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A systematic investigation of13CD3OH infrared transitions around CO2 laser line emissions is performed by means of optoacoustic detection. Using a waveguide CO2 laser of 290 MHz tunability and, in some cases, an acoustooptic modulator to provide an extension of 180 MHz, 108 transitions are observed. Measurements of pump off-set and relative intensity have been performed. The data may be compared with those previously reported of high resolution Fourier Transform spectroscopy.  相似文献   


Laser Stark spectra have been observed for CD3OH and13CH3OH using the 311 μm line of the HCN laser. The spectra were taken for both parallel and perpendicular polarizations up to 60,000 Volts/cm. For CD3OH, the two characteristic structures in the spectra have been identified as the JK=144←133, A± doublet in the vt=0 torsional state. For13CH3OH, the low field structure observed is assigned as JK=153←142, A? in the vt=0 torsional state.


In this work we report the first observation of FIR laser lines from13CD3OH pumped by the13CO2 isotope laser. Using the same pump we have also found 3 new lines from12CD3OH. Tentative assignments for the absorption and emission transitions of the observed lines are also proposed.  相似文献   

27 new, large offset, FIR laser lines from13CH3OH and one from13CD3OH have been discovered by pumping with a high tunability waveguide CW CO2 laser. Optoacoustic measurements of isotopic methyl alcohol have also been performed and the pump offsets of the new and of previously known lines have been measured and checked. Frequency tunability by Stark effect has been observed for 6 strong lines. Some assignments are discussed.  相似文献   

We report the discovery of 57 new fir laser lines from13CD3OH molecule optically pumped by a waveguide CO2 laser of 300 MHz tunability. For all lines, precise frequency offset measurements between the CO2 line center and the center of the absorbing13CD3OH line were performed using the transferred Lamb-Dip technique. We have also measured directly the frequency of seven FIR laser lines by heterodyning with already known laser lines. We present a complete list of all known laser lines (134) and frequency measurements (24) for this molecule.  相似文献   

The high resolution laser Stark spectra of methanol and13C-substituted methanol have been studied up to Stark fields of about 60 000V/cm with the HCN and DCN lasers. Numerous families of absorption lines have been observed in both parallel and perpendicular polarizations. For methanol, the transitions J k =75 ← 64 A,υ t=0; J k =114 ← 103 E l ,υ t=0; and J k =173 ← 162 E2,υ t=0 have been identified while the assignments for13C-substituted methanol are J k =148 ← 157 A,υ t=0; J k =153 ← 142 A+,υ t=0; J k =107 ← 96 A,υ t=0; and J k =279 ← 278 E1,υ t=0. Zero-field frequencies for the assigned transitions are given with improved accuracy over those calculated from available molecular constants, especially for13CH3OH.  相似文献   

The microwave spectrum of CD3OH has been studied over the 8 to 58 GHz region, and numerousb-type transitions have been assigned. Many of these belong toP subbranches which descend to the microwave region from subband origins lying much higher in the far-infrared, pass through zero frequency, and return upward again. Others are members ofb-typeQ branches which extend across the region. As well, variousa-typeK-doublet lines arising as transitions directly across the split levels of asymmetry doublets have been identified.  相似文献   

An assignment is proposed for the strong 127.0 μm far-infrared (FIR) line of13CD3OH known to be pumped with very high efficiency by the 10P(8) CO2 laser line. On the basis of spectroscopic clues derived from calculated molecular parameters and energies for13CD3OH, the 127 μm line is identified as the (nτK,J)=(116,17)→(125, 16) transition, and its companion 462.8 μm line as the (116,17)→(116,16) transition. Proposed partial assignments and predictions are also discussed for a number of other FIR laser lines in13CD3OH, CD3OH, CD3OD, CH3OD, CH3OH and13CH3OH.  相似文献   

Fourteen new optically pumped far-infrared (FIR) laser lines in the range 46.8 μm to 172.6 μm were discovered in optically pumped CD3OH. The pump sources include both the CO2 laser and the N2O laser. Two theoretically predicted laser lines were observed in this study.  相似文献   

Six FIR laser lines from CD3OH pumped by the 10R(36) and the 10R(18) CO2 laser lines are assigned to specific rotational energy levels in the excited C?0 stretch state. It is found that their upper laser levels are shifted by a Fermi resonance between the C?0 stretch vibration and the third and forth harmonics of the torsional mode. The Fermi resonance shifts are +0.332 cm?1 and +2.251 cm?1 for the upper laser levels pumped by the 10R(36) and the 10R(18) CO2 laser lines, respectively. Calculated frequencies of the pump and the laser transitions agree with those of the pump CO2 laser lines and the observed FIR laser lines within estimated accuracy.  相似文献   

