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薛洪惠  刘晓宙  龚秀芬  章东 《物理学报》2005,54(11):5233-5238
基于Khokhlov-Zabolotkaya-Kuznetsov(KZK)方程,在频域提出了聚焦超声波在层状生物媒质中传播的理论模型,该模型计及生物媒质的吸收、非线性和边界,同时考虑声源的衍射对声传播的影响.数值研究了聚焦超声波的基波和二次谐波在层状生物媒质中的声传播,并与实验结果相比较.研究结果表明,此方法可以有效地描述聚焦超声波在层状生物媒质中的二次谐波声场. 关键词: 聚焦超声波 层状生物媒质 二次谐波  相似文献   

龚秀芬  章东 《应用声学》2005,24(4):208-215
本文介绍了我们对于反射模式非线性参量B/A的成像技术的研究结果,包括:(1)基于二次谐波的非线性参量层析成像(2)基于参量阵差频波的非线性参量层析成像(3)非线性参量的等深度C-扫成像。利用这三种成像方法对多种生物组织,特别对正常和病变的生物组织进行非线性参量成像。结果表明,非线性声参量成像可以比线性声参量更容易地判别生物组织的病理状态,从而展示了它在医学超声诊断中的应用前景。  相似文献   

一维非线性声波传播特性   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
张世功  吴先梅  张碧星  安志武 《物理学报》2016,65(10):104301-104301
针对一维非线性声波的传播问题进行了有限元仿真和实验研究. 首先推导了一维非线性声波方程的有限元形式, 含有高阶矩阵的非线性项导致声波具有波形畸变、谐波滋生、基频信号能量向高次谐波传递等非线性特性. 编制有限元程序对一维非线性声波进行了计算并对仿真得到的畸变非线性声波信号进行处理, 分析其传播性质和物理意义. 为验证有限元计算结果, 开展了水中的非线性声波传播的实验研究, 得到了不同输入信号幅度激励下和不同传播距离的畸变非线性声波信号. 然后对基波和二次谐波的传播性质进行详细讨论, 分析了二次谐波幅度与传播距离和输入信号幅度的变化关系及其意义, 拟合出二次谐波幅度随传播距离变化的方程并阐述了拟合方程的物理意义. 结果表明, 数值仿真信号及其频谱均与实验结果有较好的一致性, 证实计算方法和结果的正确性, 并提出了具有一定物理意义的二次谐波随传播距离变化的简单数学关系. 最后还对固体中的非线性声波传播性质进行了初步探讨. 本研究工作可为流体介质中的非线性声传播问题提供理论和实验依据.  相似文献   

宋寿鹏  陈仪倩 《应用声学》2022,41(4):527-534
针对超声全聚焦成像算法中等声程线扩散产生的原理性伪影问题,提出了一种基于超声回波声场有效等声程线和图像强度分布特征相结合的伪影剔除方法。首先分析了全聚焦成像算法中等声程线产生伪影的机理,根据数据均方根误差自适应辨识有效等声程线;通过Canny算子获取全聚焦图像待处理候选区域,再根据候选区域中有效等声程线相交次数和图像强度的分布特征辨识缺陷图像和伪影,利用图像中强度最低像素值扩展填充剔除伪影后的区域,进而达到剔除伪影的目的。通过在不同直径通孔类和槽类标准缺陷试块上声场模拟实验,结果表明伪影剔除效果显著。同时,该方法对噪声也有一定的抑制能力,在不加滤波的条件下信号信噪比高于15 dB时就可获得较好的去伪影效果。  相似文献   

利用超构表面优异的波前调控能力将片上光子集成电路对光场的操控拓展至自由空间是当前一项重要课题.本文采用传输相位方法设计了一种基于波导模式激发的内嵌式超构表面,其相位分布同时满足导模的基频以及二倍频的聚焦.在此基础上,将内嵌式材料限定为相变材料,结合其在不同相态时的折射率差异,通过仿真手段实现了两种相态下分别针对于基波和二次谐波的聚焦.在基波(或二次谐波)实现高质量聚焦时,焦点处二次谐波(或基波)的成分得到了很大程度上的抑制,更有利于后续完全滤波.进一步地,通过在波导层底面嵌入与顶面完全相同的超构表面,并横向错开半个周期,最终将关于基波聚焦和二次谐波聚焦的器件效率提升为原先单阵列情形的2.2倍和3.7倍.本文的研究为导波驱动(或激发)超构表面的线性及非线性多功能复合调控提供了一种新的可能途径.  相似文献   

