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许小红  胡冬梅 《护理研究》2006,20(10):2819-2819
针对急诊病人流动性大,周转快的特点以及为了建立完善与急诊整体护理相适应的管理制度,我科护理人员设计了《急诊科病人抢救记录单》,经过两年多的应用,收到较好的效果。现介绍如下。  相似文献   

急诊科是医院的高风险科室,医疗纠纷相对较多[1].急诊创伤病人病情进展快,救治过程需争分夺秒.应用传统危重护理记录单,不能充分反映创伤病人的病情,并且抢救记录多数只能在抢救结束后补写,容易遗漏或与医生记录有偏差,甚至引发纠纷.为使病人得到快速救治、降低医疗机构的风险、提高急诊护理质量、增加安全性成为日益突出的问题.  相似文献   

低血钾致心律失常临床上并非少见,若及时救护病人可转危为安,否则易造成心跳骤停而危及生命。我科自1999年12月-2002年12月共抢救低血钾致心律失常25例,现报告如下:  相似文献   

总结快捷急救护理记录表在124例小儿颅脑外伤急诊抢救护理中的应用体会。自行设计快捷急救护理记录表,内容包括患儿一般资料及病情评估、急救护理落实情况,观察患儿急救护理质量(抢救时间、抢救成功率、患儿家长对护理工作满意度、医生对护士抢救配合满意度)。124例患儿平均抢救时间(18.82±9.51)min,抢救成功率99.2%,患儿家长对护理工作满意和较满意95.2%,医生对护士抢救配合满意度96.7%。快捷急救护理记录表的使用可提高小儿颅脑外伤的急诊抢救护理效率。  相似文献   

低血钾致心律失常临床上并非少见,若及时救护病人可转危为安,否则易造成心跳骤停而危及生命。我科自1999年12月-2002年12月共抢救低血钾致心律失常25例,现报告如下:  相似文献   

连冬梅 《护士进修杂志》2011,26(11):1049-1050
为了保证护理工作的连续性与完整性,让倒班护士熟悉病人病情,我们设计了病房交接记录表,在应用中取得了不错的效果,现介绍如下。  相似文献   

目的为了提高急诊科急性心肌梗死抢救护理成功率。方法对50例急性心肌梗死患者,采取在现有条件下,改进配合医生最便捷、有效抢救护理流程模式,缩短收住院时间。结果50例患者经急诊科初步急救,病情稳定护送综合ICU或心内科住院部,成功率94%,与改进前50例比较,成功率提高10%(P〈0.05),收住院时间由传统平均每人次15.5min,下降到平均每人次6min(P〈0.01)。结论探索急诊科急性心肌梗死抢救护理流程模式,改进能有效配合医生提高抢救成功率;明显缩短收住院时间,为时间就是生命的抢救中争取了更宝贵的时间,提高满意度。  相似文献   

Objective To increase the success rate of first-aid and nursing of patients with acute infarct of cardiac muscle in emergency departments.Methods A total of 50 patients with acute infarct of cardiac muscle were taken,for seeking for the most convenient,effective flow model for first-aid and nursing under current conditions,which has a smooth cooperation with doctors,and shortens the time of patients staying in hosptal.Results The 50 patients were primarily first-aided in emergency department,and shew a stable status of disease,and were sent to the complex ICU or the cardiacology department in the in-patient section with care.The success rate was 94%.Compared with 50 patients in the past,the success rate was increased by 10% (P<0.05).The time for staying in hospital was reduced to 6 rain for a patient at a time in average,from the tradiational average time for a patient at a time of 15.5 rain.Conclusions This exploration in nursing model for first-aid and nursing of patients with acute infarct of cardiac muscle in emergency departments provides an improvement which can closely match with doctors,and increase the success rate of first aid.It clearly shortens the in-hospital time for patients.The model gives valuable time for the first-aid process which shows time is life,and increases the patients' satisfication degree.  相似文献   

Objective To increase the success rate of first-aid and nursing of patients with acute infarct of cardiac muscle in emergency departments.Methods A total of 50 patients with acute infarct of cardiac muscle were taken,for seeking for the most convenient,effective flow model for first-aid and nursing under current conditions,which has a smooth cooperation with doctors,and shortens the time of patients staying in hosptal.Results The 50 patients were primarily first-aided in emergency department,and shew a stable status of disease,and were sent to the complex ICU or the cardiacology department in the in-patient section with care.The success rate was 94%.Compared with 50 patients in the past,the success rate was increased by 10% (P<0.05).The time for staying in hospital was reduced to 6 rain for a patient at a time in average,from the tradiational average time for a patient at a time of 15.5 rain.Conclusions This exploration in nursing model for first-aid and nursing of patients with acute infarct of cardiac muscle in emergency departments provides an improvement which can closely match with doctors,and increase the success rate of first aid.It clearly shortens the in-hospital time for patients.The model gives valuable time for the first-aid process which shows time is life,and increases the patients' satisfication degree.  相似文献   

