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Human Cosavirus (HCoSV) is a newly discovered virus whose role in human enteric diseases is still unknown. In Italy, the prevalence and genetic diversity of HCoSV are unexplored. One hundred forty-one raw sewage samples collected throughout Italy were screened for HCoSV by RT-nested PCR. HCoSV was detected in 25.5% of samples. Species A, C, and D, and a potentially new species were detected. Our results show a significant circulation and heterogeneity of HCoSV in Italy.  相似文献   

Food and Environmental Virology - Cosaviruses (CoSV) and Saffold cardiovirus (SAFV) are novel members of the Picornaviridae family. The Matanza-Riachuelo river basin covers a total area of 2200 km2...  相似文献   

The study was carried out in 2007, and its main aim was 1 year monitoring of surface water of the River Wieprz in Poland for the presence of human adenoviruses group F and noroviruses (NoVs). In total, 60 water samples were collected from four sampling sites situated along the river. The viruses were concentrated from water samples using glass wool, followed by elution with a glycine buffer containing skimmed milk powder. Subsequently, the viral nucleic acids were extracted and purified from water concentrates using a NucliSENS® kit and a QIAamp Viral RNA Mini Kit®. The presence of viral nucleic acids was confirmed by applying traditional PCR-based methods with incorporated internal amplification controls. Human pathogenic viruses were detected in 35% of analysed water samples. Adenoviruses were detected in 28.3% of analysed samples, and were present at all seasons of the year. 11.6% of the samples were positive for NoVs; they were present only during summer, in contrast to conventional findings. Molecular identification of norovirus strains revealed that they belong to genogroup I and II.  相似文献   

Food and Environmental Virology - Waterborne diseases remain a public health concern in developing countries where many lack access to safe water. Water testing mainly uses bacterial indicators to...  相似文献   

用一种新的分光光度法测定废水和轻度污染河水中的黄磷.水中的黄磷经有机溶剂萃取后,与硝酸银溶液反应生成亮黄色,可于分光光度计上比色测定.检测下限0.01μg;相对标准偏差0%—8%;回收率88%—100%·与磷钼酸盐光度法比较.本方法简单、快速、灵敏度高、选择性好,无毒安全.  相似文献   

通过选用纵向推流、横向扩散二维数学模型对阿什河流域畜禽养殖业废水排入松花江而对松花江水质的影响进行分析预测,在此基础上提出污染防治措施与对策。  相似文献   

以5种药品及个人护理用品(pharmaceuticals and personal care products,PPCPs)包括氯贝酸、酮洛芬、萘普生、双氯芬酸和布洛芬为目标物,初步研究了它们在上海某生活污水处理厂不同污水处理单元中的赋存特征和去除特性,探讨了污水处理厂受纳河流中5种PPCPs的分布情况,并对其在受纳水体中的生态风险进行了初步评估.结果表明,5种PPCPs在污水处理厂进水中均被检出,表明生活污水是污水处理厂中PPCPs的来源之一.5种PPCPs在整个污水处理工艺中不能全部去除,微生物转化/降解是主要降解机制.受纳污水河流中5种PPCPs的分布特征与污水处理厂出水中的相似,且排污口下游水体中目标物浓度普遍高于上游,反映出污水处理厂排放可能是其受纳水体中PPCPs的主要来源之一.初步风险评估结果表明,受纳水体中双氯芬酸存在高生态风险,而酮洛芬、萘普生、氯贝酸和布洛芬的生态风险相对较低.  相似文献   

Food and Environmental Virology - Saffold virus as a newly discovered virus, which seems to be related to acute gastroenteritis as with other enteric viruses and to human airway diseases in...  相似文献   

