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李晓波  刘继顺 《黄金》2004,25(1):8-10
小秦岭地区是我国重要的黄金产地。本文在分析大湖金矿床的矿化垂向分带规律的基础上,探讨了小秦岭地区金矿化的垂向分带规律。研究表明,小秦岭金矿田的金矿化从浅部到深部的变化规律为:Ⅰ Ⅱ Ⅲ阶段-Ⅰ Ⅱ阶段-Ⅰ阶段—构造蚀变岩型矿化(图2)。  相似文献   

介绍了国内某电炉车间内噪声治理情况,该电炉引进了国外先进的噪声控制技术,但实际噪声值无法达到设计要求,且超出国家标准。系统研究了满足设计要求情况下的噪声分布情况,即设计噪声值,对比实际噪声分布情况,分析施工过程中可能存在的问题,总结电炉炼钢车间内噪声控制的有效措施。  相似文献   

分布式驱动电动汽车特殊的布置形式在提高汽车操纵稳定性方面具有令人瞩目的潜力。垂向系统动力学强调平顺性,通过系统动力学的分析,考虑到车轮外倾角,主销后倾角,转向轴线内倾角,车轮摆动角等因素的影响,建立了二自由度汽车垂向模型的数学推导公式,本课题针对分布式驱动电动汽车垂向系统动力学建模进行分析。  相似文献   

目前MgO在烧结矿中研究大多在烧结工艺层面,即MgO对烧结矿冶金性能的影响,但对于烧结过程来说,研究的还比较少,特别是不同烧结条件下MgO在烧结矿中的分布规律还没有系统的介绍。通过烧结实验和X射线衍射,系统分析了MgO在不同碱度、不同温度、不同Al2O3含量等条件在烧结矿中的分布规律,为合理的烧结配矿提供理论依据。  相似文献   

针对平原地区下垫面多样性的特点,将天津北三河地区下垫面划分为水面、农业用地和城镇建设用地3类,分别采用不同的产流模型.由于北三河地区农业用地主要为旱地,普遍存在犁底层;因此将非饱和带分为耕作层、犁底层和基础层3部分,分别采用蓄满产流、层间超渗产流和蓄满产流耦合产流模式,并考虑犁底层中大孔隙的存在对产流的影响.用北三河第9产流分区1966、1971、1974、1975、1976年资料建立产流模型,用1 977年和1982年资料进行检验,合格率达85.7%.应用结果表明,该模型符合实际情况,可以反映北三河地区的水文特点,为平原地区水文分析提供参考.  相似文献   

锌在高炉内的还原和分布规律研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
薛立基 《钢铁钒钛》1991,12(3):36-42
实验室实验研究表明,氧化锌用CO还原时的开始温度为420~450℃,还原剧烈的起始温度就是锌的沸点温度。在高炉中,该反应主要在炉身下部和炉腰进行,即900~1100℃反应剧烈进行。但还原早在炉身中部(670~730℃)就已开始,以直接还原为主。该还原过程符合未反应核模型理论,但传热速率对还原过程的影响更为重要,类同化学气化反应,还原后的气态锌在凝聚过程中发生再氧化反应,因而在高炉内形成锌循环和锌瘤。改变操作因素可调整循环量和锌瘤位置。锌害目前无法根治,但通过可控因素能减少其害。  相似文献   

运用ANSYS中的谐响应分析模块,分别研究两台轧机主传动系统扭振激励下对垂直系统振动的影响,通过分析所获得的频率-位移曲线得知,不同的轧机具有不同的响应特性,为轧机动力学设计提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

以40块思茅松幼、中龄人工林样地资料为依据,利用正态分布和Weibull分布密度函数对林分的直径分布进行拟合.卡方检验表明,正态分布的适合率为95.0%,Weibull分布的适合率为97.5%;Weibull分布、正态分布都可以用来描述思茅松幼、中龄林林分直径分布.林木竞争、分化激烈的林分,用Weibull分布来描述其林分直径分布较正态分布适合;而竞争、分化不太剧烈的林分,尤其是自疏开始前的幼龄林,用正态分布来描述其林分直径分布较Weibull分布适合.  相似文献   

高斯模式在株洲市城区SO2分布规律研究中的应用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
利用高斯大气扩散模式研究了以高架点源为主的株洲市城区SO2的分布规律,并且绘出城区SO2年日均等浓度曲线图,直观地显示出株洲市城区SO2分布规律和特点,模式计算的浓度与实测浓度之间的相关性检验表明,在高架点源为主的株洲市城区高斯模式能较好地体现出SO2的分布规律。  相似文献   

CSP轧机振动问题是世界范围内轧制领域的重大难题之一。使用快速反应遥测系统对轧机进行了振动综合测试,捕捉到了振动的特征及规律。利用ANSYS的谐响应分析模块及瞬态分析模块对轧机进行了仿真研究,确定了垂振对水平振动的影响,得出了有益的结论。  相似文献   

城市交通发展的趋势   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
概述当前城市交通存在的问题以及应采取的措施,提出做好交通规划、科学交通管理、发展综合交通是城市交通发展的趋势。  相似文献   

