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樊祺诚  隋建立  孙谦  李霓  赵勇伟  杜星星 《岩石学报》2008,24(11):2495-2500
根据北部湾涠洲岛晚更新世火山岩中尖晶石二辉橄榄岩的矿物化学和形成条件推测,它们是来自地下约40km-50km的大陆岩石圈地幔样品。涠洲岛地幔橄榄岩中同时出现高硅(64%~68%)和低硅(49%~57%)两种熔体成分,它们普遍富碱、Al2O3和H2O、CO2等挥发组分(2%-5%)。研究认为,两种熔体存在不同的成因机制。高硅熔体可能与软流圈上升的玄武质岩浆和斜方辉石反应或下地壳物质循环进入地幔后的部分熔融有关。低硅熔体直接提供了富硅熔体与橄榄石发生交代作用的证据。这可以用富SiO2熔体+Ol→贫SiO2熔体+Opx反应解释,其结果是消耗橄榄石生成斜方辉石。涠洲岛橄榄岩中两种熔体的发现,进一步提供了发生在大陆岩石圈地幔流(熔)体与橄榄岩交代作用的普遍性、复杂性,以及地幔熔体多样性的新证据。  相似文献   

Alteration of mantle wedge rocks under the influence of fluids and melts is a poorly known subduction-zone process. It was experimentally modeled using various materials analogous to the crust (glaucophane schist and amphibolite) and mantle (olivine and olivine + orthopyroxene) under the P-T conditions (800°C and 29 kbar) corresponding to a hot subduction zone. Schist or amphibolite was loaded into the lower part of a capsule and underwent partial (10–90%) eclogitization during the experiment with the formation of omphacite, garnet, and quartz, sometimes coexisting with Ca-Na amphibole and orthopyroxene. The eclogitization was accompanied by the release of aqueous fluid, which dissolved minerals and products of partial melting of the schist. Ascending fluid flows transported major components into the overlying peridotite. This resulted in the formation of a garnet-phlogopite-orthopyroxene reaction zone at the base of the peridotite layer; this zone accumulated Si and K, which was practically absent in the starting materials. The gain of Si, Al, and CO2 and loss of Mg resulted in the growth of new minerals in the olivine material: garnet, orthopyroxene, and magnesite. Under natural conditions, such a change would have been described as dunite transformation to garnet-bearing harzburgite. The experiments showed that the mineral and chemical composition of the suprasubduction mantle strongly depends on the transfer of components from a downgoing lithospheric slab.  相似文献   

Several types of multiphase solid (MS) inclusions are identified in garnet from ultrahigh‐pressure (UHP) eclogite in the Dabie orogen. The mineralogy of MS inclusions ranges from pure K‐feldspar to pure quartz, with predominance of intermediate types consisting of K‐feldspar + quartz ± silicate (plagioclase or epidote) ± barite. The typical MS inclusions are usually surrounded with radial cracks in the host garnet, similar to where garnet contains relict coesite. Barite aggregates display significant heterogeneity in major element composition, with total contents of only 57–73% and highly variable SiO2 contents of 0.32–25.85% that are positively correlated with BaO and SO3 contents. The occurrence of MS inclusions provides petrographic evidence for partial melting in the UHP metamorphic rock. The occurrence of barite aggregates with variably high SiO2 contents suggests the coexistence of aqueous fluid with hydrous melt under HP eclogite facies conditions. Thus, local dehydration melting is inferred to take place inside the UHP metamorphic slice during continental collision. This is ascribed to phengite breakdown during ‘hot’ exhumation of the deeply subducted continental crust. As a consequence, the aqueous fluid is internally buffered in chemical composition and its local sink is a basic trigger to the partial melting during the continental subduction‐zone metamorphism.  相似文献   


