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Ancient DNA (aDNA) sequences, especially those of human origin, are notoriously difficult to analyze due to molecular damage and exogenous DNA contamination. Relatively few systematic studies have focused on this problem. Here we investigate the extent and origin of human DNA contamination in the most frequently used sources for aDNA studies, that is, bones and teeth from museum collections. To distinguish contaminant DNA from authentic DNA we extracted DNA from dog (Canis familiaris) specimens. We monitored the presence of a 148-bp human-specific and a 152-bp dog-specific mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) fragment in DNA extracts as well as in negative controls. The total number of human and dog template molecules were quantified using real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR), and the sequences were characterized by amplicon cloning and sequencing. Although standard precautions to avoid contamination were taken, we found that all samples from the 29 dog specimens contained human DNA, often at levels exceeding the amount of authentic ancient dog DNA. The level of contaminating human DNA was also significantly higher in the dog extracts than in the negative controls, and an experimental setup indicated that this was not caused by the carrier effect. This suggests that the contaminating human DNA mainly originated from the dog bones rather than from laboratory procedures. When cloned, fragments within a contaminated PCR product generally displayed several different sequences, although one haplotype was often found in majority. This leads us to believe that recognized criteria for authenticating aDNA cannot separate contamination from ancient human DNA the way they are presently used.  相似文献   

Authentication of ancient human DNA results is an exceedingly difficult challenge due to the presence of modern contaminant DNA sequences. Nevertheless, the field of ancient human genetics generates huge scientific and public interest, and thus researchers are rarely discouraged by problems concerning the authenticity of such data. Although several methods have been developed to the purpose of authenticating ancient DNA (aDNA) results, while they are useful in faunal research, most of the methods have proven complicated to apply to ancient human DNA. Here, we investigate in detail the reliability of one of the proposed criteria, that of appropriate molecular behavior. Using real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and pyrosequencing, we have quantified the relative levels of authentic aDNA and contaminant human DNA sequences recovered from archaeological dog and cattle remains. In doing so, we also produce data that describes the efficiency of bleach incubation of bone powder and its relative detrimental effects on contaminant and authentic ancient DNA. We note that bleach treatment is significantly more detrimental to contaminant than to authentic aDNA in the bleached bone powder. Furthermore, we find that there is a substantial increase in the relative proportions of authentic DNA to contaminant DNA as the PCR target fragment size is decreased. We therefore conclude that the degradation pattern in aDNA provides a quantifiable difference between authentic aDNA and modern contamination. This asymmetrical behavior of authentic and contaminant DNA can be used to identify authentic haplotypes in human aDNA studies.  相似文献   

High‐capacity sequencing technologies have dramatically reduced both the cost and time required to generate complete human genome sequences. Besides expanding our knowledge about existing diversity, the nature of these technologies makes it possible to extend knowledge in yet another dimension: time. Recently, the complete genome sequence of a 4,000‐year‐old human from the Saqqaq culture of Greenland was determined to 20‐fold coverage. These data make it possible to investigate the population affinities of this enigmatic culture and, by identifying several phenotypic traits of this individual, provide a limited glimpse into how these people may have looked. While undoubtedly a milestone in ancient DNA research, the cost to generate an ancient genome, even from such an exceptionally preserved specimen, remains out of reach for most. Nonetheless, recently developed DNA capture methods, already applied to Neanderthal and fossil human mitochondrial DNA, may soon make large‐scale genome‐wide analysis of ancient human diversity a reality, providing a fresh look at human population history.  相似文献   

The ability to retrieve DNA from ancient specimens has been one of the greatest achievements of the past decade, and has opened a totally new field of research with applications in seemingly distant domains such as archeobotany, the molecular phylogeny of extinct genomes, human paleopathology and the genetic of ancient human populations. However, extraction of ancient DNA has often a very low rate of success, prompting researchers to develop screening methods for the selection of promising specimens. With this goal in mind, we studied the amino acid content of nine human bones of ancient origin. We demonstrate that a single HPLC chromatogram is indicative of the integrity of ancient bone proteins. Among five specimens containing amplifiable DNA, four exhibited a protein content similar to that of contemporary bone protein content. Three of the four specimens, from which we were unable to extract any amplifiable DNA, had an amino acid content strikingly different from that of contem-porary bone. A non-parametric statistical test, Kendall's tau, was used to show that protein content and PCR products, are probably correlated (at a 95% confidence level). In addition, the D/L Asp and D/L Glu racemization ratios obtained are indicative of the presence of ancient organic compounds. We propose that protein analysis should be systematically performed in studies where there are many samples in order to select the specimens that are most likely to contain retrievable ancient DNA.  相似文献   

