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从东北地区的环境状况,工业进步,城市发展三方面论述了循环经济对振兴东北老工业基地的重要性.分析了东北地区在发展循环经济方面具有雄厚的工农业基础和人员科技优势.提出在东北老工业基地发展循环经济要注重几点:要发挥优势积极进行工艺设备改造和工业园区建设;要立足于现实,循序渐进地发展;要加强重点生态区域的环境保护工作.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Empirical evidence and recent revisions of conventional business doctrine indicate that companies that actively promote social performance and develop their clients' markets and skills as part of business strategy have a better chance of achieving sustainable profitability and growth than those that do not. This article discusses how landmark companies, emerging economies, and in particular a Latin American company sustained success over long periods of time by developing socially‐focused strategies. By applying the Megaplanning methodology to the development of clients and the social environment during a three‐year period, an Argentinean refinery developed its local and regional market, increased its revenues and market share and reduced turnover and costs generated by social conflict, outperforming its previous conventional, Macro‐focused business strategies.  相似文献   

This article challenges contemporary religious educators to take notice of some of the competitive aspects of media, not to scapegoat the technological changes of twenty-first-century life, but to address the concerns of a people who feel overwhelmed by media's game plan yet long to work for a more invigorated future of American religious education. Just like winning tennis superstars, religious educators can master the media environment by recognizing, analyzing, and capitalizing on various options of resistance and consent in every media moment.  相似文献   

Defining what it means to be an “effective teacher” is a difficult, but necessary, undertaking, as research reveals a correlation between teacher qualities and student success (Buchel and Edwards 2005 Buchel, T., and F. Edwards. 2005. Characteristics of effective clinical teachers. Resid Educ. 37 (1):305. [Google Scholar]; Darling-Hammond 2000 Darling-Hammond, L. 2000. Teacher quality and student achievement: A review of state policy evidence. Center for the Study of Teaching and Policy. Seattle: University of Washington Press. doi: 10.1086/ahr/106.2.595-a.[Crossref] [Google Scholar]; Lupascu, Pânisoa, and Pânisoar 2014; Stronge 2007 Stronge, J. H. 2007. Qualities of effective teachers. 2nd ed. Alexandria, VA: Association of Supervision and Curriculum Development. [Google Scholar]). The literature on this topic clearly demonstrates that there is no consensus on exactly what traits and characteristics truly define an effective teacher. Given this lack of agreement, the question for teacher educators becomes how do we prepare teacher candidates to be effective in the classroom when researchers, policymakers, and administrators can’t agree on the traits that encompass what the system has come to deem an “effective” teacher?

Throughout this article, we share our findings from an exploratory case study of National Teachers of the Year. Through an analysis of personal teacher of the year narratives and nomination letters, we learned that even in the ever-changing world of education, specific characteristics and philosophies which support and exemplify outstanding teaching have remained constant over the years. Award winning educators agree that teacher effectiveness is realized only through the intersection of curriculum, relationships, collaboration, engagement, and a commitment to further one’s learning. In this article, we offer insight into each of these ideological constants and discuss the implications they have for today’s teacher education programs.  相似文献   

教育券的最初提出是为了提高教育效率,而密尔沃基市的教育券计划在促进学校竞争以提升教育质量的同时,又将教育券作为解决社会公平的途径.本文通过密尔沃基教育券计划介绍了教育券申请的一些细节问题,并对此进行了反思.  相似文献   

This self-study focuses on the suitability of implementing the Communicative Language Teaching approach to teach English in contexts where the conditions for learning might be different to those implied by the original tenets of the approach. As a university-based teacher educator, the researcher promotes this approach in her methodology classes. She returned to classroom teaching to better understand the challenges faced by student teachers in implementing Communicative Language Teaching and to re-visit several assumptions of her understanding of the teaching and learning process.  相似文献   

政治文明:社会主义对资本主义的借鉴与超越   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
人类文明的新旧交替、吐故纳新不是一个绝对否定、简单抛弃的过程,而是一个辩证否定、不断扬弃的过程。学习和借鉴资本主义政治文明的积极成果,是建设社会主义政治文明的客观需要,也是实现社会主义对资本主义全面超越的必要条件。从一定意义上说,社会主义制度的建立和发展,是人类政治文明领域具有划时代意义的革命。社会主义政治文明建设,必须以宽广的世界眼光和博大的胸怀积极吸纳各国文明成果,必须在总结实践经验的基础上不断实现理论创新和制度创新,只有这样,才能不断地提升自己的文明素质,实现对资本主义的全面超越。  相似文献   


