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Particulate matter (PM) as an air pollutant can be harmful for human health through allergic, mutagenic and carcinogenic effects. Although the main focus is on decreasing air pollution, after PM has been emitted to the atmosphere, one of the realistic options to decrease it's concentrations in urbanized area will be phytoremediation. This study compared the capacity to capture PM from air of seven tree species commonly cultivated in Poland (Catalpa bignonioides Walter, Corylus colurna L., Fraxinus pennsylvanica Marsh., Ginkgo biloba L., Platanus × hispanica Mill. ex Muenchh., Quercus rubra L., Tilia tomentosa Moench ‘Brabant’) and six shrub species (Acer tataricum subsp. ginnala (Maxim.) Wesm., Sambucus nigra L., Sorbaria sorbifolia (L.) A.Br., Spiraea japonica L.f., Syringa meyeri C.K. Schneid. ‘Palibin’, Viburnum lantana L.). Significant differences were found between species in mass of total PM accumulation for two PM categories and three size fractions determined and in amount of waxes. A positive correlation was found between in-wax PM of diameter 2.5–10 μm and amount of waxes, but not between amount of waxes and amount of total PM or of any size fraction.  相似文献   

To conserve a declining species we first need to diagnose the causes of decline. This is one of the most challenging tasks faced by conservation practitioners. In this study, we used temporally explicit species distribution models (SDMs) to test whether shifting weather can explain the recent decline of a marsupial carnivore, the eastern quoll (Dasyurus viverrinus). We developed an SDM using weather variables matched to occurrence records of the eastern quoll over the last 60 years, and used the model to reconstruct variation through time in the distribution of climatically suitable range for the species. The weather model produced a meaningful prediction of the known distribution of the species. Abundance of quolls, indexed by transect counts, was positively related to the modelled area of suitable habitat between 1990 and 2004. In particular, a sharp decline in abundance from 2001 to 2003 coincided with a sustained period of unsuitable weather over much of the species’ distribution. Since 2004, abundance has not recovered despite a return to suitable weather conditions, and abundance and area of suitable habitat have been uncorrelated. We suggest that fluctuations in weather account for the species’ recent decline, but other unrelated factors have suppressed recovery.  相似文献   



Unexplained fatigue is often left untreated or treated with antidepressants. This randomized, placebo-controlled, single-blinded study evaluated the efficacy and tolerability of single-dose intravenous ferric carboxymaltose (FCM) in iron-deficient, premenopausal women with symptomatic, unexplained fatigue.


Fatigued women (Piper Fatigue Scale [PFS] score ≥5) with iron deficiency (ferritin <50 µg/L and transferrin saturation <20%, or ferritin <15 µg/L) and normal or borderline hemoglobin (≥115 g/L) were enrolled in 21 sites in Austria, Germany, Sweden and Switzerland, blinded to the study drug and randomized (computer-generated randomization sequence) to a single FCM (1000 mg iron) or saline (placebo) infusion. Primary endpoint was the proportion of patients with reduced fatigue (≥1 point decrease in PFS score from baseline to Day 56).


The full analysis included 290 women (FCM 144, placebo 146). Fatigue was reduced in 65.3% (FCM) and 52.7% (placebo) of patients (OR 1.68, 95%CI 1.05–2.70; p = 0.03). A 50% reduction of PFS score was achieved in 33.3% FCM- vs. 16.4% placebo-treated patients (p<0.001). At Day 56, all FCM-treated patients had hemoglobin levels ≥120 g/L (vs. 87% at baseline); with placebo, the proportion decreased from 86% to 81%. Mental quality-of-life (SF-12) and the cognitive function scores improved better with FCM. ‘Power of attention’ improved better in FCM-treated patients with ferritin <15 µg/L. Treatment-emergent adverse events (placebo 114, FCM 209; most frequently headache, nasopharyngitis, pyrexia and nausea) were mainly mild or moderate.


A single infusion of FCM improved fatigue, mental quality-of-life, cognitive function and erythropoiesis in iron-deficient women with normal or borderline hemoglobin. Although more side effects were reported compared to placebo, FCM can be an effective alternative in patients who cannot tolerate or use oral iron, the common treatment of iron deficiency. Overall, the results support the hypothesis that iron deficiency can affect women’s health, and a normal iron status should be maintained independent of hemoglobin levels.

