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Gradients in the sediment fauna comprising groundwater (GW) and hyporheic taxa were investigated in the sand/silt-bottomed Marbling Brook in Western Australia. The structure of sediment invertebrate assemblages from Marbling Brook sediments and the adjacent GW were studied at five sites over 1 year and hydrological interactions were characterized using a suite of abiotic factors. Although all five stream sites were upwelling, the sites differed in the degree of hydrological interactions between GW and surface water. Sediment fauna taxa abundances were not correlated with any of the abiotic factors investigated and did not change gradually with depth. Faunal assemblages in the stream sediments were distinct from faunal assemblages in alluvial GW. While water exchanged between alluvial GW and sediment water, as shown by abiotic factors, the distinct differences in faunal assemblages indicated an unpredicted complexity in the catchment with fundamentally different hydrogeological situations on the decimetre scale. Sampling in sandy sediments needs to take this small-scale variability into account.  相似文献   

A small stream in the Great Plains of USA was sampled to understand the streamflow components following intense precipitation and the influence of water storage structures in the drainage basin. Precipitation, stream, ponds, ground-water and soil moisture were sampled for determination of isotopic (D, 18O) and chemical (Cl, SO4) composition before and after two intense rain events. Following the first storm event, flow at the downstream locations was generated primarily through shallow subsurface flow and runoff whereas in the headwaters region – where a pond is located in the stream channel – shallow ground-water and pond outflow contributed to the flow. The distinct isotopic signatures of precipitation and the evaporated pond water allowed separation of the event water from the other sources that contributed to the flow. Similarly, variations in the Cl and SO4 concentrations helped identify the relative contributions of ground-water and soil moisture to the streamflow. The relationship between deuterium excess and Cl or SO4 content reveals that the early contributions from a rain event to streamflow depend upon the antecedent climatic conditions and the position along the stream channel within the watershed. The design of this study, in which data from several locations within a watershed were collected, shows that in small streams changes in relative contributions from ground water and soil moisture complicate hydrograph separation, with surface-water bodies providing additional complexity. It also demonstrates the usefulness of combined chemical and isotopic methods in hydrologic investigations, especially the utility of the deuterium excess parameter in quantifying the relative contributions of various source components to the stream flow.  相似文献   

We evaluated the importance and contributions of changes in stream base cation concentration, stream discharge and lake shoreline load to changes in base cation concentrations in two small inland lakes in south‐central Ontario. The shoreline load from ungauged drainage areas was calculated with a mass balance equation. An evaluation method based on the partial Mann–Kendall test quantified the relative contributions of these three explanatory drivers to the observed trends in lake concentration of Ca, K, Mg and Na. Over a 29‐year period (1978–2006) at Red Chalk and Harp lakes, declines in stream concentration and discharge were correlated with the declines in lake concentrations of all base cations (except for Na in Harp Lake), with contributions of 21–81% from stream concentration and 12–58% from discharge, whereas the shoreline load had little contribution to observed trends. The observed unusual increase in Na concentration at Harp Lake was correlated with the increase in stream Na concentration and additional load from road salts, with the shoreline load contributing a substantial 37%. These results may be applicable to numerous inland lakes with similar site conditions, including lakes found on the Canadian Shield. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Radon (222Rn) measurements were conducted in Shiraho Reef (Okinawa, Japan) to investigate nearshore submarine groundwater discharge (SGDnearshore) dynamics. Estimated average groundwater flux was 2-3 cm/h (maximum 7-8 cm/h). End-member radon concentration and gas transfer coefficient were identified as major factors influencing flux estimation accuracy. For the 7-km long reef, SGDnearshore was 0.39-0.58 m3/s, less than 30% of Todoroki River’s baseflow discharge. SGDnearshore was spatially and temporally variable, reflecting the strong influence of subsurface geology, tidal pumping, groundwater recharge, and hydraulic gradient. SGDnearshore elevated nearshore nitrate concentrations (0.8-2.2 mg/l) to half of Todoroki River’s baseflow -N (2-4 mg/L). This increased nearshore Chl-a from 0.5-2 μg/l compared to the typically low Chl-a (<0.1-0.4 μg/l) in the moat. Diatoms and cyanobacteria concentrations exhibited an increasing trend. However, the percentage contributions of diatoms and cyanobacteria significantly decreased and increased, respectively. SGD may significantly induce the proliferation of cyanobacteria in nearshore reef areas.  相似文献   

