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Angular dependence of light scattering from aqueous NaCl solutions of dimethyloleylamine oxide has been measured in the presence of NaCl from 5×10–4 M to 10–1 M at 25 °C. The molecular weight and radius of gyration of micelles increase with increasing micelle concentration and reach constant values, suggesting occurrence of the sphere-rod equilibrium dependent on the micelle concentration. With increasing NaCl concentration, rodlike micelles are larger in molecular weight and become longer. The micelles formed at NaCl concentrations higher than 10–3 M are nearly monodisperse when the micelle concentration is high.Rodlike micelles of dimethyloleylamine oxide in 10–2 M and 5 × 10–2 M NaCl solutions have molecular weights of 4,760,000 and 6,900,000, respectively, and behave as semi-flexible or wormlike chains. In 5×10–2 M NaCl they have a contour length of 5750 Å and a persistence length of 1760 Å. These micelle parameters correspond to the end-to-end distance of 3780 Å and the number of Kuhn's statistical segments of 1.64. The large aggregation number of the rodlike micelles is induced by the strong cohesion of long hydrocarbon chains in solution, and their flexibility is caused by the hydration of amine oxide groups.  相似文献   

The effect of compressed CO2 on the critical micelle concentration (cmc) and aggregation number of sodium bis-2-ethylhexylsulfosuccinate (AOT) reverse micelles in isooctane solution was studied by UV/Vis and fluorescence spectroscopy methods in the temperature range of 303.2-318.2 K and at different pressures or mole fractions of CO2 (X(CO2)). The capacity of the reverse micelles to solubilize water was also determined by direct observation. The standard Gibbs free energy (DeltaGo(m)), standard enthalpy (DeltaHo(m)), and standard entropy (DeltaSo(m)) for the formation of the reverse micelles were calculated by using the cmc data determined. It was discovered that the cmc versus X(CO2) curve and the DeltaGo(m) versus X(CO2) curve for a fixed temperature have a minimum, and the aggregation number and water-solubilization capacity of the reverse micelles reach a maximum at the X(CO2) value corresponding to that minimum. These results indicate that CO2 at a suitable concentration favors the formation of and can stabilize AOT reverse micelles. A detailed thermodynamic study showed that the driving force for the formation of the reverse micelles is entropy.  相似文献   

The transformation of n-decane was carried out on bifunctional Pt-HBEA catalysts obtained either by exchange of the HBEA zeolite with Pt, or by mixing various amounts of the HBEA zeolite with a Pt-impregnated alumina. Pt-exchanged HBEA was the most selective catalyst for n-decane isomerisation, which can be explained by a better proximity between acidic and hydrogenating sites and by a fast desorption of monobranched isomers through the small crystallites of the HBEA zeolite.  相似文献   

The effect ofn-butanol,n-propanol, andn-hexanol on the critical micelle concentration (CMC) and degree of ionisation of the micelles of dodecyl-, tetradecyl- and hexadecyltrimethylammonium bromides in aqueous solution has been determined by conductimetric techniques. Increase of the molality of added alcohol over the concentration ranges examined (up to 0.3 mol kg–1 butanol, 0.07 mol kg–1 pentanol and 0.025 mol kg–1 hexanol) caused a progressive decrease of CMC and increase of the degree of ionisation for each surfactant-alcohol system. At a constant molality of added alcohol the degree of ionisation increased with a) an increase of the chain length of the surfactant for each alcohol and b) an increase of the chain length of the alcohol for each surfactant. The distribution of each alcohol between the aqueous and micellar phases and the free energy of solubilization were determined from the change of CMC with molality of added alcohol.  相似文献   

The solubilization ofn-octane andn-octanol in nonionic micelles of octaethylene glycoln-alkyl ethers was investigated by means of various techniques including solubilization, fluorescence, and dynamic light-scattering measurement. With respect to the effect of alkyl chain length of the surfactants, different solubilization behavior was observed betweenn-octane andn-octanol. That is to say, it was shown that the solubilization ofn-octane increases with an increase in the alkyl chain length, while that ofn-octanol decreases. An interpretation of these solubilization mechanisms is explained from the standpoint of the volume of hydrophobic and hydrophilic regions in a micelle.  相似文献   