A nationwide survey of viruses, protozoa, and indicator microorganisms in drinking water sources of Japan was conducted. Among 64 surface water samples collected from 16 drinking water treatment plants, 51 (80?%) samples were positive for at least one of the 11 pathogen types tested, including noroviruses of genogroups I (positive rate, 13?%) and II (2?%), human sapoviruses (5?%), human adenoviruses of serotypes 40 and 41 (39?%), Cryptosporidium oocysts (41?%), and Giardia cysts (36?%). Total coliforms, Escherichia coli, and F-specific coliphages were detected in 63 (98?%), 33 (52?%), and 17 (27?%) samples, respectively, and E. coli was judged to be the most suitable indicator of pathogen contamination of drinking water sources. Genogroup-specific real-time PCR for F-specific coliphages revealed the presence of F-specific RNA coliphages of animal genogroup I and human genogroups II and III in 13 (41?%), 12 (39?%), and 1 (3?%), respectively, of 31 plaques isolated.  相似文献   


Enteric viruses are a diverse group of human pathogens which are primarily transmitted by the faecal–oral route and are a major cause of non-bacterial diarrhoeal disease in both developed and developing countries. Because they are shed in high numbers by infected individuals and can persist for a long time in the environment, they pose a serious threat to human health globally. Enteric viruses end up in the environment mainly through discharge or leakage of raw or inadequately treated sewage into water sources such as springs, rivers, dams, or marine estuaries. Human exposure then follows when contaminated water is used for drinking, cooking, or recreation and, importantly, when filter-feeding bivalve shellfish are consumed. The human health hazard posed by enteric viruses is particularly serious in Africa where rapid urbanisation in a relatively short period of time has led to the expansion of informal settlements with poor sanitation and failing or non-existent wastewater treatment infrastructure, and where rural communities with limited or no access to municipal water are dependent on nearby open water sources for their subsistence. The role of sewage-contaminated water and bivalve shellfish as vehicles for transmission of enteric viruses is well documented but, to our knowledge, has not been comprehensively reviewed in the African context. Here we provide an overview of enteric viruses and then review the growing body of research where these viruses have been detected in association with sewage-contaminated water or food in several African countries. These studies highlight the need for more research into the prevalence, molecular epidemiology and circulation of these viruses in Africa, as well as for development and application of innovative wastewater treatment approaches to reduce environmental pollution and its impact on human health on the continent.


为探究淮河流域安徽段水体与沉积物微塑料赋存特征及生态风险级别,采用野外采样、体式显微镜、扫描电镜、傅里叶红外光谱(FTIR)以及风险指数(H)和污染负荷指数(PLI)模型等方法,分析了流域水体和沉积物微塑料现状,并进行了微塑料生态风险评估.结果表明,流域各点位微塑料检测率为100%,表层水与沉积物微塑料平均丰度分别为(39800±3367) n ·m-3和(5078±447) n ·kg-1,下游微塑料平均丰度要高于上游和中游.水体和沉积物微塑料粒径以20~150 μm为主,占比分别为82.96%和80.77%.微塑料形状主要为纤维(水体76.05%、沉积物84.53%)、薄膜(水体21.83%、沉积物15.43%)和碎片(水体2.12%、沉积物0.04%).水体和沉积物中微塑料主要以透明颜色为主,占比分别为63.31%和83.69%.水体和沉积物主要以聚乙烯(水体65.74%、沉积物80.62%)和聚丙烯(水体18.43%、沉积物9.71%)为主,微塑料主要来源于农业薄膜、废弃渔具渔网和港口人为废弃的塑料袋.微塑料风险指数(H)模型评估表明部分点位风险指数较高,淮河流域安徽段微塑料风险等级为Ⅱ级,污染负荷指数(PLI)模型评估表明流域地表水体和沉积物总体上生态风险较低.  相似文献   

