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目前内部局域网与外部互联网互联是发展必然。而如何真正的保护内网的安全,保证内部资料,不受外网攻击或窃密,是网络管理的重要工作。只有将内网与外网进行物理隔离才能做到这点。物理隔离技术主要是通过隔离设备让内网和外网互联互通。物理隔离的主要特征,是内网与外网永不直接连接。物理隔离网闸是目前唯一能解决上述问题的安全设备。在基层局域网工作站利用双系统、双网卡同样可达到内外网物理隔离作用,节约、方便、易行。  相似文献   

郑娇恒 《吉林气象》2004,(4):21-22,46
Delphi是一个优秀的可视化开发软件,并已广泛应用于数据库软件的开发。在Delphi C/S版环境中,结合其优化的数据库操作。以及Borland Database Engine(即:BDE,数据库引擎),对开发客户机/服务器系统下的网络数据库软件提供了更加快速有效的途径,本文简要介绍Delphi软件应用中的几点体会。  相似文献   

1节点机系统维护 预报工作是气象部门两大基本业务之一,节点机的工作状态是预报工作好坏的基础支柱,关系到预报质量、服务效果,直至影响到服务的形象地位与经济效益。  相似文献   

W indows自动启动程序的方式有许多种,有开机时启动的,有登陆时启动的,也有做为系统服务启动的。了解自动启动程序的不同方式,不仅可以满足用户应用程序启动的不同需求,还可以更深入的了解W indows系统,删除一些无用的自启动程序,更有效地利用系统的资源。  相似文献   

Windows自动启动程序的方式有许多种, 有开机时启动的,有登陆时启动的,也有做为系统服务启动的.了解自动启动程序的不同方式,不仅可以满足用户应用程序启动的不同需求,还可以更深入的了解Windows系统,删除一些无用的自启动程序,更有效地利用系统的资源.  相似文献   

采用VB 6.0编程实现了多媒体系统演示程序 ,通过控制鼠标平滑移动及按钮动作 ,模拟控件事件的响应 ;引入MP3语音介绍 ,增强了程序的人性化效果  相似文献   

介绍了1个自己编制的文档查看程序,并给出了具体的源程序代码。  相似文献   

随着台站自动化建设,台站业务的自动化程度越来越高,人们对电脑的依赖性也越来越大。作者适应当前业务发展,从工作实际出发,使用C++Builder6.0设计开发了“仪器超检提示程序”。本文从开发的目的、实现的功能、数据库的构建、程序的设计等几方面阐述了“仪器超检提示程序”的设计与开发思路。  相似文献   

百叶箱内外气温特征分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
黄海洪  凌颖  董蕙青 《气象》2003,29(12):25-28
利用新增的气温观测资料和常规气象资料,应用统计分析方法对南宁市百叶箱内外气温进行了对比分析研究,结果发现两者的平均气温、最高气温等要素在季度、月际、日变化比较中有较大差异。进一步分析表明,两者的差异与云况、湿度、降水等气象要素密切相关。在上述分析的基础上,建立了百叶箱外气温的预报方程。  相似文献   

绿洲效应的模拟及内外因子的敏感性实验   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:5  
利用一个已发展的陆面物理过程参数化方案与大气边界层数值模式耦合,模拟了半干旱区绿洲戈壁非均匀下垫面的陆面物理过程及其与大气边界层的相互作用,成功地描绘了绿洲戈壁局地气候效应,并进行了绿洲戈壁局地气候效应对于降水、绿洲水平尺度和植被结构等若干内外因子的敏感性实验.结果表明:绿洲的最小临界尺度为5~10 km之间,最大临界尺度为55~65 km之间,而最利于绿洲维持的尺度范围为20 km左右,这一结论与我国西部地区现存的绿洲尺度统计结果十分一致;绿洲植被覆盖率为0.6左右时,最利于绿洲发展.另外对植被空间分布方式和绿洲植被组成比例上也进行了数值实验,并对影响绿洲生存和持续发展的内、外因子气候效应的影响力量级进行了分级.这些结果对于深入了解绿洲气候的形成和维持机理具有重要的意义.  相似文献   

夏季金塔绿洲及邻近戈壁的冷湿舌及边界层特征分析   总被引:3,自引:5,他引:3  
利用2004年7月金塔“绿洲系统能量与水分循环过程观测与数值研究”重点项目加强期系留梯度探测资料,对该绿洲边缘的冷湿舌现象及边界层特征进行了分析。结果表明,戈壁绿洲边缘的确存在冷湿舌;白天从09时至18时都有冷湿舌出现,高度一般维持在0~600m之间;冷湿舌受风速、风向、太阳对地面加热强度等因素的影响很大,也与午后绿洲辐散风有密切关系。这一发现对深入研究戈壁绿洲能量与水分循环,尤其是对绿洲与周围沙漠戈壁的水热交换研究具有重要意义,也为进一步研究绿洲的维持和发展提供了很好的基础。  相似文献   

寿阳县农网正式开通运行以来,取得了良好的经济效益和社会效益,通过对全县各乡镇农网运行情况的调查,找出存在的问题,提出今后发展目标和对策。  相似文献   

针对近年来在省级质量控制数据R文件时净全辐射出现的问题,利用<地面自动站观测资料三级质量控制软件--省级软件>对净全辐射质量控制时数据异常原因进行举例分析,并采用人机交互方法对经质量控制后系统自动生成的疑误信息进行综合分析判断,同时结合有关规定和问题解答提出相应的处理方法,以确保净全辐射观测数据的真实、准确、可靠,进而为业务科研工作提供科学的、准确的数据.  相似文献   

