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The proton-coupled intestinal dipeptide transporter, PepT1, has 707 amino acids, 12 putative transmembrane domains (TMD), and is of importance in the transport of nutritional di- and tripeptides and structurally related drugs, such as penicillins and cephalosporins. By using a combination of molecular modeling and site-directed mutagenesis, we have identified several key amino acid residues that effect catalytic transport properties of PepT1. Our molecular model of the transporter was examined by dividing it into four sections, parallel to the membrane, starting from the extracellular side. The molecular model revealed a putative transport channel and the approximate locations of several aromatic and charged amino acid residues that were selected as targets for mutagenesis. Wild type or mutagenized human PepT1 cDNA was transfected into human embryonic kidney (HEK293) cells, and the uptake of tritiated glycylsarcosine [3H]-(Gly-Sar) was measured. Michaelis-Menton analysis of the wild-type and mutated transporters revealed the following results for site-directed mutagenesis. Mutation of Tyr-12 or Arg-282 into alanine has only a very modest effect on Gly-Sar uptake. By contrast, mutation of Trp-294 or Glu-595 into alanine reduced Gly-Sar uptake by 80 and 95%, respectively, and mutation of Tyr-167 reduced Gly-Sar uptake to the level of mock-transfected cells. In addition, preliminary data from fluorescence microscopy following the expression of N-terminal-GFP-labeled PepT1Y167A in HEK cells indicates that the Y167A mutation was properly inserted into the plasma membrane but has a greatly reduced Vmax.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To measure the effect of silicon diode detectors used for in vivo dosimetry on beam characteristics and determine whether this effect is clinically significant. METHODS AND MATERIALS: Commercially available photon and electron diodes were placed on the central axis of photon and electron beams. The beam characteristics were measured for 6- and 10-MV photon and 6-20-MeV electron energies from a Varian Clinac 1800 medical linear accelerator. Water was used for the medium, and measurements were made for various clinically common field sizes and depths. RESULTS: Beam attenuations along the central axis were 10 and 7.5% for 6- and 10-MV photons, respectively. Electron beam dose reductions were between 13 and 25% for 20-6-MeV electrons. Photon beam flatness varied up to 7% at different depths, but the symmetry was not affected much. Electron beam flatness and symmetry were significantly changed to as much as 18 and 6%, respectively. CONCLUSION: Use of diode detectors on central axis of photon and electron beams for in vivo dosimetry causes significant attenuation and alteration of the beam characteristics. The percentage of the volume affected is significant (e.g., 23% of the volume in a 4 x 4 field gets 10% less dose for a 6-MV photon beam), especially if these diodes are used for in vivo dosimetry on the central axis every day for every treatment, as is done in some clinics. Other beam parameters such as penumbra and skin dose are also affected. It is therefore recommended that the diodes be used only as needed.  相似文献   

