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应用微小有发头皮片移植体治疗男性型秃发   总被引:11,自引:4,他引:7  
目的 探讨使用微小有发头皮片移植术治疗男性型秃发的临床效果。方法 对18例男性型秃发患者进行22次自体微小有发头皮片移植术,其中16例进行1次移植,1例2次移植,1例4次移植。结果 12例术后随访6~9个月,外观较术前明显改善,无并发症发生。结论 应用微小有发头皮片移植治疗男性型秃发,术后移植头发存活率高,外观自然,但一次种植仍显稀疏,有时需2次或多次移植。  相似文献   

目的采用自体枕部头发分离成单体毛囊,移植治疗永久性秃发(雄激素源性秃发及瘢痕性秃发),评价其效果。方法取患者自体枕部的头发优势区的毛发,在手术放大镜下将其分成含有1~4根毛发的单体毛囊,用小植发刀在受区根据术前设计作2mm的小切口,用显微手术镊取已分离好的单体毛囊,植入切口内。结果我科于2003年10月至2007年10月共手术163例,大部分患者术后移植的毛发均生长良好。结论自体毛发单体毛囊移植术治疗永久性秃发,手术效果好,手术创伤小,外观较满意。  相似文献   

目的 总结应用毛囊单位移植技术治疗雄激素源性秃发的经验及术后患者的满意度.方法 自2001年1月至2010年1月,以枕后部为供区,对67例男性秃发(雄激素源性秃发)患者应用毛囊单位移植技术进行治疗,并应用含单个毛囊单位进行发际线再造.按照OT Norwood(1975年)的分类方式,其中Ⅲ型者27例,Ⅳ型者21例,Ⅴ型者19例.结果 术后随访67例患者12个月至8年,大部分患者对术后效果满意.患者满意度评分(满分为3分)的平均值:27例Ⅲ型患者为1.8分,21例Ⅳ型患者为2.1分,19例Ⅴ型患者为2.3分.结论 应用毛囊单位移植技术治疗雄激素源性秃发可获得较满意的临床效果.改进了发际线的设计方案,其术后效果更加自然美观.  相似文献   

高密度毛发移植治疗瘢痕性秃发   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
目的 探索高密度毛发移植治疗因各种因素所引起的瘢痕性秃发的新技术。方法 于头颅的后、侧部优势供区内,切取含有完整毛发的条形头皮组织。分割成微小毛发移植物(含4-6根毛发)和显微毛发移植物(含1-3根毛发)。然后,植入头皮瘢痕脱发区内预制的相应孔洞中。结果 1998年4月-2000年2月,将此项技术,应用于96例128个瘢痕性秃发区。32例仅需一期手术;64例需行二期手术完成治疗。术后12个月以上的远期随访,恢复快,毛发生长自然、密集,即使在瘢痕区域的受体上移植的毛发常常也能良好地生长,是治疗瘢痕性秃发的又一理想手段。  相似文献   

裂隙法微小头发移植体治疗男性秃发的临床研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:探讨使用微小头发移植体治疗男性秃发的临床效果。方法:27例男性秃发患者进行30次自体微小头发移植术,其中24例进行1次移植,3例进行2次移植。结果:20例术后随访3-9个月,外观较术前明显改善,无并发症发生。结论:应用微小头发移植体治疗男性秃发,术后移植头发存活率高,外观自然,但一次移植仍显稀疏,有时需二次或多次移植。  相似文献   

目的 探讨秃发患者自体毛发移植手术的护理方法。方法 对23例自体毛发移植患者进行心理护理、体位护理、伤口护理、饮食护理、出院指导。结果 均顺利完成手术,平均住院16.0d出院。6个月后随访,毛发成活率70%~90%。结论 加强术前护理、心理护理和术后护理有利于自体毛发移植的成功。  相似文献   

显微自体毛发单位移植治疗毛发缺失   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目的:研究应用显微外科技术进行自体毛发单位移植治疗毛发缺失的临床疗效。方法:切取耳后或头枕部条形头皮组织,低温下,手术显微镜配合将头皮分离成单株和多株移植物,并按需要将移植物移植入受区。结果:42例患者,60个毛发种植区完成手术。经6~12个月随访,移植后的毛发能覆盖受区皮肤,形态自然,效果满意,毛囊成活率90%~95%。结论:在显微外科设备辅助下,进行毛胚单位的移植,提高了毛囊移植过程中的解剖精度,减少损伤,提高成活率。该方法值得在毛发移植手术中推广应用。  相似文献   

自体显微毛发单元移植治疗瘢痕性秃发   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
目的探索显微毛发单元移植治疗因各种原因引起的瘢痕性秃发的新技术。方法选择头部健康有浓密毛发的头皮为供区,切取含有完整头发的条形头皮组织,分割成显微毛发单元移植物,植入秃发区内预制的相应孔洞中。自2003年2月至2005年12月,应用该项技术治疗71例瘢痕性秃发患者。行工期手术成功治疗了52例患者,行Ⅱ期手术成功治疗了19例患者。结果术后随访患者6~12个月,移植的毛发生长自然、密集、发质良好,平均成活率为90%,外观效果均满意。结论显微毛发单元移植技术具有手术创伤小,恢复快,毛发生长自然、密集,发质良好等优点,是治疗瘢痕性秃发的一种较好的手术方法。  相似文献   