曲马多和芬太尼是临床上常用的止痛药品,具有一定的成瘾性,其滥用问题被社会广泛关注.这两种药物经人体代谢后,会以代谢产物和原药的形式随尿液进入生活污水并汇入污水处理厂,经处理后被排入自然水体,带来潜在的环境风险.在国内外已有研究的基础上,建立了污水中曲马多和芬太尼的前处理及分析测定方法,并首次对北京市23家污水厂进出水中曲马多和芬太尼进行测定.进水中曲马多的浓度范围为(10. 2±8. 7)~(175. 3±59. 7) ng·L-1,而芬太尼在多数水样中未被检出.传统活性污泥工艺对曲马多的去除效果较差,其它工艺均能有效去除曲马多.北京市中心城区曲马多的负荷水平显著高于近郊的负荷水平.基于污水流行病学方法对北京市曲马多的使用进行了估算,海淀区曲马多的年使用量最高,约为202. 5 kg.北京市夏季曲马多的使用量显著高于冬季.本研究为全国范围曲马多和芬太尼使用的污水流行病学调查提供了参考依据.  相似文献   

利用固相萃取-液相色谱-串联质谱技术(SPE-HPLC-MS/MS)分析了长江南京段水源水中抗生素的赋存特征.结果表明,16个采样点累计质量浓度范围为13. 37~780. 5 ng·L~(-1),平均值为92. 95 ng·L~(-1),共检出4种磺胺类、3种氟喹诺酮类、1种四环素类、5种大环内酯类和1种氯霉素类抗生素,平均质量浓度为0. 14~49. 91 ng·L~(-1),其中恩诺沙星(ERX)和克拉霉素(CLR)的检出率为100%,克林霉素(CLI)检出质量浓度最高(739. 44 ng·L~(-1)).与国内部分河流、湖泊相比,长江南京段水体中的抗生素浓度处于较低水平.生态风险评估结果表明,点位S2具有最大的联合风险熵值(0. 31),磺胺甲恶唑(SMX)、强力霉素(DOX)和罗红霉素(ROX)的环境风险熵值具有低等风险水平; 9种抗生素对不同年龄段人群的健康风险指数HQ在2. 22×10-6和4. 86×10-3之间,同时CLI和DOX为主要的潜在健康风险因素.  相似文献   

为探究长江南京段水源水中有机磷酸酯(organophosphate esters,OPEs)的污染特征、时空分布、生态风险和健康风险,利用固相萃取-高效液相色谱-串联质谱法测定了13种OPEs.结果表明,除磷酸三(2,3-二溴丙基)酯外,其余12种OPEs均有不同程度的检出,总浓度范围为85. 21~1 557. 96 ng·L-1,氯代烷基磷酸酯是主要化合物,其中检出浓度最高的是磷酸三(2-氯乙基)酯[tri(2-chloroethyl) phosphate,TCEP],高达447. 08 ng·L-1.长江南京段水源水中OPEs呈现明显的季节变化特征,夏季总检出浓度为220~1557. 96 ng·L-1,平均浓度是493. 78 ng·L-1,是春秋季的1. 7~2. 6倍.生态风险评估显示磷酸三甲苯酯和2-乙基己基二苯基磷酸酯对有机体(藻类,甲壳类动物和鱼类)具有中或高等风险.高暴露浓度下,OPEs的总非致癌风险为4. 41×10-3~2. 91×10-2  相似文献   

The advent of severe acute respiratory syndrome and its potential environmental transmission indicates the need for more information on the survival of coronavirus in water and wastewater. The survival of representative coronaviruses, feline infectious peritonitis virus, and human coronavirus 229E was determined in filtered and unfiltered tap water (4 and 23°C) and wastewater (23°C). This was compared to poliovirus 1 under the same test conditions. Inactivation of coronaviruses in the test water was highly dependent on temperature, level of organic matter, and presence of antagonistic bacteria. The time required for the virus titer to decrease 99.9% (T99.9) shows that in tap water, coronaviruses are inactivated faster in water at 23°C (10 days) than in water at 4°C (>100 days). Coronaviruses die off rapidly in wastewater, with T99.9 values of between 2 and 4 days. Poliovirus survived longer than coronaviruses in all test waters, except the 4°C tap water.  相似文献   