Abdominal symptoms such as diarrhoea, abdominal cramps and vomiting are common during and after abdominal radiotherapy for gynaecological and pelvic malignancy. It has recently been recognized that small intestinal dysmotility may contribute to these symptoms but the underlying mechanisms are unclear in part because of the technical difficulties inherent in performing studies in irradiated small intestine. The aim of the current study was to evaluate small intestinal motor activity using perfused micromanometric techniques in 6-8-cm segments of ileum during arterial perfusion with isotonic oxygenated fluorocarbon solution. Intestinal segments from six rats were studied 4 days after treatment with 10 Gy abdominal irradiation. Ileal segments from nine nonirradiated animals acted as controls. For each experiment the total number of pressure waves, high-amplitude (> 20 mmHg, long-duration > 6 sec) pressure waves, and long (> 20 associated) bursts of pressure waves were determined. Irradiation had no effect on the overall number of pressure waves, but increased high-amplitude long-duration (HALD) pressure waves (248 vs 7, P < 0.01). In control animals HALD waves were localized to a single recording site but after radiotherapy 74% of HALD waves were temporally associated with similar pressure waves in other manometric channels. Forty-seven per cent of associated HALD waves migrated aborally. Retrograde migration of HALD waves was seen in five segments following irradiation. Irradiation abolished bursts of > 20 pressure waves.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: Our goals are to establish an in vitro screening system and to evaluate a new approach in improving oral absorption of peptides and peptide-like drugs by overexpression of the human intestinal oligopeptide transporter (hPepT1). This study characterizes the expression of hPepT1 in human intestinal Caco-2 cells, rat intestinal epithelial cells (IEC-18), and human cervix epithelial cells (Hela) after adenoviral transduction. METHODS: A recombinant replication-deficient adenovirus carrying the hPepT1 gene was made and used as a vector for the expression of hPepT1. The increase in the uptake permeability of cephalexin and Gly-Sar was determined. The effects of time, dose, apical pH, and substrate specificity were evaluated. RESULTS: A significant increase in the uptake permeability of Gly-Sar and cephalexin was found in all three cell lines after viral transduction. The increase of Gly-Sar permeability in Hela. IEC-18, and Caco-2 cells was 85-, 46-, and 15-fold respectively. Immunoblotting using an antibody against hPepT1 detected high levels of a 85-98-kDa protein in all three infected cell lines. Substrate permeability was dependent on time of infection, inward pH gradients, and multiplicity of infection (MOI). Decreased infectivity and lower hPepT1 expression were observed in differentiated Caco-2 cells. The uptake was inhibited by dipeptides and beta-lactam antibiotics but not amino acids. CONCLUSIONS: Adenoviral infected Hela cells displayed a pronounced level of hPepT1 expression with a low background and high specificity to dipeptides. These features make this system a useful tool for screening of potential substrates. The success of overexpression of hPepT1 in Caco-2 and IEC-18 cells may lead to a novel approach in improving oral absorption of peptides and peptidornimetic drugs.  相似文献   

The effect of aging on the intestinal transport of hydrophilic drugs (and probe compounds) was investigated in the rat small intestine. Passive transport was suggested to be unchanged with aging from 8 (young) to 54 (old) and further to 101 (very old) weeks old, as shown for D-xylose and urea in single-pass intestinal perfusion (under urethane anesthesia), where steady-state transport across the intestinal membrane into the blood stream was evaluated. The passive transports of cephradine, 5-fluorouracil (5-FU) and L-glucose were also unchanged, though they were compared only between the young and the old. Consistently, the passive uptake in the intestinal everted sacs, where the entry process into the membrane was evaluated for 5-FU, D-xylose, urea and polyethylene glycol (PEG) 900, was unchanged with aging from the young to the very old. The carrier-mediated transport of cephradine was also unchanged with aging from the young to the old in perfusion under anesthesia, though that of D-glucose was declined by about 50% with aging from the young to the old and thereafter remained constant in the very old. In perfusion in unanesthetized rats, age independency in passive transport (examined for cephradine, L-glucose and D-xylose) and an age-dependent decline in D-glucose transport were also observed, suggesting that the findings under anesthesia are not qualitatively distorted. These results suggest that, although carrier-mediated transport may moderately decline with aging, the barrier function of the intestinal membrane to passive permeation of hydrophilic drugs (with molecular weight below 1000) may be unaffected by aging, supporting the suggestion from our previous in vivo studies that age-dependent increases in the orally absorbed fraction may be predicted for incompletely absorbed drugs because of delayed intestinal transit rather than increased intestinal transport (membrane permeability).  相似文献   