Objective To increase the success rate of first-aid and nursing of patients with acute infarct of cardiac muscle in emergency departments.Methods A total of 50 patients with acute infarct of cardiac muscle were taken,for seeking for the most convenient,effective flow model for first-aid and nursing under current conditions,which has a smooth cooperation with doctors,and shortens the time of patients staying in hosptal.Results The 50 patients were primarily first-aided in emergency department,and shew a stable status of disease,and were sent to the complex ICU or the cardiacology department in the in-patient section with care.The success rate was 94%.Compared with 50 patients in the past,the success rate was increased by 10% (P<0.05).The time for staying in hospital was reduced to 6 rain for a patient at a time in average,from the tradiational average time for a patient at a time of 15.5 rain.Conclusions This exploration in nursing model for first-aid and nursing of patients with acute infarct of cardiac muscle in emergency departments provides an improvement which can closely match with doctors,and increase the success rate of first aid.It clearly shortens the in-hospital time for patients.The model gives valuable time for the first-aid process which shows time is life,and increases the patients' satisfication degree.  相似文献   

Objective To increase the success rate of first-aid and nursing of patients with acute infarct of cardiac muscle in emergency departments.Methods A total of 50 patients with acute infarct of cardiac muscle were taken,for seeking for the most convenient,effective flow model for first-aid and nursing under current conditions,which has a smooth cooperation with doctors,and shortens the time of patients staying in hosptal.Results The 50 patients were primarily first-aided in emergency department,and shew a stable status of disease,and were sent to the complex ICU or the cardiacology department in the in-patient section with care.The success rate was 94%.Compared with 50 patients in the past,the success rate was increased by 10% (P<0.05).The time for staying in hospital was reduced to 6 rain for a patient at a time in average,from the tradiational average time for a patient at a time of 15.5 rain.Conclusions This exploration in nursing model for first-aid and nursing of patients with acute infarct of cardiac muscle in emergency departments provides an improvement which can closely match with doctors,and increase the success rate of first aid.It clearly shortens the in-hospital time for patients.The model gives valuable time for the first-aid process which shows time is life,and increases the patients' satisfication degree.  相似文献   

Objective To increase the success rate of first-aid and nursing of patients with acute infarct of cardiac muscle in emergency departments.Methods A total of 50 patients with acute infarct of cardiac muscle were taken,for seeking for the most convenient,effective flow model for first-aid and nursing under current conditions,which has a smooth cooperation with doctors,and shortens the time of patients staying in hosptal.Results The 50 patients were primarily first-aided in emergency department,and shew a stable status of disease,and were sent to the complex ICU or the cardiacology department in the in-patient section with care.The success rate was 94%.Compared with 50 patients in the past,the success rate was increased by 10% (P<0.05).The time for staying in hospital was reduced to 6 rain for a patient at a time in average,from the tradiational average time for a patient at a time of 15.5 rain.Conclusions This exploration in nursing model for first-aid and nursing of patients with acute infarct of cardiac muscle in emergency departments provides an improvement which can closely match with doctors,and increase the success rate of first aid.It clearly shortens the in-hospital time for patients.The model gives valuable time for the first-aid process which shows time is life,and increases the patients' satisfication degree.  相似文献   

目的 探讨护理风险的前瞻性管理和全程动态管理在急诊科的应用效果.方法 通过识别和分析急诊科在抢救病人中存在和潜在的护理风险,对护理风险实施前瞻性管理和全程动态管理.结果 急诊科护理质量和病人对急诊科工作满意度明显提高,病人投诉及护理差错发生率大为下降.结论 护理风险的前瞻性管理,是降低急诊科护理风险的根本保障;护理风险的全程动态管理,是降低急诊科护理风险的重要手段.  相似文献   

Objective To increase the success rate of first-aid and nursing of patients with acute infarct of cardiac muscle in emergency departments.Methods A total of 50 patients with acute infarct of cardiac muscle were taken,for seeking for the most convenient,effective flow model for first-aid and nursing under current conditions,which has a smooth cooperation with doctors,and shortens the time of patients staying in hosptal.Results The 50 patients were primarily first-aided in emergency department,and shew a stable status of disease,and were sent to the complex ICU or the cardiacology department in the in-patient section with care.The success rate was 94%.Compared with 50 patients in the past,the success rate was increased by 10% (P<0.05).The time for staying in hospital was reduced to 6 rain for a patient at a time in average,from the tradiational average time for a patient at a time of 15.5 rain.Conclusions This exploration in nursing model for first-aid and nursing of patients with acute infarct of cardiac muscle in emergency departments provides an improvement which can closely match with doctors,and increase the success rate of first aid.It clearly shortens the in-hospital time for patients.The model gives valuable time for the first-aid process which shows time is life,and increases the patients' satisfication degree.  相似文献   