研究城市土壤氡浓度分布特征和健康风险评价,填补城市地质调查放射性领域空白,为城市开发建设提供基础数据。运用GIS分析技术,将研究区划分为特定区域型、线型和区域型三种调查尺度,应用地累积指数法、内梅罗指数法和潜在生态危害指数法进行了土壤氡风险评价。结果表明:1)用地累积指数、内梅罗指数、潜在生态危害指数测算健康风险,全区污染等级和污染指数分别为清洁(-0.287)、轻度污染(2.585)和生态危害高(103.42),各尺度调查对象土壤氡污染程度排序为:全区地质体>全区>秋长构造>沙田构造>秋长社区空地;2)地累积指数、内梅罗指数和潜在生态危害指数测算不同调查尺度的土壤氡健康风险水平基本一致,可作为土壤氡健康风险评价较有效方法。  相似文献   

城市快速路交通设计理念浅析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
基于城市快速路的功能定位和交通特点,对快速路辅路及出入口设置、立交设计、公交与行人系统布局、交通监控与管理等方面的设计理念进行探讨。  相似文献   

Recent studies have demonstrated that the annual rates of consumer battery litter on urban pavements can be as high as 215 batteries per hectare of pavement and 0.4 batteries per meter of curb. As littered batteries deteriorate, they release components of potential environmental significance (Ag, Ba, Cd, Cr, Cu, Hg, Li, Mn, Na, Ni, Pb, Ti, Zn) and add to urban storm water contamination. However, consumer batteries come in many sizes, brands, and power chemistries, all of which may deteriorate at different rates in response to hostile physical and chemical conditions. The work presented here examines the impact of tire load cycles on battery litter. Tests were conducted on 735 individual cells representing 42 brands of AAA, AA, C, and D cell batteries. Results indicate that there are significant differences in the deterioration properties of battery brands and power chemistry types. Alkaline batteries are most resistant to deformation under tire loading. Nearly 50% survive their first tire load and about 30% survive 100 tire load cycles without rupturing. Zinc chloride/zinc carbon (ZnCl/ZnC) batteries are less resistant to deformation. Only approximately 10% survive their first load cycle unruptured. Cell size appears to have little influence on traffic-induced rupture. Based on general battery litter profiles, mass loading calculations for moderate traffic areas should assume that 70% of littered cells have experienced rupture release. This estimate should be increased to 85% for heavy traffic areas. These estimates may be refined if more detail is available on the brand and type distribution of site battery litter.  相似文献   

KMLS型立式砂泵的振动噪声产生原因及解决措施   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
李涌 《云南冶金》2004,33(5):57-58
针对KMLS型立式砂泵振动、噪声产生原因及其表现特征,提出了解决措施。通过对这些原因的分析研究,可以提供泵设计者和生产者在减少砂泵振动方面采取相应的措施,使KMLS型立式砂泵能更好的服务于用户。  相似文献   

介绍了隧道窑内压力平衡机制,推导出隧道窑内压力分布函数,提出了全新的隧道窑压力平衡系统的设计方法,解决了隧道窑炉气窜漏的问题。  相似文献   

Rainfall-runoff quantity and quality relationships are impacted by both the built environment in particular “impervious” paved surfaces and anthropogenic activities such as traffic. Through the capture, analysis, and modeling of eleven discrete rainfall-runoff events, the impacts of the paved urban surface and traffic were examined with respect to the temporal delivery of storm water runoff quantity. A kinematic wave model accurately captured the significant aspects of typical urban runoff events such as time to peak, total volume of flow and peak discharge from a 300-m2 paved surface subject to traffic. Abstractions associated with traffic, represented as the volume-based runoff coefficient, were estimated based on the relationship between runoff and vehicular traffic. It was found that for high intensity storms, with less than 10 vehicles/L of runoff volume (VRV), the runoff coefficient asymptotically approached a maximum value between 0.6 and 0.9. For low intensity storms, with more than 10 vehicles/L (as VRV), the runoff coefficient asymptotically approached a lower maximum value between 0.2 and 0.4. The kinematic wave theory also gave predictions of the time of concentration that were more accurate than other, more common methods currently in use including those by the FAA and the Soil Conservation Service. Prediction of the rainfall-runoff process impacted by the built environment and traffic permits determination of urban pavement hydrographs to determine the unsteady loadings of in situ treatment strategies under a variety of storm conditions. Such unsteady loadings are necessary inputs for selection, design and analyses of in situ storm water unit operations and processes that are developing for the control of both urban runoff quantity and quality.  相似文献   

A vertical drain radial consolidation equation based on a parabolic reduction in permeability toward the drain is presented. The proposed equation, based on Hansbo’s equal strain theory, is compared with settlement data from a laboratory test in a large scale consolidometer.  相似文献   

介绍了国内外几种类型的城市轨道交通联络线的配线,结合上海轨道交通M3和M4线宝山路接轨站和广州轨道交通3号线干支线体育西路接轨站的配线分析,就联络线设置方案的优化配置进行了探讨。  相似文献   

江西樟东坑钨钼矿床“上钨下钼”垂向分带规律浅析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
江西大余樟东坑钨钼矿属外接触带石英单脉型矿床,含矿石英脉具"上钨下钼"垂向矿化分带规律,近年在矿区深部发现蚀变花岗岩钼(钨)矿化,矿床呈现"上脉下体、上钨下钼"成矿构式。初步分析认为,这一成矿构式是区域构造应力与成矿花岗岩演化耦合的结果,隐伏花岗岩侵位高度是影响石英脉垂向矿化分带的主导要素,蚀变岩脉是矿区花岗岩型钼(钨)矿找矿标志和突破方向。  相似文献   

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