We investigated the distribution of naturally occurring geochemical tracers (222Rn, 223Ra, 224Ra, 226Ra, CH4, δ18O, and δ2H) in the water column and adjacent groundwater of Mangueira Lagoon as proxies of groundwater discharge. Mangueira Lagoon is a large (90 km long), shallow (4–5 m deep), fresh, and non-tidal coastal lagoon in southern Brazil surrounded by extensively irrigated rice plantations and numerous irrigation canals. We hypothesized that the annual, intense irrigation for rice agriculture creates extreme conditions that seasonally change groundwater discharge patterns in the adjacent lagoon. We further supposed that dredging of irrigation canals alters groundwater fluxes.

While the activities of 222Rn in shallow groundwater were 2–3 orders of magnitude higher than in surface water, CH4 and radium isotopes were only 1 order of magnitude higher. Therefore, 222Rn appears to be the preferred groundwater tracer in this system. Radon concentrations and conductivities were dramatically higher near the pump house of rice irrigation canals, consistent with a groundwater source. Modeling of radon inventories accounting for total inputs (groundwater advection, diffusion from sediments, and decay of 226Ra) and losses (atmospheric evasion, horizontal mixing and decay) indicated that groundwater advection rates in the irrigation canals (25 cm/d) are over 2 orders of magnitude higher than along the shoreline (0.1 cm/d). Nearly 75% of the total area of the canals is found in the southern half of the lagoon, where groundwater inputs seem to be higher as also indicated by methane and stable isotope trends. In spite of the relatively small area of the canals, we estimate that they contribute nearly 70% of the total (57,000 m3/d) groundwater input into the entire Mangueira Lagoon. We suggest that the dredging of these canals cut through aquitards which previously restricted upward advection from the underlying permeable strata. The irrigation channels may therefore represent an important but previously overlooked source of nutrients and other dissolved chemicals derived from agricultural practices into the lagoon.  相似文献   

Concentrations of chloride in excess of State of New Hampshire water‐quality standards (230 mg/l) have been measured in watersheds adjacent to an interstate highway (I‐93) in southern New Hampshire. A proposed widening plan for I‐93 has raised concerns over further increases in chloride. As part of this effort, road‐salt‐contaminated groundwater discharge was mapped with terrain electrical conductivity (EC) electromagnetic (EM) methods in the fall of 2006 to identify potential sources of chloride during base‐flow conditions to a small stream, Policy Brook. Three different EM meters were used to measure different depths below the streambed (ranging from 0 to 3 m). Results from the three meters showed similar patterns and identified several reaches where high EC groundwater may have been discharging. Based on the delineation of high (up to 350 mmhos/m) apparent terrain EC, seven‐streambed piezometers were installed to sample shallow groundwater. Locations with high specific conductance in shallow groundwater (up to 2630 mmhos/m) generally matched locations with high streambed (shallow subsurface) terrain EC. A regression equation was used to convert the terrain EC of the streambed to an equivalent chloride concentration in shallow groundwater unique for this site. Utilizing the regression equation and estimates of one‐dimensional Darcian flow through the streambed, a maximum potential groundwater chloride load was estimated at 188 Mg of chloride per year. Changes in chloride concentration in stream water during streamflow recessions showed a linear response that indicates the dominant process affecting chloride is advective flow of chloride‐enriched groundwater discharge. Published in 2010 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Groundwater discharge along a channelized Coastal Plain stream   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
In the Coastal Plain of the southeastern USA, streams have commonly been artificially channelized for flood control and agricultural drainage. However, groundwater discharge along such streams has received relatively little attention. Using a combination of stream- and spring-flow measurements, spring temperature measurements, temperature profiling along the stream-bed, and geologic mapping, we delineated zones of diffuse and focused discharge along Little Bayou Creek, a channelized, first-order perennial stream in western Kentucky. Seasonal variability in groundwater discharge mimics hydraulic-head fluctuations in a nearby monitoring well and spring-discharge fluctuations elsewhere in the region, and is likely to reflect seasonal variability in recharge. Diffuse discharge occurs where the stream is incised into the semi-confined regional gravel aquifer, which is comprised of the Mounds Gravel. Focused discharge occurs upstream where the channel appears to have intersected preferential pathways within the confining unit. Seasonal fluctuations in discharge from individual springs are repressed where piping results in bank collapse. Thereby, focused discharge can contribute to the morphological evolution of the stream channel.  相似文献   

