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The groundwater is the most precious resources around the world and is shrinking day by day. In connection, there is a need for demarcation of potential ground-water zone. The geographical information system (GIS) and remote sensing techniques have become important tools to locate ground-water potential zones. This research has been carried out to identify groundwater potential zone in Ariyalur of south India with help of GIS and remote sensing techniques. To identify the groundwater potential zone used by different thematic layers of geology, geomorphology, drainage, drainage density, lineaments, lineaments density, soil, rainfall, and slope with inverse distance weightage (IDW) methods. From the overall result the potential zone of groundwater in the study area classified into five classes named as very good (13.34 %), good (51.52 %), moderate (31.48 %), poor (2.82 %) and very poor (0.82 %). This study suggested that, very good potential zone of groundwater occur in patches in northern and central parts of Jayamkondam and Palur regions in Ariyalur district. The result exhibited that inverse distance weightage method offers an effective tool for interpreting groundwater potential zones for suitable development and management of groundwater resources in different hydro-geological environments.  相似文献   

Monitoring of land use and land cover change (LULC) is essential for water conservation and management. In this study, an attempt has been made to understand the impact of LULC change on groundwater quality. In the present study LULC map of the study area prepared using satellite image of year 1999 and 2016 which are visually interpreted with help of ERDAS IMAGINE and ArcGIS software. In this study different image interpretation elements like tone, texture, size, pattern and association were used and verified with field check and total eight LULC classes were recognized such as settlement, road, cultivation, industry, drainage, lake, open land and vegetation. Comparison of LULC of year 1999 and year 2016 indicates that the settlement (net increases 16.2%), road (net increases 0.8%), open land (net increases 14.8%) and industry (net increases 3.1%) area has expanded. In the study area groundwater pollution is mainly associated with LULC change and as well as poor waste management practices. Obtained result has been validated with nitrate concentration and found 73.33% accuracy reflecting that, applied techniques has produced significantly reliable results.  相似文献   

融雪水在水资源利用中扮演着及其重要的角色,遥感技术的发展使得大面积监测雪盖成为河能,选择Alps意大利境内的Rienza流域,利用SRM模型模拟春季融雪径流,区别传统对SRM模型的描述,参数选择和应用的研究方式,研究环境因素对这些参数的影响尤其是对度-日因子的影响以及它们之间的内在关系,重点讨论利用GIS和遥感数据获取SRM模型中的关键参数和因子,结论显示SRM模型模拟春季融雪径流的关键是精确地输入模型参数;遥感数据在提取雪盖面积的过程中,消除地形影响是必要的;从SRM模型的应用状况分析,精确地获取雪盖面积是影响模拟结果的关键。  相似文献   

Landslides are among the most costly and damaging natural hazards in mountainous regions, triggered mainly under the influence of earthquakes and/or rainfall. In the present study, Landslide Hazard Zonation (LHZ) of Dikrong river basin of Arunachal Pradesh was carried out using Remote Sensing and Geographic Information System (GIS). Various thematic layers namely slope, photo-lineament buffer, thrust buffer, relative relief map, geology and land use / land cover map were generated using remote sensing data and GIS. The weighting-rating system based on the relative importance of various causative factors as derived from remotely sensed data and other thematic maps were used for the LHZ. The different classes of thematic layers were assigned the corresponding rating value as attribute information in the GIS and an “attribute map” was generated for each data layer. Each class within a thematic layer was assigned an ordinal rating from 0 to 9. Summation of these attribute maps were then multiplied by the corresponding weights to yield the Landslide Hazard Index (LHI) for each cell. Using trial and error method the weight-rating values have been re-adjusted. The LHI threshold values used were: 142, 165, 189 and 216. A LHZ map was prepared showing the five zones, namely “very low hazard”, “low hazard”, “moderate hazard”, “high hazard” and “very high hazard” by using the “slicing” operation.  相似文献   

Cauvery Basin is one of the pericratonic rift basins located in the east coast of Tamilnadu. The rifting has resulted in a series of horsts and grabens. The present study uses a new technique which was devised with the help of GIS by analyzing the surface lineaments and subsurface linearities effectively. In this present study, a satellite image based analysis was conducted for extracting surface lineaments, and for the subsurface linearities, the basement linearities were extracted from seismic, magnetic, and gravity data. An orientation analysis of these surface and subsurface linear features was performed to detect the basic structural grains of the study area. The correlation between these structural grains and subsurface oil and gas traps was performed to understand the connectivity to the reservoirs. This article discusses in detail about the same and the importance of using surface and subsurface lineament analyses for delineating hydrocarbon reservoirs in the Nagapattinam Sub-Basin of Cauvery Basin.  相似文献   

