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In the seismic profile interpretation process,as the seismic data are big and the small geological fea-tures are difficult to identify,improvement of the efficiency is needed.In this study,structure tensor method in computer image edge detection processing is applied into the 2D seismic profile.Coherent attribute is used to extract formation edge.At the same time,extracting the eigenvalues and eigenvectors to calculate the seismic geometric properties which include dip and apparent dip,automatic identification is achieved.Testing the Gaussian kernel function with synthetic models and comparing the coherent attribute and dip attribute extraction results before and after,the conclusion that Gaussian filter can remove the random noise is obtained.  相似文献   

为有效管理和保护永城市浅层地下水资源,维系水资源可续利用,必须查明其污染物的分布特征和来源。在对永城市浅层地下水采样分析的基础上,结合分析城市发展带来产业布局改变及土地利用类型分布对其造成的影响,研究其主要污染组分的来源及分布特征。结果表明:城市第二产业(工矿业)发展,GDP的增长与浅层地下水中ρ(SO2-4)、ρ(NO-3)上升存在相关性,城市工业及人口密集区与污染严重区位置趋于一致。浅层地下水污染的最主要来源是SO2-4含量的上升,除了直接导致水质变差外,还会间接改变水文地球化学作用的强度,造成原本难溶的碳酸盐和硅酸盐的溶解量增大,使得ρ(TDS)进一步上升而改变水质。其次,NO-3、COD也是浅层地下水主要的污染来源,其部分来源工业废水,部分来源于农业上农药和化肥的过量使用。  相似文献   

In Process of seismic exPloration,the noise of seismic signals Produces serious interference. Conven-tional methods of wavelet threshold denoising cannot fully use the characteristics of seismic signal...  相似文献   

A number of isolated fault sags in Late Jurassic--Early Cretaceous were developed in the early stage of southern Songliao Basin,and unified to a depression basin in the late stage.Therefore,multiple isolated lower petroliferous systems were formed with fault sags as source rocks.The source rocks of fault sags in Late Jurassic--Early Cretaceous were mainly described with gas generation as favorable source rocks,leading to the southern Songliao Basin rich in natural gas resources combined with organic gas resources in Nenjiang Formation.A number of tectonic movements in southern Songliao Basin led to the formation of abundant structural traps and complex fault systems,and controlled the distribution strata and positions of sources rocks in Late Jurassic--Early Cretaceous fault sags.The oil-gas reservoirs can be divided into two types,i.e.,primary and secondary ones.The primary oil-gas reservoirs were distributed in the fault sag strata and the bottom of overlying depression strata(lower Quan-1 Member).The oil-gas reservoir accumulation depended on the trap development situation and the distance from source rocks.The preservation conditions of oil-gas reservoirs depended on the degree of reconstruction in the late tectonism.The secondary oil-gas reservoirs were distribution in the Quantou Formation of depression strata,where oil and gas reservoir accumulation depended on three conditions,i.e.,trap development situation,deep gas sources and the fault to connect the shallow traps and deep gas sources.The southern Songliao Basin is rich in lower coal type gas,upper oil-gas and biogas resources,which are important resources in the future.  相似文献   

提出一种新的直扩系统自适应干扰抑制算法。针对维格纳分布的不足,采用重叠变换将多分量信号分解成为一系列的单分量信号并通过维格纳分布去确定单分量干扰的频率,并设计时变IIR滤波器,和通常采用的线性相位FIR滤波器相比,IIR滤波器具有理想的点阻特性。仿真结果证实IIR滤波器的BER性能好于FIR滤波器。  相似文献   

针对当前主动网络的两种实现方案各自的优缺点,设计了一种基于代码分发机制的主动网络的实现方案,利用代码分发、存储、请求加载及密钥服务等技术保证了主动报文安全、便捷、高效的传输。同时,采用传统报文格式,通过主动节点对主动报文和被动报文进行区分,采取不同的处理方式,从而保证了与现有网络的兼容。该实现方案既具备主动网络系统基本的特征又具有其自身的特征。  相似文献   

评估高温灾害的危险性变化,能够为区域高温灾害风险管理和制定减灾措施提供决策依据。本研究选取高温日数、最高温度和平均高温强度3个指标,基于1961—2020年中国2517个气象站点日最高温数据和CMIP6情景模式比较计划中SSP2-4.5情景下12个气候模式提供的2031—2099年未来气候预测数据集,用核密度概率估计方法计算了4个重现期(即5、10、20和50年)下3个指标的取值,对中国未来高温危险性变化进行了评估。结果表明:① 在SSP2.4-5情景下,中国的高温日数呈现出4个危险中心,分别是:西北干旱(半干旱)地区中部、华北和华中地区的交汇区域、西南地区中部和华南地区南部,并且高温日数从这4个中心向外逐渐减少;最高温度在空间上的分布北部大于南部,东部大于西部。平均高温强度的分布则呈现出从华北地区南部、西北干旱(半干旱)地区西部和东部地区西部向我国除青藏高原地区外的其它地区减少的趋势; ② 在SSP2.4-5情景下,随着重现期年限的增长,中国地区3个高温指标均呈增长趋势且增幅较大,并且高值范围也在不断扩大;③ 3个高温指标变化值均呈现出了明显的空间聚集性,3个指标共同显示的热点区域包括西南地区北部和南部、西北干旱(半干旱)地区中部和华北、华中地区的少部分区域,这些地区发生高温灾害的可能最大,同时根据高温日数变化和最高温度变化,东部地区西部发生高温灾害可能也较大,3个指标共同显示的冷点区域包括青藏高原地区东南部、西北干旱(半干旱)地区的西部和我国东南沿海地区,这些地区几乎不会发生高温危险。  相似文献   

