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<正>据中国学术期刊(光盘版)电子杂志社、清华大学图书馆、中国学术文献国际评价研究中心采用"期刊国际影响力指数"对我国6 000余种学术期刊进行排序,按TOP5%~10%选出"2013中国国际影响力优秀学术期刊"175种,《现代地质》获此殊荣。据《中国学术期刊影响因子年报(自然科学与工程技术·2013版)》发布,《现代地  相似文献   

<正>据中国学术期刊(光盘版)电子杂志社、清华大学图书馆、中国学术文献国际评价研究中心采用"期刊国际影响力指数"对我国6 000余种学术期刊进行排序,按TOP5%~10%选出"2013中国国际影响力优秀学术期刊"175种,《现代地质》获此殊荣。据《中国学术期刊影响因子年报(自然科学与工程技术·2013版)》发布,《现代地  相似文献   

<正>据中国学术期刊(光盘版)电子杂志社、清华大学图书馆、中国学术文献国际评价研究中心采用"期刊国际影响力指数"对我国6 000余种学术期刊进行排序,按TOP5%~10%选出"2013中国国际影响力优秀学术期刊"175种,《现代地质》获此殊荣。据《中国学术期刊影响因子年报(自然科学与工程技  相似文献   

<正>据中国知网CNKI《中国学术期刊影响因子年报(自然科学与工程技术2012版)》,《现代地质》复合影响因子为1.218,总被引频次(复合引用)2707。中国科学文献计量研究中心、清华大学图书馆以国际总被引频次、国际影响因子的综合指标排序,并按TOP  相似文献   

<正>依据文献计量学的原理和方法,经研究人员对相关文献的检索、计算和分析,以及学科专家评审,《新疆地质》于2008年12月入编《中文核心期刊要目总览》2008年版(即第五版)之"地质学类"  相似文献   

依据文献计量学的原理和方法,经研究人员对相关文献的检索、计算和分析,以及学科专家评审,《新疆地质》于2008年12月入编《中文核心期刊要目总览》2008年版(即第五版)之"地质学类"核心期刊.这是《新疆地质》自1983年创刊以来的首次入选,这对《新疆地质》今后的发展起重要的  相似文献   

依据文献计量学的原理和方法,经研究人员对相关文献的检索、计算和分析,以及学科专家评审,《新疆地质》于2008年12月入编《中文核心期刊要目总览》2008年版(即第五版)之“地质学类”核心期刊.这是《新疆地质》自1983年创刊以来的首次入选,这对《新疆地质》今后的发展起重要的促进作用.  相似文献   

在 2 0 0 0年 3月召开的中国科技论文统计源期刊编辑工作研讨会上 ,《地质科技情报》正式列入国家科技部由中国科技信息研究所信息分析研究中心主办的中国科技论文统计源期刊(用刊从 1 999年第 1期开始 )。“中国科技论文统计与分析”是由国家科学技术部委托中国科技信息研究所完成的 ,已进行了 1 0多年。统计结果的发布 ,已在国内外产生了较大的影响 ,统计结果也为政府决策部门和各科技管理部门提供了客观的定量评估依据。为使论文统计结果能反映中国科学研究的基本状况和水平 ,对国内论文统计源仅选择了能反映科研成果的全国性学术类和技…  相似文献   

依据文献计量学的原理和方法,经研究人员对相关文献的检索、计算和分析,以及学科专家评审《新疆地质》于2008年12月入编《中文核心期刊要目总览》2008年版(即第五版)之"地质学类"核心期刊.这是《新疆地质》自1983年创刊以来的首次入选,这对《新疆地质》今后的发展起重要的促进作用.  相似文献   

孙莉莉  高梦瑶 《地质论评》2022,68(5):1603-1771
为推动中国地质学会地学科普研学工作的开展,根据 《中国地质学会精品地学研学路线、课程评选办法(试行)》, 学会组织开展了第二批精品地学研学路线、第一批精品地学 研学课程的申报、推荐和评审工作。  相似文献   

代国标 《地质论评》2020,66(3):66030532-66030532
正为了进一步加强地质学科学普及,鼓励会员参与地质科普,中国地质学会设立了科普奖。中国地质学会第一届科普奖近日揭晓,5位科学家获人物奖,5组作品获产品奖。该获奖名单是由各省级地质学会和中国地质学会各专业委员会推荐,经专家评选后确定,并于2020年4月21日~26日在中国地质学会网站公示。  相似文献   

