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长江口水域悬沙浓度时空变化与泥沙再悬浮   总被引:29,自引:0,他引:29  
根据近年来长江河口及其邻近水域8个测站1年的表层悬沙浓度逐日观测资料,并结合水动力状况,对悬沙浓度的时空变化进行了分析。结果发现,长江口自徐六泾以下悬沙浓度不断增高,并呈现口内夏高冬低,而口外冬高夏低,且量值为口外大于口内,杭州湾大于长江口。表明长江入海泥沙在海洋动力作用下强烈再悬浮;悬沙浓度在时间上呈现明显的大小潮周期和季节性变化。进一步分析认为,海洋动力 (风浪和潮流) 是泥沙再悬浮的主导因素,制约悬沙浓度的年内变化,其中潮流控制悬沙浓度的大小潮周期变化,风浪引起悬沙浓度的季节性变化,河流径流和海洋动力的对比制约悬沙浓度的空间分布。  相似文献   

近年来长江流域入海沙量呈现阶梯性减小趋势,三峡水库蓄水后加剧了这一减小趋势,并通过传递效应影响河口悬沙浓度变化。基于长江口1950-2013年悬沙浓度数据,结果表明:① 长江口南支河段及口外海域悬沙浓度为减小趋势,且越向海域减幅越小,同时与流域入海沙量减幅差距加大;② 北支优势流变化不大,但悬沙浓度为减小趋势,主要为南支和海域大环境悬沙浓度减小所致;③ 拦门沙河段悬沙浓度的峰值区域因径流减小、潮流相对增强,2003-2012年较1984-2002年期间峰值位置向口内上溯约1/6经度,上溯距离洪季 > 年均 > 枯季;④ 1999-2009年南槽进口悬沙浓度减小,主要是再悬浮和滩槽交换引起的悬沙浓度增量小于流域和海域悬沙浓度锐减引起的减量,中段该作用相反,悬沙浓度为增加趋势;⑤ 北槽进口由于分流分沙比减小、流域和海域悬沙浓度减小及再悬浮量减小等综合影响下,1999-2012年逐年的8月份悬沙浓度呈减小趋势,中段越堤沙量作用明显高于外部坏境引起的减小量,为增加趋势。  相似文献   

基于长江河口1959-2011 年实测悬沙浓度数据,通过对河口最大浑浊带外围海域泥沙要素分析的基础上,研究了近期流域人类活动和河口整治工程对最大浑浊带悬沙浓度的影响。研究表明:① 流域人类活动对入海水量影响较小,无明显趋势变化,而沙量和含沙量呈现锐减趋势,也使得进入河口区域的泥沙量呈现一致锐减;② 长江口外海域和南部杭州湾海域悬沙浓度变化不大,北部苏北沿岸略有减小,因数值较长江口海滨区小约1 个数量级,对浑浊带影响较小;③ 最大浑浊带位置受径流和潮流控制,面积变化与入海沙量多寡关系密切;④ 整个浑浊带区域悬沙浓度受入海沙量锐减决定,2000-2009 年较1959-1999 年悬沙浓度减小约为24.73%,向海延伸减幅降低,且峰值区域向口内移动,泥沙再悬浮作用对维持最大浑浊带悬沙浓度起调节作用,但不能决定其锐减趋势;⑤ 北槽航槽最大浑浊带的悬沙浓度向海为低—高—低变化特点,受入海沙量锐减、北槽分流分沙比减少及床沙粗化等影响,使其上段和下段悬沙浓度减小趋势,而中段受南导堤越堤沙量的影响悬沙浓度呈增加趋势。  相似文献   