球形集声器在生物组织中形成的组织损伤   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
耿昊  范庭波  张喆  屠娟  郭霞生  李发琪  章东 《物理学报》2014,63(4):44301-044301
球形集声器可在亚波长焦域内形成高强度声压,在高强度聚焦超声治疗中具有潜在应用前景.本文结合非线性声传播理论及生物传热学理论,研究球形集声器在生物组织中形成的组织损伤.实验中采用430 kHz,内径为240 mm的球形集声器对肝组织作用,结果表明:集声器表面声压为53 kPa时作用2 s,可以形成小于波长尺度的组织损伤.理论计算结果与实验结果符合得较好,并且理论模型可优化球形集声器的开口孔径.研究结果表明,球形集声器可应用于肿瘤的精细超声治疗.  相似文献   

介绍一种利用双频共焦超声波获取组织内部特性信息的新方法一超声激发声发射(USAE)。本文着重说明了USAE的基本工作原理,然后介绍了USAE在医学成像和组织无损测温两方面的重要应用。最后指出了一些有待研究的问题。  相似文献   

施佳妤  蓝尤钊 《物理学报》2018,67(21):217803-217803
二维层状碳化硅(two-dimensional layered silicon carbide,2d-SiC)是一种类石墨烯结构的半导体,在非线性光学频率转换上具有潜在的应用.本文基于第一性原理高精度全电子势线性缀加平面波结合态求和方法研究了层叠和拉伸下类石墨烯2d-SiC结构的非线性二次谐波系数.非线性过程物理源分析表明,三带项构成的单粒子跃迁过程是2d-SiC结构的二次谐波过程的主要微观跃迁机制,电子的带间运动显著受到带内运动的调谐,π电子离域带对非线性过程有重要贡献.理论上给出了2d-SiC结构的二次谐波系数的角度依赖,为实验研究提供理论参考.拉伸可导致不同频率的二次谐波增强.  相似文献   

材料非线性衰减系数的二次谐波测量方法研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
采用有限幅值法测量材料在基波和非线性引起的二次谐波作用下的衰减系数:利用准线性下的KZK方程推导基波和二次谐波的声压分布,并提取波束修正系数;采用短纯音信号进行非线性实验,对检测得到的基波和二次谐波声压进行衍射修正处理,有效抑制衍射对衰减系数测量的不利影响,继而通过线性拟合的方法计算得到更精确的基波和二次谐波的衰减系数。以水为例进行实验,研究了实验测量所得衰减系数的频率依赖关系,结果表明在非线性条件下水的衰减系数与频率间存在较强的线性关系,而线性条件下衰减系数随频率呈现二次方增长的特性则不适用于非线性条件。该研究提出了准确测量非线性声波衰减系数的方法,为更有效地应用非线性超声检测提供理论依据。  相似文献   

李雄兵  张书增  陈峰 《声学学报》2016,41(4):515-520
有效检测材料的非线性系数β是非线性超声评价材料力学性能及早期疲劳损伤等的前提和关键,针对当前的有限幅值法仅适用于有限孔径探头近场测量的现状,本论文研究了一种不受检测距离影响的测量方法。为抑制实际检测过程中声能的损失和声场扩散对测量结果的影响,对基波和二次谐波检测值进行衍射和衰减修正,其中利用多元高斯声束精确计算二次谐波衍射系数,在此基础上计算非线性系数β以消除其与理想的平面波推导结果间的差异,提高不同距离下测量值的精度。针对水的非线性系数β进行了仿真分析和实验验证,结果均显示本文方法相比于传统有限幅值法具有明显的精度优势,且表明该方法测量材料的β不受检测距离的影响,为放宽非线性超声检测的应用条件提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

High-intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU) has the potential to become a modality of treatment for a wide range of clinical conditions. HIFU enables non-invasive, selective ablation of tissues including tumors and punctured vessels. Another promising area of research within the field of therapeutic ultrasound is the application of HIFU to treat neurological disorders by selectively targeting the brain, spinal cord, or nerves. This paper provides an overview of the current applications of focused ultrasound in medicine with an emphasis on its use in the fields of neurology and neurosurgery.  相似文献   

