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罗兰C系统受原子钟以及经典无线电信号测量精度的影响,难以为用户提供高精度授时.提出了一种基于杂化微波-光纠缠的罗兰C系统授时方案,通过腔电光力转换器制备纠缠微波-光信号,并利用纠缠信号的二阶相干函数得到信号传播时间,根据授时时序关系修正用户本地钟时刻并完成授时.仿真分析了腔电光力转换器的参数对授时精度的影响.所提方案在理论上实现了对罗兰C系统授时精度的提高,在抗压制干扰、欺骗干扰等方面都具有一定优势.  相似文献   

苗强  李响  吴德伟  罗均文  魏天丽  朱浩男 《物理学报》2019,68(7):70302-070302
量子微波信号既保留了经典微波信号的空间远距离传播能力,又具有非经典的量子特性,为微波频段量子通信、量子导航及量子雷达等基于大尺度动态空间环境无线传输的量子信息技术提供了可资利用的重要信号源.按照腔量子电动力学系统、超导电路量子电动力学系统和腔–光(电)–力学系统三大类型实验平台,归纳、分析了微波单光子、纠缠微波光子以及压缩微波场和纠缠微波场的产生原理、方法和相关典型实验的进展,并探讨了非经典微波场在量子导航等自由空间传输系统应用中需重点解决的若干关键问题.  相似文献   

混合腔光力系统同时包含一次和二次光力相互作用。本文研究了混合腔光力系统中的双光子散射问题。在Wigner-Weisskopf框架下,通过求解散射过程,获得了混合腔光力系统散射态的解析表达式,揭示了双光子散射的4个物理过程:1)双光子均被直接反射,不进入腔中;2)一个光子被直接反射,另一个光子入射进腔中;3)两个光子按次序先后入射进腔中,但腔中最多只有一个光子;4)两个光子均入射进腔中。通过分析双光子散射谱,发现在该散射过程中可以产生双光子频率反关联,并且发现了混合腔光力系统中的参数与双光子散射谱特性之间的联系。该研究不仅提供了一种产生关联光子对的散射方法,而且提出了一种表征光力系统参数的光谱方法。  相似文献   

纠缠相干态及其非经典特性   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
夏云杰  高德营 《物理学报》2007,56(7):3703-3708
通过引入正交基矢,连续变量形式的纠缠相干态转化成分立形式,然后用concurrence方法计算了纠缠度,同时研究了其非经典效应(压缩效应,反聚束效应).发现纠缠总是伴随着压缩效应和反聚束效应两者之一,并随相应非经典效应的增大而增大. 关键词: 纠缠 非经典效应 concurrence  相似文献   

张秀龙  鲍倩倩  杨明珠  田雪松 《物理学报》2018,67(10):104203-104203
腔光力学系统中的光辐射压力可以使系统中的各个子系统之间产生量子纠缠,最近在腔光力学系统中的量子纠缠引起了人们广泛的关注.本文研究了双腔光力系统中关于输出光场之间纠缠的性质,发现:此系统中力学振子的弛豫速率和滤波器带宽以及非相等耦合对输出光场之间纠缠的大小有着非常显著的影响,特别是在相等耦合条件下,输出光场中心频率与光腔本征频率近共振时,滤波器带宽对输出光场纠缠有着显著的抑制作用;但是如果采用非相等耦合,则可以有效抵制滤波器带宽对纠缠的抑制作用,使输出光场纠缠得到大幅提高.研究结果可应用在光力耦合系统中实现量子态转换、量子隐形传态等量子信息处理过程.  相似文献   

肖佳  徐大海  伊珍  谷文举 《物理学报》2016,65(12):124202-124202
本文主要研究了利用传输矩阵理论和共振透射条件详细地推导光腔中均匀放置三个机械薄膜构成的腔光力系统中系统本征模式随机械运动的色散关系.计算结果发现系统的光学本征模式由一组四个的本征能级构成,且不同的能级随不同的机械运动模式的变化曲线各不相同,进而导致不同光学模式与不同机械运动模式之间的耦合也不相同.此外,利用微扰理论求解了当机械运动振幅远小于腔模波长、机械振子处于平衡位置附近时,各种光学模式与不同机械振动模式间相互作用耦合强度的解析表达式.研究结果能够为理论和实验上研究多模腔光力系统提供一定的参考.  相似文献   