针对桂林市区段漓江沿岸餐饮店的分布特点及漓江水文特征,选取5个有代表性的采样点,在枯水期进行采样分析.试验结果表明,枯水期漓江的水质不是很好,位于餐饮业分布集中区的采样点受污染较严重.据此提出一些相应的对策.  相似文献   

人类活动对漓江地表水体水-岩作用的影响   总被引:2,自引:4,他引:2  
赵海娟  肖琼  吴夏  刘凡  苗迎  蒋勇军 《环境科学》2017,38(10):4108-4119
人类活动对流域水质的影响受到越来越多的关注.为探讨人类活动对岩溶地表水体水-岩作用的影响,以受农业、工业、旅游业活动及城市发展综合影响的漓江流域为研究对象,于2016年7~11月采集河水样,分析水化学和δ~(13)C_(DIC)数据.结果表明:(1)漓江水化学类型为HCO_3-Ca.在阴离子成分中,SO_4~2和NO_3~-仅次于HCO_3~-,并且在漓江桂林至阳朔段,因城市及城镇分布密集,旅游业发达,浓度较高.(2)[Ca~(2+)+Mg~(2+)]/[HCO_3~-]当量比值在1.01~1.51之间,[Ca~(2+)+Mg~(2+)]/[SO_4~(2-)+NO_3~-+HCO_3~-]比值在0.85~1.12之间,说明硫酸、硝酸参与了水-岩作用.(3)碳酸溶蚀碳酸盐岩的比例平均为75.89%.硫酸和硝酸溶蚀碳酸盐岩的比例平均为24.11%.硝酸、硫酸溶蚀碳酸盐岩的能力多雨期强于少雨期.此外,硫酸和硝酸溶蚀碳酸盐岩的比例从上游到下游呈波动增大趋势,最高值出现于灵川县城,最低出现于漓江上游的华江.(4)碳酸风化碳酸盐岩对HCO_3~-的贡献最大,平均为83.58%;其次为硫酸和硝酸风化碳酸盐岩,平均为14.24%;碳酸风化硅酸盐岩对HCO_3~-的贡献最小,平均为2.18%,华江和峡背碳酸风化硅酸盐岩对HCO_3~-的贡献较其他点突出,这与流域地质背景相符合.(5)δ~(13)C_(DIC)值介于-11.95‰~-7.61‰之间;通过端元混合模型估算的δ~(13)C_(DIC-rock)介于-14.24‰~-7.23‰之间.多雨期δ~(13)C_(DIC)值与δ~(13)C_(DIC-rock)值比较接近,少雨期δ~(13)C_(DIC)值明显重于δ~(13)C_(DIC-rock).δ~(13)C_(DIC)与δ~(13)C_(DIC-rock)之间存在一定差异,是由于受到水生植物光合作用的影响.  相似文献   

为了研究常州市老城区典型河道—北市河的黑臭现象发生原因,采用自主研发的一套滞流型河道沉积物污染释放与抑制装置,通过综合黑臭指数分析表明黑臭现象的发生耗时很长,由此推断导致水体黑臭发生的主要原因是外源污染物的排入。此外还从曝气深度和净化剂2个方面出发,研究其对黑臭的控制作用。在实验装置中选定距表面50 cm、100 cm、150 cm 3个深度,采用间歇纯氧曝气方式对水体进行处理,水质变化情况表明采用100 cm深度进行曝气对水体黑臭的控制效果最好。在净化剂比选实验中,在实验柱中分别投加商品钝化剂、过氧化氢、过氧化钙,并设置空白对照实验,监测水质参数随时间的变化情况,采用层次分析法进行净化剂的优选,分析结果表明过氧化钙的净化效果最好。  相似文献   

对黄浦江上游水源保护区9家工厂工业废水应用Ames试验进行致突变性研究,结果表明,这些废水对TA_(98)菌株均有明显的致突变作用,其中有2家厂的废水未经活化对TA_(100)有致突变作用。通过计算最低致突变剂量和致突变指数,确认了排放大户,为有效地控制排放提供依据。  相似文献   

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