,右侧外踝部见2cm×2cm皮肤红斑、水泡。其女儿已经死亡.  相似文献   

胰岛素作为一种临床上常见的降血糖药物,可以有效控制糖尿病患者血糖,使之维持在正常范围。但过量胰岛素可导致死亡,其中以意外中毒最多见,其次为自杀,胰岛素他杀虽极为罕见,但值得高度重视。胰岛素中毒致死的法医学鉴定极为困难,虽然相关研究已取得一定的进展,但在法医学实践中,这类案件仍然是一大难题。本文从法医病理学的角度,对胰岛素中毒的死亡机制、病理学改变、检测手段、注意要点及诊断要点进行综述,为法医学实践提供帮助。  相似文献   

Bilateral globus pallidus necrosis is said to be characteristic of carbon monoxide (CO) poisoning. However, there has been no scientific test of this hypothesis. To examine the assertion that globus pallidus necrosis is typical of CO poisoning, this study examined autopsy cases from the King County Medical Examiner's Office (KCMEO) between 1994 and 2013. Twenty-seven cases with bilateral basal ganglia lesions were identified and examined for associated or causative disease or injury with the following results: 10 cases of drug overdose, seven heart disease, three asphyxia, two chronic ethanolism, two Huntington-like disorder, and one case each of remote trauma, rheumatic heart disease, and cerebral artery gas embolism. Additionally, review of all known cases at KCMEO of CO poisoning found no evidence of globus pallidus or basal ganglia necrosis. Thus, this study provides no support for the assertion that globus pallidus necrosis is characteristic of CO poisoning.  相似文献   

Thallium has been responsible for many intoxications since its discovery; however, toxicological profiles for thallium in human fatalities have not been updated recently. Autopsy, microscopic investigations, and toxicological analyses were performed on a married couple who died from thallium sulfate intended homicidal poisoning. The distribution of thallium was established by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry with hair samples showing the highest thallium concentration. Electron microscopy revealed a dystrophic condition of hair with disorganized cuticle and atrophy of the hair bulb. Thallium interacts with cells at different levels, with prominent ultrastructural injuries in the mitochondria and endoplasmic reticulum, and high concentration of electron dense granules observed in the cytoplasm and mitochondria of several organs. Alopecia, toxic encephalopathy, and peripheral neuropathy were diagnosed in the victims and suggested to be crucial implications for thallium poisoning. The analytical procedures used in this case are of considerable forensic importance in the diagnosis of thallium poisoning.  相似文献   

Strychnine‐related death has been described since the 19th century. This alkaloid was discovered in 1818. Historically, strychnine was used by the South‐East Asian autochthones on their arrows. However, its production was modified by legislation, which was used to protect people against accidental intoxications. Here, we present the case of a 69‐year‐old man who was found dead at home. During the autopsy, we found a blue substance in the stomach. Toxicological analysis measured strychnine at 0.29 μg/mL in the blood sample, which is a relatively low level in comparison with the results given in the literature. However, histologic examination and toxicological findings permitted the conclusion of strychnine poisoning.  相似文献   

一氧化碳(CO)气体中毒致人死亡多见于自杀和意外事件,采用纯CO气体杀人的案例国内罕有报道。本文报道了一起采用瓶装纯CO气体致人中毒死亡的案例,作案方式隐蔽,作案手段鲜见,且伪造了作案现场,给侦查带来一定困难。经刑事技术人员认真细致地现场勘查、尸体检验和物证提取检验,结合调查访问,最终明确了案件性质,认定了犯罪嫌疑人,全面还原了其作案过程。笔者总结分析了该案刑事技术工作中的要点和难点,希望能对同行们有所帮助。  相似文献   

Thromboembolic events in the context of carbon monoxide (CO) exposure have been well described in the literature. Six cases of clinically significant coronary thrombosis following CO exposure were previously reported. However, factors affecting the development of coronary thrombus in CO exposure are poorly understood, and the significance of this finding in a forensic context is not clear. This article discusses a case of coronary thrombosis found at autopsy following a death in which CO poisoning was suspected. A 67‐year‐old man was found dead in his garage with four vehicles with their ignition in the “on” position and their tanks empty. At autopsy, severe coronary atherosclerosis and an acute nonocclusive coronary thrombus were found. Given the dissimilarities among cases and the presence of CO exposure, it was suggested that the coronary artery thrombosis is likely due to the inherent prothrombotic mechanism of CO, the only common denominator in all the cases.  相似文献   

Histamine poisoning (scombroid food poisoning) is a toxicity syndrome that results from eating spoiled fish. To date, however, few poisoning (or mortality) cases have been reported in relation to crab consumption. Here, we describe a very uncommon case in which a 37‐year‐old woman and her 14‐year‐old son ate cooked crabs (Scylla serrata), resulting in the death of the female. Samples of vomitus, food residue, liver tissue, gastric content, intestinal content, and cardiac blood were analyzed by high‐performance liquid chromatography. Toxicological analysis revealed that histamine concentrations were very high in the cooked crab (47.08 mg/100 g) and intestinal content (22.54 mg/100 g). Comparing our toxicological results, police investigations, and family member statements, it can be assumed that the decedent ingested spoiled crabs, and by excluding other causes of death, lethal intoxication with histamine poisoning was confirmed.  相似文献   

A retrospective study of autopsy cases was conducted at the Department of Forensic Medicine, Tongji Medical College (DFM-TMC), in Hubei, China to describe the characteristics of poisoning deaths from 1999 to 2008. A total of 212 poisoning deaths were investigated by DFM-TMC during the 10-year period. The poisoning deaths ranged from 17 cases in 1999 to 27 cases in 2008. Of the 212 cases, 82 deaths (38.7%) were from pesticides, 36 deaths (17.0%) from carbon monoxide, 34 deaths (16.0%) from drugs, 22 deaths (10.4%) from alcohol, 17 deaths (8.0%) from other chemicals, 15 deaths (7.1%) from poisonous plants and animals, and six deaths (2.8%) from heavy metals. Of the 82 pesticide poisoning deaths, 43 (52.4%) cases were caused by rodenticides, mainly tetramine (N = 39). The majority of poisoning deaths were accidents (63.7%), followed by suicides (25.9%) and homicides (3.8%). The manner of death could not be determined in 14 cases (6.6%).  相似文献   

近年来,随着人类糖尿病的发病率持续增高,外源性胰岛素的使用日益广泛,由此引发的胰岛素使用不当、过量,甚至利用胰岛素自杀、他杀的案例也不断增多。本文通过检索国内外有关胰岛素中毒或死亡的基础、临床和案例报告等文献资料,综述了有关胰岛素中毒的机制、临床表现、病理变化以及法医学检验等。  相似文献   

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