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当前药品价格的快速增长给医保部门、医院和患者带来了巨大的压力,如何减轻财务负担成为一个重要的问题.文章系统阐述了医保政策不同模式选择,医保的支付方式和医保政策的作用主体对用药行为影响,为医保政策促进合理用药的积极作用,以期为有效控制药价、合理用药提供另一种思路.  相似文献   

随着我国全民医保制度不断完善,对医保基金使用的监管提出更高要求.中国医保医师制度建设具有逻辑可行性、政策可行性与法理可行性,表现在:逻辑层面,中国医保医师制度是执业医师制度的延伸;政策层面,中国医保医师制度的建立已有政策铺垫及其改革基础;法理层面,医保监管从医疗机构延伸到医师合理合法.建立与实施中国医保医师制度,需健全...  相似文献   

了解大学生对居民医保政策知晓情况及影响因素,为制定相应大学生医保制度提供参考.方法 根据“南京市大学生医保指南”自行设计调查问卷,采取多阶段分层整群抽样,调查了南京地区12所公办高校2 536名在校大学生,统计分析大学生对医保政策的知晓水平和影响因素.结果 45.7%的大学生不知道自己应纳入城镇居民医保,对大学生医保政策内容16个问题的总知晓率为17.9%,每张问卷得分在60分以上者的构成比为17.7%.经检验,对医保认知有统计学差异的有:是否医学生(回归系数=-0.107,P=0.016)、年级(回归系数=0.069,P=0.028)、对医保作用的评价(回归系数=0.387,P=0.005)和1 a内有无住院(回归系数=0.260,P=0.039).结论 大学生对居民医保的认知度偏低,并受有无医学背景、年级、对医保作用的评价以及1 a内住院情况的影响.需多方努力提高大学生对医保的认知,并重点关注非医学生、低年级、认为医保无作用以及未住院者.  相似文献   

目的:基于公众视角了解医保政策效能现状,并探寻其影响因素,以期增进人民健康福祉,提高公众的幸福感、安全感、归属感。方法:文章采用分层抽样的方法,对黑龙江省居民开展医保政策效能问卷调查。借助SPSS23.0软件进行统计学描述、单因素分析、多元logistic回归,分析医保政策效能现状以及影响因素。结果:公众对医保政策效果、效益评价较高,医保政策整体效能良好。家庭年收入、职业类型、是否购买商业医疗保险、医保政策宣传效果评价、经历违规现象的频数以及咨询医保政策的方便性是影响医保政策效能评价的主要因素(P<0.05)。结论:我国医保政策整体效能良好。为进一步提高人民福祉,医保政策制定和实施应聚焦至医保扶贫、医保政策宣传以及医保基金监管等关键领域,确保公众切实体会到医保政策红利。  相似文献   

目的 本课题通过调查2010、2011年太原市居民医保恶性肿瘤患者住院费用情况,对比统筹支付政策的改变前后对太原市居民医保恶性肿瘤患者的住院治疗情况的影响.方法 采用回顾性调查研究方法,收集太原市2010、2011年度居民医保恶性肿瘤患者住院治疗人数、住院费用、统筹支付金额、自付金额等数据,分析统筹支付政策的改变对太原市居民医保恶性肿瘤患者住院治疗情况的影响.2010、2011年度太原市居民医保恶性肿瘤患者住院人数、费用总额、统筹支付金额及比例总体呈上升趋势,自付比例总体呈下降趋势.结果 统筹支付政策的改变,明显的增加了各级医院居民医保恶性肿瘤患者住院治疗的人数,且三级医院增长率明显高于二级医院;在各级医院,统筹支付金额及其在总的住院费用中所占比例也有了大幅度的提高,尤其是在三级医院;患者统筹支付金额、自付金额及自费金额均有所增加,其中统筹支付金额所占比例增幅较小,自付金额所占比例有所下降,自费金额所占比例略有增加.结论 统筹支付政策改变在提高居民医保恶性肿瘤患者的住院治疗率,减轻医保患者经济压力方面起到积极作用,应该进一步深化统筹支付政策的改革,进一步加大统筹支付的比例,降低居民医保恶性肿瘤患者的治疗压力.从宏观角度给政府医保部门提出建议和对策.  相似文献   

基本医保对一般诊疗费的合理补偿不仅关系到国家基本药物制度能否顺利实施,而且关系到群众就医的切身利益。笔者从医保报销政策、报销项目、预算管理和医保承受力四个方面进行思考,发现基本医保对一般诊疗费报销时存在医保报销政策不完善,报销项目不统一,预算管理难度大以及医保难以承受四个主要问题。针对以上问题提出:完善医保报销政策,统一报销项目,提高预算管理水平以及合理分担医保承受力四条建议和对策。  相似文献   