Micelle size and shape of dodecyldimethylammonium bromide have been determined by measurement of light scattering from its aqueous NaBr solutions. In water and in the presence of NaBr up to 0.07 M, the Debye plots give straight lines with positive slopes, and spherical micelles having molecular weight less than 30 000 are formed. At higher NaBr concentrations, the Debye plots decrease with increasing micelle concentration, indicating the aggregation of the primary spherical micelles into larger secondary micelles. The molecular weight and the radius of gyration of the secondary micelles increase with increasing NaBr concentration, and the relation between molecular weight and radius of gyration suggests that they are rodlike and flexible. Linear logarithmic relations between micelle molecular weight and ionic strength hold for spherical and rodlike micelles, respectively, and the threshold concentration of NaBr for the sphere-rod transition is located at 0.07 M. The spherical micelle of dodecyldimethylammonium ions has a size more than 20 surfactant ions larger in NaBr solutions than in NaCl solutions, and their rodlike micelle has a shorter length in NaBr solutions than in NaCl solutions, when compared at an identical aggregation number, indicating 2 more surfactant ions in its cross-section.  相似文献   

Angular dependence of light scattering has been measured for aqueous solutions of dimethyloleylamine oxide in the presence of HCl and NaCl. In micellar solutions more concentrated than 0.1×10–2 g cm–3, rodlike micelles are dominantly formed, and their properties are strongly reflected in the characteristics of the solutions. The aggregation number, radius of gyration and even flexibility of the rodlike micelles increase with the addition of HCl as well as NaCl. The increase of HCl concentration up to 10–3 N makes the aggregation number of rodlike micelles as large as 58,000, when 0.01 M NaCl is present. The large micelle size would be stabilized by the dehydration of the amine oxide group and the hydrogen bonding between nonprotonated and protonated molecules in a micelle.In aqueous solutions without HCl and NaCl or in their presence at very low concentrations, the light scattering is subject to the effects of both external and internal interferences. The effect of external interference can be separated from the effect of internal interference by applying the Zernike-Prins equation to the observed angular dependence of light scattering. Then the second virial coefficient and the pair interaction potential of rodlike micelles can be derived by means of certain approximate methods. The addition of HCl to 10–3 N makes both repulsive and attractive forces stronger and the resulting potential well deeper, but the addition of NaCl depresses such an effect of HCl considerably.  相似文献   

Electrical conductivity of aqueous solutions of tetradecylpyridinium bromide and chloride has been measured as a function of surfactant molal concentration and temperature. From the molal dependence of conductivity, the critical micelle concentration and the micellar ionization degree were estimated. The temperature dependence of these parameters has been used for calculating the thermodynamic parameters related with the micellization process by using the classical charged pseudophase separation model. The effect of the counterion on the conventional thermodynamic potentials of micellization such as standard Gibbs free energy, enthalpy and entropy has also been a matter of study. Finally, the occurrence of the enthalpy–entropy compensation phenomenon was verified and the relevant parameters discussed.  相似文献   

The semi-equilibrium dialysis method has been used to infer solubilization equilibrium constants or, alternatively, activity coefficients of solutes solubilized into micelles of aqueous surfactant solutions. Methods are described for inferring the concentrationa of monomers of the organic solute and of the surfactant on both sides of the dialysis membrane, under conditions where the organic solute is in equilibrium with both the high-concentration (retentate) and low-concentration (permeate) solutions. By using a form of the Gibbs-Duhem equation, activity coefficients of both phenol (the solubilizate) and n-hexadecylpyridinium chloride (the surfactant) are obtained for aqueous solutions at 25°C throughout a wide range of relative compositions of surfactant and solubilizate within the micelle. The apparent solubilization constant, K=[solubilized phenol]/([monomeric phenol][micellar surfactant]), is found to decrease significantly as the mole fraction of phenol in the micelle increases.  相似文献   