This study examines the major and trace elements of peridotites from the Yap Trench in the western Pacific to investigate mantle evolution beneath a subduction zone. Major element results show that the peridotites are low in Al2O3 (0.31–0.65 wt.%) and CaO (0.04–0.07 wt.%) contents and high in Mg# (Mg/(Mg+Fe)) (0.91–0.92) and have spinels with Cr# (Cr/(Cr+Al)) higher than 0.6 (0.61–0.73). Trace element results show that the peridotites have extremely low heavy rare earth element (HREE) contents compared with abyssal peridotites but have U-shaped chondrite-normalized rare earth element (REE) patterns. The degree of mantle melting estimated based on the major elements, HREEs, and spinel Cr# range from 19% to 25%, indicating that the Yap Trench peridotites may be residues of melting associated with the presence of water in the mantle source. In addition to light rare earth element (LREE) enrichment, the peridotites are characterized by high contents of highly incompatible elements, positive U and Sr anomalies, negative Ti anomalies, and high Zr/Hf ratios. The correlations between these elements and both the degree of serpentinization and high field strength element (HFSE) contents suggest that fluid alteration alone cannot account for the enrichment of the peridotites and that at least the enrichment of LREEs was likely caused by melt–mantle interaction. Comparison between the peridotites and the depletion trend defined by the primitive mantle (PM) and the depleted mantle (DM) suggests that the Yap Trench mantle was modified by subduction-related melt characterized by high contents of incompatible elements, high Zr/Hf ratios, and low HFSE contents. Hydrous melting may have been enhanced by tectonic erosion of the subducting Caroline Plate with complex tectonic morphostructures at the earliest stages of subduction initiation.  相似文献   

Strontium isotopic data suggest that the classic eclogite-facies rocks of western south Norway described by Eskola (1921) formed from several parental materials in a variety of environments. Mineral separates from essentially basic, bi-minerallic (clinopyroxene and garnet) eclogites that occur as lens-shaped masses within high grade gneisses (country rock eclogites) have Sr87/Sr86 values that range from 0.704 for fine-grained varieties to 0.716 for coarse-grained, orthopyroxene-bearing varieties. These high, varied ratios contrast with the very low, restricted ratios (0.701 to 0.704) of similar minerals from ultrabasic, garnet-clinopyroxene-orthopyroxene-olivine assemblages (garnet peridotites) that occur as lenses within large peridotite bodies. The eclogite-facies metamorphism that generated the garnet peridotites may have occurred in the mantle. However, the metamorphism that generated at least the more radiogenic country-rock eclogites must have occurred in the crust. The high Sr87/Sr86 ratios of these eclogites could be generated either by forming them from crustal parental rocks or by contaminating mantle-derived parental rocks with radiogenic strontium from the country rocks. If this contamination occurred after intrusion and before eclogite-facies metamorphism, a rather contrived history must be postulated that involves intrusion, contamination accompanied by hydration, subsequent dehydration, and finally eclogite-facies metamorphism. These processes could have occurred within the long, complicated history of the enclosing country rocks. Alternatively, if the contamination occurred during eclogite-facies metamorphism, the presence of some hydrous fluid appears to be required to transport the radiogenic strontium from the enclosing country rocks. The eclogites with the highest Sr87/Sr86 ratios are also the most coarse-grained and it is possible that the presence of some intergranular fluid enabled these eclogites to recrystallize to a much larger grain size than would have been possible in a totally anhydrous environment. The garnet peridotites and fine-grained country rock eclogites may have formed from mantle material in the crust but escaped contamination by radiogenic strontium as a result of their position in a dry environment in the crust.Lamont-Doherty Geological Observatory Contribution No. 2443  相似文献   

We document the presence of dolomite ± apatite in orogenic peridotites from the Ulten Zone (UZ, Italian Alps), the remnants of a Variscan mantle wedge tectonically coupled with eclogitized continental crust. These dolomite peridotites are associated with dominant carbonate-free amphibole peridotites, which formed in response to infiltration of aqueous subduction fluids lost by the associated crustal rocks during high-pressure (HP) metamorphism and retrogression. Dolomite-free and dolomite-bearing peridotites share the same metamorphic evolution, from garnet- (HP) to spinel-facies (low-pressure, LP) conditions. Dolomite and the texturally coexisting phases display equilibrium redistribution of rare earth elements and of incompatible trace elements during HP and LP metamorphism; clinopyroxene and amphiboles from carbonate-free and carbonate-bearing peridotites have quite similar compositions. These features indicate that the UZ mantle rocks equilibrated with the same metasomatic agents: aqueous CO2-bearing fluids enriched in incompatible elements released by the crust. The PT crystallization conditions of the dolomite peridotites (outside the field of carbonatite melt + amphibole peridotite coexistence), a lack of textures indicating quench of carbonic melts, a lack of increase in modal clinopyroxene by reaction with such melts and the observed amphibole increase at the expense of clinopyroxene, all suggest that dolomite formation was assisted by aqueous CO2-bearing fluids. A comparison of the trace element compositions of carbonates and amphiboles from the UZ peridotites and from peridotites metasomatized by carbonatite and/or carbon-bearing silicate melts does not help to unambiguously discriminate between the different agents (fluids or melts). The few observed differences (lower trace element contents in the fluid-related dolomite) may ultimately depend on the solute content of the metasomatic agent (CO2-bearing fluid versus carbonatite melt). This study provides strong evidence that C–O–H subduction fluids can produce ‘carbonatite-like’ assemblages in mantle rocks, thus being effective C carriers from the slab to the mantle wedge at relatively low PT. If transported beyond the carbonate and amphibole solidus by further subduction, dolomite-bearing garnet + amphibole peridotites like the ones from Ulten can become sources of carbonatite and/or C-bearing silicate melts in the mantle wedge. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users. In memory of Lauro Morten 1941–2006.  相似文献   