Objective To increase the success rate of first-aid and nursing of patients with acute infarct of cardiac muscle in emergency departments.Methods A total of 50 patients with acute infarct of cardiac muscle were taken,for seeking for the most convenient,effective flow model for first-aid and nursing under current conditions,which has a smooth cooperation with doctors,and shortens the time of patients staying in hosptal.Results The 50 patients were primarily first-aided in emergency department,and shew a stable status of disease,and were sent to the complex ICU or the cardiacology department in the in-patient section with care.The success rate was 94%.Compared with 50 patients in the past,the success rate was increased by 10% (P<0.05).The time for staying in hospital was reduced to 6 rain for a patient at a time in average,from the tradiational average time for a patient at a time of 15.5 rain.Conclusions This exploration in nursing model for first-aid and nursing of patients with acute infarct of cardiac muscle in emergency departments provides an improvement which can closely match with doctors,and increase the success rate of first aid.It clearly shortens the in-hospital time for patients.The model gives valuable time for the first-aid process which shows time is life,and increases the patients' satisfication degree.  相似文献   

Objective To increase the success rate of first-aid and nursing of patients with acute infarct of cardiac muscle in emergency departments.Methods A total of 50 patients with acute infarct of cardiac muscle were taken,for seeking for the most convenient,effective flow model for first-aid and nursing under current conditions,which has a smooth cooperation with doctors,and shortens the time of patients staying in hosptal.Results The 50 patients were primarily first-aided in emergency department,and shew a stable status of disease,and were sent to the complex ICU or the cardiacology department in the in-patient section with care.The success rate was 94%.Compared with 50 patients in the past,the success rate was increased by 10% (P<0.05).The time for staying in hospital was reduced to 6 rain for a patient at a time in average,from the tradiational average time for a patient at a time of 15.5 rain.Conclusions This exploration in nursing model for first-aid and nursing of patients with acute infarct of cardiac muscle in emergency departments provides an improvement which can closely match with doctors,and increase the success rate of first aid.It clearly shortens the in-hospital time for patients.The model gives valuable time for the first-aid process which shows time is life,and increases the patients' satisfication degree.  相似文献   

Objective To increase the success rate of first-aid and nursing of patients with acute infarct of cardiac muscle in emergency departments.Methods A total of 50 patients with acute infarct of cardiac muscle were taken,for seeking for the most convenient,effective flow model for first-aid and nursing under current conditions,which has a smooth cooperation with doctors,and shortens the time of patients staying in hosptal.Results The 50 patients were primarily first-aided in emergency department,and shew a stable status of disease,and were sent to the complex ICU or the cardiacology department in the in-patient section with care.The success rate was 94%.Compared with 50 patients in the past,the success rate was increased by 10% (P<0.05).The time for staying in hospital was reduced to 6 rain for a patient at a time in average,from the tradiational average time for a patient at a time of 15.5 rain.Conclusions This exploration in nursing model for first-aid and nursing of patients with acute infarct of cardiac muscle in emergency departments provides an improvement which can closely match with doctors,and increase the success rate of first aid.It clearly shortens the in-hospital time for patients.The model gives valuable time for the first-aid process which shows time is life,and increases the patients' satisfication degree.  相似文献   

Objective To increase the success rate of first-aid and nursing of patients with acute infarct of cardiac muscle in emergency departments.Methods A total of 50 patients with acute infarct of cardiac muscle were taken,for seeking for the most convenient,effective flow model for first-aid and nursing under current conditions,which has a smooth cooperation with doctors,and shortens the time of patients staying in hosptal.Results The 50 patients were primarily first-aided in emergency department,and shew a stable status of disease,and were sent to the complex ICU or the cardiacology department in the in-patient section with care.The success rate was 94%.Compared with 50 patients in the past,the success rate was increased by 10% (P<0.05).The time for staying in hospital was reduced to 6 rain for a patient at a time in average,from the tradiational average time for a patient at a time of 15.5 rain.Conclusions This exploration in nursing model for first-aid and nursing of patients with acute infarct of cardiac muscle in emergency departments provides an improvement which can closely match with doctors,and increase the success rate of first aid.It clearly shortens the in-hospital time for patients.The model gives valuable time for the first-aid process which shows time is life,and increases the patients' satisfication degree.  相似文献   

目的探讨持续质量改进(CQI)项目对急诊科护理管理质量、抢救效率和静脉血标本溶血的影响。方法选取2017年7月至2018年6月该院急诊科收治的患者116例,随机分为观察组和对照组。对照组采用常规护理管理,观察组采用CQI护理管理。比较两组抢救效率、静脉血标本溶血率、护理管理质量以及护理满意度。结果观察组接诊时间、分诊时间、检查时间、治疗时间显著短于对照组,静脉血标本溶血率显著低于对照组,护理管理质量评分显著高于对照组,护理满意度显著高于对照组,差异均有统计学意义(均P<0.05)。结论急诊科护理管理中应用CQI项目,能有效提高护理管理质量和抢救效率,降低静脉血标本溶血率,减少护理不良事件发生,提高护理满意度,效果显著。  相似文献   

目的 完善急诊护理记录,保证护理安全,避免医疗纠纷.方法 规范原有的急诊护理记录,个别项目表格化,记录方式采用实时记录,注重交接时生命体征记录及签名制度.结果 与书写旧的护理记录单比较,护理病历缺陷率减少,病历书写时间较前缩短,提高了护理工作效率.结论 新的急诊护理记录单实用,同时体现了及时、动态、连续性护理,省时省力,可指导护士工作,并可增强医护合作,有效地促进了急诊护理质量的提高.  相似文献   

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