Continued study of the high-resolution Fourier transform spectroscopy (FTS) of the fundamental CO-stretching band of13CD3OH has given additional insight into the far-infrared (FIR) laser emission observed when this molecule is optically pumped by a CO2 laser. Eleven IR-pump/FIR-laser transition systems are considered. Seven represent completely new assignments, while four have been presented previously but are discussed further with reference to recently reported experimental data. Ten of the assignment schemes have been rigorously checked by forming closed combination loops, and accurate FIR laser wavenumbers have been obtained. The superiority in precision of the FIR laser wavenumbers determined from FTS combination loops over those from traditional wavelength measurements is demonstrated.  相似文献   

The Fourier transform far-infrared (FTFIR) spectrum of CD3OH has been obtained from 40–220 cm?1 at a resolution of 0.002 cm?1, and partially analyzed. Numerousb-type branches have been assigned in the spectrum, ranging over torsional states fromn=0 to 3. The branches have been fitted toJ(J+1) power-series energy expansions in order to obtainJ-independent branch origins. These in turn have been fitted to the torsion-rotation Hamiltonian, and improved molecular constants have been obtained for the ground vibrational state.  相似文献   

Twenty two laser frequencies, whose values range from 1.6 to 8.6 THz, have been measured for the first time using heterodyne techniques. These laser emissions were generated by an optically pumped molecular laser that used either CD3OH or CD3OD as its lasing medium. At least three of the observed laser emissions generated by CD3OH were discovered during this investigation and the first laser frequencies measured for CD3OH above 8 THz are reported. The laser frequencies were measured with fractional uncertainties up to ± 2 × 10?7, of sufficient accuracy to confirm two proposed far-infrared laser assignments. The offset frequency of the CO2 pump laser with respect to its center frequency was also measured for nearly all laser emissions generated by CD3OH.  相似文献   

The FIR power dependence on an applied electric field is carefully investigated for optically pumped lasers. The enhancement effect observed for many laser lines, both "orthogonal" and "parallel," is analyzed as a function of different parameters such as gas pressure, laser threshold, cavity tuning, and transitions selection rules. Measurements of the IR absorption of the gases are also carried out by a Stark optoacoustic technique. Absorption increases are observed at low electric field values. The experimental results disagree with the previously proposed linear Hanle effect explanation. They are explained with the increase in the pump saturation intensity, also detected with the transferred Lamb-dip technique. The combined effects of the absorption increase and of the small-signal gain curve decrease are shown to qualitatively explain the observed FIR enhancement features.  相似文献   

In this work we report laser action in 69 new FIR laser lines in CD3OH optically pumped by a regular cw CO2 laser. We have performed measurements of laser wavelength, optimum pressure of the gas, relative polarization and intensity on all lines, including some previously known.  相似文献   

We have used Fourier Transform spectral data on the C-O stretching mode of 13CD3OD in order to perform a vibro-rotational analysis for this molecule. We have estimated a few molecular parameters of the ground and C-O stretching vibrational modes. Based on these parameters, and by using the Kwan-Dennison model, we propose assignments for a number of far-infrared laser transitions of 13CD3OD.  相似文献   

Using output coupling by reststrahlen reflection from NaCl we have observed 14 new FIR lines in the wavelength range between 30 μm and 60 μm. Two of them have been identified as torsional n=1→0 transitions in the CO stretch vibration. Together with lines previously reported in the literature they are the basis for an identification of 41 FIR lines associated with torsionally excited states.  相似文献   

A theoretical study of energy level shift and field-induced tunneling in symmetric and asymmetric coupled quantum wells is presented. Energy level shift is calculated from the time-dependent Schrodinger equation using the inverse power method. The time evolution of an electron wavepackage is shown by the application of the time-development operator of the time-independent Schrodinger equation. Energy level shift in coupled quantum wells is found to be enhanced in comparison to single quantum wells. The energy level shift in coupled quantum wells is found to be nearly linear with the applied field. Oscillation frequencies for electrons in symmetric and asymmetric coupled quantum wells are evaluated versus the applied field and compared to semiclassical prediction. Tunneling lifetimes in symmetric and asymmetric coupled quantum wells are evaluated versus the applied field  相似文献   

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