Modelling the transfer of heat, water vapour, and CO2 between the biosphere and the atmosphere is made difficult by the complex two-way interaction between leaves and their immediate microclimate. When simulating scalar sources and sinks inside canopies on seasonal, inter-annual, or forest development time scales, the so-called well-mixed assumption (WMA) of mean concentration (i.e. vertically constant inside the canopy but dynamically evolving in time) is often employed. The WMA eliminates the need to model how vegetation alters its immediate microclimate, which necessitates formulations that utilize turbulent transport theories. Here, two inter-related questions pertinent to the WMA for modelling scalar sources, sinks, and fluxes at seasonal to inter-annual time scales are explored: (1) if the WMA is to be replaced so as to resolve this two-way interaction, how detailed must the turbulent transport model be? And (2) what are the added predictive skills gained by resolving the two-way interaction vis-à-vis other uncertainties such as seasonal variations in physiological parameters. These two questions are addressed by simulating multi-year mean scalar concentration and eddy-covariance scalar flux measurements collected in a Loblolly pine (P. taeda L.) plantation near Durham, North Carolina, U.S.A. using turbulent transport models ranging from K-theory (or first-order closure) to third-order closure schemes. The multi-layer model calculations with these closure schemes were contrasted with model calculations employing the WMA. These comparisons suggested that (i) among the three scalars, sensible heat flux predictions are most biased with respect to eddy-covariance measurements when using the WMA, (ii) first-order closure schemes are sufficient to reproduce the seasonal to inter-annual variations in scalar fluxes provided the canonical length scale of turbulence is properly specified, (iii) second-order closure models best agree with measured mean scalar concentration (and temperature) profiles inside the canopy as well as scalar fluxes above the canopy, (iv) there are no clear gains in predictive skills when using third-order closure schemes over their second-order closure counterparts. At inter-annual time scales, biases in modelled scalar fluxes incurred by using the WMA exceed those incurred when correcting for the seasonal amplitude in the maximum carboxylation capacity (V cmax, 25) provided its mean value is unbiased. The role of local thermal stratification inside the canopy and possible computational simplifications in decoupling scalar transfer from the generation of the flow statistics are also discussed.
“The tree, tilting its leaves to capture bullets of light; inhaling, exhaling; its many thousand stomata breathing, creating the air”. Ruth Stone, 2002, In the Next Galaxy

Momentum and Heat Transfer over Urban-like Surfaces   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
Momentum and heat transfer was examined for the urban-like surfaces used within the Comprehensive Outdoor Scale MOdel (COSMO) experiments. Simultaneous and comparative meteorological measurements were made over a pair of scale models with different block geometries. These data were analyzed to investigate the influence of height variations, obstacle elongation, and packing density, λ p , of blocks on the aerodynamic properties. In addition, the robustness of theoretical expressions of bulk transfer coefficients for momentum and heat with respect to geometric parameters was examined. Our analyses showed: (1) the theoretical framework for the bulk transfer coefficient for momentum, C m , and that for heat, C h , was applicable for homogeneous building arrays, (2) the sensitivity of C h to the surface geometry was smaller than that of C m , (3) the transfer coefficients were increased by variations of block heights, but not by elongation of blocks, (4) first-order approximations of C m and C h for an array of blocks with two different heights can be made by applying simple theoretical assumptions to include the effects of height variation, and (5) variations of block heights increased the momentum flux significantly, but caused little change in the sensible heat flux. This can be explained by the feedback mechanism of aerodynamic– thermal interaction; aerodynamic mixing decreased both the advective velocity and the vertical temperature gradient.  相似文献   

在总结昭苏县25年雷达探测冰雹云和指挥防雹作业技术的基础上,研究并编写了昭苏县防雹雷达站防雹业务技术规程,本文扼要介绍雷达观测、雹云识别、作业指挥,效果分析等部分主要技术规程。  相似文献   

该文介绍了净全辐射表的两种校准方法。使用长短波辐射表组成的净全辐射标准器组, 在不同环境条件下对现用标准净全辐射表和6台气象台站用工作级净全辐射表的灵敏度进行了测试, 通过试验了解检定环境条件下新的标准器组与现用标准器之间的关系, 分析了通过不同标准器组得到的工作级净全辐射表的测量结果, 得到了新的标准器组使用后检定结果的随机误差。通过数据对比分析, 得出使用新的标准组检定的净全辐射表, 其不确定度白天降低9.2%, 夜间降低5.2 %。  相似文献   

利用2004年7~8月金塔“绿洲系统能量与水分循环过程观测与数值研究”观测试验期间的资料,对比分析了金塔绿洲及邻近沙漠地面风场和空气温湿特性的水平差异。结果表明:绿洲及邻近沙漠的温湿和风速差异明显,绿洲内部冷湿风弱,而外部干热风稍大;绿洲内的温湿场为非对称结构,冷湿中心偏离绿洲的几何中心,在绿洲东部,当地盛行风向的上风方位置上;而风速场结构对称,弱风中心与绿洲的几何中心一致;在不同的风向时空气比湿有较大的差异,存在明显的来自东北方沙漠戈壁的干平流和来自西南方水库及绿洲的湿平流。  相似文献   

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