Garnet peridotites from the southern Su‐Lu ultra‐high‐pressure metamorphic (UHPM) terrane, eastern China, contain porphyroblastic garnet with aligned inclusions comprising a low‐P–T mineral assemblage (chlorite, hornblende, Na‐gedrite, Na‐phlogopite, talc, spinel and pyrite). Orthopyroxene porphyroblasts show fine exsolution lamellae of clinopyroxene and minor chromite. A clinopyroxene inclusion in garnet shows some orthopyroxene exsolution lamellae. Both the rims of porphyroblastic pyroxene and garnet and the matrix pyroxene and garnet crystallized at the expense of olivine. This is interpreted as a result of metasomatism of the peridotites by an SiO2‐rich melt at UHP conditions. A chromian garnet further overgrew on the rims of the garnet. The XMg values (Mg/(Mg+Fe)) of porphyroblastic garnet decrease from core to rim and vary in different peridotite samples, while the compositions of both the porphyroblastic and the matrix pyroxene are similar in terms of Ca–Mg–Fe. The Mg‐rich cores of porphyroblastic garnet and orthopyroxene record high temperatures and pressures (c. 1000 °C, ≥5.1 GPa), whereas the matrix minerals, including the rims of porphyroblasts, record much lower P–T (c. 4.2 GPa, c. 760 °C). Sm–Nd data give apparent isochron ages of c. 380 Ma and negative εNd(0) values (c.?9). These dates are considered meaningless due to isotopic disequilibrium between garnet cores and the rest of the rocks. The isotopic disequilibrium was probably caused by metasomatism of the peridotites by melt/fluids derived from the coevally subducted crustal materials. On the other hand, the Rb–Sr isotopic systems of phlogopite and clinopyroxene appear to have reached equilibrium and record a cooling age of c. 205 Ma. It is suggested that the garnet peridotites were originally emplaced into a low‐P–T environment prior to the c. 220 Ma continental collision, during which they were subducted together with crustal rocks to mantle depth and subjected to UHP metamorphism. An important corollary is that at least some of the coevally subducted crustal rocks in the Su‐Lu terrane have been subjected to peak metamorphism at P–T conditions much higher than presently estimated (≥2.7 GPa, ≤800 °C).  相似文献   

J.B. Dawson   《Lithos》2004,77(1-4):553-569
Porphyroclastic enstatite in a garnet lherzolite xenolith from the Monastery Mine kimberlite, South Africa, has exsolved pyrope garnet, Cr-diopside and Al-chromite, and the specimen is interpreted as representing a transition from fertile harzburgite, (containing high Ca-Al-Cr enstatite) to granular garnet lherzolite. Although the exsolved phases occur in morphologically different forms (fine and coarse lamellae; equant, ripened grains), indicating textural disequilibrium, the exsolved grains are very constant in composition, indicating chemical equilibrium. Theoretically, the exsolution could have been due to a fall in temperature, but the close association of exsolution and deformation of the host enstatite suggests that exsolution was also aided by straining of the enstatite lattice. The phase compositions can be broadly matched with those in other mantle peridotites, except that all phases are characterised by a virtual absence of Ti. In the garnet and diopside Ti, Co, Zr and most of the REE are lower than in published analyses of garnet and diopside in both granular and sheared garnet lherzolites from Southern African kimberlites, and diopside/garnet partitioning for Sr and the REE is higher. Comparison with the trace element chemistry of an enstatite from a fertile harzburgite indicates that, except for Nb, the trace element content and distribution found in the Monastery phases could arise by isochemical exsolution from such an enstatite. On the assumption that (a) the Monastery specimen represents a transition from harzburgite to garnet lherzolite, and (b) many garnet lherzolites are of exsolution origin (as suggested by their modal compositions), the inference is that most garnet lherzolites, and not just the sheared variety, have been subject to varying degrees of Ti, Zr, Sr and REE metasomatism.  相似文献   

