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DMD数字微镜器件与DLP投影技术一览   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
投影机长期以来一直只是一些专业和团体用户的选择。随着投影技术的发展和市场进步,价格的日趋走低,现在投影机已经开始进入家庭了。许多厂家都推出了万元以下的家用投影仪,可以方便地让用户搭建有己的家庭影院。而投影技术也从早期的CRT显示技术过渡到了现有的LCD、DLP主流投影显示技术。LCD投影技术是为大家所熟悉的,LCD投影机的市场占有率,目前仍居高不下。但与之争雄的DLP投影技术颇有后来居上的趋势。DLP投影技术是由德州仪器公司研发的一套全数字化显示解决方案。DLP技术的核心是DMD数字微镜器件。DMD器件由上百万个精微镜面纽成,每一个镜面都能前后翻动(开启或关闭),每秒可达五千余次。输入的影像或图形信号被转换成数字代码,这些代码再被用来推动DMD镜面。当DMD座板、投影灯、色轮和投影镜头协同工作时,这些翻动的镜面就能够一同将图像投射到演示墙面、电影屏幕或电视机屏幕上。  相似文献   

ZoRRo 《微型计算机》2004,(17):116-116
目前市场上的投影机产品,按产品结构与技术来划分,主要可分为两类:DLP(数字光学处理技术)与LCD(透射式液晶显示技术)。LCD技术曾经是该领域的主流技术,但相比DLP技术来说,其劣势已经越来越明显,尤其是在使用寿命方面。一款主流的LCD系统其连续正常工作时间往往不超过2500小时,而DLP系统的使用寿命完全可以保证在3000小时以上。  相似文献   

2006年我刚好在一家数码媒体供职,我的一个朋友花了很长一段时间缠着我帮他弄到两块10英寸大小的日立和东芝的TFT屏幕。他是个影像爱好者,攒这些东西是为了自己在家DIY一部投影机——2005年前后,  相似文献   

到目前为止,投影机主要通过三种显示技术实现,即CRT(电子阴极身线管)投影技术、LCD(液晶)投影技术以及DLP(数字光学处理)投影技术。  相似文献   

微信5.0加入了全新功能的微信5.0近日发布。在新版本中微信游戏中心、微信支付、表情中心等全新功能和在原有功能上进行的人性化改进让人眼前一亮。游戏中心诱人在微信5.0中,终于看到了游戏中心。在更新完毕进入客户端后,首先就进入到"打飞机"游戏之中,可见腾讯对于微信游戏的重视程度。目前微信游戏中心内置了3款游戏,分别是"经典飞机大战""天天爱消除"和"天天连萌"。更为重要的是通过微信游戏中心,众多游戏可以加人其中,通过内购的方式也能够给微信带来巨大的经济利益。  相似文献   

4K分辨率你以为你看到的是一切?对于数字视频来讲是否定的。因为当前数字视频的分辨率仍低于35mm胶片,对于4K分辨率来讲,"高清"是远远不够的。  相似文献   

微软的"new Office"Office 2013加入了最新的混合云服务,它将是你的核心应用程序。时尚的全新外观和功能设计,仅仅是为云整合所有改变的开始。1当用户在线保存文件后,系统会自动将其同步到其他设备,这样用户无论是使用PC还是平板电脑,  相似文献   

谷歌眼镜通过前所未有的方式畅游互联网,谷歌正在试图通过谷歌眼镜改进我们感知世界的方式。虽然谷歌眼镜的零售版年底才能上市,但我们已经看到了原型机。1超多用途谷歌眼镜采用安卓4.0.4操作系统,内置12GB可用存储空间(总共16GB)。可通过Micro-USB接口充电,还具备麦克风、可拍摄500万像素照片或720p视频的摄像头、蓝牙以及802.11b/  相似文献   

家庭影院的终极境界要靠投影机来实现。目前.能呈现极佳影院效果的三枪投影机价位动辄以数十万元计。因此.以不到十分之一的价格拥有一部视觉效果也能称为美妙的优质DLP投影机.无疑是实现家庭影院体验的快捷方式,  相似文献   

