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The cell morphology, the number of flagella, the occurrence of periplasmic fibrils and ultrastructural structures of five groups of cultured canine gastric Helicobacter spp. were compared. The study included four strains of Helicobacter felis, four strains of Helicobacter bizzozeronii, one strain of ‘Flexispira’, six strains of an unnamed spiral organism 2 and one strain of an unnamed spiral orgaism 3 which were isolated from gastric biopsies. Cultures were studied with negative staining, transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Bacterial dimensions were measured from the negative staining samples and values were tested with ANOVA and Bonferroni tests. The organisms studied differed from each other morphologicall. H. felis was a slightly spiraled organism with periplasmic fibrils. ‘Flexispira’ was a thin and straight organism with periplasmic fibrils. H. bizzozeronii was a tightly spiraled organism. Spiral organism 2 was loosely spiraled and thicker than the other organisms. Spiral organism 3 was a short curved rod having a single bipolar flagellum. The other species had multiple flagella. As a conclusion the canine gastric Helicobacter spp. can be differentiated from each other morphologically with an electron microscope. The morphological differences were mainly found in the structures involved in motility. The importance of the differences may lie in their impact on the colonization in a gastric mucous environment.  相似文献   

为预测弓形虫细胞核因子3(TgNF3)基因作为抗弓形虫疫苗候选抗原的可能性,本试验以弓形虫RH株的总RNA为模板,应用逆转录-聚合酶链式反应(RT-PCR)扩增TgNF3基因并连接至pMD18-T载体。筛选阳性克隆后,测序鉴定。将测序结果正确的核苷酸序列翻译成氨基酸序列,运用生物信息学软件分析TgNF3蛋白的结构,预测抗原表位。结果显示,TgNF3基因长约950bp。TgNF3蛋白中包含1个跨膜结构域,9个α-螺旋区,4个β-折叠区,8个亲水区域和10个柔性区域,并预测含有9个线性B细胞抗原表位。结果表明,TgNF3蛋白可能具有良好的免疫原性,为研制以TgNF3为抗原的弓形虫亚单位疫苗及表位疫苗奠定了基础。  相似文献   

试验旨在对陆川猪磷酸酪氨酸互作结构域1(phosphotyrosine interaction domain containing 1,PID1)基因进行克隆和生物信息学分析。利用GenBank公布的猪序列设计引物,用RT-PCR扩增得到目的基因片段,并用生物信息学方法分析和预测了陆川猪PID1基因的理化性质与二级结构。结果显示,陆川猪PID1基因编码区全长654bp,编码217个氨基酸;陆川猪PID1基因与莱芜猪、牛、猕猴、人、小鼠、原鸡、大鼠、斑马鱼和非洲爪蟾相对应序列相似性分别为99.08%、87.61%、93.88%、93.58%、90.06%、83.79%、66.94%、66.52%和60.09%。系统进化树分析结果表明,PID1基因在不同物种及进化的过程中具有高度保守性。本研究成功克隆陆川猪PID1基因,为阐明其在陆川猪生长发育及脂肪沉积方面的调控研究奠定了理论基础。  相似文献   

为了解中国川西北牦牛肉中产志贺毒素大肠杆菌(STEC)的携带情况及stx2的亚型和特征,试验将采集的204份川西北牦牛肉样品(各25g)增菌培养后,每份挑取5个可疑菌落,采用stx1、stx2双重PCR方法检测STEC,对分离株中的stx2分型并克隆测定stx2编码区序列。结果显示,在204份样品中分离出8株STEC,平均分离率为3.9%(8/204);存在4个不同的O血清型,分别为O38(4)、O50(1)、O74(2)、O150(1);在6株含有stx2的菌株中,其中有2株为stx2a型、4株为stx2c型。结果表明牦牛源分离株氨基酸序列与人源和牛源菌株同源性较高;由stx2A、B亚基的氨基酸序列系统进化树可知,牦牛源分离株与人源、牛源菌株聚为一支,表明它们之间遗传距离相对较近,牦牛源stx2各自分布在自己的小分支中,表明牦牛源STEC stx2与人源和牛源stx2相比,尽管亲缘关系较近,但仍存在一定程度的差异。  相似文献   