The quality of groundwater was assessed by determining the physicochemical parameters (pH, EC, TDS and TH) and major ions concentration (HCO3, Cl, FSO4, Ca, Mg, Na and K) around Dindigul district, Tamil Nadu, India. The groundwater samples were collected from 59 bore wells covering the entire study area and analyzed using standard methods. The GIS mapping technique were adopted to highlight the spatial distribution pattern of physicochemical parameters and major ion concentration in the groundwater. Gibbs diagram reveals that the source of major ions is predominantly derived from rock–water interaction and evaporation dominance process. The salt combinations of the aquifers are dominated by CaHCO3, mixed CaMgCl, mixed CaMgHCO3 and CaCl facies type due to leaching and dissolution process of weathered rocks. The Canadian Council of Ministers of Environment Water Quality Index (CCMEWQI) suggests that most of the groundwater quality falls under good to marginal category. The statistical analysis indicates that the presence of major ions and physicochemical parameters are chiefly controlled by rock–water interaction and residence time of the groundwater. However, the major nutrient like nitrite in the groundwater probably comes from anthropogenic process. Based on the groundwater quality standards, majority of the samples are suitable for drinking purposes except few in the study area.  相似文献   

Remotely sensed thermal infrared (TIR) data have been widely used to retrieve land surface temperature (LST). LST is an important parameter in the studies of urban thermal environment and dynamics. In the study, an attempt has been made using LANDSAT 8 thermal imagery to compute LST and the associated land cover parameters viz; land surface emissivity (LSE), normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI), normalized difference built-up index (NDBI) and normalized difference water index (NDWI). Landsat 8 TIRS band 10 & 11 (thermal bands) during 21 Oct. 2016, 22 Nov.2016, 24 Dec. 2016 and 09 Jan. 2017 were processed for LST analysis. However, band 5 & band 4 of the imagery was processed for NDVI, band 6 & band 5 for NDBI and band 2 & band 5 for NDWI analysis. LST has been derived from both the bands 10 &11 and validated by in-situ observations on the date and time of satellite overpass from the study area. Band 10 derived LST have shown much temperature difference while comparing with the in-situ observations. However, LST derived from band 11 found similar & close to the in-situ measurements. Relationship between band 11 results and in-situ observed measurements were developed, which has showing a strong correlation with (r2 = 0.991). Land surface emissivity were also evaluated which shows variation in different land cover surfaces like vegetation, settlement, forest cover and water body. The study has proven that land surface temperature derived from satellite band 11 is the actual surface temperature of the study area.  相似文献   

Water is an essential natural resource without which life wouldn’t exist. The study aims to identify groundwater potential areas in Vepapanthattai taluk of Perambalur district, Tamil Nadu, India, using analytic hierarchy process (AHP) model. Remote sensing and magnetic parameters have been used to determine the evaluation indicators for groundwater occurrence under the ArcGIS environment. Groundwater occurrence is linked to structural porosity and permeability over the predominantly hard rock terrain, making magnetic data more relevant for locating groundwater potential zones in the research area. NE-SW and NW-SE trending magnetic breaks derived from reduction to pole map are found to be more significant for groundwater exploration. The lineaments rose diagram indicates the general trend of the fracture to be in the NE-SW direction. Assigned normalised criteria weights acquired using the AHP model was used to reclassify the thematic layers. As a result, the taluk’s low, moderate, and high potential zones cover 25.08%, 25.68% and 49.24% of the study area, respectively. The high potential zones exhibit characteristics favourable for groundwater infiltration and storage, with factors as gentle slope of <3°, high lineament densities, magnetic breaks, magnetic low zones as indicative of dykes and cracks, lithology as colluvial deposits and land surface with dense vegetation. The depth of the fracture zones was estimated using power spectrum and Euler Deconvolution method. The groundwater potential mapping results were validated using groundwater level data measured from the wells, which indicated that the groundwater potential zoning results are consistent with the data derived from the real world.  相似文献   

长白山玄武岩区地热异常区遥感识别   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用Landsat TM5遥感影像多光谱和热红外数据,对长白山玄武岩区地表温度场进行了反演。在此基础上,综合分析了研究区地表温度场、温泉和地热井分布特征、布格重力场及磁场4个因子,采用判别分析方法建立并验证了判别函数,对研究区地热异常区进行了识别。研究结果表明:研究区地表温度异常区主要分布在长白山天池火山口周围,此外,在区内3个中生代沉积盆地(抚松盆地、松江盆地和长白盆地)也有孤立状的高温区域分布,地表温度异常像素所占比例为2.993%;研究区潜在地热资源异常区可分为环长白山天池火山口区域、松江河—抚松县及二道白河—松江镇一带的抚松盆地和松江盆区、仙人桥地区以及长白县—十四道沟一带的长白盆地区,其中环长白山天池火山口区域地热潜在概率值均大于0.9,最大值达到1.0。该研究为地热异常区的识别提供了一条新的思路。  相似文献   