Trace element concentrations in the four principal peridotitic silicate phases (garnet, olivine, orthopyroxene, clinopyroxene) included in diamonds from Akwatia (Birim Field, Ghana) were determined using SIMS. Incompatible trace elements are hosted in garnet and clinopyroxene except for Sr which is equally distributed between orthopyroxene and garnet in harzburgitic paragenesis diamonds. The separation between lherzolitic and harzburgitic inclusion parageneses, which is commonly made using compositional fields for garnets in a CaO versus Cr2O3 diagram, is also apparent from the Ti and Sr contents in both olivine and garnet. Titanium is much higher in the lherzolitic and Sr in the harzburgitic inclusions. Chondrite normalised REE patterns of lherzolitic garnets are enriched (10–20 times chondrite) in HREE (LaN/YbN = 0.02–0.06) while harzburgitic garnets have sinusoidal REEN patterns, with the highest concentrations for Ce and Nd (2–8 times chondritic) and a minimum at Ho (0.2–0.7 times chondritic). Clinopyroxene inclusions show negative slopes with La enrichment 10–100 times chondritic and low Lu (0.1–1 times chondritic). Both a lherzolitic and a harzburgitic garnet with very high knorringite contents (14 and 21 wt% Cr2O3 respectively) could be readily distinguished from other garnets of their parageneses by much higher levels of LREE enrichment. The REE patterns for calculated melt compositions from lherzolitic garnet inclusions fall into the compositional field for kimberlitic-lamproitic and carbonatitic melts. Much more strongly fractionated REE patterns calculated from harzburgitic garnets, and low concentrations in Ti, Y, Zr, and Hf, differ significantly from known alkaline and carbonatitic melts and require a different agent. Equilibration temperatures for harzburgitic inclusions are generally below the C-H-O solidus of their paragenesis, those of lherzolitic inclusions are above. Crystallisation of harzburgitic diamonds from CO2-bearing melts or fluids may thus be excluded. Diamond inclusion chemistry and mineralogy also is inconsistent with known examples of metasomatism by H2O-rich melts. We therefore favour diamond precipitation by oxidation of CH4-rich fluids with highly fractionated trace element patterns which are possibly due to “chromatographic” fractionation processes. Received: 27 January 1996 / Accepted: 5 May 1997  相似文献   

Composite multiphase solid (MS) inclusions composed of carbonate and silicate minerals have been found for the first time in metamorphic garnet from ultrahigh‐P eclogite from the Dabie orogen. These inclusions are morphologically euhedral to subhedral, and some show relatively regular shapes approaching the negative crystal shape of the host garnet. Radial fractures often occur in garnet hosting the inclusions. The inclusions are primarily composed of variable proportions of carbonate and silicate minerals such as calcite, quartz, K‐feldspar and plagioclase, with occasional occurrences of magnetite, zircon and barite. They are categorized into two groups based on the proportions of carbonate and silicate phases. Group I is carbonate‐dominated with variable proportions of silicate minerals, whereas Group II is silicate‐dominated with small proportions of carbonates. Trace element analysis by LA‐ICPMS for the two groups of MS inclusions yields remarkable differences. Group I inclusions exhibit remarkably lower REE contents than Group II inclusions, with significant LREE enrichment and large fractionation between LREE and HREE in the chondrite‐normalized REE diagram. In contrast, Group II inclusions show rather flat REE patterns with insignificant fractionation between LREE and HREE. In the primitive mantle‐normalized spidergram, Group I inclusions exhibit positive anomalies of Zr and Hf, whereas Group II inclusions show negative anomalies of Zr and Hf. Nevertheless, both groups exhibit positive anomalies of Ba, U, Pb and Sr, but negative anomalies of Nb and Ta, resembling the composition of common continental crust. Group I inclusions have higher Ba and U contents than Group II inclusions. Combined with petrological observations, the two groups of MS inclusions are interpreted as having crystallized from composite silicate and carbonate melts during continental subduction‐zone metamorphism. The differences in trace element composition between the two groups are primarily attributed to the proportions of carbonate and silicate phases in the MS inclusions. The silicate melts were derived from the breakdown of hydrous minerals such as paragonite and phengite, whereas the occurrence of carbonate melts indicates involvement of carbonate minerals in the partial melting and thus has great bearing on recycling of supracrustal carbon into the mantle. The coexistence of silicate and carbonate melts in the eclogitic garnet provides insights into the nature of hydrous melts in the subduction factory.  相似文献   

