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Ecotoxic activity of soils polluted with polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) and heavy metals (HM) was evaluated in pot and laboratory experiments. Plants and soil microorganisms were chosen as test organisms and six different soil materials were used in the study. The applied levels of HM and PAH were aimed to reflect environmental conditions in the "worst case" situation. Zn(2+), Pb(2+) and Cd(2+) were introduced to the soils as an aqueous solution of the mixture of salts at the concentrations corresponding to 1000, 500 and 3 mg kg(-1), respectively. Mixture of four PAH compounds (flourene, anthracene, pyrene and chrysene) as a CH(2)Cl(2) solution was applied at levels of 10-100 mg summation operator 4PAH kg(-1). Population and activity of soil microflora was evaluated as measured of total bacteria counts, intensity of respiration and enzyme activity (dehydrogenases and phosphatases). Effect on plants was evaluated on the base of the growth (plant at an early stage of their development) and yield (mature plant) measurements. The results indicate that combined effect of PAH and heavy metals on soil microorganisms activity and on some plants at an early stage of their development can be stronger than in soils amended with HM or PAH separately. Reaction of tested organisms was related to soil properties, PAH concentration, time and plant species. Mature plants (maize) were insensitive to the applied levels of both group of contaminants.  相似文献   

High metal contents in edible mushrooms growing in severely contaminated industrial areas pose an important toxicological risk. In the presented study, trace element (Pb, Cd, Zn, Cu, Ag, As, Se) contents were determined in caps and stipes of three different edible mushroom species (Boletus edulis Bull. Fr., Xerocomus badius Fr. Gilb., Xerocomus chrysenteron Bull. Quél.). Additionally, information about the chemical fractionation of metals in separate soil horizons and Pb isotopic data from soils and fruiting bodies allowed a more detailed insight on the uptake mechanisms of metals by the studied mushroom species. Total metal and metalloid concentrations in the organic soil horizons reached 36234 mg Pb kg(-1); 11.9 mg Cd kg(-1); 519 mg Zn kg(-1); 488 mg Cu kg(-1); 25.1 mg Ag kg(-1); 120 mg As kg(-1) and 5.88 Se mg kg(-1). In order to evaluate the accumulation capacity of the studied species, bioconcentration factors (BCF) were calculated for separate trace elements. For selected metals (Pb, Cd, Zn, Cu), a modified BCF calculation (using EDTA-extractable concentrations of metals in soil) was proposed. High contents of Pb (up to 165 mg kg(-1)) and Cd (up to 55 mg kg(-1)) exceeded all the regulatory limits in all the studied species. This was also the case for Se (up to 57 mg kg(-1)) in B. edulis. Intensive consumption of this species grown in such polluted areas can therefore pose toxicological risks for human health. A novel finding was that X. badius can act as an Ag accumulating species when grown at polluted sites due to the high concentrations of Ag (up to 190 mg kg(-1)) in caps. Pb isotopic data showed that Pb originating from the recent air pollution control residues is present mainly in the exchangeable/acid-extractable fraction of the organic horizons and is taken up by fruiting bodies; especially in the case of B. edulis, where fast Pb accumulation occurs. Due to the high species-dependent variations of metal contents, the studied mushrooms are not suitable as bioindicators of environmental pollution.  相似文献   

The diversity of bacteria metabolizing nitriles of carbonic acids was studied in soils of the Perm region affected by human activities. Effective methods for selective isolation of cultures possessing the nitrile hydratase and nitrilase activities were developed. Most microorganisms capable of utilizing nitriles were Grampositive Nocardia-like bacteria of the genus Rhodococcus. Isolates with a detectable nitrilase activity were also represented by Gram-negative forms (Gram-negative aerobic/microaerophilic bacilli and cocci of the genera Pseudomonas, Azomonas, Azotobacter, and Acidovorax). Two enzyme systems for nitrile hydrolysis were found in 27% of cultures. The nitrile hydratase and nitrilase activities of the studied strains exceeded these enzymatic activities in bacteria isolated from native soils, which indicates that natural selection of saprophytic microflora occurs in chemically altered soils.  相似文献   

