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目的探讨中文版筛选型老年听力障碍量表(HHIE-S)在老年性聋中的应用价值。方法对入选的170名非独居老年人及其亲属发放自评和代理者HHIE-S量表,并测其纯音听阈,分析量表得分与听阈之间的相关性。结果两份量表得分与纯音听阈间均呈正相关性。以25d B作为听力下降标准,HHIE-S量表对老年聋的特异性值为95.24%,对老年性聋的敏感性为59.06%,并随着听力损失级别的提高,量表的敏感性增加。共有149人(占总数87.65%)通过测听表明有不同程度的听力损失,轻至中度聋的患者中有50人得分>8,提示有听力障碍,10-22分的有39人,提示为轻至中度聋,有11人得分在24-40分之间,提示为重度听力障碍;听阈为重度聋及以上的患者共有38人得分>8,提示有听力障碍,10-22分的有9人,提示为轻至中度聋,29人得分在24-40分之间,提示为重度听力障碍。结论中文版HHIE-S量表在老年性聋筛查中表现出较好的敏感性和特异性,与纯音测听具有较强相关性,可以用于老年性聋的早期筛查,有利于推动老年性聋患者早期积极治疗和康复。  相似文献   

目的评价《中小学生听力筛查量表》的信度和效度,为轻、中度听力损失儿童的筛查工作提供可靠依据。方法随机抽取北京市房山区闫村小学和大董村小学共610名学生,年龄在6~15岁之间,由调查人员采用编制的听力筛查量表对每名儿童进行询问式调查,回收问卷进行信度分析;另选取1017名儿童进行预试验,35名已确诊的听力损失儿童来自中国聋儿康复研究中心门诊部,听力阈值在31~80dBHL,982名经过测试且听力正常的儿童来自北京市平谷区第四小学,对所有儿童分别进行询问式问卷调查和纯音测听(采用GVSLN--PC2B听力计测试),以纯音测听结果作为“金标准”,以问卷调查总分是否为0作为筛查标准评价量表的真实性。结果13个指标的重测相关系数在0.90~1.00之间,分半信度为0.83,Cronbach’s alpha系数为0.82;总体得分相关系数为0.94,准则关联效度为0.90(P=0.000),灵敏度为94.29%,特异度为90.43%。结论《中小学生听力筛查量表》具有较好的可行性与有效性,该量表整体符合量表编制的基本要求,建议进一步推广试用。  相似文献   

目的对中文版嗓音疲劳指数(voice fatigue index,VFI)量表进行信度和效度评价。方法对VFI量表进行系统翻译,采用跨文化翻译法形成中文版VFI量表,首先选取20例嗓音疾病患者及20例健康对照组进行两次VFI量表评估,然后选取哈尔滨第四医院就诊的106例嗓音障碍患者为观察组及114例健康患者为对照组共220例进行中文版VFI量表评估,对其进行信效度评价。结果中文版VFI量表3个分量表cronbachα系数为0.925~0.933,折半系数为0.898~0.935;相关性分析r为0.920~0.970(P<0.01);因素分析特征根大于“1”的公因子3个,累计贡献率分别为53.743%、67.233%、72.923%,各条目负荷大于0.4;嗓音疾病患者即观察组与健康对照组比较3部分评分有显著差异(P=0.000)。结论经验证,中文版VFI量表信度和效度良好,可作为评估嗓音疲劳的有效工具。  相似文献   

目的 检验中文版格拉斯格儿童受益量表(Glasgow children's benefit inventory,GCBI)的信度和效度;探讨中文版GCBI是否可作为一种好的评价手段对行扁桃体和(或)腺样体切除术(tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy,T&A)后患儿的生活质量(quality of life,QOL)进行评价。方法 以问卷访谈的形式调查73例符合 条件的儿童及其监护人,用内部一致性、分半信度、结构效度和内容效度来检验中文版GCBI的信、效度;对73例患儿行T&A后12~18个月QOL的改变进行调查。结果 中文版GCBI信、效度令人满意;几乎所有患儿术后QOL得到不同程度改善,在生理方面的改善最显著。结论 中文版GCBI具有良好的信度和效度,适用于T&A后患儿QOL的评价;此量表有助于临床医师对耳鼻咽喉科疾病患儿干预后的治疗效果进行综合评价。  相似文献   