Abstract The Catalina Schist of southern California is a subduction zone metamorphic terrane. It consists of three tectonic units of amphibolite-, high- P greenschist- and blueschist-facies rocks that are structurally juxtaposed across faults, forming an apparent inverted metamorphic gradient. Migmatitic and non-migmatitic metabasite blocks surrounded by a meta-ultramafic matrix comprise the upper part of the Catalina amphibolite unit. Fluid-rock interaction at high- P , high- T conditions caused partial melting of migmatitic blocks, metasomatic exchange between metabasite blocks and ultramafic rocks, infiltration of silica into ultramafic rocks, and loss of an albitic component from nonmigmatitic, clinopyroxene-bearing metabasite blocks.
Partial melting took place at an estimated P =˜8–11 kbar and T =˜640–750°C at high H2O activity. The melting reaction probably involved plagioclase + quartz. Trondhjemitic melts were produced and are preserved as leucocratic regions in migmatitic blocks and as pegmatitic dikes that cut ultramafic rocks.
The metasomatic and melting processes reflected in these rocks could be analogous to those proposed for fluid and melt transfer of components from a subducting slab to the mantle wedge. Aqueous fluids rather than melts seem to have accomplished the bulk of mass transfer within the mafic and ultramafic complex.  相似文献   

The formation of mantle phlogopite in subduction zone hybridization   总被引:19,自引:3,他引:19  
Extrapolation and extension of phase equilibria in the model system KAlSiO4-Mg2SiO4-SiO2-H2O suggests that at depths greater than 100 km (deeper than amphibole stability), hybridism between cool hydrous siliceous magma, rising from subducted oceanic crust, and the hotter overlying mantle peridotite produces a series of discrete masses composed largely of phlogopite, orthopyroxene, and clinopyroxene (enriched in Jadeite). Quartz (or coesite) may occur with phlogopite in the lowest part of the masses. The heterogeneous layer thus produced above the subducted oceanic crust provides: (1) aqueous fluids expelled during hybridization and solidification, which rise to generate in overlying mantle (given suitable thermal structure) H2O-undersaturated basic magma, which is the parent of the calc-alkalic rock series erupted at the volcanic front; (2) masses of phlogopite-pyroxenites which melt when they cross a deeper, high-temperature solidus, yielding the parents of alkalic magmas erupted behind the volcanic front; and (3) blocks of phlogopite-pyroxenites which may rise diapirically for long-term residence in continental lithosphere, and later contribute to the potassium (and geochemically-related elements) involved in some of the continental magmatism with geochemistry ascribed to mantle metasomatism.  相似文献   

刘嵘  陈能松  何谋春  肖平 《地学前缘》2006,13(2):205-212
利用阴极发光和激光拉曼研究了大别山俯冲带超高压基性和长英质变质岩中的锆石。超高压变质增生锆石环带或新生锆石颗粒从不同角度反映了俯冲带地幔深度流体作用信息。其一,在超高压变质锆石生长域中存在微米级流体包裹体。由于其十分细小,组成往往难以测定。但是在变基性岩中检测到富CO2的负晶形包裹体。其二,在超高压锆石生长域中较普遍地发现富含挥发份的多硅白云母和磷灰石包裹体,其与典型的超高压变质矿物———柯石英稳定共生。副矿物研究表明,即使是在新鲜的弱退变质的榴辉岩中,富含挥发份的矿物相———磷灰石仍是含量较高的矿物,说明在俯冲带的深部(>100km),流体仍可以稳定地保存在高挥发份的矿物晶体格架中。其三,超高压变质增生锆石环带的边界呈蚕食状或港湾状,指示流体参与了锆石的变质生长过程,即通过流体与锆石之间的相互作用导致原有锆石的溶解和新生锆石的沉淀结晶。考虑到如此高的锆溶解度,认为在地幔俯冲深度,流体的成分复杂,并不是简单的富水体系,其化学组成与深熔融体相似,且赋存状态应为含水融体相。  相似文献   

