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Demographic characteristics of socially responsible investors (SRIs) are likely to play a significant role in shaping their perceptions and behaviour concerning corporate social responsibility (CSR). This paper identifies demographic characteristics of SRIs and explores the relationship of these characteristics with their CSR attitudes. We analyse, using generalized ordered logistic regression, the questionnaire responses of 2464 SRIs from 20 countries. The results demonstrate that younger and female SRIs are more likely to believe that a company's social and environmental performance is as important as its financial performance. Female SRIs and those with high incomes are the most likely to believe that companies should be as responsible to their shareholders as to the broader society. In addition, younger SRIs, those with high incomes and those who have attained higher education levels regard socially responsible companies as at least as profitable as other companies. The benefits which companies can derive from understanding the demographic profile of SRIs are examined, including a potentially lower cost of capital, improved CSR rankings and business policy formulation and communication consistent with CSR views held by specific groups of SRIs.  相似文献   

机构投资者参与公司治理积极性的分析   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
在对公司治理和资本市场发展的研究中,机构投资者的作用越来越受到重视.本文基于机构投资者与公司治理间的相关性和国内外已有的研究成果,通过数理模型的一般分析阐释了影响机构投资者参与公司治理积极性的四个因素:持有单个公司的股权比率、资本市场中公司治理结构不完善的概率、所投资公司治理结构的完善程度以及监督成本,并得出了有关的研究结论.最后本文,对机构投资者积极参与我国上市公司治理提出了若干政策建议.  相似文献   

独立董事责任险(独董险)强化了独立董事的独立性和信息监督动机。董事会独立性的提高有助于机构投资者提高治理效率。实证分析认为,独董险和机构投资者形成显著的共同治理效果。一方面,对于管理层代理问题,独董险与机构投资者的共同机制对管理费用率有显著的控制作用,形成对显性代理行为的有效监督;机构投资者对ROA有显著的提升能力,一定程度弥补了独立董事对隐性代理行为监督上的不足。另一方面,独董险和机构投资者对国有公司信息披露质量有提高作用。独董险可以强化对披露信息的监督动机,机构投资者有助导入国有公司缺失的独立董事外部声誉约束。在信息监督过程需要较多时间和专业知识投入的情况下,两者对独立董事的激励作用形成互补。  相似文献   

论机构投资者在公司治理中角色的定位及政策建议   总被引:16,自引:2,他引:16  
在研究公司治理和资本市场发展时,机构投资者的作用越来越受到重视,随着机构投资者所持有公司股份的不断上升,他们开始积极参与公司治理.但是,不同类型的机构投资者所持有公司的股权比例、监督成本以及风险偏好等存在较大的差异,因而他们在公司治理活动中的表现也将截然不同.正是基于此,本文通过对机构投资者积极参与公司治理进行数理模型的一般分析,分析了机构投资者是否积极参与公司治理的条件机构投资者持有公司的股权比例、监督成本、风险偏好.结论表明,上述三个因素的变动影响着机构投资者是否进行监督及其监督的临界值.本文对机构投资者积极参与我国上市公司治理进行了适用性分析,并提出一些政策性建议.  相似文献   

We propose a behavioral theory of corporate governance based on an ontological foundation of socially situated and socially constituted agency. More specifically, we advance a multi-level, mechanism-based, theory of governance that is socially informed yet actor-centric, and thus offers a distinct alternative to under-socialized governance theories, such as agency theory. We highlight the contributions of recent governance research in providing the foundation for such a behavioral theory, with particular emphasis on our prior work that demonstrated the relevance of social structural relationships, institutional processes, and social cognition. We conclude with a discussion of the central themes that emerge from our perspective.  相似文献   

本文首先论述了国内外机构投资者的发展现状和其参与上市公司治理的背景,然后对机构投资者参与上市公司治理有利性进行了分析,并从内部机制和外部环境两个方面论述了机构投资者参与公司治理存在的问题,最后结合存在问题提出了相关政策建议.  相似文献   

随着中国股票市场的发展,机构投资者的数量和市值比例越来越高,参与公司治理的动力也越来越大.本文采用面板数据(Panel Data)和截面数据(Cross Section Data)计量方法研究了与个人投资者相比具有专业、信息和资金优势的机构投资者参与上市公司治理的效果.基于CCGINK2004-2006沪深两市3470家样本的实证结果显示.机构投资者在提升上市公司治理水平方面发挥了重要的作用.降低了上市公司的代理成本,机构投资者持股比例与公司绩效和市场价值之间存在显著的正相关关系.  相似文献   