The urban-rural integration is an inevitable outcome of regional economic development in a certain stage and is objectively exhibited as the evolution of settlement location and distribution, that is, the turning from spot-distribution to area-distribution of the settlement in developed areas, while in less developed areas, from spet-distribution to linear distribution. The evolution of the settlement location and distribution is an inevitable result of economic development in the urban-rural integration, which is restricted by factors affecting economic development, on the other hand, it is also an important factor affecting and restricting economic development. In the process of the urban-rural integration, modern transportation orientation, modern market orientation, modern industrial orientation and modern population orientation are important motive force, and influence the basic pattern of the settlement location and distribution, which plays a speeding or delaying role in regional economic development.  相似文献   


针对油气井射孔作业引发的微地震事件频率高、持续时间短、能量小,地面采集的微地震信号易被地面环境中随机干扰噪声掩盖,分析微地震相特征时需对微地震信号进行滤波处理,使用常规频率滤波法难以获得准确结果.采用维纳方程相关函数迭加滤波方法,压制随机干扰噪声,获取清晰微地震信号.仿真结果表明,该方法可衰减随机干扰噪声、突出微地震信号同相轴,提高对微地震信号的识别能力.  相似文献   

介绍了如何在客户端通过IE控件远程调用Web服务以及在服务器端如何用JavaMail完成Web服务的邮件收发功能.从而实现一种完全基于HTML,Web服务技术架构的,采用SOAP通讯协议的邮件收发系统.  相似文献   

考虑裂缝干扰的气藏压裂水平井产能预测模型   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
基于压裂水平井井身结构复杂,需要建立考虑裂缝参数变化且符合水平井渗流特征的产能预测模型.为准确预测压裂水平井产能,通过保角变换和势的叠加原理,建立新模型,不仅考虑裂缝长度、裂缝间距、裂缝夹角的变化对压裂水平井产能的影响,还考虑裂缝间的相互干扰.结果表明:压裂水平井产能随着裂缝条数、长度和裂缝夹角的增加而增大.模型通过现场验证,计算单井无阻流量与试采结果对比,相对误差为8.3%,计算结果较为准确.  相似文献   

1 Introduction Vegetation is an important component of terrestrial eco- system, it plays an important role in global matter and energy cycle, carbon balance and climate change. CO2 has effects on global warming, photosynthesis function, Net Primary Productivity (NPP) and earth environmental condition. NPP is one of the important biophysical variables of vegetation activity, and is a beginning link of biogeochemical carbon cycle. Vegetation absorbs CO2 from atmosphere through photosynthesi…  相似文献   

Li  Jianchao  Li  Guangxue  Xu  Jishang  Qiao  Lulu  Dong  Ping  Ding  Dong  Liu  Shidong  Sun  Pingkuo 《中国海洋大学学报(英文版)》2015,14(3):385-398
An Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP) observation site was set up in the Western South Yellow Sea from 2012 to 2013 to study the local suspended particle matters (SPM) distribution pattern. The S...  相似文献   

介绍了采用现代较为常用的模拟退火算法对基于LUT结构的FPGA进行工艺映射的计算。首次采用点可见的编码方法对工艺映射的结果进行编码,在此基础上采用模拟退火算法进行计算,获得了较好的效果和收敛速度。  相似文献   