Groundwater, the most vital water resource being used for irrigation, domestic and industrial purposes is nowadays under severe threat of contamination. Groundwater contamination risk assessment is an effective tool for groundwater management. In the study, a DRASTIC model which is based on the seven hydrogeological parameters viz: depth of water, net-recharge, aquifer media, soil media, topography, impact of vadose zone and hydraulic conductivity was used to evaluate the groundwater pollution potentiality of upper Betwa watershed. ArcGIS was used to create the ground water vulnerability map by overlaying the seven layers. Based on groundwater vulnerability map, the watershed has been divided in three vulnerable zones viz; low vulnerability zone with 42.83 km2 of area, moderate with 369.21 km2 area and high having 270.96 km2 of area. Furthermore, the DRASTIC model has been validated by nitrate concentration over the area. Results of validation have shown that in low vulnerable zone, no nitrate contamination has been recorded. While in the moderate zone nitrate has been found in the range of 1.6-10ppm. However, in high vulnerable zone 11-40ppm of nitrate concentration in groundwater has been recorded, which proves that the DRASTIC model is applicable for the prediction of groundwater vulnerability in the watershed and in similar areas too.  相似文献   

With significant development since the beginning of the 21st century, hydrologic remote sensing becomes one of the most active disciplines in earth sciences, offering numerous opportunities and advances for watershed hydrology and other disciplines of geography. This commentary highlights the specialty and restriction of remote sensing for watershed hydrology on three aspects: watershed closure in water budget, watershed-scale effectiveness of hydrologic parameter retrievals, and watershed model inputs for data assimilation. The current challenges include rational watershed-scale validation, uncertainty control in retrievals, and error sources in data assimilation.  相似文献   

The groundwater recharge potentiality in Barind Tract in Rajshahi district, Northwest Bangladesh was studied based on Geographical Information System (GIS) and Remote Sensing technique. In this connection satellite images (Landsat 7 ETM and SPOT) and aerial photos were subjected to several treatment processes using softwares like ERDAS Imagine and ESRI’s Arc View. Thus various thematic maps have been prepared for drainage density, lineaments, lithology and land cover/use that allowed deciding their interactive effect. In the present study, the degree of effect was determined for each factor to assess the total groundwater recharge potentiality for two categories (moderate to low). The resultant map shows that 85% of the area has low, and rest has moderate groundwater recharge potentiality. Finally only 8.6% of the total average annual precipitated water (1685mm) percolates into subsurface and ultimately contributes to recharge the groundwater.  相似文献   

The valley of Kashmir is blessed with abundant water resources. However, high population growth and concentration of population at favorable locations have resulted in increased demand for water. The problem is further aggravated in Lidder catchment where unplanned tourism development has resulted in deterioration of water quality. Multi-Criteria Evaluation (MCE) approach is adopted using IRS P6 LISS III satellite data 2010, geological map published by Geological Survey of India, toposheets prepared by Survey of India, 1961 and field observation. Seven thematic layers (slope, lineament density, drainage density, soil, geology, geomorphology and land use land cover) are generated in GIS environment and weighted according to their relative relevance to groundwater occurrence. Knowledge-based weights and ranks are normalized, and a weighted linear combination technique is adopted to determine the groundwater potential (GWP). The catchment is divided into five zones of very high, high, medium, low and very low GWP. The results show that 50.22% of the total catchment area, which is uninhabited, has very low GWP. However, the densely populated southern part of the catchment has moderate to very high GWP. The study demonstrates that MCE using remote sensing and GIS technology could be efficiently employed as a very useful tool for the assessment and management of groundwater resources especially in regions where data is poor.  相似文献   

Spatial data were used to develop complex characteristics of a high-mountain karst. The numeric elaboration was conducted using the analytical capabilities of GIS software. Analysis was based on spatial data gained by elaborating aerial photography. The results were presented in map sets, as well as Geographic Information System format. The set of matched numerical methods used and the proposed algorithm for data analysis may be applied at other karst sites.  相似文献   