目的探讨中文版老年听力障碍筛查量表(hearing handicap inventory for the elderly-screening,HHIE-S)评分与纯音听阈测试的关联性与差异性,为该量表的临床应用提供依据。方法275例老年受试者(听力正常者47例、不同程度听力损失者228例)填写中文版HHIE-S量表获得评分,并进行纯音听阈测试,比较受试者中文版HHIE-S量表评分与较好耳500、1000、2000、4000 Hz纯音气导听阈平均值(PTA)之间的关联性与差异性。结果275例受试者中,PTA正常组47例,HHIE-S评分为无听力障碍者占80.85%(38/47);PTA轻度听力损失组101例,HHIE-S评分为轻中度听障者占38.61%(39/101);PTA中度听力损失组110例,HHIE-S评分为轻中度听障者占40.0%(44/110);PTA重度听力损失组17例,HHIE-S评分为重度听障者占82.35%(14/17)。HHIE-S与纯音听阈测试结果的Kappa系数为0.210(P<0.001)。HHIE-S评分与PTA的Pearson相关系数r为0.722(P<0.001)。以PTA≤25 dB HL为听力正常、HHIE-S评分≤8分表示无听力障碍,HHIE-S量表的敏感性为61.0%,特异性为80.9%,阳性预测值为93.9%,阴性预测值为29.9%。结论HHIE-S量表与纯音听阈测试既有较好的关联性,又有差异性,二者联合应用可以全面评估老年人的听力状况。  相似文献   

目的 探讨老年听力障碍筛查(h e a r i n g handicap inventory for the elderly-screening,HHIE-S)量表在老年人听力筛查中的应用价值,并分析其敏感性和特 异性。方法 对400例60岁以上老年人进行HHIE-S问卷调查及纯音听阈测试,以纯音测听较好耳的平均听阈,计算听力下降水平,分析HHIE-S在老年人听力筛查中的应用价值;依据世界卫生组织(WHO1997)听力障碍分级标准,并参照美国言语听力协会听力筛查指南标准,将HHIE-S量表得分>8分定义为存在听力障碍,探讨HHIE-S量表对不同程度听力损失老年人听力筛查的敏感性和特异性及与纯音测听的相关性。结果 HHIE-S量表可以对老年人的听力障碍进行筛查,反映了听力下降对受试者生理和言语交流的影响。①HHIE-S量表敏感性分别是轻度听力损失65.70%、中度听力损失78.40%、重度听力损失98.90%。②HHIE-S量表特异性分别为轻度听力损失94.00%、中度听力损失82.80%、重度听力损失65.60%。③对听力损失阳性预测值分别为轻度98.70%、中度94.80%和重度51.10%;假阳性率分别为轻度6.00%、中度17.20%和重度34.40%;假阴性率分别为轻度34.30%、中度21.60%和重度1.10%。④HHIE-S量表与老年人听力损失程度相关系数分别为0.215、0.586和0.391(P 均<0.001),有统计学意义。结论 HHIE-S量表简单易行,对于评估听力损失程度具有较高敏感性和特异性,与纯音测听有很好相关性,在老年人听力筛查中具有实 用性和有效性。  相似文献   

目的对比老年听力障碍量表完整版(HHIE)与筛查版(HHIE-S)调查问卷结果,探讨更便捷的功能性听力障碍筛检方法。方法对120例70岁以上老年人分别进行老年听力障碍量表HHIE和HHIE-S的问卷调查,对比各自听力障碍分级标准,分别得出听力障碍等级结论。将HHIE结果与HHIE-S结果进行比较。结果根据HHIE功能性听力障碍分级标准,完整版有41例存在听力障碍,其中轻中度24例,重度17例。HHIE-S结果显示39例存在听力障碍,其中轻中度27例,重度12例。HHIE和HHIE-S的功能性听力障碍分级结果无统计学差异(X2=1.064,P=0.588)。结论老年听力障碍量表筛查版(HHIE-S)可以代替完整版进行临床调查,更便于患者信息采集及临床应用。  相似文献   

目的:对70岁以上老人的听力障碍情况进行调查,了解高龄老年人群的听力损失特点。方法对103例70岁以上老人进行老年听力障碍量表筛查版(HHIE-S)问卷调查,并采集基本健康信息。结果在103例受调查者中,34例存在听力障碍(33.0%)。存在听力障碍的老人中,70~79岁5例(15.6%),80~89岁21例(36.8%),90~98岁8例(57.1%)。罹患糖尿病对于总得分、情绪得分、社交场景得分具有显著影响(P〈0.05);年龄对社交场景得分有显著影响(P〈0.05),80岁以下的老年人社交场景得分低于80岁以上老年人(P〈0.05);噪声接触史对社交场景得分有显著影响(P〈0.05)。结论 HHIE-S可较好反映70岁以上老年人听力障碍情况。  相似文献   