Trial Registration

ClinicalTrials.gov NCT01110356  相似文献   

The neurotoxin, BMAA (β-N-methylamino-L-alanine), may be a risk factor for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), Parkinson's (PD) and Alzheimer's (AD) disease. In vivo experiments have demonstrated that BMAA can cause a number of motor dysfunctions if ingested or injected, and in vitro experiments show that this toxin binds to glutamate receptors with deleterious results. Also, BMAA exists in the human food chain worldwide, and has been detected in the brains of ALS and AD patients. This paper offers the first demonstration by intracellular recording of the effect of ingested BMAA on the postsynaptic response of an identified glutamatergic cell in a living, undissected organism (Drosophila melanogaster), and correlates these observations with the specific motor dysfunctions that result from ingestion. The results suggest that BMAA acts as a glutamate agonist, causing NMDA receptor channels to remain open for prolonged periods of time, thereby damaging the cell by excitotoxicity. The effect on the postsynaptic response became apparent days before the function of the postsynaptic cell (wing beat) became affected. Severely depolarized cells were able to fully recover with the removal of BMAA from the food source, suggesting that blocking BMAA binding in the brain might be a good treatment strategy.  相似文献   

Endophytes comprise mainly microorganisms that colonize inner plant tissues, often living with the host in a symbiotic manner. Several ecological roles have been assigned to endophytic fungi and bacteria, such as antibiosis to phytopathogenic agents and plant growth promotion. Nowadays, endophytes are viewed as a new source of genes, proteins and biochemical compounds that may be used to improve industrial processes. In this study, the gene EglA was cloned from a citrus endophytic Bacillus strain. The EglA encodes a -1,4-endoglucanase capable of hydrolyzing cellulose under in vitro conditions. The predicted protein, EglA, has high homology to other bacterial cellulases and shows a modular structure containing a catalytic domain of the glycosyl hydrolase family 9 (GH9) and a cellulose-binding module type 3 (CBM3). The enzyme was expressed in Escherichia coli, purified to homogeneity, and characterized. EglA has an optimum pH range of 5–8, and remarkable heat stability, retaining more than 85% activity even after a 24-h incubation at pH 6–8.6. This characteristic is an important feature for further applications of this enzyme in biotechnological processes in which temperatures of 50–60°C are required over long incubation periods.  相似文献   


The solution distribution of combinations of the sugar ring puckering domains, C2′endo(S), C3′endo(N), and C4′-C5′ rotamers, +sc(g+), ap(t), -sc(g?), in α and β-anomers in ribo- and deoxyribo- pyrimidine nucleic acid components can be determined from vicinal coupling constants (M. Remin, J. Biomol. Str. Dyn. 2, 211 (1984). A general correlation pattern with a conformational constant λ, reflecting an intrinsic physical property of the sugar - side chain ensemble, is developed and expressed in terms of four principles:

I) The +sc rotamer contributes to the C3′endo population to a higher extent (1 - Yt) than to C2′endo,(l-Yt-Yg-/Xs).

II) The ap rotamer contributes to both C2′endo and C3′endo populations to the same extent (Yt).

III) The—sc rotamer contributes only to the C2′endo population, (Yg-/Xs).

IV) The molar fractions Xs, Yt and Yg- of conformations C2′endo, ap and—sc, respectively, are strongly correlated, λ = (Yg-/Xs)/Yt ≈ 0.5, and therefore Yt is a basic variable parameter which determines all others in the correlation pattern.