Canine monocytotropic ehrlichiosis (CME), caused by the rickettsia Ehrlichia canis, an important canine disease with a worldwide distribution. Diagnosis of the disease can be challenging due to its different phases and multiple clinical manifestations. CME should be suspected when a compatible history (living in or traveling to an endemic region, previous tick exposure), typical clinical signs and characteristic hematological and biochemical abnormalities are present. Traditional diagnostic techniques including hematology, cytology, serology and isolation are valuable diagnostic tools for CME, however a definitive diagnosis of E. canis infection requires molecular techniques. This article reviews the current literature covering the diagnosis of infection caused by E. canis.  相似文献   

The product of the canine mdr1 gene, P‐glycoprotein (P‐gp), plays an important role in chemotherapeutic drug resistance of several canine tumours. Increased expression of P‐gp by tumour cells is associated with the multidrug‐resistant phenotype. Because of its importance in cancer chemotherapy, a great deal is known about the regulation of mdr1 gene expression in human cancer patients and rodent cancer models. In contrast, there is no information regarding the regulation of P‐gp expression in dogs. Initial information regarding the regulation of mdr1 gene expression can be gained by evaluating the mdr1 promoter. The downstream promoter of the canine mdr1 gene was sequenced. Several regulatory elements were identified, including an AP‐1 site, AP‐2 site and SP‐1 site. The presumed canine mdr1 promoter was similar to that of other species; however, low overall sequence homology may suggest that aspects of P‐gp regulation are distinctive in dogs.  相似文献   

In the present study, the validation of an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) for serodiagnosis of canine brucellosis is described. Two different antigenic extracts, obtained by heat or ultrasonic homogenization of microbial antigens from a wild isolate of Brucella canis bacteria, were compared by ELISA and Western blot (WB). A total of 145 canine sera were used to define sensitivity, specificity and accuracy of the ELISA as follows: (1) sera from 34 animals with natural B. canis infection, confirmed by blood culture and PCR, as well as 51 sera samples from healthy dogs with negative results by the agar–gel immunodiffusion (AGID) test for canine brucellosis, were used as the control panel for B. canis infection; and (2) to scrutinize the possibility of cross reactions with other common dog infections in the same geographical area in Brazil, 60 sera samples from dogs harboring known infections by Leptospira sp., Ehrlichia canis, canine distemper virus (CDV), Neospora caninum, Babesia canis and Leishmania chagasi (10 in each group) were included in the study. The ELISA using heat soluble bacterial extract (HE-antigen) as antigen showed the best values of sensitivity (91.18%), specificity (100%) and accuracy (96.47%). In the WB analyses, the HE-antigen showed no cross-reactivity with sera from dogs with different infections, while the B. canis sonicate had various protein bands identified by those sera. The performance of the ELISA standardized with the heat soluble B. canis antigen indicates that this assay can be used as a reliable and practical method to confirm infection by this microorganism, as well as a tool for seroepidemiological studies.  相似文献   

Fifty-five swab-wash specimens from dogs were cultured at 32°C on Sabouraud's dextrose agar either with or without 1 per cent Tween 80, Ushijima's medium A and modified Dixon's and Leeming's media. The counts of Malassezia pachydermatis were not significantly different after three or seven days of incubation. Colony counts on contact plates were significantly greater after incubation for seven days on Sabouraud's dextrose (P<0·001) and modified Dixon's agars (P<0·05) than after three days at 26°C, but not at 32°C. Counts on Sabouraud's or modified Dixon's agars after incubation at 32°C and 37°C were not significantly different. When compared with aerobic culture, an atmosphere containing 5 to 10 per cent carbon dioxide significantly (P<0·01) increased the frequency of isolation and colony counts on Sabouraud's dextrose agar but not on modified Dixon's agar.  相似文献   

An immunohistochemical study of various visceral organs of normal adult dogs, cats, pigs, horses, cows, and chickens (five of each species) and of 185 spontaneous canine tumours was carried out using paraffin wax sections and a commercially available antibody to the human c- yes oncogene product. Among the adult normal tissues of six animal species, epithelial cells of the proximal and distal renal tubules, the myocardium, hepatocytes, cerebellar Purkinje cells and adrenal cortical cells were positive for c- yes product. Among the foetal tissues of dogs and chickens, a positive reaction was observed on canine chorionic villi cells and chick yolk sac surface epithelium, and on epithelial cells of the renal tubules, hepatocytes and the myocardium. These findings suggest that the c- yes proto-oncogene may play a physiological role in the cell growth and metabolism of these adult and foetal tissues. Of the 185 tumours tested, 59 (31.9 per cent) expressed the c- yes oncogene product. The c- yes -positive tumours accounted for 44.4 per cent (12/27) of the skin tumours, 5.5 per cent (1/18) of the round cell tumours, 35. 7 per cent (10/28) of the soft tissue tumours, 21.4 per cent (3/14) of the testicular tumours, 29.1 per cent (23/79) of the mammary tumours, and 52.6 per cent (10/19) of the other tumours types. Expression of the c- yes oncogene appeared to be common in spontaneously arising canine tumours, and the degree of expression varied considerably by tumour type.  相似文献   