雷州半岛英峰岭火山岩中单斜辉石巨晶以低Mg^#值(0.62—0.47)、贫重稀土(HREE)和富Al2O3、TiO2、Na2O和中稀土(MREE)为特征,并具有明显的成分变化。随着Mg^#降低,单斜辉石的Al:O,(11.58~6.97%,)、TiO,(2.28~1.06%)和HREE逐渐降低。这种变化特征不同于世界上大多数辉石巨晶的变化规律。随着演化辉石巨晶的大多数不相容元素,如Nb、Sr、Zr、Hf和LREE—MREE逐渐增加。低的Mg^#值和Ni、Co、Cr含量指示巨晶母岩浆是一种强烈演化的残余岩浆(Mg^#=0.27~0.35)。分离结晶模拟表明本研究最富镁的巨晶(Lz-54)的母岩浆很可能是由拉斑玄武质岩浆经70~80%,以单斜辉石为主的结晶分异后形成。而本研究的其它辉石巨晶是该母岩浆在不同演化阶段(25~80%)分离结晶的产物。分离矿物中除了单斜辉石还包含了大量的石榴子石、斜长石和钛铁矿。温压计算表明英峰岭巨晶是高温岩浆在56~60km深的上地幔的结晶产物(r=1290℃~1130℃,P=1.73~1.83GPa),这一深度有利于石榴子石结晶。对比不同地区辉石巨晶的成分特征和形成条件,作者指出不同地区单斜辉石巨晶各种元素的不同变化规律主要受母岩浆成分和结晶条件控制。巨晶母岩浆在地幔结晶时对围岩橄榄岩进行了不同程度的交代作用。早期贫流体的岩浆对橄榄岩的交代作用较弱,只有Sr,La等强活动性元素被明显改变;晚期富流体(F,P,H2O)岩浆对橄榄岩的交代作用强烈,大多数元素被明显改变。因此,可以推断交代熔体中流体的含量是影响地幔橄榄岩交代作用的关键。  相似文献   

This paper presents monomineral and multiphase inclusions in garnet from eclogites and clinopyroxenites, which form layers and boudins in garnet peridotites from two areas in the Moldanubian zone of the Bohemian Massif. The garnet peridotites occur in felsic granulites and reached UHP conditions prior to their granulite facies overprint. In addition to complex compositional zoning, garnets from hosting eclogites and clinopyroxenites preserve inclusions of hydrous phases and alkali silicate minerals including: amphiboles, chlorites, micas and feldspars. Amphibole, biotite and apatite inclusions in garnet have a high concentration of halogens; CO2 and sulfur are involved in carbonates and sulfide inclusions, respectively. The inclusion patterns and compositional zoning in garnet in combination with textural relations among minerals, suggest that the ultramafic and mafic bodies are derived from lithospheric mantle above the subduction zone and were transformed into garnet pyroxenites and eclogites in the subduction zone. Based on compositional, mineral and textural relations, all of these rocks along with the surrounding crustal material were overprinted by granulite facies metamorphism during their exhumation.  相似文献   

Some garnet peridotite nodules from The Thumb, a minette neck on the Colorado Plateau in the southwestern United States, contain zoned minerals. Zoning does not exceed 1.5 wt.% for any oxide, but some relative changes are large: in one garnet TiO2 and Cr2O3 ranges are 0.05–0.65 and 3.5–5.0 wt.%, respectively. In two porphyroclastic nodules, garnet rims are depleted in Mg and enriched in Fe, Ti, and Na compared to cores, and one garnet is irregularly zoned in Ti and Cr. Olivine crystals in these rocks are unzoned, and pyroxene zoning is slight, yet matrix olivine and pyroxene contain more Fe and Ti and less Mg and Cr than inclusions of these phases in garnet. In three coarse nodules, garnet rims are Ti-rich compared to cores, and Ca, Fe, Mg, and Cr zoning patterns are complex. Several nodules appear to have partially equilibrated near 1200° C and 35 kb, and under these conditions cation mobility in pyroxene was greater than in garnet. The zoning partly reflects Fe and Ti metasomatism in the mantle. Calculations indicate that Fe-Mg gradients in garnet could have persisted for only a short time in the mantle, perhaps thousands of years or less, so the metasomatism occurred shortly before eruption. The minette host, a likely source of the Fe and Ti, is rich in light rare earth elements: since the nodules are much poorer in these elements, little or no infiltrated minette was trapped in them. Diffusion is a possible mechanism for nodule metasomatism. Some fertile peridotite nodules from kimberlites may have been affected by similar events. Compositional differences between inclusions in garnet and matrix phases are intriguingly similar to some of the differences between most peridotite inclusions in diamonds and common lherzolite phases.  相似文献   