机械振子的冷却是腔光力学研究的重要方向之一。计算光力噪声谱和稳态的最终声子数,对基于耦合光学参量放大器(OPA)的双拉盖尔-高斯腔光力系统中的腔内压缩冷却问题进行研究。在弱耦合条件下,利用微扰近似理论方法得出系统的光力噪声谱,基于费米黄金法则的理论计算出稳态下的最终声子数的解析表达式。利用入射泵浦光驱动腔场内耦合的OPA,使腔场内形成强烈的非线性压缩效应,量子反作用加热过程得到有效抑制,系统净冷却率得到显著提高。此外,讨论了其他系统参数对机械振子冷却的影响。最后研究了系统的稳态声子数,声子数可以在较大参数范围内小于1。该方案能有效地降低机械振子的冷却极限。  相似文献   

张晓燕  王继锁 《物理学报》2011,60(9):90304-090304
研究相空间中对称的纠缠相干态, 通过引入正交基矢, 利用concurrence方法计算了纠缠度, 研究了它们的单、双模压缩以及反聚束效应. 数值计算表明, 相空间中对称的纠缠相干态与非经典效应之间存在着密切的联系. 关键词: 纠缠相干态 concurrence 非经典效应  相似文献   

利用腔场与可移动镜子的作用制备两种非经典态   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
吴龙泉  李洪才 《光子学报》2003,32(1):109-111
描述了在腔场与可移动镜子相互作用系统中,适当选择作用时间,可以制备单模腔场与镜子的纠缠态,或腔场的薛定谔猫态;通过调节腔场的长度、圆频率,以及镜子的质量、振动频率等宏观物理量,可以获得不同的量子态.  相似文献   

潘庆  王海  张云  苏红  谢常德  彭墀  于正刚  路庆明 《物理学报》1998,47(10):1625-1631
由α-切割KTP晶体组成的半整块非简并光学参量振荡腔,以倍频Nd:YAP激光器作抽运源,可在不同运转条件下获得两类非经典光场.低于振荡阈值,该系统输出最大压缩度为3.7dB的双模正交压缩真空态;高于阈值,产生强度差压缩度为7dB的量子相关孪生光子对.系统能在锁定状态下持续稳定运转半小时以上. 关键词:  相似文献   

We propose a scheme to suppress the laser phase noise without increasing the optomechanical single-photon coupling strength.In the scheme,the parametric amplification terms,created by Kerr and Duffing nonlinearities,can restrain laser phase noise and strengthen the effective optomechanical coupling,respectively.Interestingly,decreasing laser phase noise leads to increasing thermal noise,which is inhibited by bringing in a broadband-squeezed vacuum environment.To reflect the superiority of the scheme,we simulate quantum memory and stationary optomechanical entanglement as examples,and the corresponding numerical results demonstrate that the laser phase noise is extremely suppressed.Our method can pave the way for studying other quantum phenomena.  相似文献   

Teleportation of atomic entangled states with a thermal cavity   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
郑小娟  方卯发  蔡建武  廖湘萍 《中国物理》2006,15(12):2840-2846
We propose a most simple and experimentally feasible scheme for teleporting unknown atomic entangled states in driven cavity quantum electrodynamics (QED). In our scheme, the joint Bell-state measurement (BSM) is not required, and the successful probability can reach 1.0. Furthermore, the scheme is insensitive to the cavity decay and the thermal field.  相似文献   

Yuan-Yuan Liu 《中国物理 B》2022,31(9):94203-094203
We investigate the quantum entanglement in a double-cavity optomechanical system consisting of an optomechanical cavity and an auxiliary cavity, where the optomechanical cavity mode couples with the mechanical mode via radiation-pressure interaction, and simultaneously couples with the auxiliary cavity mode via nonreciprocal coupling. We study the entanglement between the mechanical oscillator and the cavity modes when the two cavities are reciprocally or nonreciprocally coupled. The logarithmic negativity $E_{n}^{(1)}$ ($E_{n}^{(2)}$) is adopted to describe the entanglement degree between the mechanical mode and the optomechanical cavity mode (the auxiliary cavity mode). We find that both $E_{n}^{(1)}$ and $E_{n}^{(2)}$ have maximum values in the case of reciprocal coupling. By using nonreciprocal coupling, $E_{n}^{(1)}$ and $E_{n}^{(2)}$ can exceed those maximum values, and a wider detuning region where the entanglement exists can be obtained. Moreover, the entanglement robustness with respect to the environment temperature is also effectively enhanced.  相似文献   