目的 对言语可懂度分级问卷(speech intelligibility of rating,SIR)进行中文版研发,并验证其信度和效度.方法 采用回译法初步确定SIR中文版问卷,利用初定问卷对191例0~6岁健听儿童进行预实验,根据预实验结果,完善确定正式问卷;采用正式问卷进行信度验证:选取103例0~6岁健听儿童,...  相似文献   

Objective: The aim of the present study was to investigate the use of Chinese version of HHIE-S as a hearing screening tool for the elderly in an industrial area in northeast China. Design: Prevalence, sensitivity and specificity of Chinese version of HHIE-S were calculated. Factors that had impact on HHIE-S were analysed. Study sample: Five hundred and seventy Mandarin speaking participants, aged from 50 to 85 years were included. They were tested with pure tone audiometry and Chinese version of HHIE-S. Results: The prevalence of hearing handicap was 55.3%. The sensitivity and specificity of HHIE-S were 84.5% and 58.3% respectively when the pass/fail criteria were set at PTA0.5–4kHz >40 dBHL. In general, HHIE-S total and subscale scores were significantly associated with severity of hearing impairment. After stratified by severity of hearing impairment, both the prevalence of reported handicap and the scores of HHIE-S were not significantly associated with age. Male participants had significantly higher HHIE-S scores than female participants did. Conclusions: The Chinese version of HHIE-S contributes useful information to identifying hearing handicap and addressing the rehabilitative needs in the elderly in an industrial city in Mainland China.  相似文献   



The goal of the present study was to evaluate the reliability and validity of the Korean version of the tinnitus handicap questionnaire (THQ-K).


A total of 60 patients were included in this study. Patients responded to the THQ-K, the tinnitus handicap inventory (THI), Beck''s depression index (BDI), and the visual analogue scale (VAS) for loudness and pitch, loudness match, and minimum masking level (MML) test were performed.


Internal consistency of the THQ-K was examined using Cronbach coefficient alpha. Cronbach alpha was 0.96. The THQ-K showed a significant correlation with THI, BDI, VAS for distress, and VAS for loudness, but no significant correlation with psychoacoustic measurement of tinnitus, such as loudness match, pitch match, and MML.


The THQ-K is a reliable and valid test for evaluating the degree of handicap due to tinnitus for both research and clinical use.  相似文献   

目的 考察中文版<小龄儿童听觉发展问卷>的有效性.方法 对168名2岁以内健听儿童的家长进行中文版问卷调查,利用调查所得数据检验中文版问卷的信度、效度等各项有效性指标.结果 中文版<小龄儿童听觉发展问卷>的各项有效性指标均达到要求;回归分析曲线表明,中文版问卷得到的数据曲线和德语原版问卷一致性非常高.结论 中文版<小龄儿童听觉发展问卷>的有效性符合要求.可以推广使用.  相似文献   

IntroductionThe HHIE-S (Hearing Handicap Inventory for the Elderly - Screening) is widely used for hearing-loss disorder in the elderly. The main objective of the present study was to validate a French version. The secondary objective was to determinate a cut-off score as indication for hearing rehabilitation.MethodsWe translated the HHIE-S into French, respecting the cross-cultural adaptation process for medical questionnaires. An observational study assessed the translation (10 questions, scored from 0 to 40) used for screening purposes in a prospective cohort, aged ≥ 60 years, with comparison to pure tone, speech-in-silence and speech-in-noise audiometry. Subjects were considered hearing-impaired if the pure-tone average at 500, 1,000, 2,000 and 4,000 Hz was > 20 dB HL in one or both ears.ResultsWe tested 294 subjects (mean age = 67 ± 6 years). Hearing loss prevalence was 34.7 %. Cronbach's alpha (test reliability) was high (0.84). Taking HHIE-S score > 8/40 as cut-off defining hearing loss, sensitivity was 80.4%, specificity 85.4 %, positive predictive value 74.5 % and negative predictive value 89.1 %. Seventy-three subjects (24.8 %) had theoretic indications for hearing aids, optimally detected by HHIE-S score > 16/40 (88,4 %).ConclusionOur study validated the French version of the HHIE-S. This tool could be useful in screening for age-induced hearing loss in the elderly French population.  相似文献   



The Tinnitus Handicap Inventory (THI) is a commonly used self-reporting tinnitus questionnaire. We undertook this study to determine the reliability and validity of the Chinese-Mandarin version of the Tinnitus Handicap Inventory (THI-CM) for measuring tinnitus-related handicaps.