Recent advances in high‐thoughput DNA sequencing have made genome‐scale analyses of genomes of extinct organisms possible. With these new opportunities come new difficulties in assessing the authenticity of the DNA sequences retrieved. We discuss how these difficulties can be addressed, particularly with regard to analyses of the Neandertal genome. We argue that only direct assays of DNA sequence positions in which Neandertals differ from all contemporary humans can serve as a reliable means to estimate human contamination. Indirect measures, such as the extent of DNA fragmentation, nucleotide misincorporations, or comparison of derived allele frequencies in different fragment size classes, are unreliable. Fortunately, interim approaches based on mtDNA differences between Neandertals and current humans, detection of male contamination through Y chromosomal sequences, and repeated sequencing from the same fossil to detect autosomal contamination allow initial large‐scale sequencing of Neandertal genomes. This will result in the discovery of fixed differences in the nuclear genome between Neandertals and current humans that can serve as future direct assays for contamination. For analyses of other fossil hominins, which may become possible in the future, we suggest a similar ‘boot‐strap’ approach in which interim approaches are applied until sufficient data for more definitive direct assays are acquired.  相似文献   

Studies using archived scales and otoliths to examine ancient fish populations have become increasingly common, despite many methodological challenges in ancient DNA research. Here, we describe a case of DNA contamination in both modern and historical samples of Pacific herring (Clupea pallasii), where the source of the contamination is likely from milt spillage during collection. We describe a series of experiments to remove contamination using pre-extraction wash treatments. Though contamination was easily removed from contemporary fin clippings, no method was successful at removing contamination from historical scales. We discuss the implications of our findings to the genetic analysis of archived samples.  相似文献   

古代生物遗迹中DNA的PCR分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
杨永杰 《生命科学》2000,12(1):18-20
古代生物遗迹中DNA所反映出的遗传信息正成为古生物学家研究生物进化的越来越重要的资料,而PCR则是揭示古DNA遗传信息的最简便和重要的方法。本文评述了古DNA进行PCR分析的有关方法、存在的问题及实验结果的一些甄别标准。  相似文献   

A method for determining the sex of human skeletons was developed using molecular genetic techniques. The amelogenin gene, found on the X and Y chromosomes, was examined using the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and a nonradioactive dot blot procedure. DNA was analyzed from 20 modern individuals of known sex and 20 skeletons from an archaeological site in central Illinois dating to A.D. 1300. An independent assessment of the sex of each skeleton was made according to standard osteological methods. The sex of 19 ancient and 20 modern individuals was accurately determined using this molecular genetic technique. Molecular sex determination will be especially useful for juvenile and fragmentary remains when it is difficult, or impossible, to establish an individual's sex from morphological features. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

We have used a systematic protocol for extracting, quantitating, sexing and validating ancient human mitochondrial and nuclear DNA of one male and one female Beothuk, a Native American population from Newfoundland, which became extinct approximately 180 years ago. They carried mtDNA haplotypes, which fall within haplogroups X and C, consistent with Northeastern Native populations today. In addition we have sexed the male using a novel-sexing assay and confirmed the authenticity of his Y chromosome with the presence of the Native American specific Y-QM3 single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP). This is the first ancient nuclear SNP typed from a Native population in the Americas. In addition, using the same teeth we conducted a stable isotopes analysis of collagen and dentine to show that both individuals relied on marine sources (fresh and salt water fish, seals) with no hierarchy seen between them, and that their water sources were pooled or stored water. Both mtDNA sequence data and Y SNP data hint at possible gene flow or a common ancestral population for both the Beothuk and the current day Mikmaq, but more importantly the data do not lend credence to the proposed idea that the Beothuk (specifically, Nonosabasut) were of admixed (European-Native American) descent. We also analyzed patterns of DNA damage in the clones of authentic mtDNA sequences; there is no tendency for DNA damage to occur preferentially at previously defined mutational hotspots, suggesting that such mutational hotspots are not hypervariable because they are more prone to damage.  相似文献   

Bacteria are not only ubiquitous on earth but can also be incredibly diverse within clean laboratories and reagents. The presence of both living and dead bacteria in laboratory environments and reagents is especially problematic when examining samples with low endogenous content (e.g., skin swabs, tissue biopsies, ice, water, degraded forensic samples or ancient material), where contaminants can outnumber endogenous microorganisms within samples. The contribution of contaminants within high‐throughput studies remains poorly understood because of the relatively low number of contaminant surveys. Here, we examined 144 negative control samples (extraction blank and no‐template amplification controls) collected in both typical molecular laboratories and an ultraclean ancient DNA laboratory over 5 years to characterize long‐term contaminant diversity. We additionally compared the contaminant content within a home‐made silica‐based extraction method, commonly used to analyse low endogenous content samples, with a widely used commercial DNA extraction kit. The contaminant taxonomic profile of the ultraclean ancient DNA laboratory was unique compared to modern molecular biology laboratories, and changed over time according to researcher, month and season. The commercial kit also contained higher microbial diversity and several human‐associated taxa in comparison to the home‐made silica extraction protocol. We recommend a minimum of two strategies to reduce the impacts of laboratory contaminants within low‐biomass metagenomic studies: (a) extraction blank controls should be included and sequenced with every batch of extractions and (b) the contributions of laboratory contamination should be assessed and reported in each high‐throughput metagenomic study.  相似文献   

