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Nachdem in den letzten Jahren die Auswirkungen von Baumaßnahmen auf das Grundwasser stärker in den Fokus der Öffentlichkeit gerückt sind, wird mittlerweile bei der Erteilung von allgemeinen bauaufsichtlichen Zulassungen für spezielle Bauprodukte eine Bewertung der Umweltverträglichkeit vorgenommen. Da Umweltschutz eine wesentliche Anforderung an Bauprodukte im Rahmen der europäischen Bauproduktenrichtlinie ist, werden auch genormte Bauprodukte zukünftig in dieser Hinsicht stärker überprüft werden müssen. In dem Artikel wird vorgestellt, nach welchem Bewertungsschema das DIBt die Beurteilung der Auswirkungen auf Boden und Grundwasser für welche Bauprodukte vornimmt und welche zukünftige Entwicklung sich bei genormten Bauprodukten abzeichnet. Assessment of the environmental compatibility of constructions products within the scope of technical approvals. During the last years the effects of construction works on groundwater have moved more and more into the public spotlight. An assessment of the environmental compatibility has since then been carried out when granting technical approvals for specific construction products. Since environmental protection is an essential requirement for construction products within the scope of the European Construction Products Directive, in future also standardized construction products will have to be checked much stronger in this respect. This article introduces the assessment scheme according to which DIBt performs the evaluation of the effects on soil and groundwater for which construction products and which future development begins to emerge on standardized construction products.  相似文献   

Failure Analysis with the Scanning Electron Microscope. Examples of practice and research will show the possibility to use the scanning electron microscopy for studying the various crack mechanisms. It is necessary, of course, to know most of parameters like material, stress, temperature, pressure, corrosive agent to get exact results.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Der Einsatz moderner Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologien für Ausbildungszwecke wird seit den 60iger Jahren diskutiert und zum Teil auch praktiziert. Aber erst der technologische und wissensmäßige Fortschritt der 80iger Jahre ermöglicht technikunterstützte Ausbildung — schulische wie akademische —, die auch psychologischen, pädagogischen und didaktischen Ansprüchen genügt.Auf der anderen Seite erzwingen die zunehmende Konsumorientierung der Gesellschaft — über alle Altersstufen und Bildungsschichten hinweg — das Aufspüren neuer Wege, um Ausbildung attraktiv und damit effektiv zu gestalten. Hier bieten sich Video- und Computertechniken als willkommenes Instrumentarium an, dieses umso mehr für ein Fach wie Operations Research, das einerseits von Natur aus eng mit der elektronischen Datenverarbeitung verbunden ist und andererseits darauf angewiesen ist, sich dem potentiellen Benutzer von OR-Methoden verständlich zu machen.Die Fachrichtung Operations Research im Institut für Wirtschaftsinformatik der Freien Universität Berlin hat eine Umfrage unter den OR-Lehrstühlen in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, Österreich und der deutschsprachigen Schweiz durchgeführt. Ziel war es, einen Überblick über den Einsatz moderner Technologien, vorrangig der Computertechnologie, im Rahmen der Ausbildung im Fach Operations Research zu gewinnen. Der Artikel faßt die Ergebnisse zusammen.
Summary Using current Information and Communication (I&C) technologies for educational purposes has been discussed, experienced, and even been used since the mid 60 s.It was, however, not until very recently that I&C technologies allowed the production of high-quality software that is suitable to support academic education in an didactical and professional acceptable manner. Some need for computer assistance in education in general and in OR education in particular arises from our society's orientation towards consumption: New methods have to be created that make education more attractive and hence more effective for both instructors and students. This is especially true for a discipline like Operations Research which is significantly related to electronic data processing by nature and has good use for a means to illustrate itself to the — potential — users.This papers surveys the today's integration of I&C technologies into OR education at universities in Austria, Switzerland (German speaking part only), and the Federal Republic of Germany.

Etching of Al substrates in a standard process in IC mass production. We have studied how claw type dry pumps master this particle rich and corrosive process in comparison to oil sealed rotary vane pumps.  相似文献   

Due static and dynamic stresses it is necessary that steel structures be monitored depending on the hazard potential. In this publication a novel evaluation method will be introduced based on micromagnetic parameters. The signals of a sensor system are analysed over a CI‐based method. By the special way of signal analysis the information content will be increased. With the presented preliminary investigations the potential of the evaluation method will be shown.  相似文献   

Hardfacing-Methods and their Application in the Materials-Technology and Tribology During the last few years more and more efforts have been made to reduce or even avoid material losses, caused either by mechanical or corrosive attack, by the means of protecting metal surface protection. In fact, the expenses needed in the Plastic-Technology for the disposition of wear-spares in West Germany amount to half a billion DM a year [1]. If all the damages by wear and corrosion are included, the losses world-wide rise to more than 80 billion DM/year. Thus not only technical but most of all economical reasons promote the rapid development of different hardfacing methods. The various methods are presented with ascending temperature of the working materials (s. Fig. 1).  相似文献   

Characterization of thin films and interfaces are necessary in semiconductor industry to ensure high yields and the required reliability of the products. Requirements to thin film and interface analysis are reviewed, and typical applications in semiconductor industry are shown. Thin film characteristics which have to be determined using physical analysis techniques are film geometry, surface and interface roughness, chemical composition, and microstructure. Advances in physical failure analysis are essential to the reduction of feature size and introduction of advanced materials and processes for future technology generations. Future trends are discussed. To reduce the time for problem solving in the manufacturing process, out of‐fab characterization tools will partly move to“at‐line” labs which are located next to or sometimes inside the cleanroom.  相似文献   

