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赵力 《电子器件》2012,35(6):723-726
纯方位目标跟踪是一个重要的研究课题。它要解决的问题是:利用含有噪声的方位数据来估计目标的真实运动轨迹。本文提出了一种基于粒子群优化的改进粒子滤波算法。这种算法可以将最新的观测值引入观测估计,提高了预估精度,减少所需的粒子数,从而实现对目标真实运动轨迹更好的跟踪。  相似文献   

传统粒子滤波算法中在重要性采样部分存在采样粒子位置不精确的问题,可用粒子群优化算法优化,但目前的标准粒子群优化粒子滤波算法会出现粒子局部寻优的情况。对此对算法中的惯性权重和学习因子同时采取自适应调整的方法,平衡粒子的搜索能力以减少这种情况的出现,并且为了解决算法优化后因粒子聚集而造成的多样性缺失问题,对粒子进行随机变异以提高粒子多样性。仿真结果表明,经过改进后的优化算法可有效提高粒子滤波算法的准确性,使跟踪误差减小。  相似文献   

基于粒子滤波的弹道目标跟踪   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
弹道目标再入段的运动受到空气阻力、重力等力的影响,具有明显的非线性特征.传统的卡尔曼滤波是线性、高斯问题的最优滤波器,但无法处理非线性的估计问题.扩展卡尔曼滤波利用泰勒级数展开把非线性方程线性化,是解决非线性估计问题的有效算法;而近些年来出现的粒子滤波以其解决非线性问题的卓越性能,得到了迅速发展.文章对弹道目标再入段的运动特征进行研究,建立了目标的状态空间模型,并应用扩展卡尔曼滤波和粒子滤波实现了对弹道目标的跟踪.通过比较仿真结果,证明粒子滤波比扩展卡尔曼滤波精度更高,对噪声的抑制能力更强,也更稳定.因而具有重大的研究意义.  相似文献   

针对被动传感器阵列中的机动目标跟踪问题,该文提出了一种基于多模Rao-Blackwellized粒子滤波的机动目标跟踪新方法。算法首先基于Rao-Blackwellization理论将机动目标跟踪问题划分为模型选择和目标跟踪两个子问题;采用多模Rao-Blackwellized粒子滤波对目标运动模型进行选择,扩展Kalman滤波对目标进行更新,有效降低了抽样粒子状态维数,节省了计算时间;最后,建立了被动传感器阵列的非线性观测模型。实验结果表明,提出方法可以有效地对目标模型进行选择,算法的跟踪性能及稳定性要好于交互多模型(IMM)方法。  相似文献   

针对粒子滤波中传统重采样存在的滤波性能不稳定、有效粒子数波动剧烈、样贫的缺点,提出了一种基于Chopthin重采样粒子滤波的目标跟踪算法。与传统重采样相比,Chopthin重采样产生的粒子权重不相等,粒子相对集中时,对边缘粒子的舍弃力度更小,因此能够改善传统重采样存在的样贫。Chopthin重采样可以在每一个迭代周期进行,不必在有效粒子数低于阈值时才进行,有效粒子数和滤波性能更加稳定。仿真实验表明,在不增加计算量的前提下,所提算法克服了传统重采样的缺点。  相似文献   

一种基于粒子滤波的自适应运动目标跟踪方法   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
该文提出了一种基于粒子滤波的自适应运动目标跟踪方法。均值漂移算法是一种最优梯度下降法,通过迭代来搜索目标,从而实现对运动目标的跟踪。而粒子滤波是一种在非线性和非高斯情形下进行跟踪的强有力方法。该文首先对图像的直方图进行改进,提出了一种基于统计直方图分布的目标模型,然后通过这个模型将这两种方法有效地结合起来。根据跟踪的过程,自适应地调整参数,能够较好地处理图像序列中由于光线变化或遮挡所带来的影响。实验证明,该文所提出的方法与均值漂移方法相比,即使在复杂的情形下,也能够准确地对目标进行跟踪。  相似文献   