The feasibility of genome‐scale studies from archaeological material remains critically dependent on the ability to access endogenous, authentic DNA. In the majority of cases, this represents a few per cent of the DNA extract, at most. A number of specific pre‐extraction protocols for bone powder aimed to improve ancient DNA recovery before library amplification have recently been developed. Here, we test the effects of combining two of such protocols, a bleach wash and a predigestion step, on 12 bone samples of Atlantic cod and domestic horse aged 750–1350 cal. years before present. Using high‐throughput sequencing, we show that combined together, bleach wash and predigestion consistently yield DNA libraries with higher endogenous content than either of these methods alone. Additionally, the molecular complexity of these libraries is improved and endogenous DNA templates show larger size distributions. Other library characteristics, such as DNA damage profiles or the composition of microbial communities, are little affected by the pre‐extraction protocols. Application of the combined protocol presented in this study will facilitate the genetic analysis of an increasing number of ancient remains and will reduce the cost of whole‐genome sequencing.  相似文献   

In-solution hybridisation enrichment of genetic variation is a valuable methodology in human paleogenomics. It allows enrichment of endogenous DNA by targeting genetic markers that are comparable between sequencing libraries. Many studies have used the 1240k reagent—which enriches 1,237,207 genome-wide SNPs—since 2015, though access was restricted. In 2021, Twist Biosciences and Daicel Arbor Biosciences independently released commercial kits that enabled all researchers to perform enrichments for the same 1240 k SNPs. We used the Daicel Arbor Biosciences Prime Plus kit to enrich 132 ancient samples from three continents. We identified a systematic assay bias that increases genetic similarity between enriched samples and that cannot be explained by batch effects. We present the impact of the bias on population genetics inferences (e.g. Principal Components Analysis, ƒ-statistics) and genetic relatedness (READ). We compare the Prime Plus bias to that previously reported of the legacy 1240k enrichment assay. In ƒ-statistics, we find that all Prime-Plus-generated data exhibit artefactual excess shared drift, such that within-continent relationships cannot be correctly determined. The bias is more subtle in READ, though interpretation of the results can still be misleading in specific contexts. We expect the bias may affect analyses we have not yet tested. Our observations support previously reported concerns for the integration of different data types in paleogenomics. We also caution that technological solutions to generate 1240k data necessitate a thorough validation process before their adoption in the paleogenomic community.  相似文献   

Museum curators and living communities are sometimes reluctant to permit ancient DNA (aDNA) studies of human skeletal remains because the extraction of aDNA usually requires the destruction of at least some skeletal material. Whether these views stem from a desire to conserve precious materials or an objection to destroying ancestral remains, they limit the potential of aDNA research. To help address concerns about destructive analysis and to minimize damage to valuable specimens, we describe a nondestructive method for extracting DNA from ancient human remains. This method can be used with both teeth and bone, but it preserves the structural integrity of teeth much more effectively than that of bone. Using this method, we demonstrate that it is possible to extract both mitochondrial and nuclear DNA from human remains dating between 300 BC and 1600 AD. Importantly, the method does not expose the remains to hazardous chemicals, allowing them to be safely returned to curators, custodians, and/or owners of the samples. We successfully amplified mitochondrial DNA from 90% of the individuals tested, and we were able to analyze 1-9 nuclear loci in 70% of individuals. We also show that repeated nondestructive extractions from the same tooth can yield amplifiable mitochondrial and nuclear DNA. The high success rate of this method and its ability to yield DNA from samples spanning a wide geographic and temporal range without destroying the structural integrity of the sampled material may make possible the genetic study of skeletal collections that are not available for destructive analysis.  相似文献   