The application of barrier discharges at atmospheric pressure in air expands on the market of plasma technology, because it is an ecological and cost‐effective alternative to other processes of surface treatment. These plasmas usually consist of a multitude of spatially and temporally localized filaments, whose distribution should be as even as possible for homogeneous treatment. This holds especially for the plasma treatment of sensitive goods such as wool or other textiles. In equipment for continuous pass of material the barrier arrangements often consist of a system cylinder – cylinder or cylinder – plane, whereby the gap width changes locally. Space distribution and intensity of filaments has been investigated by means of short‐time photography and spatially resolved measurement of current distribution and energy distribution derived from it. The local dependency found can be explained by means of a capacitive equivalent circuit.  相似文献   

Monitoring plasma homogeneity A new imaging system has been built up for the fast qualitative monitoring of plasma processes. It is designed to analyze the spatial distribution of the plasma’s emission intensity at different wavelengths. The system consists of a liquid crystal tunable filter for wavelength selection and a CCD‐camera. Its applicability is presented for non‐polymerizing argon plasmas and polymerizing acetylene plasmas. Our investigations were carried out with focus on the effect of the process pressure on the homogeneity of the plasma emission and the resulting layer deposition. Both the emission’s uniformity as well as the homogeneity of the deposition are affected by the process pressure. Low process pressures are favorable for both of the named parameters.  相似文献   

Improved Methods of Stress Analysis to Analyze and Prevent Failures The continuous rising demands on productivity and economy of modern processes, for example in the chemical or power generating industries, cause a tendency for permanent rise of the process parameters pressure and temperature. But for the engineer of a project rising process parameters mean an unproportional increase of the number of mechanical/thermal/chemical induced load collectives. During the basic design phase of a plant this aspect has to be taken into account with respect to the materials choice and the analysis of all mechanical, thermal and chemical induced load cases. In this article modern computer based stress analysis methods for the complex simulation of combined mechanical/thermal load cases are discussed using the example of pipe work. The emphasis was focussed on ?pipe work”? with respect to the new German pressure vessel code of April, 21 st., 1989. Since then within the framework of this code the integrity of pipe work has to be verified. Due to this demand a general discussion was initiated to validate the appropriate analysis method. In this article different examples were chosen to demonstrate the influence of complex load situations on the total stress level, for example the combination of external bending moments with stresses due to the mismatch of the physical properties of a selected material combination. Another goal of this paper is to show the demand for further investigations to transfer brand new scientific results to common engineering praxis. This aspect is discussed examining the failure behaviour of heat resistant steels under complex mechanical/thermal loading. It must be emphasized that the discussed analysis methods are not a paragraph in the German pressure vessel code. But these methods are necessary to assist the code in effective analysis and prevention of failures.  相似文献   

How to avoid operating errors The rising number of vacuum pump applications require, that the vacuum pump manufacturers develop and offer more and more application dedicated products. To make sure the pumps fulfil the application requirements with regards to performance and reliability, certain operational measures to be followed. From the pump manufacturers standpoint this article shall emphasize helpful tips regarding selection, operation, accessories, monitoring and preventive maintenance for users and system manufacturers for the most common vacuum pumps.  相似文献   

When a solid is brought into an evacuated room, it gives off more or less gas of different composition. Literature data on gas release rates are available for established materials, but they are only comparable with each other to a limited extent due to the different measuring techniques and setups used. A qualitative study of the desorbed substances in addition to quantitative data is rarely found. For new products, these data are not yet available in many cases. For this reason, a computer-controlled experimental and measuring facility was set up at the Research Centre Jülich to study the outgassing behaviour of non-metallic materials and special components under ultrahigh vacuum conditions. The mode of operation and setup of this apparatus will be briefly presented in the following. The results obtained will be discussed with the aid of an example, which is representative of the measurements performed to date.  相似文献   

We present a short review of the capabilities and prospects offered by the scanning tunneling microscopy (STM). Ultra-high vacuum — in general not necessary for STM operation at all — ensures without doubt well-defined surface and tunneling conditions. The latter are especially important for atomic resolution and spectroscopic applications. Shining examples selected from an almost exhaustiveless amount of original papers illustrate the new quality in local surface structural analysis, spectroscopy and modification achieved due to the establishment of STM and related scanning probe techniques.  相似文献   

Demands and assessment of thin films in tribological applications Thin films for tribological use have been supported intensively in the last years and decades. For this reason lots of single results exist in this field of activity. But until now for engineers a handy und reliable method for the development of practical solutions is not available. The literature quoted at the end of this article deals with this problem and points out possibilities. The following paper presents selected results. Single aspects are here in this consequence only described without detailed documentation. To do this the quoted literature offers further information concerning the application of hard coatings and it refers to over 900 corresponding publications. Missing data on test parameters or boundary conditions of the test procedures as well as detailed information on all presented aspects are written down there. Tables to do selections and assessments qualify the reference as a useful handbook for the application of thin hard coatings in theory and practice. The author is pleased to help you to get the complete publication.  相似文献   

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