赵兴涛  glede  一鸣 《微型计算机》2006,(14):136-138
在《数字家庭》的前几期中,我们介绍了目前主流的几种投影技术:LCD以及DLP,并对它们的成像原理和优缺点进行了细致分析。今天我们要介绍的投影技术,与前两者都有一定关系——LCoS(Liquid Crystal on Silicon,硅晶),一种属于LCD技术的分支,而又与DLP技术一样属于反射型成像原理的投影技术。[编者按]  相似文献   

无论你有多少正版CD或者多么昂贵的影音器材,都不代表你真正懂得音乐,听古典音乐不是个人品味或身份地位的象征。如果只是为了自我标榜而听古典音乐,这本身就把品味降得很低了。  相似文献   

在工厂生产层使用以太网之前,必须了解它的七个要素。这里,我们以Profinet标准为例,为大家一一进行介绍。1.网络布局办公室的网络拓扑布局并不适用于工厂生产层,那里采用的是工厂/机器的以太网拓扑布局。办公室以太网的基础架构通常是由商业级的产品构建,它们在恒温的环境和星型拓扑构建的交换网络中可以很好地发挥作用;而与此不同,工业以太网架构常常要面对多变的意  相似文献   

In this paper we thoroughly cover the issue of blank nodes, which have been defined in RDF as ‘existential variables’. We first introduce the theoretical precedent for existential blank nodes from first order logic and incomplete information in database theory. We then cover the different (and sometimes incompatible) treatment of blank nodes across the W3C stack of RDF-related standards. We present an empirical survey of the blank nodes present in a large sample of RDF data published on the Web (the BTC-2012 dataset), where we find that 25.7% of unique RDF terms are blank nodes, that 44.9% of documents and 66.2% of domains featured use of at least one blank node, and that aside from one Linked Data domain whose RDF data contains many “blank node cycles”, the vast majority of blank nodes form tree structures that are efficient to compute simple entailment over. With respect to the RDF-merge of the full data, we show that 6.1% of blank-nodes are redundant under simple entailment. The vast majority of non-lean cases are isomorphisms resulting from multiple blank nodes with no discriminating information being given within an RDF document or documents being duplicated in multiple Web locations. Although simple entailment is NP-complete and leanness-checking is coNP-complete, in computing this latter result, we demonstrate that in practice, real-world RDF graphs are sufficiently “rich” in ground information for problematic cases to be avoided by non-naive algorithms.  相似文献   

It is an open question as to how impressions formed via computer-mediated communication (CMC) differ from those formed face-to-face (FtF). Some research suggests that judgments of others formed while interacting over CMC are more favorable than judgments formed in FtF, while other researchers argue the pattern is in the opposite direction. We sought to settle this conflict by examining impressions formed via each communication mode while controlling for the other. Participants interacted with a partner twice: once FtF and once CMC. When controlling for each communication mode, participants interacting FtF, formed more positive impressions of their partner than did those in the other sequence. Furthermore, FtF participants had greater self-other agreement then those who interacted via CMC. Implications for impressions formed over the Internet are discussed.  相似文献   

Dakin  K.J. 《Software, IEEE》1995,12(3):82-83
Before you push a key to load a program and display it on your monitor, ask yourself this question: “Do I have the power to use this program?” Using software requires power-not physical or electrical power-but the legal power of authorized use. If you are not the program's author or owner, you can only obtain this power through a license-a legal document that states your rights regarding use of the program. This may include the right to use or operate the program as an end user; modify the program through deletions, additions or enhancements as a value-added reseller or original equipment manufacturer; or transfer the program to another as an aggregator, distributor or retailer. If you do not have the appropriate legal power, then your conduct is illegal. If you know that you do not have the appropriate legal power, then your conduct, which amounts to software piracy, is criminal  相似文献   

Confusion over architecture, while not uncommon in software development in general, seems prevalent in middleware. I attribute this to the fact that middleware systems are typically distributed and heterogeneous. In general, distributed systems are difficult to design, implement, debug, and maintain. When you mix in multiples of hardware platforms, operating systems, protocols, applications, and vendors, the complexity can rise to the point where nobody really understands the whole system. When systems span large enterprises and comprise multiple technologies and approaches, their keepers tend to have far more to worry about than the purity of the system's architecture. A company that fails to implement a system architecture is forced to undertake a system rewrite with every move to a new technology. The article discusses how to manage a system so as to avoid these problems.  相似文献   

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