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不同海表面温度对南海台风“杜鹃”的影响试验   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用水平分辨率0.25 °×0.25 °的日平均和周平均的卫星微波成像仪(TMI)和卫星微波辐射计(AMSRE)的海温资料(TMI-AMSRE SST)作为下强迫源,利用中尺度数值模式MM5对南海过境台风"杜鹃"进行了模拟.试验结果表明:台风中心附近SST的差异会导致大气风场的差异,从而使模式对SST有比较快速而且明显的响应;不同的SST对台风的强度和路径都有一定的影响,而对台风降水和台风中心附近潜热通量有明显的影响;不同SST对台风的影响主要是通过改变海-气潜热通量来实现的.  相似文献   

The comparison analyses between two tropical depressions in the South China Sea are completed by numerical ex-periments with a limited area model developed in Guangzhou Institute of Tropical and Oceanic Meteorology. One of thedepressions develops and finally becomes a typhoon within 24 hours of the analyzing period (defined as DVD hereafter),and the other not (defined as UNDVD) The analyses show that their initial structures of temperature, humidity, pres-sure. wind and stability are obviously different from each other. There are a very deep wet layer and a clear warm-coredstructure in the mid-lower troposphere in the depression area in the DVD case, but with the warm core in the upperrather than lower troposphere arid a very shallow wet layer in the lower troposphere in the depression area in theUNDVD case. The developing and non-developing processes are successfully simulated by the model, showing that theCISK mechanism plays the most important role in the development of SCSDs (Tropical Depressions in the South ChinaSea). Several numerical experiments show that the structures of humidity and temperature in the depression area haveimportant effect on the development of SCSDs. It is favourable to the development of SCSDs when a very deep wet layerexists in the mid-lower troposphere or a warm-cored structure exists in the mid-lower troposphere instead of in uppertroposphere, and conversely, it is unfavourable to the development of SCSDs when the wet layer is very shallow in thelower troposphere or the warm-cored structure is in the upper troposphere rather than in mid-lower troposphere. Thestructures of stability for each case are also analysed, which shows evident differences between the two cases, with adeeper instability layer in the DVD case and a shallower one in the UNDVD case. Finally, the sensitivity of the devel-opment of the SCSDs to the vertical structures of humidity and temperature in the depression area is discussed.  相似文献   

1984年南海夏季风经向环流强迫因子的诊断分析   总被引:4,自引:5,他引:4  
1985年5月广东省的中、南部和西南部出现较为严重的暴雨洪涝灾害。利用美国国家大气研究中心和宾西法尼亚州大学联合研制的中尺度模式(MM5)成功地模拟了该月的华南气候,并通过敏感性试验研究了南海海温异常增暖对华南天气气候的影响。结果表明,海面温度的异常增暖改变了海面与行星边界层大气之间的能量交换过程,即增加了由海面向上输送的潜热通量和感热通量,从而引起南海及其附近地区对流层下部的月平均气温升高,气柱不稳定度增大;并在对流层下(上)部产生一个附加的差值气旋(反气旋)性环流。大气环流结构的这些改变对1998年5月广东中南部和西南部的洪涝有重要的影响。  相似文献   

海底地形对南海海流、海面高度和海温影响的数值试验   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
利用美国普林斯顿入学海洋模式(POM)的南海版本(SCS-POM),研究了南海海底地形对南海海流、海面高度和海温的影响。共做了4个数值试验,分别包含陡峭(STP)、光滑(SMT)、平坦(PLT)和中间(MDT)4种地形。在真实的海岸线和1月气候个均风应力的共同强迫下,将模式积分360天,对所得结果进行了比较分析。结果表明,海底地形对海水质量输送和海温分布有重要的影响,对表层和次表层流以及海面自由高度的影响较小,它们的分布主要由海岸线和风应力次定。并对海气耦合模式中海洋模式的选择提出了看法。  相似文献   

利用2017年3月MICAPS资料、欧洲气象中心再分析ERA-Interim数据及在南海西北部海上的海雾观测数据,分析了南海西北部一次海上海雾的微物理特征和雾水化学特性,并将海上海雾与南海岸边海雾进行对比分析。结果表明:此次海雾为南海偏南暖气流移至冷海面发生冷却并达到饱和而形成。海雾过程中气压与气温变化趋势相反,相对湿度不断增加,雾滴数浓度、液态含水量和平均直径的平均值分别为198 cm-3、0.116 g/cm3和5.6 μm。相比广东湛江东海岛和广东茂名博贺地区岸边海雾个例,本次海上海雾水汽充足,雾滴偏大。本次海雾属于酸性海雾,pH值变化范围为2.51~3.50,海雾后的雨水样本pH值则为4.05。海雾发生初期电导率比其它阶段高很多,说明海雾发生的初始阶段雾水溶解了大量的气溶胶。海上雾水中Na+和Cl-浓度最高,浓度分别为32 535 μmol/L和53 466 μmol/L,K+浓度远高于Mg2+和Ca2+,而东海岛岸边海雾相反。   相似文献   