Recent ancient DNA (aDNA) studies of human pathogens have provided invaluable insights into their evolutionary history and prevalence in space and time. Most of these studies were based on DNA extracted from teeth or postcranial bones. In contrast, no pathogen DNA has been reported from the petrous bone which has become the most desired skeletal element in ancient DNA research due to its high endogenous DNA content. To compare the potential for pathogenic aDNA retrieval from teeth and petrous bones, we sampled these elements from five ancient skeletons, previously shown to be carrying Yersinia pestis. Based on shotgun sequencing data, four of these five plague victims showed clearly detectable levels of Y. pestis DNA in the teeth, whereas all the petrous bones failed to produce Y. pestis DNA above baseline levels. A broader comparative metagenomic analysis of teeth and petrous bones from 10 historical skeletons corroborated these results, showing a much higher microbial diversity in teeth than petrous bones, including pathogenic and oral microbial taxa. Our results imply that although petrous bones are highly valuable for ancient genomic analyses as an excellent source of endogenous DNA, the metagenomic potential of these dense skeletal elements is highly limited. This trade‐off must be considered when designing the sampling strategy for an aDNA project.  相似文献   

Ancient DNA research has developed rapidly over the past few decades due to improvements in PCR and next‐generation sequencing (NGS) technologies, but challenges still exist. One major challenge in relation to ancient DNA research is to recover genuine endogenous ancient DNA sequences from raw sequencing data. This is often difficult due to degradation of ancient DNA and high levels of contamination, especially homologous contamination that has extremely similar genetic background with that of the real ancient DNA. In this study, we collected whole‐genome sequencing (WGS) data from 6 ancient samples to compare different mapping algorithms. To further explore more effective methods to separate endogenous DNA from homologous contaminations, we attempted to recover reads based on ancient DNA specific characteristics of deamination, depurination, and DNA fragmentation with different parameters. We propose a quick and improved pipeline for separating endogenous ancient DNA while simultaneously decreasing homologous contaminations to very low proportions. Our goal in this research was to develop useful recommendations for ancient DNA mapping and for separation of endogenous DNA to facilitate future studies of ancient DNA.  相似文献   

Molecular genetic analysis of ancient human remains is mostly based on mtDNA owing to its better preservation in human bones in comparison with nuclear DNA. A study was made of mtDNA extracted from human skeletons found in graves in Yakutia, in order to determine the haplotypes and to compare them with lineages of modern populations. Ancient DNA was extracted from fragments of three skeletons of Yakut graves at At-Dabaan, Ojuluun, and Jaraama sites (dating back to the 18th century) and two skeletons of the Late Neolithic Kerdugen grave (2000–1000 B.C.). All graves were found in central Yakutia (Churapchinskii, Khangalasskii, and Megino-Khangalasskii districts of Yakutia). Five different haplotypes belonging to specific Asian haplogroups were identified. The mtDNA lineages of Yakut graves belong to haplogroups C4a, D5a2, and B5b. The results indicate the continuity of mitochondrial lineages in the Yakut gene pool in the past 300 years. The haplotypes of two humans from the Kerdugen site graves belong to haplogroups A4 and G2a/D. These haplotypes were compared with those of 40000 Eurasian individuals, including 900 from Yakutia. No exact matches were found in Paleo-Asian populations of Chukchi, Eskimos, Koryaks, and Itelmen. Phylogenetically close haplotypes (±1 mutation) were found in Yakut and Evenk populations, as well as in some populations of China and South and West Siberia.  相似文献   

The mtDNA hypervariable region I (HVR-I) of 10 ancient individuals from Dongzhou-period ancient human populations in Helingeer county of Inner Mongolia were amplified and sequenced to investigate the genetic structure. The relationships between the ancient population and related extant populations, as well as its possible origin at the molecular level, were also studied. Moreover, phylogenetic analysis and multi-dimensional scaling analysis were also performed based on the mtDNA data of the ancient population in Helingeer and the related Eurasian population. The results showed that the ancient population in Helingeer were closer to the northern Asian populations than to the other compared populations in matrilineal lineage. Combining the research results of archaeology and anthropology as well as molecular biology, we inferred that they were nomads who migrated from Mongolia plateau and cis-Baikal region to Helingeer in Inner Mongolia, China.  相似文献   

The mtDNA hypervariable region I (HVR-I) of 10 ancient individuals from Dongzhou-period ancient human populations in Helingeer county of Inner Mongolia were amplified and sequenced to investigate the genetic structure. The relationships between the ancient population and related extant populations, as well as its possible origin at the molecular level, were also studied. Moreover, phylogenetic analysis and multidimensional scaling analysis were also performed based on the mtDNA data of the ancient population in Helingeer and the related Eurasian population. The results showed that the ancient population in Helingeer were closer to the northern Asian populations than to the other compared populations in matrilineal lineage. Combining the research results of archaeology and anthropology as well as molecular biology, we inferred that they were nomads who migrated from Mongolia plateau and cis-Baikal region to Helingeer in Inner Mongolia, China. __________ Translated from Journal of Jilin University (Science Edition), 2006, 44 (5): 824–828 [译自: 吉林大学学报(理学版)]  相似文献   

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