Recent studies in various settings across eastern North America have examined the movement of volatile organic compound (VOC) plumes from groundwater to streams, but few studies have addressed focused discharge of such plumes in unlithified sediments. From 1999 through 2002, we monitored concentrations of trichloroethene (TCE) and the non-volatile co-contaminant technetium-99 (99Tc) along Little Bayou Creek, a first-order perennial stream in the Coastal Plain of western Kentucky. Spring flow contributed TCE and 99Tc to the creek, and TCE concentrations tended to vary with 99Tc in springs. Contaminant concentrations in stream water fluctuated seasonally, but not always synchronously with stream flow. However, contaminant influxes varied seasonally with stream flow and were dominated by a few springs. Concentrations of O2, , and , values of δ37ClDOCl in groundwater, and the lack of less-chlorinated ethenes in groundwater and stream water indicated that anaerobic biodegradation of TCE was unlikely. Losses of TCE along Little Bayou Creek resulted mainly from volatilization, in contrast to streams receiving diffuse contaminated discharge, where intrinsic bioremediation of VOCs appears to be prevalent.  相似文献   

Groundwater that bypasses the riparian zone by travelling along deep flow paths may deliver high concentrations of fertilizer‐derived NO3? to streams, or it may be impacted by the NO3? removal process of denitrification in streambed sediments. In a study of a small agricultural catchment on the Atlantic coastal plain of Virginia's eastern shore, we used seepage meters deployed in the streambed to measure specific discharge of groundwater and its solute concentrations for various locations and dates. We used values of Cl? concentration to discriminate between bypass water recharged distal to the stream and that contained high NO3? but low Cl? concentrations and riparian‐influenced water recharged proximal to the stream that contained low NO3? and high Cl? concentrations. The travel time required for bypass water to transit the 30‐cm‐thick, microbially active denitrifying zone in the streambed determined the extent of NO3? removal, and hydraulic conductivity determined travel time through the streambed sediments. At all travel times greater than 2 days, NO3? removal was virtually complete. Comparison of the timescales for reaction and transport through the streambed sediments in this system confirmed that the predominant control on nitrate flux was travel time rather than denitrification rate coefficients. We conclude that extensive denitrification can occur in groundwater that bypasses the riparian zone, but a residence time in biologically active streambed sediments sufficient to remove a large fraction of the NO3? is only achieved in relatively low‐conductivity porous media. Instead of viewing them as separate, the streambed and riparian zone should be considered an integrated NO3? removal unit. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Long-term temperature monitoring was carried out in a borehole drilled for investigation of the Nojima fault, an active fault in SW Japan, using the distributed optical fiber temperature sensing (DTS) technique. Temperatures in the borehole had been measured every 1 m along an optical fiber cable with a resolution of about 0.1 K over a period of 6 years. Water injection experiments were conducted in this borehole in 1997, 2000 and 2003. Monitoring of the temperature profile was started after the first injection experiment, and the temperature profile remained very stable until the start of the second injection experiment. During the second and third experiments, the temperatures in the borehole dropped due to cooling by the injected water but no appreciable temperature change was observed below about 580 m. It clearly shows that the water leaked out of the hole around this point and the leaking depth is estimated to be about 540 m based on the shape of the temperature profile. After the injection was stopped, the recovery of the temperature to the undisturbed profile was exceptionally slow around the leaking point, resulting in a local temperature anomaly, probably because the water leaking out of the hole had cooled the surrounding formations extensively. A very similar temperature anomaly was observed at the beginning of temperature monitoring, which suggests that water leaked out at the same depth in the first injection experiment as well. Between the second and third injection experiments, the top of the borehole was kept open to allow groundwater discharge for about 1 month in 2000 and 2003. In both periods, groundwater flowed out continuously and the shapes of the observed temperature profiles indicate that the groundwater entered in the hole at the same depth as the leaking point during the injection experiments. The temperature records also show that the rate of discharge had been nearly constant through the two test periods. The water discharge appears to have been little affected by the water injection. These results demonstrate that the optical fiber temperature monitoring system is a very effective tool for hydrological experiments.  相似文献   