In α-anomers, regardless of the type and conformation of the sugar ring and base, the molar fraction Yt = 0.37 ± 0.02. This finding means that different α-anomers show one correlation pattern free of the influence of the base. In β-anomers, structure and conformation of the base are important factors which modulate (through Yt) the correlation pattern, conserving its fundamental features. Yt is considerably increased by a syn-oriented pyrimidine base, but decreases when the base is anti. The transition from anti to syn orientation of the base is followed by destabilization of (C2′endo, +sc) in favor of (C3′endo, ap). The principles of conformational correlations rationalize a variety of correlations observed in the past.  相似文献   

β-Lactamases are bacterial enzymes that hydrolyze β-lactam antibiotics. TEM-1 is a prevalent plasmid-encoded β-lactamase in Gram-negative bacteria that efficiently catalyzes the hydrolysis of penicillins and early cephalosporins but not oxyimino-cephalosporins. A previous random mutagenesis study identified a W165Y/E166Y/P167G triple mutant that displays greatly altered substrate specificity with increased activity for the oxyimino-cephalosporin, ceftazidime, and decreased activity toward all other β-lactams tested. Surprisingly, this mutant lacks the conserved Glu-166 residue critical for enzyme function. Ceftazidime contains a large, bulky side chain that does not fit optimally in the wild-type TEM-1 active site. Therefore, it was hypothesized that the substitutions in the mutant expand the binding site in the enzyme. To investigate structural changes and address whether there is an enlargement in the active site, the crystal structure of the triple mutant was solved to 1.44 Å. The structure reveals a large conformational change of the active site Ω-loop structure to create additional space for the ceftazidime side chain. The position of the hydroxyl group of Tyr-166 and an observed shift in the pH profile of the triple mutant suggests that Tyr-166 participates in the hydrolytic mechanism of the enzyme. These findings indicate that the highly conserved Glu-166 residue can be substituted in the mechanism of serine β-lactamases. The results reveal that the robustness of the overall β-lactamase fold coupled with the plasticity of an active site loop facilitates the evolution of enzyme specificity and mechanism.  相似文献   

High-performance liquid chromatography was used to study the retention properties of (R)- and (S)-warfarins on a silica support coated with a β-cyclodextrin polymer. The influence of the methanol content of the acetate buffer eluent was investigated at pH 4. The measure of the variations of retention time with temperature enables one to determine the enthalpy and the entropy of adsorption. The plot of the two thermodynamic functions shows a minimum around 30% (v/v) methanol. At low methanol contents, the decrease of the hydrophobic interactions with increasing methanol content explains the decrease of the enthalpic and entropic terms. Above 40% (v/v) methanol, the decrease of the adsorption enthalpy absolute value is due to the solvation by the organic component. From the analysis of peak shape in mass-overload conditions, the column capacity toward each enantiomer was determined. A lower capacity was found toward (S)-warfarin, the more retained enantiomer. Peak shape analysis in mass-overload conditions was used to determine the adsorption isotherm. A Langmuir-type adsorption isotherm accounts well for the experimental data.  相似文献   

β2 adrenergic receptor (β2AR) regulated many key physiological processes by activation of a heterotrimeric GTP binding protein (Gs protein). This process could be modulated by different types of ligands. But the details about this modulation process were still not depicted. Here, we performed molecular dynamics (MD) simulations on the structures of β2AR-Gs protein in complex with different types of ligands. The simulation results demonstrated that the agonist BI-167107 could form hydrogen bonds with Ser2035.42, Ser2075.46 and Asn2936.55 more than the inverse agonist ICI 118,551. The different binding modes of ligands further affected the conformation of β2AR. The energy landscape profiled the energy contour map of the stable and dissociated conformation of Gαs and Gβγ when different types of ligands bound to β2AR. It also showed the minimum energy pathway about the conformational change of Gαs and Gβγ along the reaction coordinates. By using interactive essential dynamics analysis, we found that Gαs and Gβγ domain of Gs protein had the tendency to separate when the inverse agonist ICI 118,551 bound to β2AR. The α5-helix had a relatively quick movement with respect to transmembrane segments of β2AR when the inverse agonist ICI 118,551 bound to β2AR. Besides, the analysis of the centroid distance of Gαs and Gβγ showed that the Gαs was separated from Gβγ during the MD simulations. Our results not only could provide details about the different types of ligands that induced conformational change of β2AR and Gs protein, but also supplied more information for different efficacies of drug design of β2AR.  相似文献   

