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In this paper, the Gladstone-Dale ionic refractivities (GDIR values) are calculated onthe basis of the K values given by Mandarino and/or the author. The effects of the elec-tron shell configuration of ions on the refractive properties of minerals are discussed. Theconclusions are as follows: (1) The refractive indices of the compounds consisting of Ne-type ions are linearlyrelated with their densities. (2) The ionic refractivities of the inert gas-type ions are different from those of 18electron-type ions in their variation relationship. (3) The ionic refractivities of ⅠA, ⅡA, ⅢA, ⅣA, ⅤA and ⅥA Groups in the periodictable increase linearly with increasing atomic number. (4) The two-humped curves are found for the ionic refractivities of the first transitionelements. (5) Because of the lanthanum series contraction, the ionic refractivities of rare earthelements decrease with increasing atomic number.  相似文献   

The composition distribution (CD) and microisotacticity distribution (ID) of propene/1-hexene copolymer synthesized by MgCl_2/DIBP/TiCl_4 (DIBP: diisobutyl phthalate) weredetermined by fractionating the copolymers according to crystallinity and characterizingthe fractions by ~(13)CNMR. The effects of two alkoxysilane donors, triethoxyphenylsilane(PTES) and dimethoxydi-tert-butylsilane (TBMS), on CD and ID of the copolymrs werecompared. Three main parts in the CD diagram of each copolymer were distinguished,which were correlated to active center distribution (ACD) based on three groupe of dif-ferent active centers. By studying the changes in 1-hexene content, microisotacticity andreactivity ratio product of three typical fractions, the effects of external donor on ACDwere better elucidated. It was found that TBMS shows much stronger effects on ACD thanPTES. In the former system, most fractions were produced on active centers with relativelylower r_1r_2, higher reactivity to 1-hexene, and higher stereospecificity as compared to thesystem without external donor. It is concluded that the observed very extensive changesin ACD are mainly resulted by the formation of new types of active centers, possibly bycoordination of external donor to certain positions on the catalyst.  相似文献   

Adsorption equilibrium experiments of phenol on the NKA II resin are separately conducted in the presence and absence of ultrasound at ambient temperature.The isotherm of phenol on the polymer adsorbent in the presence of ultrasonic field is firstly reported.Results indicated that the isotherm of phenol determined in the presence of ultrasound is lower than that in the absence of ultrasound.In addition,experiments also show that the use of ultrasound to the adsorption system of the phenol aqueous solution and NKA Ⅱ resin could cause the rising of the temperature of the system in the order of 6^-C.The effect of ultrasound on the isotherm of the phenol on the NKA Ⅱ resin mostly ascribes to the thermal effect and the non-thermal effect of ultrasonic field.and the role of the later is greater than that of the former.  相似文献   

Chemicalsynthesisplaysanimportantroleincurentmanufactureofpharmaceuticalsteroidhormones.Butsomeoftheimportantsteps,suchashyd...  相似文献   

Negative direct current (__DC 300 μA) stimulation was applied to the round window ofthe guinea pig cochlea to exhaust the pre-synaptic intracellular reserves of the transmitter inhair cells, and then the scala tympani was perfused respectively with L- glutamine, glutaminesynthetase and glutaminase. Experimental results showed that the negative DC electricalstimulation applied to the round window elevated the CAP threshold of the cochlear nervein the basal turn of the cochlea, which recovered over a period of approximately 17- 39 min.The perfusion of L- glutamine apparently elevated the CAP threshold. The recovery of theCAP threshold following electrical stimulation, however, was accelerated by the perfusion of10 mmol/L L- glutamine. The time for recovery only took about 5- 6 min. The perfusion ofenzyme glutamine synthetase elevated the CAP threshold by 50 dB, while glutaminase hadlittle effect. These results suggest that the effect of L- glutamine on the CAP threshold inthe cocblea of the guinea pig ap  相似文献   

Three series of polythiophenes containing fluoroalkoxy and fluoroether substituentswere prepared by electrochemical polymerization. The effect of substituents with fluoro-alkoxy or ether functional groups on the electrochemical polymerization of thiophene mono-mers and properties of the obtained polymers were analyzed. The introduction of a flu-oroether functional group at the 3-position of the thiophene ring leads to an increase ofthe oxidation potential of the monomer and to a decrease of the conductivity of the re-sulting polymers, even with the use of a CH_2 group as spacer. Conversely, the presenceof an oxygen atom directly at the 3-position of the thiophene ring, which offsets the nega-tive withdrawing effect of fluoroalkyl groups, facilitates the synthesis of highly conductingpolythiophenes.  相似文献   

