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详细介绍了湿解焚烧处理生活垃圾技术的原理和其在武汉经济技术开发区的具体应用,并简述了其在一段时间的调试和运行后表现出的优点.为国内未来垃圾气化熔融焚烧技术的推广提供了参考.  相似文献   

湿解焚烧综合处理垃圾技术的原理及应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
详细介绍了湿解焚烧处理生活垃圾技术的原理和其在武汉经济技术开发区的具体应用,并简述了其在一段时间的调试和运行后表现出的优点。为国内未来垃圾气化熔融焚烧技术的推广提供了参考。  相似文献   

The effluents of wastewater treatment plants, usually directly emitted to the environment, often contain the anti-inflammatory drug diclofenac (DCF). The paper investigates DCF elimination using irradiation technology. Hydroxyl radical and hydrated electron reactive intermediates resulting from water radiolysis effectively degrade DCF and strongly reduce the toxicity of the solutions. OH attaches to one of the rings of DCF, and hydroxylated molecules, 2,6-dichloroaniline and quinoid type compounds are the products. Hydrated electron adds to the chlorine atom containing ring, in the reaction quinoid type compounds and 4-chloroacridine form. At a 0.1 mM DCF concentration, a ∼1 kGy absorbed dose is needed for the degradation of DCF molecules, but for mineralization of the products (in presence of O2) an order of magnitude higher dose is required.For irradiation of wastewater after biological treatment a ∼1 kGy dose is suggested. At this dose DCF and other drugs or metabolites present at μg L−1 level are eliminated together with microorganism deactivation.  相似文献   

李硕  张广山  王鹏 《环境工程学报》2016,10(12):6879-6886
以提高目标物的降解效果和投加药剂利用率、缩短反应时间及节约处理成本为目的,探讨4种不同光助-Fenton氧化工艺对环境内分泌干扰物双酚A(BPA)的降解效果。以BPA的去除率和反应速率作为评价指标,采用紫外分光光度计、TOC测定仪及分子荧光光度计分别对BPA的去除率、反应体系的矿化度和·OH的生成量进行研究。确定了微波-Fenton氧化工艺降解水中BPA的效果最佳,并深入研究pH值、H2O2投加量、n(H2O2)/n(Fe2+)、微波反应功率及时间对微波-Fenton氧化工艺的影响。结果表明:pH=3,n(H2O2)/n(Fe2+)为20,H2O2浓度为2 mmol·L-1,反应时间为5 min,反应功率为300 W的条件下,BPA初始浓度为100 mg·L-1时其去除率最高达99.67%,矿化度达53%;pH值在2~6范围内对BPA均有降解效果,铁泥量也有一定的减少。为微波-Fenton氧化工艺的实际应用奠定了理论基础,并且提供了技术支持。  相似文献   

采油污水生物处理技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采油污水是石油工业中的重点污染源之一。本文论述了采油污水生物处理的难度和技术可行性 ,总结了国内外近年来采油污水生物处理技术的现状及研究进展。  相似文献   

The occurrence of cashmerane (DPMI), celestolide, phantolide, traesolide (ATII), galaxolide (HHCB) and tonalide (AHTN) in sewage and surface waters and their fate during wastewater treatment and anaerobic sludge digestion is investigated. AHTN and HHCB are the most important representatives and influent concentrations of 0.41-1.8 and 0.9-13 μg L−1 are observed. DPMI is detected in influent and effluent samples but in notably lower concentrations than AHTN and HHCB. Major sources of polycyclic musks are households, whereas industrial emitters seem to be of minor importance. This conclusion is supported by the analysis of selected industrial wastewaters (metal, textile and paper industry). Specific emissions of 0.36 ± 0.19 and 1.6 ± 1.0 mg cap−1 d−1 for AHTN and HHCB are calculated. Overall removal efficiencies between approx 50% and more than 95% are observed during biological wastewater treatment and removal with the excess sludge is the major removal pathway. Log KD values of 3.73-4.3 for AHTN, 3.87-4.34 for HHCB and 2.42-3.22 for DPMI are observed in secondary sludge. During sludge digestion no or only slight removal occurred. Mean polycyclic musk concentrations in digested sludge amounted to 1.9 ± 0.9 (AHTN), 14.2 ± 5.8 (HHCB), 0.8 ± 0.4 (ATII) and 0.2 ± 0.09 (DPMI) mg kg−1 dry matter. In the receiving water systems a comparable distribution as during wastewater treatment is observed. AHTN, HHCB and DPMI are detected in surface waters (ND (not detected) - < 0.04, ND - 0.32 and ND - 0.02 μg L−1) as well as AHTN and HHCB in sediments (ND - 20, ND - 120 μg kg−1). For HHCB an apparent KOC value of 4.1-4.4 is calculated for sediments. Major source for polycyclic musks in surface waters are discharges from wastewater treatment plants. For HHCB and DPMI 100% of the load observed in the sampled surface waters derive from discharges of treated wastewater.  相似文献   