Small angle neutron scattering has been used to elucidate the size and shape of a micelle in the sodium di-n-pentyl phosphate (DPP)-water system. The results are summarized as follows. For the DPP micelle, the aggregation number (n) depends on the concentration (n=12, at 7.0 wt% andn=15 at 10.0 wt%). The minimum micelle is spherical and has an aggregation numbern=7. For the DPP-micellar system, it can be assumed that micellar growth and variation from the spherical to probate shape occurs with an increase in concentration above the CMC.  相似文献   

The rates of heat release in the nitrogen dioxide—n-decane system at a molar ratio of nitrogen oxides ton-decane (β) from 2.4·10−3 to 3.1 and gaseous volumes per mole ofn-decane (V(g)) equal to 0.05–4.5 were studied in the 55.2–92.8 °C temperature range. The initial rate of the process is determined by the interaction of NO2 withn-decane. The equilibrium constants of dissociation of N2O4 inn-decane and Henry's constants of NO2 and N2O4 in ann-decane solution were determined by complex analysis of the thermodynamic equilibrium in the NO2n-decane system and dependences of the initial rates onV(g) and β. The experimentally observed self-acceleration of the process in the region of high β and lowT values was suggested to be due to the reaction of N2O4 with intermediate oxidation products. The rate constants of the reaction of NO2 withn-decane were compared with analogous values determined in its mixtures with HNO3 solutions. Translated fromIzvestiya Akademii Nauk. Seriya Khimicheskaya, No. 10, pp. 1789–1794, October, 1997.  相似文献   

A calorimetric method to evaluate, at the same time, the distribution constant and the standard enthalpy of transfer of a solute partitioned between organic phase and reversed micelles is proposed. The method was applied to the partition of methanol, 1-propanol and 1-pentanol between n-heptane and AOT reversed micelles containing water at 25°C. The results show that the distribution constant decreases as the alcohol alkyl chain length increases and that the solubilization site can change as the water content of reversed AOT micelles increases. In particular, at sufficiently high water content, methanol seems to be preferably solubilized in the aqueous pseudophase whereas 1-pentanol prefers always the palisade layer as site of solubilization.In part from Doctor in Biology thesis of F. Pinio, University of Palermo, Italy.  相似文献   

The peak-broadening (Taylor dispersion) method is used to measure the diffusion of traces of alcohols (ethanol, n-butanol, n-hexanol, n-octanol, n-decanol) in aqueous solutions of sodium dodecylsulfate micelles at 25°C. A small quantity of each alcohol is injected into a long capillary tube containing a laminar stream of the micelle solution. The tracer diffusion coefficient is calculated from the broadened distribution of the eluted alcohol which is measured by differential refractometry. The fraction of each alcohol that is solubilized by the micelles is estimated from the drop in the diffusion coefficient relative to the value for the free alcohol molecules in pure water. The refractive index profiles across the dispersed samples are analyzed to obtain the cross-diffusion coefficient which gives the coupled flow of sodium dodecylsulfate produced by the tracer diffusion of each alcohol.  相似文献   

The complex of cupric chloride with DMF immobilized on the surface of silica gel exhibits high catalytic activity in the reaction of tetrachloromethane withn-decane. The fact that the reaction is inhibited by phenols and oxygen implies that it occurs by a radical mechanism. The immobilized catalyst that contains copper atoms connected through chlorine bridges and organic donor ligands is the most effective. Presented at the First Moscow Workshop on Highly Organized Catalytic Systems. Translated fromIzvestiya Akademii Nauk. Seriya Khimicheskaya, No. 10, pp. 1835–1838, October, 1997.  相似文献   