This paper examines the role of boards of directors in light of institutional contingencies and recent best practice governance guidelines and regulation such as the United Kingdom Higgs Review and the United States Sarbanes‐Oxley Act 2002. Particular attention is paid to discussing the role of independent directors across countries, and the implications for corporate governance innovation. It concludes by posing questions about recent corporate governance transformations and providing suggestions for future research.  相似文献   

刘娥平  关静怡 《管理科学》2016,29(6):131-144
 近年来,中国学者对债务与非效率投资之间的关系非常关注。理论分析认为,债务来源差异对企业投资的影响不同。但已有研究忽略了这种异质性,或将债务等同于银行借款,并且缺乏对企业投资不足问题的关注。        在此背景下,立足于债务治理的角度,考察商业信用这种债务来源对中国上市公司非效率投资行为的影响。将商业信用与非效率投资的研究进一步延伸到投资不足领域,同时关注商业信用对过度投资和投资不足两类非效率投资问题的双向治理作用。通过理论分析和模型构建,提出商业信用能对非效率投资发挥双向治理作用的研究假设。通过数理模型的推导,从理论上证明商业信用对企业非效率投资的影响,为验证商业信用对非效率投资的双向治理作用提供实证支持。以2008年至2014年中国A股上市公司为研究样本,检验商业信用对非效率投资行为的影响。        考虑到在RICHARDSON方法的测量下,几乎所有公司的投资都是非效率的,因此借鉴XIAO的研究,认为同时满足两种非效率投资测量方法的观测值才能定义为非效率投资,即实际投资水平与正常投资水平的拟合值之差大于0(小于0)且存在过度投资(投资不足)倾向的样本才能被定义为过度投资(投资不足)。        研究结果表明,商业信用不仅能抑制过度投资,还能缓解投资不足,从而对非效率投资问题发挥双向治理作用。在稳健性检验中,控制其他负债来源或改变非效率投资样本的划分标准,并不会改变主要结果,表明实证结果比较稳健,商业信用能对非效率投资实现双向治理,改善上市公司投资效率。        在目前中国法律制度环境亟待改善的情况下,商业信用仍能对非效率投资实现双向治理,发挥积极作用,建议监管部门进一步规范商业信用的制度性安排,以强化商业信用在中国企业非效率投资行为治理中的作用,上市公司则有必要进一步重视商业信用,发挥其在融资功能之外的非效率投资治理功能。  相似文献   

公司治理与机构投资人持股之研究   总被引:17,自引:1,他引:17  
在一连串的管理阶层舞弊案发生后,信息透明度(Information Transparency)成为实务界和学界关心的焦点,而信息透明度为其探讨公司治理制度的重点之一。本研究探讨董监事会的组成、股权结构、薪酬制度和信息透明度等公司治理机制与机构投资人投资间之关系,了解包含信息透明度在内的多项公司治理评量变量是否为机构投资人投资的重要参考指标。研究结果亦显示,董监事持股比例、样本公司所有权透明度与投资者关系透明度与机构投资人持股呈现显著正相关。显示公司治理成效愈佳及信息透明度越高的企业,将较易吸引机构投资人的青睐。  相似文献   

Countries in transition now represent a significant sector of the international political economy. One of the challenges that they face in moving towards market-based systems and institutions is that of transforming the structure of business enterprises into forms more compatible with capitalist economies. Corporate governance is an important part of this. We argue that, certainly during an interim stage whilst equity markets are weak or non-existent, debt finance has a useful role to play. However for this to be possible there are some important institutional changes that are necessary in order to provide the infrastructure within which debt finance can operate effectively and efficiently. We then present an overview and evaluation of the progress of change in four selected transition countries. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Recent research work has put forward theconcept of national system of corporate governance to describe the complex architecture of legal rules, economic mechanisms and mentalities which constrain managerial discretion in a different way according to the country considered. The role played by the legal system in this set of mechanisms is particularly important and, as part of the legal system, the bankruptcy law performs a specific function: designed as a governance device for financially distressed firms, it also acts as a monitoring mechanism for healthy ones. The aim of this paper is to investigate the mechanisms of corporate governance in the context of bankruptcy in a comparative perspective. Relying on a broad definition of corporate governance (i.e., one which takes into account the influence of all stakeholders on managerial discretion), we first examine the insolvency codes of five countries (France, Germany, Japan, the United Kingdom and the United States). The stance of the law (creditor-oriented vs. debtor-oriented) is discussed in relation to the legal tradition of each country. We then study the way bankruptcy law in each country articulates with the other governance mechanisms. For that purpose, a typology of those mechanisms is used, based on the type of device each kind of stakeholder is able to activate. Results of both theoretical and empirical studies on bankruptcy are used to understand which of the different devices are used in each country. The comparative approach underlines the impact of institutional differences on organizations through the incentives sent to their stakeholders.  相似文献   