电子商务跨越式发展为快递物流行业注入了新鲜血液促使国民经济达到新的增站点,服务网点作为连接快递企业和用户之间的桥梁纽带,逐渐成为城市地理和物流地理的重要研究对象。本文以北京市顺丰快递服务网点为研究对象,首次将DBSCAN聚类算法和无人值守的智能快递柜引入城市物流快递行业研究中,综合使用核密度分析、Ripley's K函数等空间点模式分析方法,定量对比分析有人值守的合作网点和无人值守的智能快递柜两类顺丰快递服务网点的空间布局、集聚特征及影响因素。结果表明:① 基于密度的DBSCAN聚类算法能够快速有效地识别出任意形状的快递服务网点集群,算法识别出24个智能快递柜集群,14个合作网点集群;② 顺丰快递服务网点高密度区主要集中在人口密度大、经济繁华、交通便利的居住区和包含热门商圈的职住区附近,如双井、金融街、三里屯、学院路等;③ 合作网点和智能快递柜两类服务网点均呈集聚性分布,但集聚规模各不相同,具体表现为快递柜集聚规模明显大于合作网点,而集聚强度却小于合作网点;④ 智能快递柜集群密度大,服务半径小,更倾向服务于步行可达范围内的居住小区;合作网点集群密度小,服务半径大,服务对象随服务半径扩展至周边各大职区,对交通可达性的要求更高。⑤ 顺丰快递服务网点布局是地区经济水平、人口规模、交通状况、土地利用类型及城市功能区定位等多种因素综合作用的结果。  相似文献   

A method is described for determining dimethylI sulfide (DMS) in seawater. DMS was first extractedfrom the seawater using organic reagent, then reverse-extracted by 5% HgCl2. In the laboratory DMS wasreleased by concentrated HCI and finally measured by GC-FPD. The limit of detection me O.05 ng ofS. Measurements of DMS along surface transects and on wtital profibe across the EaSt China Sca (Ers)continental sheif showed tha itS conodIations of S in the surface seawater ranged from 64-180 ng/L andthat itS vertical djstribuion was divided into 3 trpes. Model talculations of a stagnant film show a DMSflux of 10.6 umol/m_2d the air-sea inteIha.  相似文献   

Rainfall erosivity in Tibet from 2000 to 2OlO was estimated based on simplified erosion prediction model using daily rainfall data derived from the Tropical Rainfall Measurement Misssion (TRMM) 3B42 rainfall measurement algorithm. Semi- monthly erosive rainfall and rainfall erosivity were validated using weather station data. The spatial distribution of annual rainfall erosivity as well as its seasonal and annual variation in Tibet was also examined. Results showed that TRMM 3B42 data could serve as an alternative data source to estimate rainfall erosivity in the area where only data from sparsely distributed weather stations are available. The spatial distribution of rainfall erosivity in Tibet generally resembles the distribution of multi-year average of annual rainfall. Annual rainfall erosivity in Tibet decreased from the southeast to the northwest. The concentration degree of rainfall erosivity shows an increasing trend from the southeast to the northwest. High rainfall erosivity accompanies low rainfall erosivity concentration degree and vice versa. Rainfall erosivity increased in the middle and western Tibet and decreased in the southeastern Tibet during the 11 years of this study.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the proportional distribution, niche breadth and niche overlap of two metazoan parasites (copepods species,Ergasilus anchoratus Markewitsch, 1946 andPseudergasilus parasiluri Yamaguti, 1936) and monogeneans (in the genusSilurodiscoides Gussev, 1976) found on gills of the fish,Silurus asotus L. from Jiangkou Reservoir in Jiangxi Province, China.E. anchoratus was the common and dominant metazoan parasite on gills of the fish in this locality as indicated by the higher infection levels, and distributed almost evenly on gill arches without any observed gill-arch preference, as shown by the wide proportional distribution and broad niche breadth.P. parasiluri and monogeneans inSilurodiscoides were found also without any significant gill-arch preference although they had a rather narrow niche breadth. The observed significant overlap betweenP. parasiluri andSilurodiscoides spp. may be simply due to the lower infection levels of the parasites. The observed pattern of unrestricted distributions of the parasitic copepods on gills of the fish may be accounted for, at least in part, by the moving ability of the copepods, and may also indicate that the parasite does not exhibit any feature of gill-arch preference. However, further experimental research is needed to verify the microhabitat distribution of the parasites. Project 39370122 supported by NSFC.  相似文献   

There are about 19 Neolithic Age sites and 120 Shang-Zhou dynasties sites in the western lakeshore of Chaohu Lake, Anhui Province, China. Based on sites data, topographic data, drainage maps, administrative maps and SPOT5 remote sensing data, spatial analysis methods were introduced into the archaeology of Chaohu Lake Basin with Geographic Information System (GIS). The spatial analysis methods include: 1) Point Density Analysis with density model to acquire the shift of the sites; 2) Distance Analysis to reveal the spatial structure of the sites; 3) 3D Analysis based on Digital Elevation Model to get micro-geomorphologic features of the sites; and 4) Buffer Analysis to discover the relationship between the sites and rivers. The results indicate that the archaeological sites spread from the western lakeshore of Chaohu Lake gradually to the northwest, later to the south, and then symmetrically spread. Controlled by productive forces and other factors, ancient people preferred to reside in those places near water, or in plain and fertile land, which resulted in linear and decentralized distribution of the sites, and presented such disciplines as river valley directivity, terrace directivity and soil directivity. This paper indicates that the distribution of archaeological sites was influenced earlier by natural elements and later by human elements in the study period. The research is important for the integration of GIS and archaeology.  相似文献   

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