The influence of operating conditions (time-on-stream, temperature, pressure and paraffin feed concentration) on the deactivation of a 5A molecular sieve during the adsorption/desorption of n-decane has been studied using a cyclic operating procedure. After 10 adsorption/desorption cycles, the 5A molecular sieve used in this study showed the same deactivation level as an used industrial molecular sieve provided that the deactivation of the zeolite was due to coke deposition by site coverage and pore blockage. The temperature effect was studied in the range of 373–523 K, obtaining a minimum deactivation at 448 K. The pressure does not influence adsorption parameters in the range of 1–3 MPa, but it does affect the nature of the coke deposited on the zeolite. The influence of paraffin concentration can be considered negligible.  相似文献   

The pK a values and constants of tautomeric equilibrium of several o-aminomethylphenols with different hydrophilic-lipophilic ability were measured in aqueous micellar solutions and in direct microemulsions based on cetyltrimethylammonium bromide. The kinetics of hydrolysis of p-nitrophenyl acetate at different pH and concentrations of aminomethylphenol and surfactant was studied. Published in Russian in Izvestiya Akademii Nauk. Seriya Khimicheskaya, No. 10, pp. 1724–1729, October, 2006  相似文献   

Summary The enantiomers of eightO,O-dialkyl-2-benzyloxycarbonylaminoarylmethyl phosphonates have been directly separated on a tris(3,5-dimethylphenylcarbamate) cellulose column. The results are very different from those obtained by separation on anN-(3,5-dinitrobenzoyl)leucine (DNBleu) column. The effect of mobile phase composition and column temperature on retention and enantioselectivity were investigated. The effect on chiral separation of the length of, and steric hindrance by, alkoxyl groups of the phosphonate ester and of the nature of the substitutentsp-Cl andp-H on the benzene ring attached to the chiral carbon atom are also discussed.  相似文献   

Small-angle neutron scattering cross-section distributions of sodium dodecyl sulphate (SDS) and dodecyl trimethyl ammonium bromide (DTAB), each 0·3 M in D2O were obtained in the absence and presence of 0·1 M 1-pentanol, 1-hexanol, and 1-octanol at 25°C. The Hayter-Penfold type analysis was adopted. An ellipsoidal model with semiminor axis (a=16·5 ?) and semimajor axes (b=40·7 ? and 29·8 ?) for pure SDS and DTAB micelles has produced best fits. On increasing alkanol chain lengths an increase inb values was found. Micellar parameters like effective radius (R), (a, b), fraction of counterions per micelle, and intermicellar distances were obtained. Surfactant aggregation number, additive aggregation number intermicellar interaction potentials and values of Debye screening length were obtained for SDS and DTAB in the presence of alkanols. Implications of partitioning effect, surfactant ionicity and intermicellar potentials on the microstructures are rationalised.  相似文献   

The critical micelle concentration (CMC) for bile salts or other surfactants is defined as that solute concentration at which appreciable changes in such phenomena as light scattering, surface tension, or solubilization of other organic molecules occur, these changes indicating appearance of surfactant aggregates. The CMC thus reflects hydrophobic interactions of the surfactant with itself. The self-association of hydrophobic molecules resembles the partition of a solute into the lipophilic phase in reversed-phase high performance liquid chromatography (RPLC): Both processes can be considered as transfers of a molecule from an aqueous to a lipophilic medium. The critical micelle concentration of a particular bile salt, being a measure of its hydrophobic self-association, should therefore be correlated with its Chromatographic mobility since they are fundamentally related phenomena. Experimentally, significant correlations between these quantities are obtained, both for bile salts andn-alky1 sulfonates, and only microgram amounts of sample are required for RPLC measurements. Among three homologous series of bile salt surfactants, CMC values predicted from RPLC measurements agree, within a standard error of 7%, with CMC values determined directly. This suggests the applicability of reversed-phase liquid chromatography to the micro-scale determination of critical micelle concentrations of bile salts,n-alkyl sulfonates, and other homologous series of surfactants.This work was supported in Part by NIH Grants HL-07878 (W.H.E.) and AI-21873 (B.G.B.) and by a Fulbright Senior Fellowship (B.G.B.). This is paper LXXX in the series Bile Acids by W.H.E.Deceased March 29, 1986  相似文献   

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