A 127-kDa protein was identified as a component of the H+/oligopeptide transport system in brush-border membrane vesicles from rabbit small intestine by photoaffinity labeling with [3H]cephalexin and further photoreactive beta-lactam antibiotics and dipeptides. Reconstitution of stereospecific transport activity revealed the involvement of the 127-kDa protein in H+-dependent transport of oligopeptides and orally active alpha-amino-beta-lactam antibiotics (Kramer et al., Eur. J. Biochem. 204 (1992) 923-930). H+-Dependent transport activity was found in all segments of the small intestine concomitantly with the specific labeling of the 127-kDa protein. By enzymatic deglycosylation, fragments of Mr 116 and 95 kDa were obtained from the 127-kDa protein with endoglucosidase F and N-glycanase, whereas with endoglucosidase H, a fragment of Mr 116 kDa was formed. These findings indicate that the photolabeled 127-kDa protein is a microheterogenous glycoprotein. Surprisingly, it was found that the solubilized and purified 127-kDa protein showed enzymatic sucrase and isomaltase activity. Inhibition of the glucosidase activities with the glucosidase inhibitor HOE 120 influenced neither H+/oligopeptide transport nor photoaffinity labeling of the 127-kDa protein. With polyclonal antibodies raised against the purified 127-kDa protein, a coprecipitation of sucrase activity and the photolabeled 127-kDa beta-lactam antibiotic binding protein occurred. Target size analysis revealed a functional molecular mass of 165+/-17 kDa for photoaffinity labeling of the 127-kDa protein, suggesting a homo- or heterodimeric functional structure of the 127-kDa protein in the brush-border membrane. These findings indicate that the H+/oligopeptide binding protein of Mr 127000 is closely associated with the sucrase/isomaltase complex in the enterocyte brush-border membrane.  相似文献   

It has been reported that conjugating acyclovir, a potent antiviral with low oral bioavailability, to L-valine increases its urinary excretion in rats. However, it was also reported that this increase is not found for the D-valine ester, suggesting that a carrier-mediated mechanism is involved in its intestinal absorption. Therefore, mechanisms involved in the transepithelial transport of L-valine-acyclovir were investigated using the intestinal cell line, Caco-2, as a model system for the intestinal epithelium. Only the mucosal-to-serosal transport of acyclovir was increased by conjugation with L-valine (approximately 7-fold), suggesting the involvement of a carrier-mediated mechanism. This conclusion was supported by the finding that this increase was saturable. The mucosal-to-serosal transport of L-valine-acyclovir could be inhibited by L-glycylsarcosine, but not by L-valine, suggesting the involvement of the dipeptide carrier. Also it was found that L-valine-acyclovir inhibits the uptake of cephalexin, a substrate for the oligopeptide transporter. Stability of the esters in either the mucosal or serosal bathing solution is more than 90% after completion of the transport study. However, after transport, the receiver solution contained approximately 90% of acyclovir. Based on these findings it was concluded that absorption of the L-valine ester of acyclovir occurs as a result of uptake by the oligopeptide transporter at the apical cell membrane followed by intracellular hydrolysis of the ester and efflux of acyclovir.  相似文献   

1. Glucose and water absorption by isolated small intestine from rats which have had unrestricted access to food is 50-60% higher at night than during the daytime. 2. When the feeding time is restricted to 06.00-09.00 hr G.M.T. glucose and water absorption rates in the period from 3 to 7 hr after withdrawal of food are almost as high as the rates observed at night-time in the animals with unrestricted feeding. 3. These changes in absorption rates appear to be associated with feeding time and not with the pattern of illumination.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Based on studies in animals, it has been proposed that carrier-mediated D-glucose absorption markedly enhances passive permeability of the jejunal mucosa, allowing the majority of D-glucose absorption to proceed passively. In this study, we evaluated this hypothesis in the human jejunum in vivo. METHODS: Using the constant perfusion, nonabsorbable marker technique, permeability of jejunal mucosa was assessed by measuring the ratio of diffusion rates of urea/L-xylose and mannitol/L-xylose. Passive D-glucose absorption was quantitated using L-glucose and mannitol as probes for D-glucose. RESULTS: Addition of D-glucose to perfused solutions did not change the diffusion ratios, indicating that D-glucose has no effect on the size of channels for passive diffusion across the jejunal mucosa. The fraction of total D-glucose absorption that could be attributed to a passive mechanism averaged 5%. In the human ileum in vivo, we detected no evidence of passive D-glucose absorption. CONCLUSIONS: Carrier-mediated D-glucose absorption does not increase passive permeability of human jejunal mucosa to solutes with molecular radii between 2.6 and 4.0 A. The amount of D-glucose absorbed passively from the human jejunum is trivial compared with the overwhelmingly dominant mechanism, carrier-mediated transport. Our results do not support the concept that sodium-dependent nutrient transport increases tight junction permeability.  相似文献   