温度,盐度和风应力对南海海流模拟的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
用美国普林斯顿大学海洋模式(POM)对南中国海的年平均海流进行了数值模拟,对温盐结构和风应力在海流形成中的作用进行了较详细的讨论。结果表明,仅有温盐水平不均匀分布也可以驱动海水而生成南海海流,但此种海流的结构较乱,最大流速只有30~40cm·s-1。若温盐无水平结构,则在风应力驱动下,南海海流的结构较为有序,且最大流速可增至60~70cm·s-1。在温盐水平分布不均匀并有风应力的作用时,生成的南海海流与仅有风应力作用时的海流场较相似,说明在南海海流的形成中,风应力的作用更为重要。海面自由高度的分析也证明了上述结论。  相似文献   

By using the NCAR CCM1 model, we have designed six sensitive experiments, which areincreased and decreased SST (sea surface temperature) by 1℃ each in the SCS (South China Sea)and in the West Pacific warm pool, increased and decreased SST by 1℃ in the warm pool withincreased SST by 1℃ in the SCS. All experiments are integrated from April to July. Comparingwith the control experiment, we have analyzed the anomalies of the wind field at the upper andlower layers, the anomalies of the seasonal variability of the monsoon and precipitation for eachexperiment. In the result, we have found that the SST anomaly (SSTA) in the SCS greatly affectsthe seasonal variability of the SCS monsoon and precipitation in China, especially during the coldperiod of SST in the SCS. The impact of SSTA in the warm pool on SCS monsoon is also found.but is weak as compared to the effect of SST anomaly in the SCS. Besides, its impact on rainfall inChina is uncertain.  相似文献   

In this paper,the observational data from Marine and Meteorological Observation Platform(MMOP)at Bohe,Maoming and buoys located in Shanwei and Maoming are used to study the characteristics of air-sea temperature and specific humidity difference and the relationship between wind and wave with the tropical cyclones over the South China Sea(SCS).The heat and momentum fluxes from eddy covariance measurement(EC)are compared with these fluxes calculated by the COARE 3.0 algorithm for Typhoon Koppu.The results show that at the developing and weakening stages of Koppu,both these differences between the sea surface and the near-surface atmosphere from the MMOP are negative,and data from the buoys also indicate that the differences are negative between the sea surface and near-surface atmosphere on the right rear portion of tropical cyclones(TCs)Molave and Chanthu.However,the differences are positive on the left front portion of Molave and Chanthu.These positive differences suggest that the heat flux is transferred from the ocean to the atmosphere,thus intensifying and maintaining the two TCs.The negative differences indicate that the ocean removes heat fluxes from the atmosphere,thus weakening the TCs.The wind-wave curves of TCs Molave and Chanthu show that significant wave height increases linearly with 2-min wind speed at 10-m height when the wind speed is less than 25 m/s,but when the wind speed is greater than 25 m/s,the significant wave height increases slightly with the wind speed.By comparing the observed sensible heat,latent heat,and friction velocity from EC with these variables from COARE 3.0 algorithm,a great bias between the observed and calculated sensible heat and latent heat fluxes is revealed,and the observed friction velocity is found to be almost the same as the calculated friction velocity.  相似文献   

南海年际尺度海气相互作用的初探   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
本文分析了南海海洋大气系统短期气候变化中存在年际振荡的若干观测事实,提出了局地尺度南海海洋与低层大气相互作用的一种可能机制。针对南海表层水温距平和低层风场异常的相关,设计了一个类似与McCreary和Ander-son(1984)模型的简化海气耦合模式。大气部分为随下垫面海温变化而变化的异常风应力阶梯函数与季节性风场的联合;海洋部分为非线性β-平面的约化重力模式。考虑南海海洋大气相互作用中存在的海温与低层大气风场变化之间反馈过程,耦合模式在气候积分中表现出一类约3a的周期性年际振荡。说明这个区域SST、低层大气风场年际振荡是南海海盆尺度的海气相互作用的反映,改进了关于南海SST年际振荡是海洋对大气应力甚低频强迫响应的认识  相似文献   

利用云分辨天气研究和预报模式(CR-WRF)模拟在清洁大气和污染大气下,气溶胶的云凝结核作用对不同强度南海热带气旋(TC)的强度变化影响,对比分析了动力结构和微物理结构的变化。(1)在污染大气环境中,更多气溶胶能进入到弱TC内部云带区,并充当凝结核作用,TC内部各相态水凝物含量都有明显增多,释放潜热有利于TC内部的对流发展,弱TC中心海平面气压下降,强度加强。(2)在污染大气环境中,气溶胶主要影响强TC的外部螺旋云带区;外部云带区各相态水凝物增多,释放潜热有利于该处对流的发展;外部云带区对流与云墙区内对流形成竞争,导致入流减弱,云墙区内上升运动减弱,强TC中心海平面气压上升,强度减弱。  相似文献   