西藏普兰地幔橄榄岩中尖晶石内的钙长石包裹体及其成因   总被引:1,自引:5,他引:1  
郭国林  徐向珍  李金阳 《岩石学报》2011,27(11):3197-3206
西藏普兰超镁铁岩体之东南缘与玄武岩接触界线附近的地幔橄榄岩中除有粒状半自形的钙长石产出外,还在尖晶石中发现有呈蠕虫状、浑圆状的钙长石包裹体存在.研究发现两种产状的钙长石An值都大于95且均无环带构造,说明钙长石从高Ca/Al比值的熔体中结晶时具有结晶时间短、结晶速度快的特点,可能形成于地壳较浅部位.从化学成分来看,包裹体形态的钙长石具有较高的Cr2O3含量,其寄主矿物尖晶石的Cr#值低且TiO2含量比深海橄榄岩中的尖晶石低得多,推断钙长石包裹体与寄主矿物尖晶石是在液相条件下几乎同时结晶的产物.综合研究表明钙长石包裹体的成因可能是玄武岩熔体在地壳较浅部位侵入方辉橄榄岩时,高温的玄武质熔体提供热源,使得方辉橄榄岩中尖晶石内的Cpx+ Opx细粒矿物包裹体在高温环境下发生熔融,发生Opx+ Cpx+ Sp→Ol+ Pl的反应,由于这种情况下尖晶石有剩余,故新生成的橄榄石和钙长石矿物仍然包裹于尖晶石内,从而形成尖晶石内部呈蠕虫状的钙长石包裹体.  相似文献   

Oxygen fugacity (fO2) affects melting, metasomatism, speciation of C–O–H fluids and carbon-rich phases in the upper mantle. fO2 of deep off-craton mantle is poorly known because garnet-peridotite xenoliths are rare in alkali basalts. We examine the redox and thermal state of the lithospheric mantle between the Siberian and North China cratons using new Fe3+/ΣFe ratios in garnet and spinel obtained by M?ssbauer spectroscopy, major element data and PT estimates for 22 peridotite xenoliths as well as published data for 15 xenoliths from Vitim, Russia. Shallow spinel-facies mantle is more oxidized than deep garnet peridotites (average, ?0.1 vs. ?2.5 ΔlogfO2(FMQ)). For intermediate garnet–spinel peridotites, fO2 estimates from spinel-based oxybarometers are 1.5–3.2 ΔlogfO2(FMQ) lower than those from garnet-based oxybarometers. These rocks may be out of phase and chemical inter-mineral equilibrium because the spinel–garnet reaction and concomitant changes in mineral chemistry do not keep up with PT changes (e.g., lithospheric heating by recent volcanism) due to slow diffusion of trivalent cations and because gar-, gar-spl and spl-facies rocks may coexist on centimeter–meter scale. The spinel-based fO2 estimates may not be correct while garnet-based fO2 values provide conditions before the heating. The T (780–1,100?°C) and fO2 ranges of the Vitim xenoliths overlap those of coarse garnet and spinel cratonic peridotites. However, because of a higher geothermal gradient, the deepest Vitim garnet peridotites are more reduced (by 0.5–2.0 ΔlogfO2(FMQ)) than cratonic garnet peridotites at similar depths, and the “water maximum” conditions (>80?% H2O) in the off-craton mantle exist in a more shallow and narrow depth range (60–85?km) than in cratonic roots (100–170?km). The base of the off-craton lithospheric mantle (≥90?km) at 2.5?GPa and 1,150?°C has fO2 of ?3.0 ?logfO2(FMQ), with dominant CH4 and H2O and minor H2 in the fluid. Melting near the base of off-craton mantle lithosphere may be induced by increasing water share in migrating fluids due to oxidation of methane.  相似文献   