Radionuclide content in soils from four locations in a tropical rainforest near Golfito in Southern Costa Rica was investigated. For comparison, two nearby locations in open grassland were also studied. From each site 5 soil cores down to a depth of 15 cm were taken. The median contamination with 137Cs was 584 Bq m-2 (reference date 1 January 1996) and the coefficient of variation (CV) was 50%. This contamination can be attributed to global fallout from atmospheric nuclear weapon tests between 1945 and 1980. The mean contamination is slightly lower than the value expected for the latitude (8 degrees 42': 700 Bq m-2), which may be explained by migration of radiocaesium to subsoil below 15 cm or by uptake into the living biomass. Out of the total variability of 50%, around 20% can be attributed to the sampling and measuring process uncertainties, thus leaving a 45% contribution of spatial variability. A significant difference between forest and meadow sites could be detected: the meadow sites showed lower radiocaesium soil inventories (median: 291 Bq m-2) than the forest sites (643 Bq m-2). This may be explained by the agricultural activities carried out on meadow sites which lead to an increased redistribution of caesium in the soil profile and therefore a larger fraction of the total 137Cs lying below 15 cm. Another reason for higher contamination levels under forest can be attributed to the high interception potential of dense tree canopies for dry deposition. Extrapolating the 137Cs concentration below the sampling horizon, i.e. accounting for the cut-off of the profiles by the sampling technique, results in an estimated mean of 710 Bq m-2 for the forest sites, which is very close to the expected figure. The mainly mineral part of the forest soil profiles was analysed for the 137Cs transport parameters, apparent convection velocity (v = 0.14 +/- 0.09 cm a-1) and apparent diffusion constant (D = 0.79 +/- 0.49 cm2 a-1). The maximum concentration can be found at 5.3 +/- 2.9 cm depth, the half-value depth being 7.4 +/- 1.3 cm. The mean 40K activity concentration was 175 Bq kg-1 dry matter (CV = 69%) and 226Ra and 228Ra concentrations of 9.90 Bq kg-1 (CV = 23%) and 7.93 Bq kg-1 (CV = 20%) have been found, respectively.  相似文献   

It has recently become apparent that arsenic-contaminated groundwater used for irrigation in several countries of South and South-east Asia is adding arsenic to soils and rice, thus posing a serious threat to sustainable agricultural production and to the health and livelihoods of affected people in those countries. This paper describes the many environmental, agricultural and social factors that determine practical mitigation strategies and research needs, and describes possible mitigation measures that need to be tested. These measures include providing alternative irrigation sources, various agronomic measures, use of soil amendments, growing hyperaccumulator plants, removing contaminated soil and using alternative cooking methods.  相似文献   

Dairy feeding systems in many semi-arid countries are based on imported concentrates and forages. This has economic and ecological implications given the increase in global feed prices and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from land use change. This paper aims to explore alternative dairy feeding systems under semi-arid conditions, using Jordan as an example. The feedings systems under investigation vary in their share of food industry by-products (replacing concentrates in the diet) and are compared against the current concentrate-based feeding systems. The systems are evaluated against three criteria: their nutritional value, their impact on the cost of milk production, and their GHG mitigation potential. Feed samples from eleven food industry by-products and ten conventional feeds were collected from food factories and from three typical dairy farms, representing the typical large-, medium- and small-scale farm types, respectively. Feed samples were analysed for their chemical composition and metabolisable energy contents. In addition, economic and production farm data were collected and entered into a model for GHGs calculation and economic evaluation. The results suggest that inclusion of locally available food industry by-products in the rations of milk cows in semi-arid production systems can be instrumental in reducing production costs and mitigating GHG emissions. Cost of milk production in the model farms can be lowered by up to 14 %; mitigation of CO2 eq. emission ranged between 70 and 290 g CO2 eq./kg milk. The degree to which these benefits can be reaped is positively related to the level of inclusion of by-product feeds in lactating cows’ diets.  相似文献   

We obtained the sorption isotherms of Cd, Cu, Pb and Zn from seven soils with contrasting properties, including mineral and organic soils. The distribution coefficients (Kd) were determined from batch tests in a solution that simulated the soil solution cationic composition. The Kd values of the target metals varied greatly depending on soil type and initial metal concentration. Sorption isotherms were fitted to Freundlich and Langmuir models, and derived parameters were correlated to soil properties through the construction of a correlation matrix and application of Principal Component Analysis. The batch Kd showed a satisfactory agreement with the Kd obtained from field-contaminated soils. The sorption tests were complemented with the estimation of the reversibility of metal sorption by the application of an extraction test. The extraction yields, which did not relate to the initial metal concentration, depended on the metal-soil combination, and showed no correlation to batch Kd values. The risk derived from a contamination event was estimated through the quantification of a Retention Factor, defined as the ratio of the Kd versus the extraction yield. Results showed that this was an excellent index to highlight which metal and soil represent the most vulnerable scenarios after a contamination event.  相似文献   