Alan R. Hill 《水文研究》1990,4(2):121-130
Groundwater cation concentrations in relation to hydrologic flow paths were studied in the riparian forest zone of a small headwater catchment near Toronto, Ontario. Groundwater entering the riparian zone from uplands showed significant differences in cation concentrations between slope-foot and near-stream locations. Mean Ca, Mg, K, and Na concentrations in shallow groundwater at the upland perimeter of the riparian forest were 65-0, 11-2, 0-7, and 1-8 mg L?1 respectively. Mean Ca, Mg, K, and Na concentrations in deep groundwater flowing upwards through glacial sands beneath the riparian zone were 52-1, 15-1, 1-3, and 2-6 mg L?1 respectively. Shallow groundwater emerged as slope-foot springs producing surface rivulets which crossed the riparian zone to the streams. Deep groundwater flowed upward through organic soils into the rivulets and also discharged directly to the streams as bed and bank seepage. Springs had higher Ca concentrations and lower Mg, K, and Na values than rivulets entering the streams. Conversely, Mg, K, and Na concentrations were higher and Ca concentrations were lower in bank seeps in comparison to rivulets. These results suggest that differences in cation concentrations in groundwater entering the streams result from initial contrast in the chemistry of shallow and deep groundwater rather than from the effects of riparian soils and vegetation.  相似文献   

The hydrology and nitrogen biogeochemistry of a riparian zone were compared before and after the construction of beaver dams along an agricultural stream in southern Ontario, Canada. The beaver dams increased surface flooding and raised the riparian water table by up to 1·0 m. Increased hydraulic gradients inland from the stream limited the entry of oxic nitrate‐rich subsurface water from adjacent cropland. Permeable riparian sediments overlying dense till remained saturated during the summer and autumn months, whereas before dam construction a large area of the riparian zone was unsaturated in these seasons each year. Beaver dam construction produced significant changes in riparian groundwater chemistry. Median dissolved oxygen concentrations were lower in riparian groundwater after dam construction (0·9–2·1 mg L?1) than in the pre‐dam period (2·3–3·9 mg L?1). Median NO3‐N concentrations in autumn and spring were also lower in the post‐dam (0·03–0·07 mg L?1) versus the pre‐dam period (0·1–0·3 mg L?1). In contrast, median NH4‐N concentrations in autumn and spring months were higher after dam construction (0·3–0·4 mg L?1) than before construction (0·13–0·14 mg L?1). Results suggest that beaver dams can increase stream inflow to riparian areas that limit water table declines and increase depths of saturated riparian soils which become more anaerobic. These changes in subsurface hydrology and chemistry have the potential to affect the transport and transformation of nitrate fluxes from adjacent cropland in agricultural landscapes. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this research the dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN) loadings from direct precipitation, stream flow and groundwater discharge to two small estuaries located in Prince Edward Island (PEI), Canada, were quantified over a 2‐year period. The two estuaries, like many around the world, exhibit deteriorating conditions that are believed to be related to excessive nitrogen transport from adjacent catchments. The significance of the groundwater transport pathway and the temporal variability of the loadings have not been previously investigated. The wet fraction of the atmospheric loading was quantified using available precipitation and DIN concentration records. Stream water entering the estuaries and the discharge from numerous shoreline springs, the predominate form of groundwater discharge, were monitored periodically during the study. The annual DIN loads delivered to both estuaries were dominated by streams, although groundwater discharge provided significant contributions of approximately 15–18%. Temporal variability of DIN loading was large, with monthly loads varying by a factor of 5; this variability was found to be primarily related to the variability of freshwater discharge. Concentrations of nitrate in stream water discharging to the estuaries and shoreline groundwater springs were similar in each catchment, suggesting that there was minimal differential attenuation during transport via these two pathways. The McIntyre Creek estuary had one of the highest normalized loads reported in the literature (1700 kg NO3‐N/ha estuary/year), more than four‐fold that of the Trout River estuary, and this result appears to be related to the larger percentage of land area used for potato production in the catchment. This study demonstrates that direct groundwater discharge to estuaries in PEI should not be ignored and that seasonal variations in loading may be important for managing DIN delivery to such estuaries. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In order to study the relationship between water composition and stream flow rate, it is desirable to sample at a frequency related to flow rate, especially during storm events. In a rural catchment of 18 ha near Oxford, the rate of rainfall was found to be linearly related to discharge on the rising limb of the stream hydrograph. A sampling system was therefore designed in which electrical pulses from a tipping-bucket raingauge were used to initiate and control the action of an automatic water sampler. A threshold rainfall intensity is set above which sampling commences. Sampling then continues at regular increments of rainfall until the intensity drops below the threshold, after which sampling occurs at regular intervals during the period that the stream flow reverts to normal. The CMOS electrical circuits which control the sampling also operate a cassette tape recorder which records the time of each tip of the raingauge and operation of the sampler. Since the sytem is designed to impose very little additional load on the battery which powers the water sampler, and can operate unattended for at least a fortnight, it is ideal for use in small, remote catchments. The system has been extended to include measurements of water temperature and could provide other measurements as well.  相似文献   