Uses and Conservation of Plant Species in a National Park—A Case Study of Ben En, Vietnam. This paper surveys the use of wild and cultivated plants by local people in Ben En National Park, Vietnam, and analyzes its impact on the conservation status of some of the utilized species. A total of 208 species used for a range of nonmedicinal purposes are listed. See Hoang et al. (2008a) for 230 medicinal plants used in the park. Most species are used for food. The use of plants contributes very significantly to the livelihood of local people in the park, but the current use patterns are not sustainable and would lead to local extinction of rare and endangered species if no additional conservation measures are introduced. Men collect nonmedicinal plants more often than women. A total of 38 useful plant species are commercialized, and contribute 12% of the average income of individual households. Bamboo shoots of Schizostachyum funghomii (Poaceae) are the most important for income generation. The monetary equivalent of noncommercialized useful plants probably far exceeds the value of the traded plant products. Plant use is independent of the ethnicity of the different populations living in the park. Larger households make use of a greater variety of useful plant species than small families. Abundant species in the forest have a higher use index (UI) than less common species. Out of the 208 useful species, as many as 27 were found to be endangered locally, many more than the 11 or 8 endangered species included in national or global red lists. Currently, useful plants, especially important timber trees, are more abundant in the less disturbed parts of the park, far away from the villages, indicating the pressures of illegal logging and harvesting near villages on the ecosystems.  相似文献   

A solvent-free, chemoenzymatic reaction sequence for the enantioselective synthesis of β-amino acid esters has been kinetically and thermodynamically characterized. The coupled sequence comprises a thermal aza-Michael addition of cheap starting materials and a lipase catalyzed aminolysis for the kinetic resolution of the racemic ester. Excellent ee values of >99% were obtained for the β-amino acid ester at 60% conversion. Kinetic constants for the aza-Michael addition were obtained by straightforward numerical integration of second-order rate equations and nonlinear fitting of the progress curves. A different strategy had to be devised for the biocatalytic reaction. Initially, a simplified Michaelis-Menten model including product inhibition was developed for the reaction running in THF as an organic solvent. Activity based parameters were used instead of concentrations in order to facilitate the transfer of the kinetic model to the solvent-free system. Observed solvent effects not accounted for by the use of thermodynamic activities were incorporated into the kinetic model. Enzyme deactivation was observed to depend on the ratio of the applied substrates and also included in the kinetic model. The developed simple model is in very good agreement with the experimental data and allows the simulation and optimization of the solvent-free process.  相似文献   

We present a new classification of β-turns specific to antiparallel β-sheets based upon the topology of H-bond formation. This classification results from ONIOM calculations using B3LYP/D95** density functional theory and AM1 semiempirical calculations as the high and low levels, respectively. We chose acetyl(Ala)(6)NH(2) as a model system as it is the simplest all-alanine system that can form all the H-bonds required for a β-turn in a sheet. Of the 10 different conformations we have found, the most stable structures have C(7) cyclic H-bonds in place of the C(10) interactions specified in the classic definition. Also, the chiralities specified for residues i + 1 and i + 2 in the classic definition disappear when the structures are optimized using our techniques, as the energetic differences among the four diastereomers of each structure are not substantial for 8 of the 10 conformations.  相似文献   


The role of salt bridges in chromatin protein Sso7d, from S. solfataricus has previously been shown to be crucial for its unusual high thermal stability. Experimental studies have shown that single site mutation of Sso7d (F31A) leads to a substantial decrease in the thermal stability of this protein due to distortion of the hydrophobic core. In the present study, we have performed a total of 0.2 μs long molecular dynamics (MD) simulations on F31A at room temperature, and at 360 K, close to the melting temperature of the wild type (WT) protein to investigate the role of hydrophobic core on protein stability. Sso7d-WT was shown to be stable at both 300 and 360 K; however, F31A undergoes denaturation at 360 K, consistent with experimental results. The structural and energetic properties obtained using the analysis of MD trajectories indicate that the single mutation results in high flexibility of the protein, and loosening of intramolecular interactions. Correlation between the dynamics of the salt bridges with the structural transitions and the unfolding pathway indicate the importance of both salt bridges and hydrophobic in effecting thermal stability of proteins in general.  相似文献   