The activity concentration of plutonium in an environmental sample does not usually constitute sufficient information to determine if it is due only to fallout. Alpha and gamma spectrometry are used here conjointly in the study of environmental soil samples to distinguish between samples showing plutonium contamination due to fallout exclusively, and samples contaminated with plutonium from another source. The method was applied to soil samples collected in Palomares (Spain), where an accidental release of aerosols contaminated with plutonium occurred. The two contributions (fallout and accidentally released plutonium) were separated by means of the activity ratios between various radionuclides present in the samples analyzed. The fallout level was estimated from the 239 + 240Pu/137Cs activity ratio. For samples showing contamination due to the accident, the 238Pu/239 + 240Pu and 239Pu/240Pu activity ratios were also calculated to determine the grade of plutonium of this contamination.  相似文献   

The relationship between Zn, Cu, Cd, Pb, and Ni concentrations in soft tissues of mussels and oysters and those in ambient sediments was examined. The study area was the coastal habitats of the northwestern Sea of Japan, which has a broad range of contamination due to urban sewage. Significant increases of all metals, except Ni, were observed in mussel Crenomytilus grayanus at concentrations of easily leachable metals in ambient sediments higher than 2, 100, and 800 microg/g for Cd, Cu, and Zn, respectively. Pb was accumulated by the mussels with no distinct threshold in Pb contamination of sediments. After 2 months, C. grayanus transplanted from a pristine to a contaminated locality increased in Pb up to 12%, and Cu up to 68% of concentrations of these metals in the contaminated local mussels, but Zn and Cd concentrations increased only in the excretory tissue, not in the somatic tissue, or in the soft tissue as a whole. Such regulation of metal accumulation puts limitations on the use of C. grayanus for monitoring of slightly and moderately contaminated localities. On the other hand, the oyster Crassostrea gigas showed definite accumulation of all metals, except Ni, at moderate contamination of ambient sediments. As contamination of sediments increased, increases of Pb, Zn and Cu concentrations in C. gigas slowed, possibly due to physiological control at very high metal concentrations in oyster soft tissue. Thus, the mussel C. grayanus should be used mainly for the monitoring of heavy contaminated localities, and the oyster C. gigas is more suitable as an indicator of low and moderate contamination.  相似文献   

For over half a century, phosphate ores of marine origin, containing 226Ra, have been processed in Belgium to produce calcium phosphate for use in cattle food. As a result, the waste water containing 226Ra were discharged into two little rivers, one of which is the Laak. The purpose of this study was to chart the radium contamination of the river banks and some areas that are regularly flooded by the river. It was seen that enhanced concentrations of 226Ra do occur along the river banks, but that the contaminated area is mostly confined to a 10 m strip on both sides of the river, even in the flooding zones. At present, no dwellings are present on top of the contamination and no crops for direct human consumption are grown there, so there is no immediate threat to the population.  相似文献   

From the 1960s onwards, a ‘High External Input’ dairy production model was applied widely in Cuba. Overall milk production of the national herd increased considerably, but the system was inefficient from both a financial and energetic point of view. In the early 1990s, after the abrupt end of inflow of capital and other resources from Eastern Europe, the dairy sector collapsed. In the short term, the modern infrastructure of milk production deteriorated and the sector experienced profound vulnerability. However, in the longer term, this situation stimulated a search for more sustainable approaches, such as low external input Mixed Farming Systems (MFS). The current study aimed to evaluate two small scale prototype farms to assess the implications of converting ‘Low External Input’ Dairy Farming Systems into MFS. Fifteen agro-ecological and financial indicators were selected and monitored over a 6-year period. Two configurations of MFS, i.e. the proportion of the farm area occupied by arable crops, were tested: 25 and 50%. Productivity, energy efficiency and cost-effectiveness all improved following conversion. Total energy input was low for both farms and decreased over time, whereas energy efficiency was high and increased over time. Human labour input was high directly following conversion, but decreased by one-third over the 6-year period. This study demonstrates, at an experimental scale, the potential of MFS to achieve ecological, productivity and financial advantages for dairy production in Cuba. Readers should send their comments on this paper to: BhaskarNath@aol.com within 3 months of publication of this issue.  相似文献   