Recent discovery of the BRAF V595E mutation in a variety of canine cancers indicates that mutant BRAF may represent a novel therapeutic target. Presence of RAS mutations is associated with poor tumour response to BRAF inhibition but has not been investigated in BRAF‐mutated canine cancers. The aim of this study was to evaluate the mutational status of three RAS genes (HRAS, KRAS and NRAS) in four types of canine carcinoma with and without the BRAF V595E mutation. Novel HRAS mutations were identified in 18% (3/17) of oral squamous cell carcinoma, whereas 17% (3/18) of pulmonary carcinoma carried KRAS or NRAS mutations. These RAS mutations and BRAF V595E were mutually exclusive, indicating similar functional consequence of these mutations (e.g. MAPK pathway activation). In contrast, RAS mutations were absent in 39 urothelial carcinoma and 19 prostatic carcinoma, adding another rational for BRAF‐targeted therapy for these canine cancers.  相似文献   

The nucleotide sequences of the phosphoprotein (P) of canine distemper virus (CDV) strains isolated between 1992 and 1996 in Japan were determined. This is the first report of the complete sequences of the P genes of recently prevalent CDV strains. The deduced amino acid sequences of the P, C and V proteins showed that in the new Japanese isolates, these proteins have approximately 93%, 90-91% and 92% identities with those of the Onderstepoort vaccine strain, respectively. The predicted functional regions were conserved. RNA editing resulting in a shift to the open reading frame (ORF) of the V protein was shown to occur with the same efficiency in both the field isolates and vaccine strain.  相似文献   

水貂奇异变形杆菌的分离鉴定及16S rRNA基因序列分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
从辽宁某貂场发病水貂中分离到1株致病菌,命名为PMSD株,通过形态学观察和生化试验等常规鉴定发现符合奇异变形杆菌特性,进一步经VITEK 2Compact 30全自动细菌鉴定及药敏分析系统鉴定该株细菌为奇异变形杆菌。药敏试验结果显示PMSD株对氨基糖苷类药物、喹诺酮类药物等敏感,而对β-内酰胺类药物和磺胺类药物等不敏感。以细菌16SrRNA基因为模板应用通用引物进行PCR扩增,得到PMSD株的16SrRNA基因序列,长约1 504bp,提交到GenBank中,登录号:KM229530。将该序列与GenBank中序列进行BLAST比对,结果发现与其匹配度最高的均是奇异变形杆菌各株系的16SrRNA序列,均高达99%以上。选取其中前20株作为参考序列,运用生物学软件构建系统发育树并进行同源性比对,结果表明,分离菌PMSD株与20个代表菌株的同源性为98.9%~99.7%,其中与BB2000株、HI4320株、B1株和FCC141株同源性最高,为99.7%。本研究为预防和控制奇异变形杆菌引起的水貂疾病奠定了一定的基础。  相似文献   

以临床疑似犬瘟热病犬外周血总RNA为模板,采用RT-PCR方法扩增犬瘟热病毒(CDV)血凝素(H)基因。序列测定和分析表明该病料犬瘟热病毒H基因序列与国内其他地区分离到的毒株同源性较高(94.6%~99.2%),而与Onderstepoort株、Convac株等疫苗毒株的同源性较低(90.4%~91.2%)。分子遗传进化分析显示所有毒株可分为7个大的分支,且各分支间具有一定的地域性,其中待检病料中CDV与大多数中国分离株一样处于Ⅰ型。进一步以H全基因为模板,截短表达其3′端816 bp、459 bp两个片段,并克隆入原核表达载体pET30 a进行表达。结果显示它们分别能表达大小约为36.4 ku和22.2 ku的融合蛋白。免疫转印表明该纯化蛋白均可与犬瘟热病毒抗血清发生阳性反应,说明重组蛋白具备抗原性,可用于进一步的血清学研究。  相似文献   

