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Abstract Employees of a communications firm experienced an acute outbreak of nonspecific illness related to the workplace. Symptoms consisted primarily of coughing, throat irritation, shortness of breath and disorientation. Fifty-one individuals sought emergency medical care, and the building was evacuated. A multidisciplinary team was assembled to investigate and resolve the problem. Investigation activities focused on three major areas: epidemiology; environmental measurement; and mechanical engineering. Results indicated that the outbreak was due to multiple factors working in concert. The inside of the air handling system was contaminated with microbial growth and particulate matter; chemical products were used throughout the building with little control over use patterns; and the HVAC system was not delivering acceptable quantities of outdoor air to the employees’ breathing zones. Two unusual events may have triggered the employees’ response. An unusual odor/taste was reported, and the outside air damper abruptly opened and closed, possibly dislodging particulate matter from inside the air handling system. It appeared that psychosocial factors played an important role. Prevention of similar crises could be achieved by implementation of a policy/procedure that addresses specific responsibilities, communications, preventive maintenance, acceptable outdoor air ventilation rates, and guidelines for reporting and investigation.  相似文献   

A questionnaire on health symptoms, workplace conditions, and perceived indoor air quality was administered to 3948 employees of the Environmental Protection Agency in Washington, DC in the winter of 1989. The main goal was to determine the personal or workplace characteristics associated with health symptoms. A principal components analysis of 32 health symptoms identified 12 health factors. Each factor was generally associated with a particular body system (eyes, nose, throat, chest, central nervous system, etc.). The 12 health factors were regressed linearly on the 50-100 personal, workplace, and spatial characteristics identified from the questionnaire and building blueprints. Significant variables (p < 0.01) were included in a second logistic regression to determine a final model. Eleven variables were associated with multiple health factors. The main workplace variables were dust and glare. Personal characteristics of importance were mold allergies and sensitivity to chemicals. Among women, lack of a college degree was an important factor. Air quality factors of importance included hot stuffy air and dry air: The odor of paint and other chemicals, and the odor of cosmetics were also associated with four or more of the health factors. Two measures of stress – heavy workload and conflicting demands – were also associated with several health factors.  相似文献   

柳成文 《山西建筑》2006,32(1):200-202
针对空调建筑中大量出现的病态建筑综合症,从参数设计,新、回、排风设计、空调方式以及气流组织等方面,阐述了改善室内空气品质的空调系统设计方法和设计理念。  相似文献   

Abstract Sensory responses to clean air and air polluted by five building materials under different combinations of temperature and humidity in the ranges 18-28°C and 30-70%RH were studied in the laboratory. A specially designed test system was built and a set of experiments was designed to observe separately the impact of temperature and humidity on the perception of air quality/odour intensity, and on the emission of pollutants from the materials. This paper reports on the impact on perception. The odour intensity of air did not change significantly with temperature and humidity; however, a strong and significant impact of temperature and humidity on the perception of air quality was found. The air was perceived as less acceptable with increasing temperature and humidity. This impact decreased with an increasing level of air pollution. Significant linear correlations were found between acceptability and enthalpy of the air at all pollution levels tested, and a linear model was established to describe the dependence of perceived air quality on temperature and humidity at different pollution levels.  相似文献   

Abstract Acceptability of clean air and air polluted by building materials was studied in climate chambers with different levels of air temperature and humidity in the ranges 18–28°C and 30-70% relative humidity (RH). The acceptability of the air quality immediately after entering a chamber and during the following 20-min whole-body exposure was assessed by 36 untrained subjects who maintained thermal neutrality by modifying their clothing. The results confirm the significant decrement of the acceptability with increasing temperature and humidity, as shown in a previous study with facial exposures. The odour intensity was found to be independent of temperature and humidity. A linear relation between acceptability and enthalpy of air was again observed by this experiment. No significant difference was observed between the immediate acceptability and the acceptability during the following 20-min exposure, i.e., no adaptation took place. Both the immediate assessment of acceptability and the assessments during the 20-min exposure were independent of the air temperature and humidity to which the subjects were exposed before entering the chamber. The results further indicate that a notable decrement of the ventilation requirement may be achieved by maintaining a moderate enthalpy of air in spaces.  相似文献   

Schools are the most suitable type of building for the application of energy efficiency and good indoor air quality measures. This is justified by the fact that such measures can promote sustainability to the future citizens, and even more, ensure a comfortable and healthy environment for educational purposes. Unfortunately, in practice school buildings face the same, or even more intense, energy performance and indoor air quality problems as any other building. The purpose of this study is to investigate the energy efficiency, thermal environment and indoor air quality in public nursery and elementary school buildings in the city of Kozani, located at the cold climatic zone of Greece. The survey, conducted both by in-field measurements and by questionnaires, reveals the main parameters affecting the overall performance of the investigated buildings. The problematic building envelope, the improper control of heating and lighting systems, the absence of proper legislative measures and, above all, the lack of interest concerning the efficiency of such buildings are the main factors in the reported efficiency.  相似文献   

