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麦哲伦海峡是世界重要的航海通道,水文、气象、底质复杂,海流多变化。近年来经常有船舶在此搁浅、触礁、碰撞,分析其原因是有关资料和心理准备不足,对该海峡的航行困难估计不足,也有经验方面的因素。文章较详实地介绍了海峡内的水文气象:地理条件及进出海峡的航行方法。  相似文献   

熊建国 《天津航海》1999,(3):8-10,15
本文扼要介绍了通过麦哲伦海峡的体会,海峡当局的有关规定,强制和非强制引航段的航法,对首次过海峡的船长,有较实际的参考价值。  相似文献   

麦哲伦海峡地处南美大陆南端,连接大西洋和太平洋,是南美大陆东西海岸间的重要海上通道。船舶航经麦哲伦海峡与绕行合恩角相比,不仅距离缩短近270n mile,而且合恩角全年风浪较大,冬季常有流冰存在,对于小型船舶和空载船舶航行比较困难。从经济性和安全性上考虑,航经麦哲伦海峡无疑是比较好的选择。  相似文献   

麦哲伦海峡地处南半球著名的"咆哮西风带"内,气象复杂多变,航道狭长、弯道多,水流湍急.此文根据笔者的经历,对麦哲伦海峡的自然条件、水文气象、引航和报告制度以及在海峡内的安全航行注意事项等进行介绍.  相似文献   

明达轮V0312自澳大利亚纽卡斯儿装载41773t散煤经麦哲伦海峡往巴西圣路易斯,于2003年9月23日0630L正横过Cabo Pillar以吃水F/10.28m,A/11.08m,开始进入麦哲伦海峡(以下简称海峡),于24日0745L过Punta Dungenes灯塔出海峡东口,历时25h15min,共321n mile;其中从Punta Arenas引航员  相似文献   

牛国臣 《天津航海》2000,(2):7-9,14
本文就托雷斯海峡的航法、注意事项及引水与潮流情况和通过海峡时的船舶报告制度进行了全面阐述。并将自己通过海峡的体会进行了汇总与介绍,为船舶安全通过托雷斯海峡提供了具体、详细的参考资料。  相似文献   

前言   “晶强”轮第16航次期租给ARMADA.USA.于2000年10月29日装载纯碱32 000t,由美国SAN DIEGO港开航驶往巴西SEPETIBA港,租家从经济角度考虑要求绕道南美州南端,并通过麦哲伦海峡。  相似文献   

王军 《航海》1993,(10):1-4

牛国臣 《天津航海》2002,(3):13-15,27
本文就关门海峡的航道,潮流,信号,通航情况,航法及船过海峡时应注意的问题进行了论述,并浅谈了自己几次通过关门海峡的体会。  相似文献   

1海峡概况土耳其海峡(Turkish Straits)位于小亚细亚半岛西段,是黑海进出地中海的唯一通道,故又称黑海海峡。海峡全长345km,整个海峡呈东北-西南走向,是亚、欧两洲的分界线,两岸主权均属于士耳其,地理位  相似文献   

介绍营口港航道由于独特的地理位置而形成的多浅滩、多渔船、受气候影响显著等特点,详细说明了船舶进出航道的航行方法及注意事项,对航行在该海区的船舶具有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

王春华 《中国船检》2007,(12):90-92
费尔南多·麦哲伦1480年出生在葡萄牙波尔图的一个贵族家庭,12岁被选入王宫,成了莱奥诺拉王后的侍童,随王室游历全国大长见识。国王去世后,他被派到航海事务厅任职,从而学到了大量的航海知识。1505年,麦哲伦参加了葡萄牙海军,赴印度作战;1511年参加了攻占马六甲海峡之役。  相似文献   

1 港口简介 宁波港位于29°52'N,121°31'E,共有三个港区水域组成,分别为镇海港、宁波港和北伦港,共拥有37个泊位.镇海拥有19个泊位,其中4个煤码头、3个散装码头和杂货码头,最大水深为14m,最小水深为6.5m,主航道最大水深为9m,最大潮差为3.51m,最小潮差为0.9m;宁波港区拥有7个泊位,其中5个小型杂货泊位、2个客轮泊位,泊位最大水深为5.5m,最小水深为4.5m,主航道最大水深为5.5m,最大潮差为3.62m,最小潮差为0.9m;北伦港区拥有16个泊位,其泊位最大承受能力为200 000t大型散货船和油轮,泊位最大水深为21m,最小水深为12m,最大泊位长度为360m,主航道最大水深为18m,最大潮差为3.36m,最小潮差为0.4m.镇海港和宁波港船舶可以全天候进入,但北伦港除集装箱船舶外,其他船舶只有在白天进出港口.  相似文献   