长江口悬沙浓度变化的同步性和差异性(英文)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The sediment discharge from the Yangtze River Basin has a stepwise decreasing trend in recent years. The impounding of the Three Gorges Reservoir exacerbated this decreasing trend and affected the change of the suspended sediment concentration(SSC) in the Yangtze River Estuary through the transmission effect. The SSC data of the Yangtze River Estuary during 1959–2012 showed that:(1) The SSC in the South Branch of the Yangtze River in the estuary and in the off-shore sea area displayed decreasing trends and decreased less towards the sea. At the same time, the difference in decreasing magnitude between SSC and sediment discharge became bigger towards the sea.(2) For the North Branch the preferential flow did not change much but the SSC tended to decrease, which was mainly caused by the decrease of SSC in the South Branch and China East Sea.(3) Due to the decreased runoff and the relatively strengthened tide, the peak area of the SSC in the bar shoal section in 2003–2012 moved inward for about 1/6 longitude unit compared with that in 1984–2002, and the inward-moving distance was in the order of flood season > annual average > dry season.(4) In the inlet of the South Passage, the SSC decreased mainly because the increase caused by resuspension and shore-groove exchange was less than the decrease caused by the sharp SSC decrease in the basin and the sea areas. The reverse was true in the middle section, where the SSC showed an increasing trend.(5) In the inlet of the North Passage, under the combined influence of decreased flow split and sediment split ratios, the decreased SSC in the basin and the sea area and decreased amount of resuspension, the SSC displayed a decreasing trend. In the middle section, because the increased amount caused by sediment going over the dyke was markedly more than the decreased amount caused by external environments, the SSC tended to increase. Holistically, the sharp decrease in sediment discharge caused synchronized SSC decreases in the Yangtze River Estuary. But there were still areas, where the SSC displayed increasing trends, indicating synchronicity and difference in the response of SSC to the sharp decrease in sediment discharge from the basin.  相似文献   

长江河口悬沙的运动方式与沉积形态特征分析   总被引:9,自引:3,他引:9  
长江河口为三级分汊四口入海的中等潮汐强度的三角洲河口。长江河口的悬沙输运有净上移、净下泄、上层下泄而下层上溯、潮滩与主槽之间的泥沙交换及涨潮槽泥沙倒灌落潮槽等五种形式。根据悬沙沉积的不同地点不同沉积形态可分为暗沙、拦门沙、口外水下三角洲以及河口潮滩四种类型。  相似文献   

长江沿线样带土地利用变化时空模拟及其对策   总被引:21,自引:6,他引:21  
龙花楼  李秀彬 《地理研究》2001,20(6):660-668
短时期(几年或几十年)的土地利用变化,主要受社会经济因素的驱动和自然因素的约束。各类土地利用变化基本上都能从与人类生产活动密切相关的耕地和城乡建设用地的变化上得到反映。利用修订后的GTR模型,对长江沿线样带未来30年的土地利用变化进行了模拟。研究发现,东部地区的耕地面积将进一步减少,而全区的耕地和建设用地面积将增加。根据研究区未来土地利用变化的时空特点,提出了相关应对策略,以利于区域土地持续利用的实现  相似文献   

以毛乌素沙地南缘风沙活动区典型的不同活性沙丘(流动沙丘、半流动沙丘、固定沙丘)为研究对象,于2011、2012年4-10月,每月2次,利用烘干法对3种沙丘迎风坡、丘顶、背风坡底部的0~100 cm深度土壤水分进行定位监测,分析了3种沙丘土壤水分时空变化特征。结果表明:土壤水分含量总体表现为固定沙丘>半流动沙丘>流动沙丘。3种沙丘平均土壤水分含量大体上都表现为秋季 >春季 >夏季。3种沙丘背风坡底部土壤水分含量最高,其次是迎风坡,丘顶最低,且迎风坡和丘顶两年平均土壤水分含量差距不大。表层0~10 cm土壤水分含量季节之间差异最大,随深度增加,土壤水分季节变异系数减小。沙丘各部位土壤水分含量垂直变异系数总体变化趋势为从春季到夏季增加,从夏季到秋季减小。土壤水分含量在0~100 cm的垂直变异系数与土壤水分含量为负相关关系,水分含量越高,土壤水分在0~100 cm之间的变化幅度越小。研究区3种沙丘土壤含水量变化水分可分为4个时期:4-5月为春季缓慢积累期,6-8月为夏季消耗期,9-11月为秋季积累期,12月到次年3月为冬季稳定期。总体上,天然植被对水分的涵养效果大于其消耗,本区降水可以维持不同活性沙丘的天然植被生长。  相似文献   