The voltage-gated sodium channel (VGSC) is a complex, which is composed of one pore-forming α subunit and at least one β subunit. Up to now, five β subunits are known: β1/β1A, β1B, β2, β3, and β4, encoded by four genes (SCN1BSCN4B). It is critical to have a deep understanding of the interaction between β1 and β3 subunits, two subunits which frequently appear in many diseases concurrently. In this study, we had screened out the new template of β1 subunit for homology modelling, which shares higher similarity to β3. Docking studies of the β1 and β3 homology model were conducted, and likely β1 and β3 binding loci were investigated. The results revealed that β1–β3 is more likely to form a di-polymer than β1–β1 based on molecular interaction analysis, including potential energy analysis, Van der Waals (VDW) energy analysis and electrostatic energy analysis, and in addition, consideration of the hydrogen bonds and hydrophobic contacts that are involved. Based on these analyses, the residues His122 and Lys140 of β1 and Glu 66, Asn 131, Asp 118, Glu 120, Glu133, Asn135, Ser 137 of β3 were predicted to play a functional role.  相似文献   

Mycopathologia - Candida species are common in the human oral microbiota and may cause oral candidiasis (OC) when the microbiota equilibrium is disturbed. Immunosuppressed individuals are...  相似文献   

A molecular dynamics simulation of the DNA dodecamer d(CGCATATATGCG) has been performed with AMBER 5.0 under low salt conditions. Both B A and A B transitions are observed. This may have biological significance for the formation of complexes between DNA and TATA-box binding proteins.Supplementary material to this paper is available in electronic form at http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s0089400060654  相似文献   

To further disclose the underlying mechanisms of protein β-sheet formation, studies were made on the rules of β-strands alignment forming β-sheet structure using statistical and machine learning approaches. Firstly, statistical analysis was performed on the sum of β-strands between each β-strand pairs in protein sequences. The results showed a propensity of near-neighbor pairing (or called “first come first pair”) in the β-strand pairs. Secondly, based on the same dataset, the pairwise cross-combinations of real β-strand pairs and four pseudo-β-strand contained pairs were classified by support vector machine (SVM). A novel feature extracting approach was designed for classification using the average amino acid pairing encoding matrix (APEM). Analytical results of the classification indicated that a segment of β-strand had the ability to distinguish β-strands from segments of α-helix and coil. However, the result also showed that a β-strand was not strongly conserved to choose its real partner from all the alternative β-strand partners, which was corresponding with the ordination results of the statistical analysis each other. Thus, the rules of “first come first pair” propensity and the non-conservative ability to choose real partner, were possible important factors affecting the β-strands alignment forming β-sheet structures.  相似文献   

Chain reversals are often nucleation sites in protein folding. The β-hairpins of FBP28 WW domain and IgG are stable and have been proved to initiate the folding and are, therefore, suitable for studying the influence of charged residues on β-hairpin conformation. In this paper, we carried out NMR examination of the conformations in solution of two fragments from the FPB28 protein (PDB code: 1E0L) (N-terminal part) namely KTADGKT-NH2 (1E0L 12–18, D7) and YKTADGKTY-NH2 (1E0L 11–19, D9), one from the B3 domain of the protein G (PDB code: 1IGD), namely DDATKT-NH2 (1IGD 51–56) (Dag1), and three variants of Dag1 peptide: DVATKT-NH2 (Dag2), OVATKT-NH2 (Dag3) and KVATKT-NH2 (Dag4), respectively, in which the original charged residue were replaced with non-polar residues or modified charged residues. It was found that both the D7 and D9 peptides form a large fraction bent conformations. However, no hydrophobic contacts between the terminal Tyr residues of D9 occur, which suggests that the presence of a pair of like-charged residues stabilizes chain reversal. Conversely, only the Dag1 and Dag2 peptides exhibit some chain reversal; replacing the second aspartic-acid residue with a valine and the first one with a basic residue results in a nearly extended conformation. These results suggest that basic residues farther away in sequence can result in stabilization of chain reversal owing to screening of the non-polar core. Conversely, smaller distance in sequence prohibits this screening, while the presence oppositely-charged residues can stabilize a turn because of salt-bridge formation.  相似文献   

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