目的 探究我国医疗保险政策与文献的主题演化,为医保政策制定提供决策依据。方法 选取1983年10月至2022年9月以国家医疗保障局和CNKI中国知识资源总库中有关的医保主题的政策与文献作为分析对象,使用LDA进行主题建模,生成不同时间下主题强度演变的散点图,对我国医保政策与文献的趋势变化与研究热点进行分析,以双侧P<0.05为差异有统计学意义。结果 医保政策涉及6个较为热点主题,医保文献涉及9个较为热点主题。结论 医保政策在发布数量和主题上都受到医保文献的影响。医疗体系改革、医保中医药目录、医保监管与医保支付方式改革将成为今后医保工作重点。  相似文献   

南京市政府对医保定点的社区卫生服务机构实行了多项医保惠民政策,初步缓解了老百姓“看病难,看病贵”的问题.文章提出把社区就诊和门诊统筹作为医保制度可持续发展的一个基点,走出创新之路.  相似文献   

医保限定性药品拒付原因   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 从医保限定性药品拒付数据人手,分析社保经办机构对定点医院违规使用医保限定性药品发生医保基金拒付的原因,提出解决的对策.方法 通过对新疆乌鲁木齐市4家二级医院2014年医保拒付数据进行分析,运用德尔菲法分析医保限定性药品拒付的原因.结果 该院医保医师因违规使用医保限定性药品导致的拒付病例数占全年医保违规拒付病例数的65.17%.结论 定点医疗机构应该加大对医保政策的宣教力度,全力推进医院数字化、信息化建设,加强医保违规问题的事前监控,持续改进医保智能审核系统,避免医院医保基金拒付事件的发生.  相似文献   

国家医保改革政策出台,一个覆盖全市城镇人口的全民医保系基本形成,面对参保人员的迅速扩增和医保事业的快速发展,新的医保政策结合各地经济发展状况,较大幅度地提高了参保人员的医疗待遇.随着医疗保障体系的日趋完善,医院作为医疗保障制度的主要载体,与医保机构、患者处于同一个医疗保险与服务运行系统之中,三者是相互依赖相互制约的对立统-关系.医院的医保管理工作应采取相应的对策,协调解决三者之间的矛盾,共创和谐的医、患、医保关系,实现共赢.  相似文献   

该文阐述了新时期卫生事业的发展不能只停留在生产要素量的增长上,而着重要看生产能力质的提高,更要把“服务人群健康水平的提高”作为卫生事业发展的试金石和最终归结点。在确立发展的目标定位时应以卫生事业的服务主体为参照系,而在选择发展的载体时,应从“东一榔头西一锤”、“拆东墙补西墙”、“鹤立鸡群”、“拚设备”等发展的误区里走出来,并从宏观和微观两个层面论述了该怎样发展。  相似文献   

当前城乡基层卫生事业存在卫生资源不足且城乡差距明显、基本医疗得不到保障舍近求远使看病难导致看病贵、公共卫生服务缺失使危害居民健康因素的隐患增大等主要问题,提出发展城乡基层卫生事业是实施基本卫生保健制度基础的观点,提出把巩固完善城乡基层卫生体系和提高卫生服务能力作为基础工程、把增加卫生投入和实行公共卫生服务政府埋单作为保障工程、把改造不良生活卫生环境和倡导健康生活方式作为配套工程等三个发展城乡基层卫生事业和实施国家基本卫生保健制度的政策建议。  相似文献   

Changes in patterns of delivery of mental health care over several decades are putting pressure on primary health and social care services to increase their involvement. Mental health policy in countries like the UK, Australia and New Zealand recognises the need for these services to make a greater contribution and calls for increased intersectoral collaboration. In Australia, most investment to date has focused on the development and integration of specialist mental health services and primary medical care, and evaluation research suggests some progress. Substantial inadequacies remain, however, in the comprehensiveness and continuity of care received by people affected by mental health problems, particularly in relation to social and psychosocial interventions. Very little research has examined the nature of the roles that non-medical primary health and social care services actually or potentially play in mental health care. Lack of information about these roles could have inhibited development of service improvement initiatives targeting these services. The present paper reports the results of an exploratory study that examined the mental health care roles of 41 diverse non-medical primary health and social care services in the state of Victoria, Australia. Data were collected in 2004 using a purposive sampling strategy. A novel method of surveying providers was employed whereby respondents within each agency worked as a group to complete a structured survey that collected quantitative and qualitative data simultaneously. This paper reports results of quantitative analyses including a tentative principal components analysis that examined the structure of roles. Non-medical primary health and social care services are currently performing a wide variety of mental health care roles and they aspire to increase their involvement in this work. However, these providers do not favour approaches involving selective targeting of clients with mental disorders.  相似文献   