The Himalayas form an ideal natural laboratory to study the deformation processes of continental crust during collision orogeny. New information is presented concerning the structural evolution of the Main Mantle thrust zone in the Himalayas of N Pakistan, in the region around Nanga Parbat. The hanging-wall lies at relatively high levels within the Kohistan arc terrane which has been emplaced onto Indian continental rocks. This thrust probably originated as a breakback structure in the hanging-wall to the pre-collisional (oceanic) subduction zone. The present hanging-wall contains a shear zone of about 1 km width developed under amphibolite facies conditions. Simple shear dominant strains have developed new fabrics parallel to the main thrust zone. However, these structures are redeformed by discrete extensional and compressional shears within about 100 m of the thrust contact, again developed under amphibolite facies conditions. The footwall consists of an old basement complex (the Nanga Parbat gneisses) overlain by a distinct suite of metasediments now at amphibolite facies. This cover assemblage of psammites, pelites and marbles with local metabasites consistently lies directly against rocks derived from the Kohistan arc along the MMT. The absence of structures suggestive of consistent rheological contrasts within the cover assemblages suggests that the vast majority of the deformation features they contain were developed only once they experienced substantial tectonic overburdens. Prior to this the Indian cover rocks will have been »passively« subducted beneath the Kohistan arc until into amphibolite facies. We discuss these inferences in terms of evolving shear zone width with time and comment on the implications for predicting the character of mid-deep crustal shear zones, particularly from seismic reflection profiles.
Zusammenfassung Der Himalaya bildet ein ideales, natrliches Laboratorium für Untersuchungen von Deformationsprozessen in kontinentalen Krustengesteinen während der Kollision bzw. Orogenese. Hier werden neue Daten vorgelegt, die sich mit der strukturellen Entwicklung der Hauptmantelüberschiebung im Himalaya von Nordpakistan im Gebiet um den Nanga Parbat befassen. Die Hangendeinheiten oberhalb der Störung liegen in einem relativ hohen Niveau innerhalb des »Kohistan arc terrane«, das auf die indischen Kontinentalgesteine überschoben wurde. Diese Überschiebung entstand wahrscheinlich als Rücküberschiebungsstruktur im Hangenden der Subduktionszone vor der Kollision. Im Hangenden befindet sich eine ca. 1 km breite Scherzone, die sich unter amphibolitfaziellen Bedingungen gebildet hat. Die durch »simple shear« erzeugten Deformationen sind mit ihren neuen Gefügen parallel zur Hauptüberschiebungszone ausgerichtet. Die Gefüge wurden nachfolgend von Extensionsund Kompressionsbewegungen im Bereich von ca. 100 m um den Überschiebungskontakt erneut unter amphibolitfaziellen Bedingungen erfaßt und deformiert. Das Liegende der Hauptüberschiebung besteht aus einem alten Basementkomplex (den Nanga Parbat Gneisen), die von deutlich abgesetzten, amphibolitfaziellen Metasedimenten überlagert werden. Diese Sedimenthülle bestehend aus Psammiten, Peliten und Marmoren mit lokalen Metabasiten stößt entlang der MMT direkt gegen die Gesteine des Kohistanbogens. Das Fehlen von Strukturen, die auf gleichbleibende rheologische Unterschiede hinweisen würde, läßt vermuten, daß der Großteil der in ihnen enthaltenen Deformationsgefüge auf einmal während beträchtlicher tektonischer Auflast entstanden ist. Vorher wurden die indischen Hüllgesteine »passiv« unter den Kohistanbogen bis in den Bereich der Amphibolitfazies subduziert. Die Folgerungen aus der sich über die Zeit entwickelnden Breite dieser Scherzone werden diskutiert und die Bedeutung für die Vorhersage der Charakteristik von mitteltiefen krustalen Scherzonen, insbesondere in Verbindung mit seismischen Reflektionsprofilen betont.

Résumé L'Himalaya constitue un laboratoire naturel idéal pour l'étude des processus de déformation de la croûte continentale au cours d'une orogenèse de collision. Les auteurs présentent des informations nouvelles relatives à l'évolution structurale de la zone du Main Mantle Thrust dans la région du Nanga Parbat au nord du Pakistan. Le toit de cet accident occupe un niveau assez élevé dans le «Kohistan arc Terrane» qui a été charrié sur les roches du continent indien. Le charriage doit probablement son origine à une structure en retour apparue au-dessus de la zone de subduction pré-collisionnelle (océanique). Le toit actuel de l'accident contient une zone de glissement (shear zone) épaisse d'environ 1 km et formée dans les conditions du facies des amphibolites. Les déformations engendrées par glissement simple (simple shear) ont développé de nouvelles fabriques parallèles à la surface de charriage. Cependant, dans une tranche d'une centaine de mètres à partir du contact du charriage, ces structures ont été reprises par des cisaillements extensionnels ou compressionnels, toujours dans les conditions du facies des amphibolites.Le mur de l'accident est formé d'un complexe ancien (le gneiss du Nanga Parbat) surmonté d'une série de métasédiments distincts qui présentent aujourd'hui le facies des amphibolites. Cette couverture de psammites, de pélites, de marbres et de métabasites locales est directement en contact le long du MMT avec l'arc du Kohistan. L'absence, dans cette couverture, de structures témoignant de contrastes rhéologiques marqués, suggère que la grande majorité des structures déformatives n'y ont été développées qu'après un enfouissement tectonique important. Avant cela, les roches de la couverture indienne ont dû être subductées passivement sous l'arc du Kohistan, jusqu'au facies des amphibolites. Les auteurs discutent ces conclusions en termes d'évolution temporelle d'une shear zone et en commentant les implications dans le domaine de la prédiction du caractère des shear zones de profondeur crustale moyenne, en particulier à partir des profils de sismique réflexion.

, , . -. Kohistan arc terrane —, . , , . 1 , . , , . 100 . — - —, . , , , . , , , , , . . .

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