一种基于角谱理论的改进型相位恢复迭代算法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
刘宏展  纪越峰 《物理学报》2013,62(11):114203-114203
进行星间激光通信的光学发射天线光束整形器设计时, 首要解决的问题是根据输入光场及理想的输出光场, 确定整形器的相位分布, 其核心就是相位恢复. 基于角谱传播理论, 在传统 Gerchberg-Saxton (G-S)迭代算法的基础上, 提出了一种幅度梯度加成迭代算法, 给出了算法的详细流程与分析. 与G-S相比, 新算法利用迭代过程, 构建光场幅度反馈回路, 利用梯度搜索最佳迭代路径, 两者的联合作用加速其迭代收敛进程. 数值仿真表明, 新算法的单位迭代次数所引起迭代误差下降的速度是G-S算法的1.7倍, 其收敛速度明显优于G-S算法; 对不同的随机初始相位, 新算法都能进行有效迭代, 表现出适应性强, 且收敛一致性好的优点. 幅度梯度加成迭代算法为复杂光场的高效相位恢复提供了一种新思路, 为设计各种衍射光学元件提供了技术支持. 关键词: 相位恢复 迭代算法 角谱理论 光通信  相似文献   

对中等强度聚焦超声在生物样品中产生的热效应以及激光协同超声增强热效应进行了实验和理论研究。实验上,对生物和仿生样品在超声作用和激光协同超声作用下加热情况进行测量,通过对比表明,激光协同超声作用于生物样品,引起空化效应以及温度升高更为明显。同时,理论上对聚焦超声在生物样品中衰减产生的热效应、超声空化以及激光协同超声增强空化及其产生热效应进行机理分析。通过对机理的分析表明,激光引起的光致核化使超声空化更易于产生,有效的增强空化效应,进而增强热效应。为对具体实验给出量化分析和估算,通过理论与实验结果相拟合,对超声传播引起的温度升高进行计算,并估算超声和激光协同超声产生空化微泡对加热效应的不同贡献,为空化效应在超声治疗中的贡献提供参考数据。  相似文献   

基于泄漏模共振产生多层介质膜光栅(MDG)的-1级高衍射效率的理论,重点分析了产生MDG的-1级宽衍射角谱的物理机理,提出薄匹配层能有效提高MDG的-1级衍射角谱带宽.采用傅里叶模式理论计算MDG的衍射效率,给出了中心波长为1040 nm,Littrow角37.9°附近±11°范围内衍射效率大于90%的宽角谱MDG设计结果,且设计参数具有良好的工艺宽容度. 关键词: 介质膜光栅 泄漏模共振 匹配层 宽角谱  相似文献   

Many studies have shown that microbubble cavitation is one mechanism for vascular injury under ultrasonic excitation. Previous work has attributed vascular damage to vessel expansions and invaginations due to the expansion and contraction of microbubbles. However, the mechanisms of vascular damage are not fully understood. In this paper, we investigate, theoretically and experimentally, the vessel injury due to stress induced by ultrasound-induced cavitation (UIC). A bubble-fluid-vessel coupling model is constructed to investigate the interactions of the coupling system. The dynamics process of vessel damage due to UIC is theoretically simulated with a finite element method, and a focused ultrasound (FU) setup is carried out and used to assess the vessel damage. The results show that shear stress contributes to vessel injury by cell detachment while normal stress mainly causes distention injury. Similar changes in cell detachment in a vessel over time can be observed with the experimental setup. The severity of vascular injury is correlated to acoustic parameters, bubble-wall distance, and microbubble sizes, and the duration of insonation..  相似文献   

Cavitation bubbles have been recognized as being essential to many applications of ultrasound. Temporal evolution and spatial distribution of cavitation bubble clouds induced by a focused ultrasound transducer of 1.2 MHz center frequency are investigated by high-speed photography. It is revealed that at a total acoustic power of 72 W the cavitation bubble cloud first emerges in the focal region where cavitation bubbles are observed to generate, grow, merge and collapse during the initial 600 μs. The bubble cloud then grows upward to the post-focal region, and finally becomes visible in the pre-focal region. The structure of the final bubble cloud is characterized by regional distribution of cavitation bubbles in the ultrasound field. The cavitation bubble cloud structure remains stable when the acoustic power is increased from 25 W to 107 W, but it changes to a more violent form when the acoustic power is further increased to 175 W.  相似文献   