The effects of the peptide constituents of two casein hydrolysates applied to the serosal surface, involved the activation of the water absorption alone. Application of these peptides to the mucosal surface slightly inhibited both the glucose and water absorption. The data obtained suggests the mechanism of the peptides action on the glucose and water absorption in the small intestine.  相似文献   

Veterinary dental materials (e.g. documents, images, continuing education courses, message boards, bibliographic search options) that are available as electronic media are described. These include materials available on the Internet or via commercial on-line services such as AOL-VIN and Compuserve-NOAH, and off-line materials such as CD-i, CD-ROM and floppy disk programs.  相似文献   

This study was designed to determine whether delayed type hypersensitivity could be evoked by protein-unconjugated beta-lactam antibiotics emulsified with Freund's complete adjuvant (FCA) in mice. The method providing the strongest sensitization was assessed by measuring footpad swelling induced by several biweekly intervals of subcutaneous injections of 0.8 mg/mouse cephalothin with FCA, followed by intradermal challenge with 1.0 mg/site cephalothin into the footpad in four different strains of female mice. A total of three and four injections, once every two weeks, in BDF1 and DBA/2 mice, respectively, produced the greatest potential for swelling. This swelling could be reinduced by the local passive transfer of cephalothin-primed splenocytes into the footpad of naive recipient mice. Moreover, the reaction was diminished by the addition of anti-Thy-1.2 monoclonal antibody with low-toxicity rabbit complement to cephalothin-primed splenocytes. Swelling in the footpad was therefore induced via the delayed type hypersensitivity reaction, indicating T-lymphocyte dependence. When the potential for beta-lactam antibiotics to elicit delayed type hypersensitivity was investigated in BDF1 mice, eight of the nine agents employed showed a 10-90% positive incidence. This result had a significant correlation (r = 0.76) with the data for skin reaction in guinea pigs, the method generally used for estimating allergenicity. These results suggest that this procedure may be a useful tool for evaluating delayed type hypersensitivity induction during the early development of novel antibiotics, since not only can sensitization be induced with protein-unconjugated antibiotic, but also because assessment can be made using a small amount of sample.  相似文献   

The accumulation of low density lipoprotein (LDL) in the arterial intima is an important characteristic of atherosclerosis. We investigated the mechanisms by which LDL binds to different types of collagen. The binding activities of 125I-labeled human native LDL (nLDL) and copper-oxidized LDL (oxLDL) with different collagen gels prepared in type I collagen-based mixtures with types I, III, IV and V (I+I, I+III, I+IV and I+V, respectively) were examined. A concentration of 20 micrograms LDL protein/150 micrograms collagen/well was used. The diffusion of both nLDL and oxLDL into the collagen gels reached an equilibrium after 48 h. All of the collagen gels showed the same rates of diffusion with both LDLs. The binding activities of oxLDL were significantly greater than those of nLDL (P < 0.001%), while the binding activities for both LDLs followed the order I+I and I+III > I+V > I+IV. However, the increased binding rate of oxLDL compared to nLDL was 1.66 for I+IV, 1.50 for I+V, 1.33 for I+I and 1.19 for I+III. When a 10-fold higher dose of NaCl (1 M) was added to the oxLDL medium, the binding rate of oxLDL was reduced (rate of reduction: 52% (I+I), 48% (I+III), 35% (I+IV), 13% (I+V)). These results suggest that oxLDL binds more to type I and III collagens by negative charge-dependent mechanisms than to type IV and V collagens. Therefore, types I and III collagens may play an important role in trapping LDL, especially oxLDL. Therefore, oxidatively modified LDL may contribute to atherogenesis due to its longer retention in the arterial wall.  相似文献   