The paper focuses on some organizationaldynamics that have characterized the pharmaceuticalindustry in the last thirty years, whenbiotechnology and the development of lifesciences have defined a new technologicalparadigm, reshaping many aspects of theindustry, especially the organization ofinnovative activity. We suggest an original interpretation of someorganizational settings, as the increasedimportance of skilled scientists within firmsand the development of inter-organizationalalliances for the division of scientific labor.Following recent theorizing on corporategovernance issues, which points out theintrinsic organizational and relationaldimensions of the resource allocation processesand strategic decision-making, we propose a roleof the organizational practices mentioned aboveon corporate governance, and, in turn, aninfluence of different governance arrangementson innovative activity. We recall moretraditional approaches to the analysis ofcorporate governance, and give a broaderinterpretation to the relevant variablesproposed. Further, relying on more recenttheories and on literature on firm's boundariesand sectoral systems of innovation, we proposeindustry-specific variables forpharmaceuticals, including internal settings aswell as relations with external actors.Preliminary empirical support is given to ourhypotheses, concerning a panel of large USpharmaceutical companies.  相似文献   

What is board accountability, and how is such accountability created? This response to Roberts, McNulty and Stiles suggests a framework for exploring behavioural perspectives of boards and corporate governance. The contribution of this framework is to develop a terminology that may help us accumulate knowledge and provide directions for a research agenda. The consistent use of a terminology, the accumulation of knowledge and an accepted research agenda among a core group of scholar are some of the first steps in developing a promising research field with considerable potential to create actionable knowledge. The framework can help us sort some of the research, concepts and anecdotes that have been presented in efforts to open the black box of board research.  相似文献   

公司治理源于产权形态的分离。所有权与经营权分离的程度不仅受企业制度形态的影响,而且受企业规模形态的影响。跨国公司产权关系可视为企业集团产权关系在国外的进一步延伸。产权经营所带来的跨国界投资运作和产权重组形成了不同类型的股权结构,跨国公司在选择时需要考虑历史性的股权结构偏好、交易成本、与东道国讨价还价实力、制度环境及企业成长期等主要因素。控股度选择下的跨国公司治理形成了三种不同的博弈模型。股权变动所引起的控股度变化不仅带来了公司治理绩效相应变化,而且也带来了三种博弈模型的梯度转换。  相似文献   

Public Organization Review - As part-time employed spends less time in the organization than full-time employed, the result will probably be less affective commitment to the organization (AOC),...  相似文献   

公司治理模式的多维度比较研究:构建公司治理权变模式   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
本文依据制度环境维度,将公司治理模式分为外部监管模式、家族监管模式和内部监管模式;依据人力资本维度,将公司治理模式分为股东至上主义模式、双边治理模式、员工至上主义模式;依据企业成长维度,将公司治理模式分为古典治理模式、过渡治理模式和现代治理模式。本文进行了公司治理模式三个维度的比较研究,即从宏观层面、中观层面和微观层面对公司治理模式进行比较研究。在综合考虑三个维度因素基础上,构建了公司治理权变模式。  相似文献   

现有文献在探讨企业投资行为的影响因素时,大多基于线性相关性的假设,考察单一因素对企业投资率的定性影响。本文建立统一的理论框架,重点研究企业投资行为与特质风险的关系,分析相关变量对企业投资率的影响幅度与特质风险的变化规律。研究发现,特质风险与企业投资行为存在复杂的非线性关系,包括直接影响和间接影响两个方面。直接影响表现为特质风险抑制投资,该抑制作用随特质风险、管理层持股比例递增,而随投入产出率、融资约束递减。间接影响表现为投入产出率促进投资,融资约束抑制投资,而特质风险的增加会减弱两者对投资的影响。本文不仅为理解我国不同企业投资行为的差别提供了微观证据,还拓展并丰富了风险环境下传统因素影响投资决策的理论,对中国今后经济改革政策的调整具有重要的启示意义。  相似文献   

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