Indoor carbon dioxide (CO2) concentration can be used to estimate the degree of air recirculation and outdoor air supply rate. Three types of CO2 detector tubes were evaluated by using Fourier Transform Infra-Red (FTIR) Spectroscopy as a reference method. Two types of detector tubes (Draeger CH 30801 and Kitagawa 126 B) showed a good correlation with the reference method (r = 0.98), the 95% confidence interval of the slope being 0.89-1.06 and 0.80-0.95, respectively in linear regression analysis. The third type (Gastec 2LL.) showed lower correlation (r = 0.91) and a wider 95% confidence interval (0.52-0.80) of the slope. A t CO2 concentrations in the range 800-1000 5 l/l(ppm), control values suggested for the indoor environment, the Draeger and the Gastec tubes underestimated the CO2 concentration, while the Kitagawa tube showed a correct value. The difference in reading between observers was similar for all three brands of detector tubes (5-7%), expressed as relative standard error No significant influence of the air humidity or temperature on the readings could be demonstrated. It is concluded that some brands of CO2 detector tubes can be used to measure indoor carbon dioxide concentration with sufficient precision and accuracy. Since the relative error is relatively large at lower CO2 concentrations, the use of such tubes for the determination of air recirculation in ventilation systems should be avoided. As a crude estimate of the outdoor air supply rate, however, CO2 detector tubes may be used. In order to minimize the error in reading, the type of detector tube and the need for recalibration should be considered. When using CO2 measurements as an estimate of outdoor air supply rate, the influence of age and work-load on the individual's emission of CO2 and the time needed to reach equilibrium, should also be taken into consideration.  相似文献   

Abstract Perceived air quality, Sick Building Syndrome (SBS) symptoms and productivity were studied in an existing office in which the air pollution level could be modified by introducing or removing a pollution source. This reversible intervention allowed the space to be classified as either non-low-polluting or low-polluting, as specified in the new European design criteria for the indoor environment CEN CR 1752 (1998). The pollution source was a 20-year-old used carpet which was introduced on a rack behind a screen so that it was invisible to the occupants. Five groups of six female subjects each were exposed to the conditions in the office twice, once with the pollution source present and once with the pollution source absent, each exposure being 265 min in the afternoon, one group at a time. They assessed the perceived air quality and SBS symptoms while performing simulated office work. The subject-rated acceptability of the perceived air quality in the office corresponded to 22% dissatisfied when the pollution source was present, and to 15% dissatisfied when the pollution source was absent. In the former condition there was a significantly increased prevalence of headaches (P= 0.04) and significantly lower levels of reported effort (P=0.02) during the text typing and calculation tasks, both of which required a sustained level of concentration. In the text typing task, subjects worked significantly more slowly when the pollution source was present in the office (P=0.003), typing 6.5% less text than when the pollution source was absent from the office. Reducing the pollution load on indoor air proved to be an effective means of improving the comfort, health and productivity of building occupants.  相似文献   

Sorption of nitrogen-containing organic constituents of environmental tobacco smoke may be influenced by ammonia, a common indoor gas, and relative humidity (RH). We quantified sorption kinetics and equilibria of nicotine with stainless steel, cotton-polyester curtain, and polypropylene carpet at 0%, 50%, and 90% RH and in the presence of ammonia using a 10-l stainless steel chamber. Nicotine was introduced into the chamber by flash evaporating 50 μl of pure liquid. Kinetic sorption parameters were determined by fitting a mass balance model to experimental results using a nonlinear regression. Results show that an equilibrium partition coefficient, k(e) , of nicotine tended to increase as the RH increased for the curtain and carpet. Adsorbed water may contribute to an increase in available sites for nicotine sorption on the surface. In the presence of 20- and 40-ppm NH(3) , the values of k(e) for carpet were decreased by 14-40% at 50% and 90% RH, but the effect of NH(3) was not observed at 0% RH. The values of k(e) ranged from 54 to 152 m. Our findings indicate the relative importance of nicotine sorption to surfaces is dependent on the relative humidity and the presence of ammonia. PRACTICAL IMPLICATIONS: This research demonstrates that relative humidity and gaseous ammonia can influence nicotine sorption to common indoor surfaces, i.e., curtains and carpets. Increasing the relative humidity from dry to modest appears to enhance the sorptive capacity. Presence of the typical range of gaseous ammonia concentrations can reduce the nicotine sorption in a humid environment but does not affect the sorptive capacity in the absence of added water. Thus, studies on the dynamic sorption of other alkaloids or amine constituents of environmental tobacco smoke to indoor surfaces should consider the impact of water vapor concentration because of the interaction of water with the surface and sorbates. Furthermore, the mixture of gaseous amines may participate in adsorption site competition.  相似文献   