黄土高原侵蚀产沙强度的时空变化特征   总被引:26,自引:1,他引:26  
王万忠  焦菊英 《地理学报》2002,57(2):210-217
采用“水文-地貌法”即水文站实测值与侵蚀形态类型相结合的方法,将黄土高原划分为292个侵蚀产沙单元,分别对治理前后侵蚀产沙强度的时空变化特征进行了分析。结果表明:黄土高原自70年代以来,由于降雨因素和水土保持作用的影响,侵蚀产沙强度的结构特征发生了明显变化,侵蚀模数>10000t/km^2.a的极强烈以上的侵蚀面积急剧减少(减幅71.8%),减沙幅度最大的区域主要分布在以无定河为中心的极强烈侵蚀区和汾河流域的大部分地区(减幅50%以上);黄土高原侵蚀产沙,按流域区段主要来自河龙区间(54.8%),按类型区主要来自黄土峁状丘陵沟壑区(27.4%)和干旱黄土丘陵沟壑区(23.1%),按侵蚀带主要来自暖温带半干旱草原风蚀、水力侵蚀带(34.8%)和暖温带半干旱森林草原水力侵蚀带(32.6%);以侵蚀模数>10000t/km^2.a作为标准,可将黄土高原划分为7个极强烈以上的侵蚀产沙中心,其面积虽仅占全区总面积的15.5%,但其产沙量却占到全区总产沙量的42.1%。  相似文献   

毛乌素沙地植被物候时空变化特征及其影响因素   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
利用MODIS归一化植被指数(NDVI)对2001-2013年毛乌素沙地植被物候的时空变化进行了研究,并分析了物候与海拔、气候的关系。结果显示:(1)毛乌素沙地植被生长开始期(SOG)集中在第90~156天,生长结束期(EOG)在第245~323天,生长季长度(LOG)118~200 d;从东到西,SOG逐渐推迟,LOG逐渐缩短;随着海拔的升高,SOG显著推迟,EOG提前,LOG显著缩短。(2)2001-2013年,毛乌素沙地植被SOG明显提前,变化幅度为9 d/10a(R=-0.46,p=0.06),EOG和LOG分别呈提前和延长趋势,但变化都不显著。(3)研究区植被物候与温度的相关性不明显,但较多受降水量的影响,SOG与春季降水量的相关系数为-0.58(p=0.02);EOG与秋季降水量的相关系数为0.42(p=0.07);LOG与秋季降水量的相关系数为0.48(p=0.05)。  相似文献   

西江河口段溶解无机碳稳定同位素组成的时空变化   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
For researching the spatio-temporal variation of the stable isotopic composition of the riverine dissolved inorganic carbon(DIC),we had carried out a survey throughout the hydrologic year during which theδ^13CDIC of the surface water and its physicochemical parameter were examined along the Xijiang River Inner Estuarine waterway from September 2006 to June 2007.There was a striking seasonal variation on the averageδ^13CDIC,as the averageδ^13CDIC in summer(-13.91‰)or autumn(-13.09‰)was much less than those in spring(-11.71‰)or winter(-12.26‰).The riverineδ13C DIC was controlled by decomposed condition of the riverine organic matter linking the seasonal variation of the physicochemical parameter in the surface water according to the correlation analysis which indicated notable relations betweenδ^13CDIC and water temperature(p=0.000;r=-0.569)or betweenδ^13CDIC and oxide-reduction potential(p=0.000;r=0.646).The striking positive correlation between δ^13CDIC and the sampling distance happened in the summer rainy season,while striking negative correlation happened in the spring dry season,indicating that river-sea interaction influenced water physicochemical parameters and controlled the riverine DIC property in the survey waterway.In view of the riverineδ^13CDIC decreasing for the decomposition of the terrestrial organic matter in the rainy season in summer and increasing for the briny invaded zone extending in the spring dry season along the waterway from the Makou gauging station to the Modaomen outlet,theδ^13CDIC spatio-temporal variation was closely related to the geographical environment of the Xijiang drainage basin.  相似文献   

A detailed analysis of suspended sediment concentration (SSC) variations over a year period is presented using the data from 8 stations in the Yangtze River estuary and its adjacent waters, together with a discussion of the hydrodynamic regimes of the estuary. Spatially, the SSC from Xuliujing downwards to Hangzhou Bay increases almost constantly, and the suspended sediment in the inner estuary shows higher concentration in summer than in winter, while in the outer estuary it shows higher concentration in winter than in summer, and the magnitude is greater in the outer estuary than in the inner estuary, greater in the Hangzhou Bay than in the Yangtze River estuary. The sediments discharged by the Yangtze River into the sea are resuspended by marine dynamics included tidal currents and wind waves. Temporally, the SSC shows a pronounced neap-spring tidal cycle and seasonal variations. Furthermore, through the analysis of dynamic mechanism, it is concluded that wave and tidal current are two predominant factors of sediment resuspension and control the distribution and changes of SSC, in which tidal currents control neap-spring tidal cycles, and wind waves control seasonal variations. The ratio between river discharge and marine dynamics controls spatial distribution of SSC.  相似文献   