The Geology of the Great 'Dyke', Zimbabwe: The Ultramafic Rocks   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:7  
WILSON  A. H. 《Journal of Petrology》1982,23(2):240-292
Textural and mineral chemistry data for the ultramafic sequenceof the Hartley Complex are presented with the object of evaluatingemplacement mechanisms, crystallization history and sub-solidusre-equilibration processes for the Great ‘Dyke’.Mineral chemistry indicates in situ crystallizaration for theultramafic sequence, whereas textural evidence suggests thatlimited crystal settling of chromite took place. It is concludedthat crystallization of cumulus phases occurred at or near thefloor of the magma chamber. The mineral chemistry indicates that the volume of magma fromwhich each unit crystallized was significantly smaller thanthat represented by the stratigraphic succession of the HartleyComplex. The magma chamber may effectively have been part ofan open system during the crystallization of the ultramaficsequence. The results are consistent with the concept of a stratifiedmagma chamber and the process of double-diffusion convection. Modelling of the liquid line of descent and crystallizationsequences indicate that none of the previously proposed initialliquid compositions are likely to have constituted the parentalmagma of the Great ‘Dyke’. Rather than komatüticor exceptionally high magnesium liquids, as previously suggested,a parental magma with about 15 per cent MgO, similar to thecomposition of the chill phase of a dyke parallel to and inclose proximity to the East Dyke is in closest agreement withthe observed and modelled results. Chromite compositions are strongly related to textural and mineralogicalenvironments. Seam chromitites are higher in Cr, Mg and Fe3+than chromites enclosed in silicates. Chromite enclosed in cumulusolivine is higher in Fe2+ than that in coexisting pyroxenesbut there is little difference in the proportions of the trivalentcaptions. Seam chromitites are considered to have precipitatedin response to increases in foi associated with periodic influxesof magma into the magma chamber. The higher ferric iron contentof the seam chromitites compared with the chromite enclosedin the silicates is consistent with such a mechanism. Compositional zoning in olivine and pyroxene adjacent to enclosedchromite grains is interpreted as reflecting subsolidus re-equilibrationwith cooling. Zoning profiles exhibit strong crystallographiccontrol. Computer modelling using finite difference approximationshas allowed controlling factors to be assessed by optimizationof the modelled parameters to give closest agreement to themeasured results. Interdiffusion coefficients and distributioncoefficients for Fe2+ and Mg for olivine and pyroxene with chromiteare modelled and compared with published data. Indicated blockingtemperatures for olivine are of the order of 600 °C to 700°C and 750 °C to 850 °C for orthopyroxene. Thuschromites enclosed in orthopyroxene are more Mg-rich than thoseenclosed in olivine. Coarse-grained seam chromitites have beenlittle modified subsequent to crystallization but the compositionsof the associated silicates have been influenced by the modalabundance of the chromite. Geothermometers based on chromite-silicate equilibria are probablynot applicable to layered intrusions, but information on thermalhistories may be provided by evaluation of the diffusion profiles.  相似文献   

充分发挥专业课程的多维度育人功能是打通基础学科高层次人才培养的关键一环。作为地质学及其相关专业的第一门专业入门课程,《普通地质学》课程主要教授学生地球科学的基本知识、基本技能和基本地质思维等专业知识,同时培养学生的专业兴趣。面对新时代高层次地学人才培养的要求,需要深入挖掘该课程的思政元素,实现教学理念从单纯的传授基础知识、激发专业兴趣到科学素养和人文素养拓展,开启《普通地质学》课程服务地学高层次人才培养的大门。充分利用“将今论古”思想和动力地质作用这两个课程核心内容,培养学生的开拓创新精神和跨学科能力,提升学生的科学素养。同时,依托地质过程的复杂性和庞大的地质时空观等课程核心内容,培养学生的工匠精神、大格局观和发展观,提升人文素养。  相似文献   

The Cretaceous and Palaeogene sedimentary rocks that crop out on the Isle of Wight are highly prone to landsliding and the island offers an important field laboratory wherein to investigate a number of the different types of failure. Many of these landslides represent a significant engineering hazard, with several urban areas requiring remedial work and planning constraints (e.g. The Undercliff and Seagrove Bay) to aid development. Previous studies have thoroughly investigated the major landslides in the Undercliff area around Ventnor and presented a mechanism for that massive failure. This overview of the landslides throughout the Isle of Wight by the British Geological Survey was completed as part of the multidisciplinary survey of the surface geology, structure, geophysical response and offshore interpretations of the island between 2007 and 2010. The survey has collected new observational data on the extensive coastal landslides, as well as the distribution, nature and mechanism of failure of the lesser-studied inland examples.  相似文献   

J.L. Whitford-Stark 《Earth》1982,18(2):109-168
The products of volcanism on the Earth and Moon differ widely in terms of morphology, distribution, composition, and age. These differences result partly from the different thermal histories of the two bodies and partly through the different controls on volcanic eruption conditions. The controls of volcanism are here separated into three groups: (1) controls which remain constant on any one body but which differ from planet to planet: (2) parameters that are controlled by the rheology of the magma: and (3) controls which are intrinsic properties of individual eruptions and are themselves dependent upon the planetary and rheological variables. In terms of planetary variables it can be predicted that lunar volcanic morphologies are influenced by greater tephra range, hemispherical eruption clouds, lesser lithostatic pressures at corresponding depths, slower cooling, slower erosion, lesser horizontal stress differences, and no features typical of hydrosphere-magma interaction. In terms of rheology, the lunar eruptions had different rock and gas compositions, low yield strengths and viscosities, and high densities. Many lunar basalts appear to have been produced at high eruption rates, to have been derived from monogenetic volcanoes, and to have flowed in a turbulent manner.The weight of available data points to the vast majority of lunar craters being of impact origin though some dark halo craters, sinuous rille source craters, rimless pits, and craters atop domes and cones are undoubtedly of volcanic origin. Other impact craters appear to have been modified by volcanic events. Included within this latter group are the floor-fractured craters and the mare basins.Studies of volcanic morphologies on bodies other than the Earth may help isolate the effectiveness of those controls of volcanism which remain constant on any one body. Although volcanology has advanced substantially within the last few decades, much more detailed integrated scientific research is required before we are able to predict confidently the environmental hazards that result from volcanism and to understand the role of volcanism in planetary evolution.  相似文献   

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