目的 探讨秃发患者自体毛发移植手术的护理方法.方法 对23例自体毛发移植患者进行心理护理、体位护理、伤口护理、饮食护理、出院指导.结果 均顺利完成手术,平均住院16.0 d出院.6个月后随访,毛发成活率70%~90%.结论 加强术前护理、心理护理和术后护理有利于自体毛发移植的成功.  相似文献   

This article demonstrates some variations and clinical applications of pedicled, vascularized, hair-bearing temporoparietal flaps. The most important advantages are that the baldness can be repaired in one operation, there is no loss of scalp skin, the procedure can be done under local anesthesia, and it is not necessary to hospitalize the patient or to give a blood transfusion due to the use of a cephalic tourniquet. We also use the temporoparietal flap for mustache formation in cases in which we have to camouflage a scarred upper lip as a result of bilateral cleft lip secquelae, trauma, or cancer. Island hairbearing flaps are transferred from the scalp to the upper lip through a hemirhytidoplasty incision.  相似文献   

A 1-stage correction of baldness is described, using a vertical preauricular or retroauricular flap, and employing local anesthesia rather than general anesthesia.  相似文献   

Since Lamont first presented his hairflap procedure over 15 years ago for correction of frontal baldness, a number of changes and improvements in the technique have taken place. The author presents a one-stage temporo-parieto-occipital flap procedure that has developed from the work of Lamont and Juri.  相似文献   

Surgery is a successful method for the treatment of alopecia. In particular, use of a parietal-occipital flap in a 3-stage operation has given satisfactory results with few serious complications to patients treated over the past 15 years by the authors. The technique is described and the results in several patients are portrayed.  相似文献   

Tao Jin  Tao Wu  Zhumei Luo  Xi Duan  Shi Deng  Yin Tang 《Urologic oncology》2018,36(2):80.e7-80.e15


Male pattern baldness (MPB) has been associated with an increased risk of prostate cancer (PC) as well as benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). We performed a meta-analysis to quantitatively determine the level of risk of PC and BPH in individuals with baldness.


A systematic literature search was conducted using several databases. We calculated pooled odds ratios (OR) and 95% CIs.


In total, 17 studies comprising 68,448 participants were eligible for the meta-analysis and showed that MPB is associated with an increased risk of aggressive PC (OR = 1.59; 95% CI: 1.36–1.86; P<0.001) as well as BPH (OR = 1.26; 95% CI: 1.05–1.51; P = 0.01). There was statistically significant association between vertex baldness and PC (OR = 1.18; 95% CI: 1.05–1.32; P = 0.006). No statistically significant association between vertex, frontal plus vertex hair loss pattern, and BPH were identified.


MPB is associated with an increased risk of PC and BPH. Despite our findings, further studies, preferably prospective cohort studies, are required to better elucidate these relationships and to advance knowledge in this field.  相似文献   

目的 观察扩张后头皮瓣移位修复毛发缺损的效果。方法 按发区缺损的范围。形状,于正常发区边缘埋置1-3个大小不等的扩张器,间隔3d注射生理盐水扩张,3-7周后移位修复缺损区。结果 临床应用20例,30个扩张囊,除2例扩张中期部分扩张器外露,其余均正常。结论应用扩张后的头皮瓣修复发区缺损。使用灵活,效果可靠。小面积缺损可用1个扩张器,大面积缺损可同时应用多个扩张器,供区不需植皮,修复的发区外形满意。  相似文献   

The technique and results of a new scalp flap that solves frontal baldness are described. As a bipediculate flap it offers a great amount of hair when advanced and has a low rate of complications. This kind of flap has been used by us for four years in 36 patients in the age group between 20 and 60 years. The results obtained with the flap have been very satisfactory.  相似文献   

Atypical fibroxanthoma of the scalp   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
BACKGROUND: Atypical fibroxanthoma occurs most frequently in the head and neck region of the elderly. Previous reports have identified that the condition usually arises at the following sites: the nose, cheeks, forehead, and the ears; its development at other sites is unusual. METHOD: We report a series of 10 cases with lesions all occurring at an apparently unusual site, the scalp, over a 10-year period. We compared the clinical and histologic appearances and behavior of this series with the existing reports of these lesions elsewhere in the head and neck region to investigate whether there were differences with those occurring at a conventional site. RESULTS: Despite the identification of a range of clinical and histologic findings in our cases, we were unable to find any significant differences with those arising at a conventional site. CONCLUSION: This clustering of cases at an apparently unusual site leads us to propose that this condition occurs more commonly on the scalp than current literature suggests. The possibility of its development at this site should be remembered by head and neck surgeons in their differential diagnosis of exophytic lesions of the scalp.  相似文献   

This article demonstrates some variations and clinical applications of pedicled, vascularized, hair-bearing temporoparietal flaps. The most important advantages are that the baldness can be repaired in one operation, there is no loss of scalp skin, the procedure can be done under local anesthesia, and it is not necessary to hospitalize the patient or to give a blood transfusion due to the use of a cephalic tourniquet. We also use the temporoparietal flap for mustache formation in cases in which we have to camouflage a scarred upper lip as a result of bilateral cleft lip sequelae, trauma, or cancer. Island hair-bearing flaps are transferred from the scalp to the upper lip through a hemirhytidoplasty incision.  相似文献   

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