王博  刘海军  安玮  周一宇 《信号处理》2010,26(4):486-491
针对实时传感器管理算法的局限,在深入分析传感器管理问题本质特征的基础上,提出一种传感器静态预分配方案。然后,以低轨星座目标连续跟踪为应用背景,提出一种基于修正粒子群优化的传感器预分配方法。仿真实验表明,所提方法虽然需要较长时间的静态分配过程,但是其实时运算效率明显高于实时传感器管理算法,因而给上层系统设计留下更多富余时间。   相似文献   

基于卡尔曼粒子滤波的目标跟踪算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
万顷浪  张殿福 《电子科技》2013,26(8):7-9,12
目标跟踪在计算机视觉领域有着重要的应用。文中在对运动目标跟踪算法进行研究之后,应用卡尔曼粒子滤波算法进行运动目标的跟踪,同时利用Matlab 对卡尔曼滤波算法、粒子滤波算法及卡尔曼粒子滤波算法进行了实验仿真。实验结果表明,运用卡尔曼粒子滤波算法能够更快、更准确地对运动目标进行跟踪,可将其广泛应用于目标跟踪中。  相似文献   

针对基于颜色的粒子滤波跟踪方法在复杂背景下会导致跟踪失败的问题,提出了一种基于局部二值模式纹理和颜色特征的粒子滤波目标跟踪方法。颜色直方图是对目标在彩色图像中的全局描述,而局部二值模式纹理包含了灰度图像中局部邻近区域的纹理信息,两者可以互为补充。因此同时用颜色直方图和局部二值模式纹理直方图描述目标,在粒子滤波框架下将目标颜色和局部二值模式纹理有机结合起来。实验结果表明,该算法不仅提高了跟踪精度,而且具有较强的稳健性。  相似文献   

提出一种利用最近的目标轨迹信息自适应调整运动模型的粒子滤波方法,根据背景地形或道路信息建立若干目标轨迹模式,然后利用目标轨迹模式将最近的目标轨迹进行分类,通过与当前目标最近段轨迹匹配的目标轨迹类,获得当前目标在下一时刻状态后验概率分布对应的粒子.实验结果表明该方法具有较强的鲁棒性,能有效实现复杂场景下的目标跟踪.  相似文献   

For realizing robust target tracking with wireless sensor networks in the circumstance where the propagation parameters of the characteristic signal emitted by the target are unknown, a novel tracking algorithm under the particle filter framework is proposed. We propose a scheme to realize particle weight calculation without the prior knowledge about the propagation parameters of the target's characteristic signal. With the use of the monotonic relationship of the distance and the received signal strength, we define the signal characteristic sequence and particle distance sequence and utilize the modified sequence distance between the signal characteristic sequence and the particle distance sequence as the criterion to calculate the particle weight blindly with simple lightweight operations. Simulation results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Benefitting from its ability to estimate the target state's posterior probability density function (PDF) in complex nonlinear and non‐Gaussian circumstance, particle filter (PF) is widely used to solve the target tracking problem in wireless sensor networks. However, the traditional PF algorithm based on sequential importance sampling with re‐sampling will degenerate if the latest observation appear in the tail of the prior PDF or if the observation likelihood is too peaked in comparison with the prior. In this paper, we propose an improved particle filter which makes full use of the latest observation in constructing the proposal distribution. The quality prediction function is proposed to measure the quality of the particles, and only the high quality particles are selected and used to generate the coarse proposal distribution. Then, a centroid shift vector is calculated based on the coarse proposal distribution, which leads the particles move towards the optimal proposal distribution. Simulation results demonstrate the robustness of the proposed algorithm under the challenging background conditions. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

粒子滤波算法在运动目标跟踪方面有着广泛的使用,粒子滤波中的重采样是解决粒子退化的一种重要方法,但是重采样会导致粒子的多样性的丧失。针对这个问题,改进粒子滤波算法,改进过程中结合了导向滤波的基本思想,因此将这种方法称为导向粒子滤波跟踪算法。导向滤波是近几年提出的一种新的滤波方式,与传统滤波相比,它在滤波的时候会引入一幅指导图像,鉴于这个思想,我们在进行粒子滤波的时候,引入一种导向粒子作为一个指导量,来保留一些目标图像上的信息。实验证明了这种算法可以更好地对目标进行定位跟踪。  相似文献   