长江上游干支流悬移质含沙量的变化及其原因   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
许炯心  孙季 《地理研究》2008,27(2):332-342
河流含沙量的变化是流域自然与人文因子变化的反映。以长江上游干支流1956~2000年的水沙和降水资料为基础,运用时间系列分析和统计分析方法进行研究。研究发现,干流宜昌站和4条主要支流含沙量的变化不是同步的,4条主要支流含沙量的变化呈现出复杂变化图形。流域面平均年降水量的变化,仅能解释含沙量变化的15.86%~37.21%,说明气候因素的变化不是长江干支流含沙量变化的主要原因。运用双累积曲线分析方法,研究了人类活动 (如水库修建,交通、矿山和城市建设,水土保持,植被破坏和恢复等 )对含沙量变化的影响。人类活动影响在不同的流域有较大差异。与4条主要支流相比,长江干流宜昌站含沙量的变化较小,反映了尺度效应的影响。多元回归分析表明,屏山 、高场、北碚、武隆4站的年均含沙量变化对宜昌站年均含沙量变化的贡献率分别为28.5%、12.6%、44.2%和14.7%。  相似文献   

The sediment discharge from the Yangtze River Basin has a stepwise decreasing trend in recent years. The impounding of the Three Gorges Reservoir exacerbated this decreasing trend and affected the change of the suspended sediment concentration (SSC) in the Yangtze River Estuary through the transmission effect. The SSC data of the Yangtze River Estuary during 1959-2012 showed that: (1) The SSC in the South Branch of the Yangtze River in the estuary and in the off-shore sea area displayed decreasing trends and decreased less towards the sea. At the same time, the difference in decreasing magnitude between SSC and sediment discharge became bigger towards the sea. (2) For the North Branch the preferential flow did not change much but the SSC tended to decrease, which was mainly caused by the decrease of SSC in the South Branch and China East Sea. (3) Due to the decreased runoff and the relatively strengthened tide, the peak area of the SSC in the bar shoal section in 2003-2012 moved inward for about 1/6 longitude unit compared with that in 1984-2002, and the inward-moving distance was in the order of flood season > annual average > dry season. (4) In the inlet of the South Passage, the SSC decreased mainly because the increase caused by resuspension and shore-groove exchange was less than the decrease caused by the sharp SSC decrease in the basin and the sea areas. The reverse was true in the middle section, where the SSC showed an increasing trend. (5) In the inlet of the North Passage, under the combined influence of decreased flow split and sediment split ratios, the decreased SSC in the basin and the sea area and decreased amount of resuspension, the SSC displayed a decreasing trend. In the middle section, because the increased amount caused by sediment going over the dyke was markedly more than the decreased amount caused by external environments, the SSC tended to increase. Holistically, the sharp decrease in sediment discharge caused synchronized SSC decreases in the Yangtze River Estuary. But there were still areas, where the SSC displayed increasing trends, indicating synchronicity and difference in the response of SSC to the sharp decrease in sediment discharge from the basin.  相似文献   

怒江流域悬移质输沙时空分布特征及变化趋势   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘新有  何大明 《地理学报》2013,68(3):365-371
利用怒江-萨尔温江上游地区怒江流域5 个水文站长序列日悬移质输沙与径流观测记录,运用Mann-Kendall 检验和R/S 分析等方法,分析了50 多年来(1956-2011) 怒江干流和支流南汀河输沙时空格局和变化特征及其与径流的关系.结果表明:(1) 怒江干流平均含沙量和输沙模数远小于支流南汀河,流域悬移质输沙率年际变异系数随控制面积增大而减小;(2) 怒江干流木城站悬移质输沙率小于其上游道街坝站,部分泥沙淤积在区间河床可能是其原因之一;(3) 怒江流域悬移质输沙年内分配极不均匀,干流悬移质输沙集中程度在月以上时间尺度高于支流南汀河,而在日时间尺度则低于支流南汀河;(4) 怒江干流和支流南汀河悬移质输沙率均呈明显上升趋势,且未来仍将延续上升趋势,二者的突变分别始于1987 年和1980 年;(5) 怒江干流中上游悬移质输沙与径流的相关性不显著,中下游、下游以及支流南汀河悬移质输沙与径流的相关性均显著.  相似文献   