基于区域海洋模式ROMS构造了一套覆盖中国南海的40年(1980—2019年)温盐流数值产品OCEAN_SCS。OCEAN_SCS的变量包含了温度、盐度、流速、流向以及海表高度。OCEAN_SCS的水平空间分辨率为0.1°×0.1°,垂向分层40层(0~5 000 m),时间分辨率为1小时,包含潮汐信息。利用独立的观测资料对OCEAN_SCS进行了初步评估,评估对象包括温度、盐度、海表高度、海流、潮位和增水。在不包含资料同化的前提下,OCEAN_SCS的模拟精度达到了较高的水准。OCENA_SCS的构建将为南海海洋环境的研究提供数据支撑,并服务于南海海洋环境保障。  相似文献   

By using the NCAR CCM1 model, we have designed six sensitive experiments, which are increased and decreased SST(sea surface temperature) by 1℃ each in the SCS(South China Sea) and in the West Pacific warm pool, increased and decreased SST by 1℃ in the warm pool with increased SST by 1℃ in the SCS. All experiments are integrated from April to July. Comparing with the control experiment, we have analyzed the anomalies of the wind field at the upper and lower layers, the anomalies of the seasonal variability of the monsoon and precipitation for each experiment. In the result, we have found that the SST anomaly(SSTA) in the SCS greatly affects the seasonal variability of the SCS monsoon and precipitation in China, especially during the cold period of SST in the SCS. The impact of SSTA in the warm pool on SCS monsoon is also found.but is weak as compared to the effect of SST anomaly in the SCS. Besides, its impact on rainfall in China is uncertain.  相似文献   

阵风预报对于输电铁塔线路设计、风力发电、建筑和桥梁设计以及航空气象安全等至关重要。目前,基于不同观测资料和计算方法,学者们给出了不同的阵风或阵风因子参数化公式,没有公认的一致结果。利用中国气象局南海(博贺)海洋气象科学试验基地离岸4.5 km和6.5 km的两个海洋气象观测塔在2008—2018年七个台风期间观测的10 Hz高频湍流脉动数据,分析了观测高度、平均时间、下垫面特征和大气稳定度对阵风因子计算结果的影响,研究了近海海上台风过程中阵风因子与平均风速和湍流特征参数的关系。不同于以往研究给出阵风因子是常数,给出了阵风因子随10 m风速变化的计算公式,为阵风预报及相关防灾减灾提供参考依据。  相似文献   

南海北部海域气溶胶光学厚度研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
气溶胶光学厚度是大气校正所需要的重要参数.利用2006年9月7~30日中科院南海海洋研究所公开航次的多波段太阳光度计资料,得到了南海北部海域的气溶胶光学厚度.分析结果表明,南海北部海域气溶胶光学厚度在一天内的变化非常明显,最小值可达0.1(870 nm),最大值为0.9(440 nm),而日平均气溶胶光学厚度在0.2~0.6之间.结合同步观测气象数据,发现从陆地方向吹来的风,当风速达4 m/s,对气溶胶的光学厚度有非常明显的影响,而从大洋方向吹来的风,对气溶胶的光学厚度影响不明显.  相似文献   

Using 1975-1993 (with 1978 missing) data of the outgoing longwave radiation (OLR), characteristics of seasonal variation of low-frequency oscillations in the South China Sea and its relation to the establishment and activity of the summer monsoon there are studied. As is shown in the result, the low-frequency oscillation in the South China Sea is much stronger in the period of summer monsoon than in that of winter monsoon and the summer monsoon there usually begins to set up in a negative phase of the first significant low-frequency oscillation for the early summer. The study also reveals that the circulation for the low-frequency oscillation during the summer monsoon in the Sea is embodied as north-south fluctuations of the ITCZ and east-west shifts of western ridge point of the West Pacific subtropical high, suggesting close correlation between the low-frequency oscillation and the active and break (decay) of the South China Sea monsoon. In the meantime. the work illustrates how the low-frequency oscillation in the South China Sea are superimposed with the seasonal variation of the general circulation. so that the summer inonsoon covers the establishment of the Ist, intensification of the 2nd and 3rd the low-frequency oscillations and decay of the 4th oscillation.  相似文献   