针对机动目标跟踪加速度的不确定性,引入一种新的参数自适应算法,采用粒子滤波及高斯核密度估计技术,估计目标机动参数,实现对任意机动目标的跟踪。在此基础上,考虑到粒子滤波计算代价较高的问题,进一步引入区间分析技术,采用Box粒子代替传统的粒子,以提高算法的计算效率。实验结果表明,提出的算法能够有效地跟踪任意机动目标,且运算时间明显低于传统的参数自适应算法。  相似文献   

Node localization is essential to wireless sensor networks (WSN) and its applications. In this paper, we propose a particle swarm optimization (PSO) based localization algorithm (PLA) for WSNs with one or more mobile anchors. In PLA, each mobile anchor broadcasts beacons periodically, and sensor nodes locate themselves upon the receipt of multiple such messages. PLA does not require anchors to move along an optimized or a pre‐determined path. This property makes it suitable for WSN applications in which data‐collection and network management are undertaken by mobile data sinks with known locations. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first time that PSO is used in range‐free localization in a WSN with mobile anchors. We further derive the upper bound on the localization error using Centroid method and PLA. Simulation results show that PLA can achieve high performance in various scenarios. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Target tracking is one of the main applications of wireless sensor networks. Optimized computation and energy dissipation are critical requirements to save the limited resource of the sensor nodes. A framework and analysis for collaborative tracking via particle filter are presented in this paper Collaborative tracking is implemented through sensor selection, and results of tracking are propagated among sensor nodes. In order to save communication resources, a new Gaussian sum particle filter, called Gaussian sum quasi particle filter, to perform the target tracking is presented, in which only mean and covariance of mixands need to be communicated. Based on the Gaussian sum quasi particle filter, a sensor selection criterion is proposed, which is computationally much simpler than other sensor selection criterions. Simulation results show that the proposed method works well for target tracking.  相似文献   

粒子群优化算法是一种随机搜索算法,并能以较大概率收敛到全局最优,微粒群算法中关键参数的选择方法对算法特性有显著影响.文中针对微粒群算法中的加速常数、惯性权重、取值范围、种群规模的设置对算法基本性能的影响进行了分析.实验结果证明:选择适合的参数设置水平,能够获得稳健和高效的优化效果.  相似文献   

Nowadays, the broad availability of cameras and embedded systems makes the application of computer vision very promising as a supporting technology for intelligent transportation systems, particularly in the field of vehicle tracking. Although there are several existing trackers, the limitation of using low‐cost cameras, besides the relatively low processing power in embedded systems, makes most of these trackers useless. For the tracker to work under those conditions, the video frame rate must be reduced to decrease the burden on computation. However, doing this will make the vehicle seem to move faster on the observer's side. This phenomenon is called the fast motion challenge. This paper proposes a tracker called dynamic swarm particle (DSP), which solves the challenge. The term particle refers to the particle filter, while the term swarm refers to particle swarm optimization (PSO). The fundamental concept of our method is to exploit the continuity of vehicle dynamic motions by creating dynamic models based on PSO. Based on the experiments, DSP achieves a precision of 0.896 and success rate of 0.755. These results are better than those obtained by several other benchmark trackers.  相似文献   

为解决复杂场景中目标跟踪问题,提出了一种噪声未知情况下的自适应无迹粒子滤波(A-UPF)算法。算法采用改进的Sage-Husa估计器对系统未知噪声的统计特性进行实时估计和修正,并与无迹Kalman粒子滤波器相结合产生优选的建议分布函数,降低系统估计误差的同时有效提升了系统的抗噪声能力。实验结果表明,本文方法对于复杂条件下的目标跟踪问题具有较高的精度和较强的鲁棒性。  相似文献   

宁必锋  苏琪 《电子设计工程》2011,19(24):11-13,16
针对函数优化问题,提出了一种基于离差平方和法的粒子群优化算法。该算法用混沌序列初始化粒子的位置和速度,选择好于粒子群优化算法产生的粒子位置。通过离差平方和法进行聚类,利用分类方式来更新粒子的速度。最后将算法应用到3个典型的函数优化问题中,数值结果比较表明,提高了算法搜索能力,全局最优解的精度和收敛速度。  相似文献   

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