The in vitro effects of baicalein,wogonin,baicalin and Na_2MoO_4 on N-nitrosation reaction have been studied. The N-nitrosation reaction has been determined by the amount of dimethylnitrosamine(DMN) and diethylnitrosamine(DEN) produced using the UV-photclysis spectrophotometric and pyrolysis gas chromatography test. Baicalein,wogonin and Na_2MoO_4 showed varing extents of inhibition of the formation of DMN and DEN. Baicalin promoted the formation of DMN and DEN under the condition of simulating gastric Juices. It is also found that E. coli showed a remarkable promoting effect on the formation of DMN and DEN,but this promoting effect could be blocked to some extent by baicalein,wogonin,baicalin and Na_2MoO_4. Besides, Na_2MoO_4 and wogonin have shown synergic effect on the blocking of N-nitrosation reaction.  相似文献   

The present paper studies the budgets of kinetic energy in general flow and eddy kinetic energy of Typhoon No. 7, 1975, with a special emphasis on the effects of the divergent and non-divergent winds on the generatioan and transport of kinetic energy. It has been found that:(1) As the typhoon developed and intensified, the generation of kinetic energy of di-vergent wind decreased relatively while that of non-dlvergent wind significantly increased and eventually became the primary term of the generation of kinetic energy. For the entire life spau of the typhoon, the generation of kinetic energy of divergent flow is the primary source of kinetic energy (4W/m~2) with the production of kinetic energy by non-divergent wind being only 0.5 W/m~2.(2) For the budget of eddy kinetic energy, at the initial stage a large amount of eddy kinetle energy needed to be imported from the region outside the typhoon, and at the mature stage a significant amount of eddy kinetic energy was exported. The terms of the work made  相似文献   

The effects of the modification by zinc exchange on the acidity ofSM-2(ZSM-5 type)zeolite catalyst were studied by TPAD and IR spectra ofadsorbed pyridine.The loading of zinc increased Lewis acidity of the catalystand generated more sites with medium acid strength.Both the conversion ofpropane and the yield of aromatics were dependent on the zinc content in thecatalyst.Comparison of the behavior of a fresh and a partly pyridine poisoned0.7ZnSM-2 catalyst for propane conversion showed that the role of zinc speciesmay be:(a)adjusting catalyst acidity to promote propane activation and(b)act-ing as dehydrogenation catalyst for aromatization of olefins.It was shown thatZnSM-2 catalyst has good stability in propane aromatization reaction.  相似文献   

Deoxycorticosterone acetate, injected daily for 5, 10, 20 or 30 days, reduced the serum potassium levels of rats by about 25%, a decrease that was independent of the treatment period employed. Serum sodium concentrations were unchanged with treatment duration. The potassium concentrations in extensor digitorum longus (EDL) and soleus (SOL) muscles were significantly decreased, and those of sodium increased, after treatment. Accompanying these changes of electrolyte concentration, the resting membrane potentials of treated EDL and SOL were hyperpolarized in vivo, and showed depolarization with the decreases of external potassium concentrations in vitro. The mitochondria in the muscles of treated rats were damaged. The degree of damage was more serious in EDL than in SOL and was dependent on the duration of deoxycorticosterone acetate treatment.  相似文献   

Electron microscopic autoradiographic studies on the dynamics and location of DNAsynthesis by means of incorporation of ~8H-thymidine during the replication of duck plaguevirus (DPV) revealed that the duration of DNA synthesis of DPV was rather long. The repli-cation of viral DNA occurred simultaneously with the assembly procedure of nucleocapsids, thematuration and release of viruses. DNA synthesis of DPV occurred in the matrix with lowerelectron density in the nucleus. The replicated viral DNA accumulated in the viroplast With highelectron density where the assembly of nucleocapsids occurred. The viroplast with high electrondensity was not the region of viral DNA synthesis.  相似文献   