Groundwater discharge flux into rivers (riverine groundwater discharge or RGD) is essential information for the conservation and management of aquatic ecosystems and resources. One way to estimate area-integrated groundwater discharge into surface water bodies is to measure the concentration of a groundwater tracer within the water body. We assessed groundwater discharge using 222Rn, a tracer common in many surface water studies, through field measurements, surface water 222Rn mass balance model, and groundwater flow simulation, for the seldom studied but ubiquitous setting of a flooding river corridor. The investigation was conducted at the dam-regulated Lower Colorado River (LCR) in Austin, Texas, USA. We found that 222Rn in both the river water and groundwater in the river bank changed synchronously over a 12-hour flood cycle. A 222Rn mass balance model allowed for estimation of groundwater discharge into a 500-m long reach of the LCR over the flood. The groundwater discharge ranged between negative values (indicating recharge) to 1570 m3/h; groundwater discharge from groundwater flow simulations corroborated these estimates. However, for the dynamic groundwater discharge estimated by the 222Rn box model, assuming whether the groundwater 222Rn endmember was constant or dynamic led to notably different results. The resultant groundwater discharge estimates are also highly sensitive to river 222Rn values. We thus recommend that when using this approach to accurately characterize dynamic groundwater discharge, the 222Rn in near-stream groundwater should be monitored at the same frequency as river 222Rn. If this is not possible, the 222Rn method can still provide reasonable but approximate groundwater discharge given background information on surface water-groundwater exchange time scales.  相似文献   

Livestock for beef and milk production are important economic activities worldwide. These require intensive cultures of pastures and forages, with the consequent impacts on water quality in downstream rivers and reservoirs. Monthly temporal variation of nutrients and water quality were assessed along one year at basin scale (basin area <3500 ha). Several indicators of farming intensity (number of dairy cows and beef cows, percentage of area devoted to crops) and management practices (effluent treatment, fertilizer application) were related to the export of nutrients and sediments from the basins and with the water quality of receiving streams using partial least square regression analysis (PLS). According to PLS analysis, the most relevant variables to explain water quality degradation and high export coefficients of nutrients and sediments, were the percentage of basin area dedicated to crop activities and the density of dairy cows without effluent treatment. Beef and dairy cows had an important local impact on stream water without animal access restrictions. We also propose some hypotheses regarding the transport pathways of sediments and nutrients to streams. Our results demonstrate the urgent need to implement best management practices at the farm scale within each basin, focusing on: adequate phosphorus fertilization, implementation of a complete dairy effluent treatment system and animal restriction to fluvial channels.  相似文献   