刘佳丽  施荣华  石金晶  吕格莉  郭迎 《中国物理 B》2016,25(8):80306-080306
A novel quantum dual signature scheme, which combines two signed messages expected to be sent to two diverse receivers Bob and Charlie, is designed by applying entanglement swapping with coherent states. The signatory Alice signs two different messages with unitary operations(corresponding to the secret keys) and applies entanglement swapping to generate a quantum dual signature. The dual signature is firstly sent to the verifier Bob who extracts and verifies the signature of one message and transmits the rest of the dual signature to the verifier Charlie who verifies the signature of the other message. The transmission of the dual signature is realized with quantum teleportation of coherent states. The analysis shows that the security of secret keys and the security criteria of the signature protocol can be greatly guaranteed.An extensional multi-party quantum dual signature scheme which considers the case with more than three participants is also proposed in this paper and this scheme can remain secure. The proposed schemes are completely suited for the quantum communication network including multiple participants and can be applied to the e-commerce system which requires a secure payment among the customer, business and bank.  相似文献   

We study theoretically the generation of strong entanglement of two mechanical oscillators in an unresolved-sideband optomechanical cavity, using a reservoir engineering approach. In our proposal, the effect of unwanted counter-rotating terms is suppressed via destructive quantum interference by the optical field of two auxiliary cavities. For arbitrary values of the optomechanical interaction, the entanglement is obtained numerically. In the weak-coupling regime, we derive an analytical expression for the entanglement of the two mechanical oscillators based on an effective master equation, and obtain the optimal parameters to achieve strong entanglement. Our analytical results are in accord with numerical simulations.  相似文献   

N个热囚禁离子的GHZ态的制备   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
我们提出了一个简单的方法产生N个囚禁离子的GHZ态.在这个方法中,初始时处于相同态的N个两能级离子被囚禁在一个线性阱中,同时被两束均匀的经典激光照射.这个方法对振动模的加热不敏感,从退相干的观点来看这点很重要.  相似文献   

赵加强  曹连振  王晓芹  逯怀新 《物理学报》2012,61(17):170301-170301
实验研究了Bell不等式、Mermin不等式和Svetlichny不等式在GHZ态中对定域实在论结果的破坏. 采用目标态密度矩阵的方法给出了实验制备的GHZ态的保真度, 得到了三个不等式在GHZ态中的测量值. 实验结果表明, 三个Bell型不等式在同一个状态下对定域实在论结果破坏程度不同, 在量子密钥分配中可以选择合适的非定域性描述方式考察所用信道的安全性.  相似文献   

Bell态原子与双模纠缠相干光场相互作用的纠缠特性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
运用Negativity熵研究了Bell态原子与双模纠缠相干光场相互作用系统中两个全同二能级原子之间的纠缠演化特性.分析了光场强度、光场纠缠度及原子间相互作用强度对纠缠的影响.结果表明:原子处于|β11〉时,两原子始终处于最大纠缠态;原子处于|β00〉时,初始纠缠的两原子始终较长时间处于退纠缠状态;原子处在|β10〉时,增大双模光场的平均光子数可以明显增大两原子之间的纠缠度并保持较大的纠缠状态;原子初态处在|β01〉时,原子间的相互作用强度对双原子间纠缠度有较显著的非线性调制作用.  相似文献   

Heng-Mei Li 《中国物理 B》2023,32(1):14202-014202
A scheme is proposed to investigate the non-classical states generated by a quantum scissors device (QSD) operating on the the cavity mode of an optomechanical system. When the catalytic QSD acts on the cavity mode of the optomechanical system, the resulting state contains only the vacuum, single-photon and two-photon states depending upon the coupling parameter of the optomechanical system as well as the transmission coefficients of beam splitters (BSs). Especially, the output state is just a class of multicomponent cat state truncations at time t=2π by choosing the appropriate value of coupling parameter. We discuss the success probability of such a state and the fidelity between the output state and input state via QSD. Then the linear entropy is used to investigate the entanglement between the two subsystems, finding that QSD operation can enhance their entanglement degree. Furthermore, we also derive the analytical expression of the Wigner function (WF) for the cavity mode via QSD and numerically analyze the WF distribution in phase space at time t=2π. These results show that the high non-classicality of output state can always be achieved by modulating the coupling parameter of the optomechanical system as well as the transmittance of BSs.  相似文献   

By considering a 3-mode optomechanical system formed by two cavities interacting with a common mechanical mode, we demonstrate that phonon-counting measurements lead to a significant enhancement of entanglement in the output of the two cavities. This conclusion still holds for an inefficient detector, but the dependence on system parameters changes qualitatively from the ideal limit of perfect projective measurements. We find non-trivial optimal points for the entanglement as functions of detector efficiency, measurement outcome, and optical drive strengths. We characterize both the highest achievable entanglement as well as a ‘typical' value, obtained at the most likely measurement outcome. Numerical results are well understood within an approximate analytical approach based on perturbation theory around the ideal detector limit.  相似文献   

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