The presence of antibodies against Encephalitozoon cuniculi (E. cuniculi) and Encephalitozoon intestinalis (E. intestinalis) was examined in 215 samples from humans and in 488 samples from five different species of domestic and companion animals in Slovakia. The 215 human samples and samples from 90 swine, 123 non-infected cattle (cattle), 24 cattle infected with bovine leukosis virus (BLV-positive cattle), 140 sheep and 111 dogs were examined by the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Samples with serum titres 1:200 or higher were considered as positive. Specific anti-E. cuniculi antibodies were found in humans (0.9%), swine (52%), cattle (2%), sheep (9%) and dogs (15%) except for the BLV-positive cattle at the titre of 1:200. The titre of 1:400 was detected only in humans (0.5%). The presence of specific anti-E. intestinalis antibodies at the titre of 1:200 was confirmed in humans (6%), swine (51%), cattle (11%), BLV-positive cattle (13%) and dogs (6%) but not in sheep. The anti-E. intestinalis antibodies reached the 1:400 in humans (1%), swine (4%) and BLV-positive cattle (17%). The presence of specific anti-E. intestinalis antibodies at the titre of 1:600 was observed only in one swine (1%). Significant differences were observed in animals at titres 1:200 and 1:400 (chi-squared test: p < 0.0001) for both pathogens and in humans only for E. cuniculi at the titre of 1:400 (chi-squared test: < 0.0075).  相似文献   

The sensitivity of Brachyspira hyodysenteriae and Brachyspira pilosicoli, respectively the causative agents of Swine Dysentery and Porcine Intestinal Spirochaetosis to two probiotic Lactobacillus strains, L. rhamnosus CNCM-I-3698 and L. farciminis CNCM-I-3699 was studied through viability, motility and coaggregation assays. The cell-free supernatant of these lactobacilli contains lactic acid, that is stressful for Brachyspira (leading to the formation of spherical bodies), and lethal. It was demonstrated for the first time the in vitro coaggregation properties of two probiotic Lactobacillus strains (active or heat-treated) with two pathogenic strains of Brachyspira, leading to (1) trapping of spirochaetal cells in a physical network as demonstrated by SEM; (2) inhibition of the motility of Brachyspira. Such in vitro studies should encourage in vivo studies in animal model to evaluate the potential of the use of probiotic lactobacilli through a feeding strategy for the prevention of B. hyodysenteriae and B. pilosicoli.  相似文献   

Multiple regression analyses were used to investigate the ecological determinants and the population dynamics oof bovine leptospirosis in Queensland between 1972 and 1983. Analyses were performed using leptospiral herd sero-prevalences, weather, soil and animal population data.

Leptospira interrogans serovars pomona and hardjo overlapped in 57% of geographical locations for which herd sero-prevalences were available. The main ecological determinants for L. pomona in Queensland appear to be low relative humidity, Typic Torrert clays in the soil, the presence of feral pigs and the average maximum temperatures for the region. For L. hardjo the main determinants are not as clearly defined but appeat to include the presence of beef cattle, the average minimum temperatures, alkaline trend in duplex soils, presence of beef Typic Torrert and absence of Typic Pellustert clays.

There was a major sustained high level of herd leptospiral sero-prevalence in the first 5 years of the study. A comparison of data from this period and the second 5 years suggests that the increase in herd sero-prevalence was caused by the release of free leptospires from the Vertisol clays nto the water tables following heavy rainfall. The leptospires could then infect susceptible cattle and/or maintenance hosts.  相似文献   

本研究克隆了水牛脑源性神经营养因子(brain-derived neurotrophic factor,BDNF)基因序列,并运用生物信息学方法对序列的同源性、生物进化树、蛋白的理化性质及二、三级结构等进行了分析预测,同时利用QRT-PCR方法研究了BDNF mRNA在胎儿水牛及成年水牛不同组织中的表达情况。结果表明,应用RT-PCR技术克隆获得了长800bp水牛BDNF基因序列,其中编码区全长753bp,编码250个氨基酸。多重序列比对分析显示,水牛BDNF核苷酸序列与黄牛、野猪、犬、人、马、小鼠同源性分别为99%、94%、93%、90%、90%和89%;生物进化树分析显示,BDNF基因在不同物种进化过程中具有较高的保守性;BDNF蛋白理论分子质量28 173.36u,等电点9.12;蛋白二级结构由多个α-螺旋、β-折叠、T-转角及无规则卷曲组成,三级结构由多个α-螺旋、3对反向平行的β-折叠结构等构成活性中心(即NGF功能结构域)。QRT-PCR结果显示,BDNF mRNA在胎儿水牛及成年水牛的心脏、肺脏、肾脏、大脑、肌肉、卵巢、睾丸组织中都有表达,且成年水牛的表达量高于胎儿水牛。  相似文献   

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