To facilitate practical medical applications such as cancer treatment utilizing focused ultrasound and bubbles, a mathematical model that can describe the soft viscoelasticity of human body, the nonlinear propagation of focused ultrasound, and the nonlinear oscillations of multiple bubbles is theoretically derived and numerically solved. The Zener viscoelastic model and Keller–Miksis bubble equation, which have been used for analyses of single or few bubbles in viscoelastic liquid, are used to model the liquid containing multiple bubbles. From the theoretical analysis based on the perturbation expansion with the multiple-scales method, the Khokhlov–Zabolotskaya–Kuznetsov (KZK) equation, which has been used as a mathematical model of weakly nonlinear propagation in single phase liquid, is extended to viscoelastic liquid containing multiple bubbles. The results show that liquid elasticity decreases the magnitudes of the nonlinearity, dissipation, and dispersion of ultrasound and increases the phase velocity of the ultrasound and linear natural frequency of the bubble oscillation. From the numerical calculation of resultant KZK equation, the spatial distribution of the liquid pressure fluctuation for the focused ultrasound is obtained for cases in which the liquid is water or liver tissue. In addition, frequency analysis is carried out using the fast Fourier transform, and the generation of higher harmonic components is compared for water and liver tissue. The elasticity suppresses the generation of higher harmonic components and promotes the remnant of the fundamental frequency components. This indicates that the elasticity of liquid suppresses shock wave formation in practical applications.  相似文献   

《Ultrasonics sonochemistry》2014,21(5):1745-1751
Background: Phase-shift nano-emulsions (PSNEs) with a small initial diameter in nanoscale have the potential to leak out of the blood vessels and to accumulate at the target point of tissue. At desired location, PSNEs can undergo acoustic droplet vaporization (ADV) process, change into gas bubbles and enhance focused ultrasound efficiency. The threshold of droplet vaporization and influence of acoustic parameters have always been research hotspots in order to spatially control the potential of bioeffects and optimize experimental conditions. However, when the pressure is much higher than PSNEs’ vaporization threshold, there were little reports on their cavitation and thermal effects.Object: In this study, PSNEs induced cavitation and ablation effects during pulsed high-intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU) exposure were investigated, including the spatial and temporal information and the influence of acoustic parameters.Methods: Two kinds of tissue-mimicking phantoms with uniform PSNEs were prepared because of their optical transparency. The Sonoluminescence (SL) method was employed to visualize the cavitation activities. And the ablation process was observed as the heat deposition could produce white lesion.Results: Precisely controlled HIFU cavitation and ablation can be realized at a relatively low input power. But when the input power was high, PSNEs can accelerate cavitation and ablation in pre-focal region. The cavitation happened layer by layer advancing the transducer. While the lesion appeared to be separated into two parts, one in pre-focal region stemmed from one point and grew quickly, the other in focal region grew much more slowly. The influence of duty cycle has also been examined. Longer pulse off time would cause heat transfer to the surrounding media, and generate smaller lesion. On the other hand, this would give outer layer bubbles enough time to dissolve, and inner bubbles can undergo violent collapse and emit bright light.  相似文献   

针对高强度聚焦超声治疗中实际焦点偏离引导治疗的几何焦点这一问题,本文基于被动波束成像原理,将治疗探头与影像探头联合,探讨一种新的焦点定位策略。首先,基于k-Wave声学软件创建了具有多层组织结构的超声传播模型,通过理论仿真探究了不同脂肪、肌肉厚度条件下被动波束成像方法定位焦点的准确性;除此之外,还通过仿体在实验环境下对该方法的有效性进行了初步验证。结果表明,在不同脂肪厚度的仿真模型中,被动波束合成所定位的焦点和几何焦点在轴向距离上分别与实际焦点平均相差(0.54±0.15)mm和(4.76±0.95)mm。在不同肌肉厚度的仿真模型中,由合成算法定位的焦点和几何焦点在轴向距离上分别与实际焦点平均相差(0.51±0.26) mm、(4.95±0.47) mm。仿体实验也验证了被动波束成像定位的焦点比几何焦点更接近实际损伤位置。本文从理论仿真和实验两个角度验证了被动波束成像方法在高强度聚焦超声焦点定位中的优越性,可为该方法进一步走向临床应用提供支撑,对提升高强度聚焦超声手术治疗的安全性有推动作用。  相似文献   

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