A key provision of No Child Left Behind is the opportunity for students to transfer from a low-performing school to a high-performing one. Drawing from a case study of school reform in Charlotte, North Carolina, this article examines the implementation and early outcomes of NCLB's voluntary transfer option for the Charlotte-Mecklenburg School (CMS) district. For the 2004–05 school year, fully 92% of the eligible families did not exercise their choice to exit from their low-performing schools. The experiences of CMS illustrate how larger social, economic, and political contexts constrain the implementation of standards-based reforms like NCLB in general and, in particular, the limitations of the transfer option for improving academic achievement and educational equity.  相似文献   


Universities across the United States offer classes taught entirely over the Internet. Teaching with this medium, however, is still relatively new so faculty and administrators need to understand the salient issues that attend to course offerings in a “virtual classroom.” This paper discusses the benefits and challenges that arose when a Substantive Criminal Law course was developed and taught on the Internet in the Fall of 1997. Pedagogical and technical issues that arose during the development and implementation of the course are addressed. Policy recommendations are also suggested.  相似文献   

肖枫同志的新论《社会主义:转折与创新》,对世界共产主义的进程做出了三个“七十年”的新概括,并以此来界定在共产党领导下的世界社会主义运动发生的二次大转折和创新,这是一个很新的见解。对社会主义学的研究是关系到社会主义建设兴衰成败的一门首要科学。从历史发展的进程来看,只有纠“左”防右,国际共产主义运动才能转折与创新。  相似文献   

随着世界范围内能源与环境可持续发展问题的日益严峻,培养相关人才的能源工程类学科已成为国内外大学争相开设的热门专业。我国高校在该学科本科教学中的教学理念、教学模式、课程设置和实践教学等方面尚存在一定不足。本文在分析国外知名大学能源工程类专业的课程设置和教学方法的基础上,结合我国高等教育国情和大连理工大学研究特色,提出了优化教学内容和教学模式的改革建议。  相似文献   

This study examines the ways in which a support and retention scholarship program (College Assistance Migrant Program—CAMP) mediated the first-year college experience of three situationally marginalized, female students of Mexican descent. Findings suggest that educators at all levels of schooling should create opportunities for this population of students to participate in supportive teaching-learning communities. Such communities that practice and promote academically and personally empowering interactions can help these students overcome obstacles and learn to become successful students.  相似文献   

This paper tracks an ongoing, 15-year initiative to reform and assess a general education programme at a regional comprehensive university in the US. The paper identifies four key phases in the process, chronicling emergent challenges, describing key setbacks and highlighting noteworthy successes. The authors identify five key lessons that may prove useful to other institutions planning or currently attempting to integrate assessment into their general education programme, and conclude that designing and implementing general education assessment is more challenging than assessing other programmes in post-secondary settings because it is influenced by more internal and external constituencies than any other assessment process.  相似文献   

Many educational psychologists now conduct assessments of children's phonological skills. In the context of an outline of some of the issues relating to memory and phonological awareness, this paper explores an assumption underlying a method of assessing phonological awareness. It was assumed by Maclean, Bryant and Bradley (1987) that the presence of pictures in tests of phonological awareness made the tasks easier. This paper describes how that assumption was directly tested. Children aged 5, 6 and 7 years were given two measures of phonological awareness under two conditions: one with pictures, and one without the presence of pictures. Two measures of their memory were also taken. The results suggest that performance in the tests of phonological awareness may be assisted by the presence of pictures. However, although phonological awareness scores were associated with scores from the measures of memory, the evidence of an effect due to pictures was not significantly associated with either short-term or working memory. Suggestions are offered in conclusion that may assist interested educational psychologists develop more practical assessments of phonological awareness.  相似文献   

This article discusses the relation between experience and learning in the context of recognition of prior learning (RPL) and from an experiential constructivist perspective. The study is based on a case of in-service training, based on RPL, in the care sector for elderly people. The data consist of interviews with actors in this process, which have been analysed with a qualitative interpretative approach. The results show how prior learning plays a central role in the training process, both on an individual and a collective level. The participants’ prior learning is taken as the starting point, particularly in learning conversations where prior learning is made visible and used, and where participants learn from each other. Further, new learning is taking place as a consequence of the recognition process, and the study particularly highlights how prior experiences could be the basis of new learning in a process of reflection and discussion.  相似文献   

The meanings that a teacher attaches to the new curriculum reforms act as his or her map on the curriculum implementation journey, and these usually determine the success of the education reforms. This research article explores the meanings attached to the new Science curriculum reforms by primary school teachers in a school district in South Africa, where the perceived meanings emanated from, as well as the role they played in the implementation of the reforms in the classroom. It is argued that new curriculum reforms have to take place concurrently with other changes in order for them to have a significant and long-lasting effect. Three possible ways will be suggested that will help the teachers to avoid formulating reform meanings that are not aligned with the vision and goals of the new curriculum.  相似文献   

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