The quality of buildings, including their performance in a range of indoor environmental attributes, is influential to the living quality of habitants. Many studies on appropriate importance weights for the attributes have been reported but few embraced both human perception of the importance of such attributes and the related performance of buildings. Focusing on typical public and private high-rise residential buildings in Hong Kong, users’ perceived importance of four key attributes, namely thermal comfort, air cleanliness, odour and noise, and their perceived performance of the buildings in these attributes were studied. Perceptions collected from 563 respondents were processed through an analytical hierarchy process to generate importance weights for the attributes. Correlation analyses corroborate that perceived importance may vary among buildings of different types and between residents and visitors. Thermal comfort was perceived by the vast majority as the most important. Using a performance-importance plot, it is shown how the gaps between perceived performance and perceived importance can be identified. The results can help determine the areas for improvement in new building designs and facilitate prioritization of limited resources for upgrading building performance.  相似文献   

在碳达峰、碳中和的大背景下,建筑 如何在满足使用者需求的前提下,早日实现 低碳绿色发展具有重要意义。研究提出了绿 色办公建筑室内环境及满意度实测和评估 方法,旨在提高室内环境品质和人员满意度 的同时节约能耗。根据该方法,基于各典型 季室内环境监测数据和主观满意度统计结 果,对夏热冬冷地区某典型绿色办公建筑进 行运行性能评估,并提出了室内环境优化策 略。结果显示空气温度、桌面照度和噪声级 均能满足相关标准的要求。该地区室内人员 可以接受较高的相对湿度,但对低湿环境较 敏感;室内空气品质总体达标率较低,需更 严格控制室内CO 2 和降低PM 2.5 浓度来提高 人员的满意度。  相似文献   

王青  王琰  李志民 《室内设计》2023,38(4):40-46
2022年4月教育部办公厅印发《关于实 施全国健康学校建设计划的通知》,其中强调 我国决定实施全国健康学校建设计划,将促进 学生健康融入学校发展规划。同时,在我国大 力推行儿童友好城市建设的大背景下,如何通 过优化校园环境促进学生健康已成为健康建 筑研究领域的关注课题。体力活动促进是青少 年健康促进的重要干预手段,本研究选取西安 市高密度社区内两所中学进行案例对比分析, 通过问卷调研和数理统计分析,以学生的主 观感受和评价为切入点,分别从安全性、舒适 性、美观性和可达性四个维度探讨影响中学生 校内体力活动的校园环境感知要素以及二者的 关联规律。并从绿化景观层次的丰富性,公共 空间的多义性和绿色校园的生态性几个角度提 出促进体力活动的中学校园环境优化策略,以 期从健康促进视角对校园空间环境设计策略 提供依据与参考。  相似文献   

The aim was to develop a multiple logistic regression model to identify multi-family houses with an increase of sick building syndrome (SBS). In Stockholm, 609 multi-family buildings with 14,235 dwellings were selected by stratified random sampling. The response rate was 77%. Multiple logistic regression analysis was applied, adjusting for ownership of the building, building age and size, age, gender, and atopy. Females, subjects with allergy, those above 65 yr, and those in new buildings reported significantly more SBS. Subjects owning their own building reported less SBS, but the relationship between ownership and building age was strong. A regression model, including factors with a high explanatory value was developed. According to the model, 5% of all buildings built before 1961, 13% of those built 1976-1984, and 15% of those built 1985-1990 would have significantly more SBS than expected. In conclusion, SBS is related to personal factors, building age, and ownership of the building. To identify multi-family buildings with more SBS than expected, it is necessary to adjust for ownership and population characteristics.  相似文献   

The present paper shows that introducing or removing the same pollution source in an office in two independent investigations, one in Denmark and one in Sweden, using similar experimental methodology, resulted in similar and repeatable effects on subjective assessments of perceived air quality, intensity of sick building syndrome symptoms and performance of office work. Removing the pollution source improved the perceived air quality, decreased the perceived dryness of air and the severity of headaches, and increased typing performance. These effects were observed separately in each experiment and were all significant (P < or = 0.05) after combining the data from both studies, indicating the advantages of pollution source strength control for health, comfort, and productivity.  相似文献   

生态建造:教育套餐和环境手册   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
生态建造是一个关注于传播建成环境中可持续性的需要以及促成可持续性的方式的项目。它针对于两个群体:16-19岁的学生,为他们制作了一个交互式的光盘;建造行业中的专业人员。光盘中提出了这样的问题--你的家和学校有多绿色?它说明了类似于建筑尺度和朝向的设计决策如何影响到建筑在能耗方面的表现和CO2的排放量。光盘包括了衡量如往宅温室节能效果的术语表,来解释它们对建筑的影响。这样学生们就可以对他们自己的学校和家进行评估,并提出怎样的设计可以提高它们的节能效果。如果我们想全球化地实现可持续性的未来,下一代的介入至关重要。环境手册中更深入地研究了这些问题,并关注到了其他建筑类型,如办公建筑。本文描述了正趋于完成的教育光盘和环境手册中涉及的一些根本的环境和教育因素。  相似文献   