长江河口悬浮泥沙的混合过程   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
刘红  何青  王亚  陈吉余 《地理学报》2012,67(9):1269-1281
根据准同步观测的悬浮泥沙及表层沉积物粒度、流速、含沙量资料, 分析了长江口及临近海域悬浮泥沙在河口的混合过程。长江河口-陆架系统悬浮泥沙中值粒径呈现“细-粗-细”的变化规律, 河口上段悬浮泥沙中值粒径为8.9 μm, 拦门沙海域为10.5 μm, 陆架区为4.5 μm, 北支为9.9 μm, 杭州湾口为5.6 μm, 泥沙类型为粘土质粉砂。河口上段和陆架区悬浮泥沙与表层沉积物的垂向混合作用较弱, 拦门沙区域二者发生强烈的混合和交换, 悬浮泥沙在由长江河口向陆架系统输移过程中仅有表层泥沙保留了流域输入的泥沙粒度特征。长江口悬浮泥沙中值粒径与含沙量呈良好的正相关关系, 水流的剪切作用是引起拦门沙海域泥沙再悬浮、近底高含沙量和悬浮泥沙粒径增加的主要原因, 悬浮泥沙粒径和含沙量的增加主要由粉砂组分的增加引起。2007 年长江河口区范围内悬浮泥沙中值粒径比2003 年普遍减小11%, 含沙量比2003 年减小22%, 河口上段含沙量对流域来沙减少的响应最为敏感, 而拦门沙区的泥沙粒径对流域来沙减少的响应最敏感。在长江流域来沙量减少的背景下, 河口拦门沙区域仍能维持较高的含沙量, 主要缘于河口系统内部的供沙  相似文献   

近50年长三角地区水系时空变化及其驱动机制   总被引:7,自引:4,他引:7  
基于1960s、1980s以及2010s三期1:5万地形图中水系数据,选取河网密度(Dd)、水面率(WSR)、干流面积长度比(R)、支流发育系数(K)和盒维数(D),探讨了长江三角洲地区水系近50年的时空格局及变化特征,并分析了城市化对水系结构的影响.结果表明:①近50年来,长三角水系河网密度、水面率数量特征呈下降趋势,其中武澄锡虞、杭嘉湖和鄞东南地区河网密度减少近20%;结构特征发生变化,秦淮河流域干流面积长度比增加显著,杭嘉湖地区支流发育系数衰减达46.8%;河网复杂度衰退,武澄锡虞和杭嘉湖地区的盒维数衰减分别达7.8%和6.5%.②城市化影响水系的空间分布,高度城市化地区河网密度、水面率、支流发育系数以及盒维数最低.③城市化深刻改变着水系的演化过程.1960s-2010s期间,高度城市化地区的河网密度、水面率衰减剧烈达27.2%和19.3%,河网主干化趋势加剧,河网复杂度下降4.91%.1980s-2010s期间,低度城市化地区支流衰减达53.3%,河网密度大幅下降14.6%.④城镇用地的扩张、水利工程的修建和农田水利活动是改变长三角水系的主要方式.  相似文献   

黄河中游支流悬移质粒度与含沙量、流量间的复杂关系   总被引:12,自引:4,他引:12  
许炯心 《地理研究》2003,22(1):39-48
本文以黄河中游若干支流为例,研究了宽变幅水沙两相流河流悬移质泥沙的粒度特征。结果表明,宽变幅水沙两相流河流的悬移质泥沙粒度特征与含沙量、流量之间具有复杂的关系。就同一站点而言,随着含沙量和流量的增大,大于0.05mm的粗颗粒泥沙的百分比迅速减小,并达到最小值;当含沙量和流量进一步增大时,其百分比又迅速增大,表现出明显的双值关系。对于小于0.01mm细泥沙而言,情形正好相反。黄河中游不同的支流之间,悬移质泥沙粒度特征与年均含沙量的关系也是复杂的。这些变化图形可以用非高含沙水流与高含沙水流不同的物理力学行为来解释  相似文献   

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