采用化学氧化絮凝技术(COF)对东莞市某河流的受污染河水进行处理,通过烧杯搅拌试验,考察了COF技术除污效能,在此基础上进行现场试验.结果表明,COD、BOD5、TP和NH3-N的去除率分别可达到71.2%、77.4%、91.1%和68.7%,出水指标达到了国家一级排放要求,为工程设计提供了依据.  相似文献   

Toor R  Mohseni M 《Chemosphere》2007,66(11):2087-2095
The presence of disinfection byproducts (DBPs) such as trihalomethanes (THMs) and haloacetic acids (HAAs) in drinking water is of great concern due to their adverse effects on human health. Emerging regulation limiting the concentration of DBPs in drinking water has increased demands for technologies and processes which reduce the formation of DBPs in drinking water. In this study, UV-H2O2 based advance oxidation process (AOP) was used to treat raw surface water. Experiments were conducted using low pressure mercury vapor UV lamps in collimated beam and flow-through annular photoreactors. The effect of UV fluence (0–3500 mJ cm−2) and hydrogen peroxide concentration (0–23 mg l−1) in reducing the concentration of THMs and HAAs was examined. The UV-H2O2 AOP was then coupled with a downstream biological activated carbon (BAC) treatment to assess the synergetic benefits of combining the two treatments. It was observed that UV-H2O2 AOP was only effective at reducing DBPs at UV fluences of more than 1000 mJ cm−2and initial H2O2 concentrations of about or greater than 23 mg l−1. However, the combined AOP–BAC treatment showed significant reductions of 43%, 52%, and 59% relative to untreated raw water for DBPs, TOC, and UV254, respectively.  相似文献   

以北京动物园的地表水为例,利用引进的海藻提取物EC lean生物工程技术对富营养化地表水进行处理试验研究。试验结果表明:应用此项技术有效降低了水体的浊度、COD和BOD5,水体脱氮降磷明显,藻类细胞密度下降,水体富营养化得到控制,减轻了“水华”藻类的危害。此技术在北京动物园富营养化水体的治理上表现出明显的应用效果。  相似文献   

海藻提取物EClean生物工程技术处理富营养型地表水   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以北京动物园的地表水为例,利用引进的海藻提取物EClean生物工程技术对富营养化地表水进行处理试验研究。试验结果表明:应用此项技术有效降低了水体的浊度、COD和BOD5,水体脱氮降磷明显,藻类细胞密度下降,水体富营养化得到控制,减轻了“水华”藻类的危害。此技术在北京动物园富营养化水体的治理上表现出明显的应用效果。  相似文献   

针对现有水环境治理装备设计开发技术存在的不足,提出了一种融合全相关技术与CAD、CAE、CAM、CAPP技术的集成一体化装备系统设计开发方案,并给出了这种集成全相关技术的初步实现方法,而且进行了射流曝气器的设计应用。这种方法有望实现水环境治理装备系统完整、可靠的设计,并缩短了设计开发周期。  相似文献   

针对现有水环境治理装备设计开发技术存在的不足,提出了一种融合全相关技术与CAD、CAE、CAM、CAPP技术的集成一体化装备系统设计开发方案,并给出了这种集成全相关技术的初步实现方法,而且进行了射流曝气器的设计应用。这种方法有望实现水环境治理装备系统完整、可靠的设计,并缩短了设计开发周期。  相似文献   

水中有机物高级氧化过程中的羟基自由基检测方法比较   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
化学氧化水中有机物过程中的羟基自由基的定量检测是研究高级氧化动力学和过程机理的重要技术手段。本文通过对比整理相关领域羟基自由基的检测技术,分析了目前在医学和化工领域中使用的羟基自由基测量方法的应用特点和适用范围,讨论了其中的便捷式分析方法及其在水处理高级氧化过程研究中的可用性,推荐了可用于多组分水相的Fenton试剂氧化有机物过程中的羟基自由基检测方法。  相似文献   

化学氧化水中有机物过程中的羟基自由基的定量检测是研究高级氧化动力学和过程机理的重要技术手段.本文通过对比整理相关领域羟基自由基的检测技术,分析了目前在医学和化工领域中使用的羟基自由基测量方法的应用特点和适用范围,讨论了其中的便捷式分析方法及其在水处理高级氧化过程研究中的可用性,推荐了可用于多组分水相的Fenton试剂氧化有机物过程中的羟基自由基检测方法.  相似文献   