本文提出了跨赤道恒向线航行的4种中分纬度航法,经比较考察,得到一种最简便而又最精确的算法。  相似文献   

香港和深圳西部港区均是大型港口,大型船舶驶往深圳西部港区均要过境香港。根据香港的航行条件,对其航行法进行了探讨性的研究。  相似文献   

The dense overflow across the Denmark Strait is investigated with hydrographic and hydro-chemical data and the water mass composition of the Denmark Strait Overflow Water (DSOW) is determined by multivariate analysis. Hydrographical properties, the transient tracers CFC-11 and CFC-12, oxygen and nutrients are utilized for the water mass definitions. Distribution and characteristics of water masses north of Denmark Strait are described, the important water masses at the sill and the variability on weekly time-scales are discussed, and the entrainment and mixing of water into the overflow plume in the northern Irminger Basin is calculated. The analysis indicates that water masses both from the Nordic Seas and the Arctic Ocean are important for the formation of DSOW. It is found that water masses transported with the East Greenland Current make up about 75% of the overflow at the sill. The overflow at, and shortly south of, the sill is inhomogeneous with a low-salinity component dominated by Polar Intermediate Water. The high-salinity component of the overflow is mainly of Arctic origin. The water mass composition, and the short-term variability for 7 repeats of sections close to the sill are described, and these illustrate that the overflow is in fact a composite of a number of water masses with different formation and transport histories. This indicate that the overflow is a robust feature, but that it responds to variations in the circulation or atmospheric forcing that influences the formation of intermediate and deep water masses within the Arctic Mediterranean and the North Atlantic. At a section about 400 km south of the sill the overflow is well mixed and modified by entrainment of, mainly, Iceland–Scotland Overflow Water and Labrador Sea Water, together constituting 30% of the overflow plume. The entrainment of Middle Irminger Water dominates shortly downstream of the sill, before the overflow plume reaches too deep but the entrainment seems to be intermittent in time.  相似文献   

The objective of this paper is to introduce an appropriate unidirectional wave spectrum model for the Strait of Hormuz. The research is focused on assessing performance of standard wave spectrum models in the region. By evaluating such models based on valuable measurement data recently published, the calibration procedure has been conducted on such standard models to reach a better concordance between a modified standard spectral model and observed field spectra. The calibration is performed initially with respect to four distinct directions related to four available measurement stations. So, it results in four sets of coefficients for a nominated model. Next, it is continued to reach just one model insensitive to directions. Results clearly showed that the International Towing Tank Conference (ITTC) model is more appropriate than Joint North Sea Wave Project (JONSWAP) and Pierson and Moskowitz (PM) models in this area, even without any calibration. However, modifications have been successful on improving the conformity of the model.  相似文献   

The results on the distribution of phytoplankton biomass (expressed as Chla) and primary production (14C assimilation), during three oceanographic cruises carried out during Austral spring and at the end of the summer and the autumn in the Straits of Magellan, suggest a strong variability of trophic levels for this ecosystem.Seasonal evolution of the biomass concentration goes from the spring maximum of 2.33 μg/l through a sharp decrease, 0.49 μg/l, observed at the end of summer, until the minimum of 0.24 μg/l measured during the autumn.The trophic conditions are dependent on hydrographic, meteo-climatic and geo-morphological characteristics: at the Atlantic entrance and between the two Angosturas the strong mixing of water column limit the development of phytoplankton; at the Western opening and along the Pacific arm the complex exchange mechanisms with the ocean, the glacio-fluvial contribution and the presence of a thermohaline front near the Isla Carlos III influence both biomass and primary production distributions. The maximum values are reached in the Central Zone (Paso Ancho) characterized by high stability of the water column.Primary production ranged from a minimum of 12.3 to a maximum of 125.9 mgC m−2 h−1. The overall trend seems to be a progressive and simultaneous increase from the Pacific and Atlantic openings to the Central Zone of Paso Ancho where the maximum value was reached. In general, biomass and primary production distributions correspond quite well except for the area of Isla Carlos III where biological and chemico-physical causes tend to limit 14C assimilation.Contribution of pico-phytoplankton (< 2 μm) to total biomass appears to be time dependent: in the blooms observed during spring a very modest incidence (< 6%) was observed whereas became more (> 50%) during the summer-autumn seasons when total biomass was decreasing.Within the Straits, at the end of summer, the contribution of pico-phytoplankton primary production is 59%, whereas nano and microplankton contribute 39% and 2%, respectively. At the oceanic external stations the photosynthetic activity of the bigger size-fraction (> 2 μm) is predominant (> 50%).These findings support the hypothesis that the pico-phytoplankton ( < 2 μm) is substantially constant, whereas temporal variations are due to the larger (> 10 μm) cells only.  相似文献   

马广贺 《天津航海》2003,(2):5-6,17
2001年9月本人驾船进入黑海到乌克兰卸货装货,在该国两港装钢材回新加坡、越南、江阴.由于租家不安排土耳其海峡引航,并强调如若申请引航,则费用由船东来付,另外,等引航的时间和耽误过苏伊士运河的时间所发生的费用也均由船东付费.  相似文献   

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