Polyethersulfone membranes were prepared from quaternary systems containing N,N-dimethylacetamide (DMAc) as solvent, polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP) as constant additive and acetic acid, acetone and water as variable additives. Phase inversion via immersion precipitation was employed for manufacturing of membranes. The prepared films were immersed in the mixture of pure water and 2-propanol (30/70 vol%) as the non-solvent. Acetic acid caused an increment in the flux at high polymer concentration (16 wt%) and a decline in the flux at low polymer concentrations (10 wt% and 13 wt%). Acetone and water as the solvent in the casting solution declined the flux at any polymer concentration tested. The morphology and performance of the prepared membranes were investigated by scanning electron microscopy and separation experiments using milk as the feed.  相似文献   

This paper describes the results observed on 850 male Wistar rats for two years after intraperitoneal injection with ~(131)I, ~(132)I or ~(125)I of different radioactivities. The incidence of thyroid malignant tumor was 45.8% when the dose absorbed by the thyroid gland was 7.8 Gy in the ~(131)I groups, and even tumors of lung and soft tissue, and malfunction of kidney and immune organs could be elicited when the radioiodine was overdosed. Both ~(132)I and ~(125)I have their optimal carcinogenic dose ranges and optimal doses of carcinogenesis. As the dosage decreases to a certain level, a low-limit dose incapable of inducing cancers may be present. ~(131)I induced mainly papillary and mixed type carcinomas, ~(132)I chiefly follicular and undifferentiated type carcinomas, while ~(125)I induced follicular and medullary carcinomas. The paper also discusses cytochemical DNA quantitative assays of different histological types of thyroid gland carcinomas, holding that reference to such data as decreasing serum  相似文献   

In this paper, a three-dimensional primitive equation numerical model includingvarious physical processes is constructed. Using this model, the development and thestructure of the tropical cyclone (typhoon) are first successfully simulated. Then theeffects of radiative processes on the development of the cyclone are investigated. Theradiative processes and their parameterization include long wave, short wave radiationand cloud type and cloudiness respectively. The results show that the tropical cyclonewill develop earlier and more quickly after the effect of radiative processes isincorporated, but the differences in intensity between the two cases with and withoutradiative processes at the final state are not evident. Only at the developing stage hasthe cyclone affected by radiation a sharper decrease in the surface pressure, a strongerwind and upward motion. a more obvious eye and eyewall, etc. All the results showthat the radiative processes are important in the earlier development stage of thetropica  相似文献   

The surface-enhanced Raman spectra (SERS) of crystal violet on colloidal silver particles of different sizes and shapes were measured and the structural effect of the silver aggregates on the SEPS intensities was discussed in terms of fractal geometry. It is found that the SERS band intensities of crystal violet change significantly with the fractal dimension (D) of colloidal silver at 1.251.8.  相似文献   

lntroductionThccatal}'stcffcctivenessfactorismainl}'affectcdb}'itsporcstructurc-butthcparticlesizeandtcmperaturearcaIsoimportantforthediffesionandrcactionUnderindustrialopcrationconditionsforthcstrongl}'exothermicFischcr-Tropschs}nthcsis(FTS)reaction,temperaturedistributionalongcataI}ticbedisccrtainl}ununiform.andthus,theeffectivcncssfactorsarenaturall}'changcd.Whatisimportantisthatthccffectivcncssfactorsarestrictl}'detcrmincdb}'thcparticlcsizeandcorrcspondingporcparameters.lnvcstigationsont…  相似文献   

A peptide trypsin inhibitor was isolated and purified from the roots of Trichosanthes kirilowii (a Chinese medical herb) by using immobilized anhydro-trypsin affinity chromatography and HPLC C_(18) column reverse chromatography. It contains two major components, both consisting of 27 amino acid residues with three pairs of disulfide bonds. The sequence determination indicated that the difference between them is only in the ninth position, being Gln and Lys, respectively. The peptide bond of the inhibitor reactive site Arg-Ile (3--4) is easy to cleave at low pH by trypsin, resulting in a modified inhibitor. It might be the smallest naturally occurring protein inhibitor so far known. The modification reaction of the Trichosanthes inhibitor with trypsin is similar to the catalytic enzyme-substrate reaction. The dissociation constant of the modified inhibitor with trypsin is around fourfold that of the natural inhibitor.  相似文献   

1. INTRODUCTION With the development of municipalization in China, more and more cities are challenged by the problem of how to dispose of the dramatically increased municipal waste. Generally, most of municipal solid waste is landfilled or dumped openly in the suburbs. It causes not only land waste, but also serious environment pollution. In order to solve efficiently the environment pollution caused by municipal solid waste, incineration technique was introduced in some big cities such…  相似文献   

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