A study was conducted to see the effect of arsenic contamination on soil quality indicators, viz., microbial biomass, soil respiration, fluorescein diacetate and dehydrogenase (DHG) activity in arsenic contaminated soils of West Bengal. All the parameters were significantly and negatively correlated with all the form of arsenic (bioavailable and total) but the microbial metabolic quotient was significantly and positively correlated with all forms of arsenic, indicating arsenic induced stress to the soil microbial community. This may be due to part of the microbial biomass, which is located in the inner parts of the micro-aggregates of soil, which is affected by arsenic accumulates present in soil particles. Linear regression analysis revealed that the bioavailable arsenic exerted greater inhibitory effect on the soil microbial population than the total arsenic content of soils. Water-soluble arsenic showed more inhibitory effect than NaHCO(3) extractable form, in their association with biological properties of the contaminated soils. Water-soluble form of arsenic was much more toxic than insoluble forms. This signified that with increase in bioavailability, the arsenic exerted more inhibitory effect on these parameters. It is thus suggested that the microbial biomass, fluorescein diacetate and dehydrogenase activity alone and expressed on a soil organic matter basis along with the soil respiration parameters can be helpful in assessing the effects of arsenic on the size and activity of microbial biomass in soils.  相似文献   

The results of studies of radionuclide contamination of the soils in the western part of the territory of Shatsk National Natural Park (ShNNP), Volyn region, Ukraine, performed during 1994-2001 are presented. Based on the experimental results, the three-dimensional plot of the 137Cs density contamination for the soils at the territory under investigation has been constructed. The monitoring during 1994-2001 of the 137Cs vertical distributions in the different kinds of soils from the Park and the forecasting of the distribution changes of the depth down to 50 cm for the sod loamy sandy gleyed loamy sand soil of the Park up to 2086 have been performed.  相似文献   

Leaf samples of six plant species collected from locations near the Al-fabrication plants in Sai Kung, Hong Kong were found to be heavily contaminated by Al, Cd, Pb, Ni, Cu and Zn, as determined by inductively — coupled plasma emission spectrophotometer (ICP). Studies using scanning electron microscope incorporated with X-ray microanalyzer showed that significant amounts of dust, with elevated concentrations of heavy metals, were deposited on the leaf surface. The stomatal pores were partially plugged and the guard cells were distorted. The amount of dust deposition and metal contamination varied significantly among different species. Lantana camara had the highest concentrations of all metals. Washing with deionized water could remove the surficial dust particles and reduce the metal contamination, with a degree of effectiveness depending on plant species and metal species. About 50% of Al and other metals were removed from leaves of L. camara and Fiscus variegata by washing, whereas only 20% removal was recorded in Bauhina variegata, the species had the least dust deposition. The soil samples and Al wastes collected from the same sites also exhibited higher values of total metal concentrations than the control. However, the contents of extractable metals were extremely low and were almost below the limits of detection. Experimental data further suggested that the source of leaf metals was mainly accumulated from metal-enriched aerosols, either from Al-fabrication plants or from automobile exhausts, and contribution from soil was relatively unimportant.  相似文献   

A set of characters has been used to evaluate transformations in forest phytocenoses and their small mammal communities affected by urbanization, compared to conditionally undisturbed phytocenoses (communities). In park forests of the city of Yekaterinburg, the understory and subordinate shrub and herb-dwarf shrub layers of phytocenosis are transformed to a greater extent. The undergrowth of conifer forestforming species is as a rule sparse or absent, and that of deciduous trees often consists mainly of invasive species. Small mammal communities in pine forests transformed under the effect of urbanization also undergo changes leading to the formation of relatively stable (for an urbanized environment) zoocenoses differing both in species composition and in parameters characterizing community diversity.  相似文献   

The interactions of soil disaggregation with radionuclide erosion were studied under controlled conditions in the laboratory on samples from a loamy silty-sandy soil. The fate of 134Cs and 85Sr was monitored on soil aggregates and on small plots, with time resolution ranging from minutes to hours after contamination. Analytical experiments reproducing disaggregation mechanisms on aggregates showed that disaggregation controls both erosion and sorption. Compared to differential swelling, air explosion mobilized the most by producing finer particles and increasing five-fold sorption. For all the mechanisms studied, a significant part of the contamination was still unsorbed on the aggregates after an hour. Global experiments on contaminated sloping plots submitted to artificial rainfalls showed radionuclide erosion fluctuations and their origin. Wet radionuclide deposition increased short-term erosion by 50% compared to dry deposition. A developed soil crust when contaminated decreased radionuclide erosion by a factor 2 compared to other initial soil states. These erosion fluctuations were more significant for 134Cs than 85Sr, known to have better affinity to soil matrix. These findings confirm the role of disaggregation on radionuclide erosion. Our data support a conceptual model of radionuclide erosion at the small plot scale in two steps: (1) radionuclide non-equilibrium sorption on mobile particles, resulting from simultaneous sorption and disaggregation during wet deposition and (2) later radionuclide transport by runoff with suspended matter.  相似文献   