Results of a questionnaire survey of 939 workers from 5 air-conditioned offices where smoking was prohibited are reported. Levels of carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, formaldehde, respirable particulates, and temperature, relative humidity, and illuminance were measured in these buildings, but these did not correlate with symptom reports. The number of sick building syndrome symptoms per worker was related linearly to perceived indoor air quality, job stress, job satisfaction, allergies, eyewear, and seasonal affective disorder. Two hundred and fifty five of these workers also completed a battery of psychological measures. Measures of depression, personality variables, situational stress, vulnerability to stress, and individual differences in circadian rhythms did not correlate with the numbers of sick building syndrome symptoms per worker, although depression did correlate with the number of symptoms when these were weighted for their frequency of occurrence in the previous month. Job stress and perceptions of indoor air quality correlated with both the unweighted and weighted indices of sick building syndrome.  相似文献   

Twelve public office buildings were selected for a study of relationships between worker's health symptoms and a number of building, workspace, job, and personal factors. Three buildings were naturally ventilated, three were mechanically ventilated, and six were air conditioned. Information on the prevalences of work-related symptoms, demographics, and job and personal factors were determined via a questionnaire completed by 880 occupants. Several indoor environmental parameters were measured. Logistic regression models were used to evaluate associations between symptom prevalences and features of the buildings, indoor environments, jobs, and personal factors. A substantial fraction of the occupants in these typical office buildings reported frequent work-related symptoms. The occupants of the mechanically ventilated and air conditioned buildings had sipifcantly more symptoms than occupants of the naturally ventilated buildings after adjustment for confounding factors. Increased prevalences of some symptoms were associated with several job and workspace factors including: presence of carpet, increased use of carbonless copy paper and photocopiers, space sharing, and distance from a window  相似文献   

Natural materials of biological origin degrade over time and may emit odorous chemical compounds that can influence the perceived indoor air quality. The objective of this study was to investigate how the perceived air quality is influenced by emissions from building products with linseed oil compared with similar conventional synthetic products without linseed oil. Two types of linoleum, two types of wall paint and two types of floor oil were selected as examples of natural products containing linseed oil. The selected synthetic products were PVC floor covering, a water-based paint, and a synthetic floor oil. The emissions from the products were monitored over a one-year period in small ventilated test chambers. The odorous emissions were evaluated by sensory panel assessments of odour intensity and acceptability and by chemical analysis of the odour-active volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and carbonyl compounds. Odour-active VOCs in the emissions from one floor oil with linseed oil and two pure linseed oils were detected by gas chromatography combined with olfactometry (GC-O) and attempted identified with mass spectrometry (MS). The products with linseed oil influenced the perceived air quality more negatively than the similar synthetic products and the odour was persistent over time. It was found that the products with linseed oil did not qualify for the Danish Indoor Climate Label, because of the persistency of the odour. The results of the GC-O/MS investigations and VOC measurements indicated that an almost constant emission of odour-active VOCs with low odour thresholds resulted in the persistency of the odour. The VOCs probably originated from oxidation products from the linseed oil used as raw material. The study indicates that the acceptability of the emissions from the floor oil was influenced by the linseed oil used as raw material. It is therefore suggested that systematic use of less odorous linseed oils may improve the acceptability of the emission from products with linseed oils. The applied combination of sensory assessment of perceived air quality and GC-O/MS seems to be a useful approach in the effort to eliminate unwanted odours from building products.  相似文献   

An intervention study was performed in a mechanically ventilated office building in which there were severe indoor climate complaints among the occupants. In one part of the building a new heating and ventilation strategy was implemented by renovating the HVAC system, and a carpet was replaced with a low-emitting vinyl floor material; the other part of the building was kept unchanged, serving as a control. A comprehensive indoor climate investigation was performed before and after the intervention. Over a 2-week period, the occupants completed a daily questionnaire regarding their comfort and health. Physiological examinations of eyes, nose and lungs were performed on each occupant. Physical, chemical and sensory measurements were performed before and after the intervention. The renewal of the flooring material was performed after a sensory test of alternative solutions in the laboratory. Before the floor material was installed in the office building, a full-scale exposure experiment was performed in the laboratory. The new ventilation strategy and renovation of the HVAC system were selected on the basis of laboratory experiments on a full-scale mock-up of a cellular office. The severity of occupants' environmental perceptions and symptoms was significantly reduced by the intervention.  相似文献   

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