Big landslides are one of the main natural hazards in Kyrgyzstan, which are concentrated in the foothills of the high mountain ranges along the Eastern rim of the Fergana Basin. Because of the high number of landslides and their occurrence over large areas there is a strong need for effective and objective landslide hazard assessment at a regional scale. In Kyrgyzstan satellite remote sensing data represent the only source of multitemporal information about surface conditions covering large areas. Against this background the goal is the development of a satellite remote sensing and GIS-based system for quantitatively oriented and spatially differentiated hazard assessment. During the presented pilot investigations in the area of the Upper Maili Suu river basin a methodological framework has been developed incorporating remote sensing and GIS techniques for various levels of information extraction. So far, methodological investigations have been focused on the potential of satellite remote sensing data from different optical (Landsat-(E)TM, ASTER, MOMS-2P) and radar (ERS-1/2) systems for the creation of an improved knowledge basis for hazard assessment. This includes landslide identification, generation of topographic information and characterization of the geological setting. The derived primary information have been analyzed in a GIS environment to gain an improved process understanding as a main prerequisite for successful hazard assessment. The results show that currently available satellite remote sensing data are suitable for landslide investigation in Kyrgyzstan. Full exploitation of their information potential requires combined analysis with other thematic information based on methods of interactive and automated information extraction.  相似文献   

镇康芦子园地区遥感和GIS成矿预测示范研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
利用遥感及GIS技术,对云南省重要原矿化集中域-镇康芒子园地区进行成矿预测示范的方法研究,取得重要成果。在GIS平台下,充分利用遥感图像多功能处理成果及遥感地质解译数据,综合地物化遥信息,建立遥感地质成矿模型并类比外推,在芦子园地区进行成矿预测。经对预测靶区进行野外查证,不仅发现已有多个民采点存在,且可望近期会有找矿突破,充分说明遥感和GIS成矿预测的方法技术有效可行。  相似文献   

Due to uneven spatial and temporal distribution of rainfall and lack of sufficient water management technologies, the development activities of the society are totally depending on groundwater resources. In addition to the prevailing drought-prone conditions, the improperly treated and unplanned release of effluents of industry, municipal and domestic into the nearby streams and ponds and the majority usage of groundwater for irrigation are increasing the ionic concentration of the groundwater and making it more saline. The analytical results of the collected groundwater samples show that the groundwater is alkaline, and sodium and bicarbonate are the dominant cation and anion, respectively. Gibbs variation diagram shows that the control of the chemistry of groundwater in the study area is the weathering of granitic gneisses and also the leaching of evaporated and crystallized ions from the topsoil of the irrigated areas and improperly treated industrial effluent ponds. GIS, a potential tool for facilitating the generation and use of thematic information, has been applied and analyzed for identification of groundwater quality suitable zones for domestic and irrigation purposes. 30.06% of the area is with suitable, 67.45% of the area is with moderately suitable and 2.45% of the area is with unsuitable quality of groundwater for domestic purpose. 46% of the area is with suitable, 53.36% of the area is with moderately suitable and 0.64% of the area is with unsuitable quality of groundwater for irrigation purpose.  相似文献   

The purpose of this research is to evaluate the groundwater quality in Dindugal district of Tamil Nadu based on the water quality index by geographic information system (GIS) and statistical analysis. This area consists of 80 functional tanneries around Dindigul town with a capacity to process about 200 Mt of hides and skins as leather. In 13 villages, as many as 1090 houses were damaged by tannery contamination. A total of 66 groundwater samples were collected to identify the geochemical sources and contamination. The order of major cations is Na > Ca > Mg > K, while that of anions is Cl > SO4 > HCO3 > F > PO4. CaCl2, MgCl2, and (CaHCO3)2 types suggested that the mixing of high-salinity water was caused by irrigation return flow, domestic wastewater, and septic tank effluents, with existing water followed by ion exchange reactions. Moreover, Gibbs plots indicated that groundwater contamination was derived from the weathering of granitic gneisses as well as the leaching of evaporated and crystallized ions from agricultural and industrial effluents. The water quality index (WQI) exhibited 8 % of the groundwater samples were not suitable for drinking purpose. The GIS maps showed that the poor water quality decreased toward the southern part of the study area. WQI of TDS, fluoride, sodium, potassium, and bicarbonate were high in groundwater. Multivariate statistical analyses (principal component analysis (PCA), factor analysis (FA)) suggested that the groundwater chemistry was changed by the weathering of source rocks ion exchange and leaching of inorganic components and addition from anthropogenic effluents. Finally, it is thought that the monitoring and assessment works are very useful to understand the degree and sources of groundwater contamination.  相似文献   

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