We tested the test-retest reliability, internal reliability, and construct validity of the THI-CM. Two-hundred patients seeking treatment for primary or secondary tinnitus in Southwest China were asked to complete THI-CM prior to clinical evaluation. Patients were evaluated by a clinician using standard methods, and 40 patients were asked to complete THI-CM a second time 14±3 days after the initial interview.


The test-retest reliability of THI-CM was high (Pearson correlation, 0.98), as was the internal reliability (Cronbach''s α, 0.93). Factor analysis indicated that THI-CM has a unifactorial structure.


The THI-CM version is reliable. The total score in THI-CM can be used to measure tinnitus-related handicaps in Mandarin-speaking populations.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to determine the psychometric properties of a Chinese (Cantonese) version of the Tinnitus Questionnaire (TQ), which is a psychometric self-report measure of perceived tinnitus-related distress. The subjects were 114 adults who attended audiology clinics with a primary or secondary complaint of tinnitus. They completed the Chinese versions of the TQ (TQ-CH), Short-Form 36 Health Survey (SF-36), and Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS). The subjective severity of tinnitus and tinnitus-related problems were scored using rating scales. The TQ-CH and its subscales had good internal consistency reliability estimates (α=0.75–0.94), which were comparable to those of the original version. Significant correlations were observed between the TQ-CH and psychological distress, tinnitus-related problem ratings, and severity ratings. Factor analysis showed the high construct validity of the TQ-CH subscales. High test-retest reliablity (intraclass correlation coefficient=0.96) was observed. The results suggest that the TQ-CH is a reliable and valid measure of general tinnitus-related distress that can be used in clinical settings to quantify the impact of tinnitus on daily living.  相似文献   


Objective: The objective of the study was to investigate the cross-cultural validity and reliability of the Chinese version of the Abbreviated Profile of the Hearing Aid Benefit questionnaire (APHAB-CH). Design: A convenience sampling method was used to identify and recruit subjects. The subjects completed a history form seeking demographic data, the APHAB-CH, and a questionnaire seeking a subjective rating of hearing aid performance and overall satisfaction with their hearing aid. Study Sample: The subjects were 134 experienced hearing aid users. Results: The APHAB-CH had a good internal consistency reliability estimate (α = 0.85) comparable to that of the original version. Significant correlation was observed between the APHAB-CH scores and other subjective ratings for hearing aid performance and the overall satisfaction measure. A high test-retest reliability (intraclass correlation coefficient = 0.84) was observed. Confirmatory factor analysis revealed that the APHAB-CH had a two-factor structure comprising “hearing disability” and “averviseness.” Normative data in terms of equal-percentile profiles were dervied for the APHAB-CH. Conclusion: The results suggest that the APHAB-CH is a reliable and valid measure of the outcomes of hearing aid fitting


Objetivo: El objetivo de este estudio fue investigar la validez y confiabilidad transcultural de la versión china del Cuestionario de Perfil Abreviado de Beneficios del Auxiliar Auditivo (APHAB-CH). Diseño: Se usó un método conveniente de muestreo para identificar y reclutar sujetos. Los sujetos completaron un formulario de historia para obtener datos demográficos, el APHAB-CH, y un cuestionario para encontrar los rangos subjetivos de rendimiento del auxiliar auditivo y de satisfacción general con el mismo. Muestra de Estudio: Los sujetos fueron 134 usuarios experimentados en el uso de auxiliar auditivo. Resultados: El APHAB-CH tuvo un estimado de confiabilidad con buena consistencia interna (α = 0.85) comparable con la de la versión original. Se observó una correlación significativa entre las puntuaciones del APHAB-CH con otras puntuaciones subjetivas de rendimiento del auxiliar auditivo y de mediciones de satisfacción general. Se observó una alta confiabilidad test-retest (coeficiente de correlación interno = 0.84). El análisis de factor de confirmación reveló que el APHAB-CH tuvo una estructura de dos factores que comprendía la “discapacidad auditiva” y la “aversión” Los datos normativos en términos de perfiles de igual percentil, se derivaron del APHAB-CH. Conclusion: Los resultados sugieren que el APHAB-CH es una medida válida y confiable de los resultados de la adaptación de auxiliares auditivos.  相似文献   

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