Nutrient fluxes from developed catchments are often a significant factor in the declining water quality and ecological functioning in estuaries. Determining the relative contributions of surface water and groundwater discharge to nutrient‐sensitive estuaries is required because these two pathways may be characterized by different nutrient concentrations and temporal variability, and may thus require different remedial actions. Quantifying the volumetric discharge of groundwater, which may occur via diffuse seepage or springs, remains a significant challenge. In this contribution, the total discharge of freshwater, including groundwater, to two small nutrient‐sensitive estuaries in Prince Edward Island (Canada) is assessed using a unique combination of airborne thermal infrared imaging, direct discharge measurements in streams and shoreline springs, and numerical simulation of groundwater flow. The results of the thermal infrared surveys indicate that groundwater discharge occurs at discrete locations (springs) along the shoreline of both estuaries, which can be attributed to the fractured sandstone bedrock aquifer. The discharge measured at a sub‐set of the springs correlates well with the area of the thermal signal attributed to each discharge location and this information was used to determine the total spring discharge to each estuary. Stream discharge is shown to be the largest volumetric contribution of freshwater to both estuaries (83% for Trout River estuary and 78% for McIntyre Creek estuary); however, groundwater discharge is significant at between 13% and 18% of the total discharge. Comparison of the results from catchment‐scale groundwater flow models and the analysis of spring discharge suggest that diffuse seepage to both estuaries comprises only about 25% of the total groundwater discharge. The methods employed in this research provide a useful framework for determining the relative volumetric contributions of surface water and groundwater to small estuaries and the findings are expected to be relevant to other fractured sandstone coastal catchments in Atlantic Canada. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Lacustrine groundwater discharge (LGD) can be an important pathway for delivering pollutants to lakes but this pathway is often poorly characterized. Evaluating the potential impact of LGD on lake water quality requires understanding the magnitude and spatial variability of LGD, as well as understanding the age and flow paths of the discharging groundwater (e.g., recharge area, groundwater flow paths, and travel times). This study first compares LGD rates along two ~40 km shoreline lengths of a large glacial lake, Lake Simcoe, Canada, that were independently estimated via a radon-222 (222Rn) field survey and via regional scale groundwater-surface water modelling. Backward particle tracking analysis is then used to examine the age and flow paths of the LGD and thereby assess the potential for the LGD to deliver anthropogenic pollutants to the lake. The field and modelling results compare well with respect to the magnitude and spatial variability of LGD. However, the comparison highlights the need for well-defined hydrogeological characterization if regional scale models are to be applied for LGD estimation. The particle tracking analysis indicates large variation in the groundwater flow path lengths and travels times (>1000 years to <50 years) for LGD along the shoreline. This illustrates that the LGD along different shoreline areas has varying potential to deliver anthropogenic pollutants to the lake. The study findings demonstrate the benefits of comparing independent field measured and model-simulated LGD estimates, and moreover suggest that it may be possible, in some cases, to use existing regional scale groundwater-surface water models, purpose-built for other water resource and quality objectives, to conduct preliminary evaluation of LGD contributions to lakes. Preliminary model-based evaluation would enable field efforts aiming to quantify and manage LGD to be better targeted rather than relying solely on regional scale field techniques that are often highly resource intensive.  相似文献   

Hydrologic models that rely on site specific linear and non‐linear regression water temperature (Tw) subroutines forced solely with observed air temperature (Ta) may not accurately estimate Tw in mixed‐use urbanizing watersheds where hydrogeological and land use complexity may confound common Tw regime assumptions. A nested‐scale experimental watershed study design was used to test Tw model predictions in a representative mixed‐use urbanizing watershed of the central USA. The linear regression Tw model used in the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT), a non‐linear regression Tw model, and a process‐based Tw model that accounts for watershed hydrology were evaluated. The non‐linear regression Tw model tested at a daily time step performed significantly (P < 0.01) better than the linear Tw model currently used in SWAT. Both regression Tw models overestimated Tw in lower temperature ranges (Tw < 10.0 °C) with percent bias (PBIAS) values ranging from ?28.2% (non‐linear Tw model) to ?66.1% (linear regression Tw model) and underestimated Tw in the higher temperature range (Tw > 25.0 °C) by 3.2%, and 7.2%, respectively. Conversely, the process‐based Tw model closely estimated Tw in lower temperature ranges (PBIAS = 4.5%) and only slightly underestimated Tw in the higher temperature range (PBIAS = 1.7%). Findings illustrate the benefit of integrating process‐based Tw models with hydrologic models to improve model transferability and Tw predictive confidence in urban mixed‐land use watersheds. The findings in this work are distinct geographically and in terms of mixed‐land use complexity and are therefore of immediate value to land‐use managers in similarly urbanizing watersheds globally. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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