随着水环境污染问题的日趋严重,污水治理问题备受关注。碳纤维材料因其具有较大的比表面积和良好的生物亲和性,易于微生物附着,利于吸附、生物脱氮除磷的进行,从而去除水中氮磷等污染物,在水处理中具有应用前景。系统介绍了碳纤维材料的发展历程及其在工业等领域的应用,对碳纤维材料高强度、耐高温、耐腐蚀等特性进行了总结,重点介绍了碳纤维材料在饮用水、工业废水及富营养化水体等水处理中的应用,同时结合目前的研究现状,分析了将来研究的开展方向及趋势。  相似文献   

Kristiana I  Joll C  Heitz A 《Chemosphere》2011,83(5):661-667
The removal of organic precursors of disinfection by-products (DBPs), i.e. natural organic matter (NOM), prior to disinfection and distribution is considered as the most effective approach to minimise the formation of DBPs. This study investigated the impact of the addition of powdered activated carbon (PAC) to an enhanced coagulation treatment process at an existing water treatment plant on the efficiency of NOM removal, the disinfection behaviour of the treated water, and the water quality in the distribution system. This is the first comprehensive assessment of the efficacy of plant-scale application of PAC combined with enhanced coagulation on an Australian source water. As a result of the PAC addition, the removal of NOM improved by 70%, which led to a significant reduction (80-95%) in the formation of DBPs. The water quality in the distribution system also improved, indicated by lower concentrations of DBPs in the distribution system and better maintenance of disinfectant residual at the extremities of the distribution system. The efficacy of the PAC treatment for NOM removal was shown to be a function of the characteristics of the NOM and the quality of the source water, as well as the PAC dose. PAC treatment did not have the capacity to remove bromide ion, resulting in the formation of more brominated DBPs. Since brominated DBPs have been found to be more toxic than their chlorinated analogues, their preferential formation upon PAC addition must be considered, especially in source waters containing high concentrations of bromide.  相似文献   

扬水曝气技术在水源水质改善中的应用   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
扬水曝气技术是新开发的水质改善技术,用于混合上下水层、控制藻类生长、增加水体溶解氧、抑制底泥污染物释放.将该技术应用于某水源地,其提水效率达到同类设备--同温层曝气器的两倍;控制了水体表层的藻类数量,抑制了藻类的生长,将藻类叶绿素a含量降低了13.96%.扬水曝气技术的适用条件:用于控制藻类生长时,水深应不小于10 m;用于抑制底泥污染物释放时,水体应存在溶解氧小于1~2 mg/L的厌氧条件.  相似文献   


The objective of this study was to determine the effect of either 2.5 mg/kg Body Weight or 5 mg/kg Body Weight (BW) doses of isoflavones on semen quality, testosterone levels, lipid peroxidation and semen biochemistry of male New Zealand White rabbits. Animals were given both 2.5 mg/kg BW and 5 mg/kg BW doses of isoflavones. The tested doses were given to rabbits orally every other day for 13 weeks. Treatment with isoflavones caused an increase (p < 0.05) in libido (by decreasing the reaction time), sperm concentration, sperm motility (%), total motile sperm per ejaculate (TMS), packed sperm volume (PSV), total functional sperm fraction (TFSF), total sperm output, initial fructose concentration and normal sperm, while dead sperm was reduced compared to control animals. On the other hand, ejaculate volume, initial hydrogen ion concentration (pH) and plasma testosterone levels did not change in treated animals with both doses of isoflavones as compared to control. Concentrations of thiobarbituric acid-reactive substances (TBARS), total lipids, and low density lipoprotein were significantly (p < 0.05) reduced in seminal plasma of rabbits treated with either 2.5 mg/kg BW or 5 mg/kg BW doses of isoflavones. While, the activities of glutathione S-transferase (GST), lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), aspartate aminotransferase (AST), alanine aminotransferase (ALT), acid phosphatase (AcP), and alkaline phosphatase (AlP) were significantly (p < 0.05) increased in seminal plasma of treated animals. Also, total cholesterol, percentage cholesterol (out of total lipids), and high density lipoprotein were significantly (p < 0.05) increased, while triglyceride did not change in seminal plasma of treated animals. Supplementation at either level of isoflavones did not cause changes in live body weight (LBW), dry matter intake (DMI), and relative weights of testes and epididymis. The present results showed that either 2.5 mg/kg BW or 5 mg/kg BW doses of isoflavones caused an improvement of some semen characteristics and did not have negative effects on male fertility.  相似文献   

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