Smooth muscle tumors of the alimentary tract are uncommon. A retrospective study was made of 7 patients treated for leiomyosarcoma of the small and large bowel to identify prognostic factors that influence results. The symptoms associated with these tumors varied according to the anatomic sites of the lesions and the position of the growth in relation to the intestinal lumen but the most common presenting clinical signs are bleeding or obstruction. The differential diagnosis between benign and malignant smooth muscle tumors is sometimes quite difficult. Clinical behavior of the myosarcomas of the gastrointestinal tract can be predicted to a large extent by the site of the tumor, the presence or absence of invasion of adjacent vital organs, and the histopathologic grade of malignancy. Although the mitotic activity of a gastrointestinal stromal tumor remains the most critical prognostic factor, tumors have been seen to recur locally and to metastasize even with rare or absent mitotic figures. Further studies are needed to pinpoint the factors that may be correlated to the prognosis.  相似文献   

Changes in motor function were assessed in male rats after injecting graded doses (100, 200, 400, and 800 mg/kg, IP) of ammonium chloride and ammonium acetate. The effects were correlated with the concentrations of ammonia and glucose in the brain and blood. Spontaneous motor activity and motor coordination were inhibited after injecting 100 and 200 mg/kg, whereas with 400 and 800 mg/kg the animals exhibited convulsive movements. A dose-dependent increase was found in the concentrations of ammonia and glucose in both blood and brain. These were restored, 25 min after treatment, to control levels in the blood and not in the brain. A correlation was found between the time courses of inhibitory motor events and a rise in brain ammonia levels. Convulsant action of ammonium salts was accompanied by a marked elevation of ammonia and glucose concentration in the brain. The findings suggest that detoxication of diffused ammonia is a rate-limiting process in the brain and that ammonia, at toxic concentrations, decreases glucose utilization in the brain, resulting in an inhibition of motor function. A very high concentration of ammonia in the brain, although inhibiting glucose utilization, produces clonic convulsions probably by activating directly the motor neurons.  相似文献   

This study was done to identify the cause of intestinal obstruction with particular emphasis on the gynecologic and perioperative related causes. All medical records from females with the discharge diagnosis "intestinal obstruction" from 1988 to 1991 at Columbia Presbyterian Medical Center were requested. The patient series consisted of the first 100 completed charts received. Forty-eight percent of those patients with intestinal obstruction had experienced a previous gynecologic or obstetric event that could account for the obstruction. Primarily, the gynecologist managed more than 20 percent of all female patients with intestinal obstruction. The most common causative factors contributing to intestinal obstruction were postoperative adhesions (59 percent) and tumor (17 percent). Fifty-six percent of the patients with intestinal obstruction associated with postoperative adhesions had a history of previous gynecologic and obstetric operation. Hysterectomy was the most common previously performed operation. In this series, cesarean section was less likely and myomectomy was more likely to cause subsequent intestinal obstruction than expected. Of 59 female patients with postoperative adhesions associated with intestinal obstruction, 31 had the original operative reports available for analysis. Eleven of these patients were taken to the operating room for management of the obstruction. In the nine patients who had surgical peritoneal closure in the original operation, the adhesions causing the obstruction were always to the site of reperitonealization. In the two patients in whom the peritoneum was left open, the adhesions causing obstruction were remote from the site of spontaneous reperitonealization. In an unselected patient series of intestinal obstruction, a history of previous gynecologic pathology is a significant factor contributing to the total number of instances of intestinal obstruction in females. Also, surgical peritoneal closure may result in an increase in the incidence of intestinal obstruction.  相似文献   

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