Retention of estrogenic steroid hormones by selected New Zealand soils   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We performed batch sorption experiments for 17beta-estradiol (E2) and 17alpha-ethynylestradiol (EE2) on selected soils collected from dairy farming regions of New Zealand. Isotherms were constructed by measuring the liquid phase concentration and extracting the solid phase with dichloromethane, followed by an exchange step, and analysis by HPLC and UV detection. The corresponding metabolite estrone, (E1) formed during equilibration of E2 with soil was taken into account to estimate the total percentage recoveries for the compounds, which ranged from 47-105% (E2 and E1) and 83-102% (EE2). Measured isotherms were linear, although some deviation from linearity was observed in a few soils, which was attributed to the finer textured particles and/or the allophanic nature of the soils having high surface area. There was a marked difference in K(d)(eff) (effective distribution coefficient) values for E2 and EE2 among the soils, consistent with the soils organic carbon content and ranged from 14-170 L kg(-1) (E2), and 12-40 L kg(-1) (EE2) in the soils common for both compounds. The sorption affinity of hormones in the soils followed an order: EE2相似文献   

The genetic consequences of radioactive contamination by the fallout to agricultural crops after the accident at the Chernobyl NPP in 1986 have been studied. In the first, acute, period of this accident, when the absorbed dose was primarily due to external beta- and gamma-irradiation, the radiation injury of agricultural crops, according to the basic cytogenetic tests, resembled the effect produced by acute gamma-irradiation at comparable doses. The yield of cytogenetic damage in leaf meristem of plants grown in the 10-km zone of the ChNPP in 1987-1989 (the period of chronic, lower level radiation exposure) was shown to be enhanced and dependent on the level of radioactive contamination. The rate of decline with time in cytogenetic damage induced by chronic exposure lagged considerably behind that of the radiation exposure. Analysis of genetic variability in three sequential generations of rye and wheat revealed increased cytogenetic damage in plants exposed to chronic irradiation during the 2nd and 3rd years.  相似文献   

Modeling soil organic matter dynamics as affected by soil water erosion   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Soil organic carbon (SOC) stock is an important component of the global carbon (C) cycle, which has the potential to influence global climate. In this paper we presented an overview of soil organic matter (SOM) models in the context of soil erosion and discussed basic processes driving erosion-induced SOC loss. Although the mechanism of this loss is poorly understood, erosion influences SOC in two ways: redistribution of C within the watershed or ecosystem, and loss of C to the atmosphere. Erosion disperses soil, altering its microbiological activity as well as water, air and nutrient regimes. This, along with sediment enrichment, has an impact on greenhouse gas emission from soil. For most of agricultural settings, field studies suggest that cultivation along with soil erosion are the primary reasons for SOC loss. Tracing the fate of eroded C is a challenging task. Modeling is the approach taken most often. In this paper we discuss approaches used in various SOC models to assess erosion-induced C loss from soil in agricultural ecosystems. An example with Century model applied to meadow and corn-soybean rotation under chisel-till demonstrated the model's ability to respond well to different erosion scenarios. It was estimated that at soil loss rate of 10 t ha(-1) year(-1) (value often considered a threshold for maintaining productivity) 19% of the total SOC loss would be attributed to erosion after 90 years of cultivation.  相似文献   

This work is devoted to the reconstruction of time-dependent radioactive contamination fields in the territory of Ukraine in the initial period of the Chernobyl accident using the model of atmospheric transport LEDI (Lagrangian-Eulerian DIffusion model). The modelling results were compared with available 137Cs air and ground contamination measurement data. The 137Cs atmospheric transport over the territory of Ukraine was simulated during the first 12 days after the accident (from 26 April to 7 May 1986) using real aerological information and rain measurement network data. The detailed scenario of the release from the accidental unit of the Chernobyl nuclear plant has been built (including time-dependent radioactivity release intensity and time-varied height of the release). The calculations have enabled to explain the main features of spatial and temporal variations of radioactive contamination fields over the territory of Ukraine on the regional scale, including the formation of the major large-scale spots of radioactive contamination caused by dry and wet deposition.  相似文献   

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