This paper presents a study on the temporal and spatial variations of the precipitation over the area of the South China Sea (SCS) during the monsoon onset period. The data used are from the Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) observations between April and June over the nine years from 1998 to 2006. This study focuses on the central and northern part of South China Sea (110-120°E, 10-20°N). Based on the observations, the 27th pentad is selected as the occurrence time of the SCS monsoon onset. The conclusions are as follows. (1) After the monsoon onset, the specific area, defined as the ratio of the number of pixels with certain type of precipitation to the number of total pixels, extends significantly for both convective and stratiform rain, with the latter having a larger magnitude. The specific rainfall, defined as the ratio of the amount of certain type of precipitation to the total amount of precipitation, decreases for convective rain and increases for stratiform rain. (2) Results also show significant increase in heavy rain and decrease in light rain after the monsoon onset. (3) Changes are also observed in the rainfall horizontal distributions over the SCS before and after the monsoon onset, manifested by the relocation of precipitation minima for both convective and stratiform rain. (4) After the monsoon onset, the variability in characteristics of precipitation vertical structure increases significantly, leading to more latent heat release and consequently deeper convection. Meanwhile, the bright-band altitude of stratiform precipitation is also elevated.  相似文献   

海温及其变化对南海夏季风爆发的影响   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
毛江玉  谢安  宋焱云  叶谦 《气象学报》2000,58(5):556-569
文中利用 1 5a(1 982~ 1 996)的 NOAA射出长波辐射 (OLR)、NCEP/NCAR的风场和海表温度 (SST)再分析网格点资料研究了南海、太平洋和印度洋海温及其变化对南海夏季风爆发的影响。首先发现爆发时南海区域平均的海表温度高于 2 9℃。季风爆发的时间与南海南部SST年循环最高值出现的时间基本一致。冬春季海表增暖是环流场突变的基础。SST超前于低层西风和对流的增强而升高 ,从而造成季节性的大气条件不稳定增大。通过暖池移动过程 ,考察了南海夏季风爆发期间 SST场、风场和 OLR场的演变特征。季风环流的变化是对海表增温强迫的响应。最大暖水轴在 1 0°N出现有利于 ITCZ在南海建立。南海 -西太平洋增温时 ,具有很强的纬向不均匀性 ,而印度洋则比较均匀。南海深对流的爆发与 SST纬向梯度有关。南海夏季风爆发的年际变化与 SST异常有关系。季风爆发偏晚年和偏早年冬春季 SST正、负距平区的符号相反。偏晚年的 SSTA分布呈 El Nino型 ,偏早年的 SSTA分布如同 L aNina型。不同类型的 SST异常对季风环流的影响不同。在 El Nino型强迫下 ,西太平洋副热带高压比常年偏南、偏西 ,东风在南海维持的时间较长 ,赤道西风出现的时间晚 ,南海地区对流活动受到抑制 ,故南海季风爆发偏晚。反之 ,爆发偏早  相似文献   

南海夏季风的低频特征   总被引:16,自引:8,他引:16  
利用1975-1993年(其中1978年缺)的向外长波辐射(OLR)资料,分析了南海低频振荡的季节变化特征及其与南海夏季建立和活动的关系。结果表明:南海低频振荡在夏季期间比冬季风期间明显较强,南海夏季风一般在初夏第一个较强低频荡的负值位相开始建立;南海夏季风期间低频振荡的环流实体是ITCZ的南北振荡和西太平洋高压西脊点的东西摆动,低频振荡与现海季风的活跃和中断(或减弱)密度相关;南海低频振荡与大气  相似文献   

南海灾害性土台风统计分析   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
根据台风年鉴资料统计分析了南海热带气旋(指在南海海域生成的热带气旋、又称南海灾害性土台风、下面简称TC),TC数量逐年逐月变化较大,除3月没有TC出现外,其余月份均有TC出现,年生成最多的TC为11个,最少的为1个,年平均6.2个,月生成最多的TC为5个,最少的为零个。TC登陆最多的是8月,12月至翌年4月没有TC登陆中国大陆,登陆范围主要在汕头至海南岛之间。TC的持久期一般均在4—7天,最长亦有19天。南海上生成的TC只有15%能够加强为台风,均集中在水深超过150米的海域。南海是TC发生频繁、数量较多的海域。  相似文献   

利用小波变换(WT)对香港天文台飞机观测台风“妮妲”(1604)资料进行分析,研究在不稳定、不均匀的台风边界层中湍流涡旋的垂直传输作用。在0.1~5 Hz惯性子区内横风和顺风分量功率谱密度能较好符合-5/3幂律。小波分析显示:横风的小波功率谱峰值集中在1 km之下,顺风分量的小波功率谱峰值集中在1~6km之间;眼区动量通量的主要贡献尺度为2.3 km,眼区外主要贡献尺度在1~2 km,中低层为较小尺度(<1.0km);湍流功能(TKE)的生成尺度主要集中在4 km之下。这项研究定量描述了南海北部台风边界层各个区域湍流结构的差异特征,讨论了对台风边界层通量参数化的可能影响。  相似文献   

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