The objective of this study is to examine the causal effect of health care utilization on unmet health care needs. An IV approach deals with the endogeneity between the use of health care services and unmet health care, using the presence of drug insurance and the number of physicians by health region as instruments. We employ three cycles of the Canadian Community Health Survey confidential master files (2003, 2005, and 2014). We find a robustly negative relationship between health care use and unmet health care needs. One more visit to a medical doctor on average decreases the probability of reporting unmet health care needs by 0.014 points. The effect is negative for the women‐only group whereas it is statistically insignificant for men; similarly, the effect is negative for urban dwellers but insignificant for rural ones. Health care use reduces the likelihood of reporting unmet health care. Policies that encourage the use of health care services, like increasing the coverage of public drug insurance and increasing after hours accessibility of physicians, can help reduce the likelihood of unmet health care.  相似文献   

目的:本研究系统梳理改革开放以来我国老年健康服务的相关政策,分析政策的演变历程和发展特征,为我国老年健康服务政策的进一步完善提出建议。方法:经系统检索得到老年健康服务相关政策文件148份,提取关键信息并梳理政策内容与时间节点,采用Nvivo 11软件对21份主要政策进行文本分析,归纳总结中国老年健康服务政策体系的演变历程。结果:中国老年健康服务的政策演变过程可划分为三个阶段:起步酝酿阶段(1984—2008年)、快速发展阶段(2009—2016年)及系统整合阶段(2017年之后)。在这一过程中逐步明确了“健康老龄化”的目标与内涵,建立了老年健康服务体系的整体框架。结论:本文从政策演变角度总结了我国老年健康服务政策发展的阶段,并针对现存问题与挑战提出应进一步完善相关配套政策、通过试点示范促进政策方案的细化、加大对能力建设的政策支持力度以及在大健康理念下促进多部门协作等建议。  相似文献   

Health programs are shaped by the decisions made in budget processes, so how budget-makers view health programs is an important part of making health policy. Budgeting in any country involves its own policy community, with key players including budgeting professionals and political authorities. This article reviews the typical pressures on and attitudes of these actors when they address health policy choices. The worldview of budget professionals includes attitudes that are congenial to particular policy perspectives, such as the desire to select packages of programs that maximize population health. The pressures on political authorities, however, are very different: most importantly, public demand for health care services is stronger than for virtually any other government activity. The norms and procedures of budgeting also tend to discourage adoption of some of the more enthusiastically promoted health policy reforms. Therefore talk about rationalizing systems is not matched by action; and action is better explained by the need to minimize blame. The budget-maker's perspective provides insight about key controversies in healthcare policy such as decentralization, competition, health service systems as opposed to health insurance systems, and dedicated vs. general revenue finance. It also explains the frequency of various “gaming” behaviors.  相似文献   

Housing is a key instrument of health care. This was recognized long ago when the Victorians introduced public health measures to tackle unhealthy city slums. The links between housing and health have since been forgotten by some people, as general housing standards have improved and housing has developed as a separate area of public policy. This paper attempts to show that in the late twentieth century housing is still a fundamental factor in determining health. A number of policy issues now point to the need to rebuild the links between housing and health: evidence of persistent inequalities in health, a recognition that those with the poorest health still live in the worst housing, and the new care in the community policy which demands closer working relationships between agencies. The current political and economic climate does not encourage or foster links between services. The government's approach to health focuses on personal behaviour rather than environmental factors as determinants of health, there is a rift between entrenched professional interest groups which provides no incentive for cooperation, and there is a lack of research which demonstrates clear financial and service benefits from coordinating housing and health planning and provision. However, a renewed concern for public health is becoming more prominent (which recognizes the fundamental links between environment and health). This paper argues that housing is a key factor in individual, and hence public health, and should therefore play a more central role in this debate. The challenge now is to gain wider recognition of the essential policy and financial links between housing and health-care services. This involves clearly identifying exactly what aspects of housing are important for health and in what way, including housing issues in health and public health concerns at all levels, and suggesting priorities for policy makers. It must be demonstrated that expenditure on housing is still an effective way of achieving improvements in health. Housing is an enduring instrument of health care.  相似文献   

Equity and equality in health and health care   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
This paper explores four definitions of equity in health care: equality of utilization, distribution according to need, equality of access, and equality of health. We argue that the definitions of 'need' in the literature are inadequate and propose a new definition. We also argue that, irrespective of how need and access are defined, the four definitions of equity are, in general, mutually incompatible. In contrast to previous authors, we suggest that equality of health should be the dominant principle and that equity in health care should therefore entail distributing care in such a way as to get as close as is feasible to an equal distribution of health.  相似文献   

The move to more evidence-based practice has been a recent and much-advocated feature of public policy, especially in health and social care. An essential element of this approach is to make available summaries of evidence in an understandable form, which can then be used to support decision-making in planning and practice. The present paper describes the development of just such a set of information digests for the health and social care interface. A distinct divide exists between the knowledge bases usually accessed by practitioners and professionals in these two fields, even though they often share populations and concerns. The authors describe the challenges and processes of developing a set of briefing documents summarising policy and research literature on health and social care topics. The paper introduces the project and its intentions, and describes the development and application of the conceptual basis and production methodology behind the briefings. The issues raised by summarising research evidence on potentially controversial topics within the limits of a briefing are also discussed.  相似文献   

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