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Hydroxyl or peroxyl radicals and hypochlorous acid (HOCl) are known to cause the oxidation of lipoproteins. Here, we examined Cu2+-binding property of paraoxonase 1 (PON1), and antioxidant actions of peptides, resembling His residue-containing sequences in PON1, against oxidations by Cu2+, peroxyl radicals or HOCl. When Cu2+-binding property of PON1 was examined spectrophotometrically, the maximal Cu2+ binding was achieved at 1:1 molar ratio of PON1: Cu2+. Additionally, Cu2+-catalyzed oxidative inactivation of PON1 was prevented by Ca2+-depleted PON1 at 1:1 ratio, but not diethylpyrocarbonate (DEPC)-modified PON1, suggesting the participation of His residue in Cu2+-binding. When His-containing peptides were examined for antioxidant actions, those with either His residue at N-terminal position 2 or 3, or His-Pro sequence at C-terminal remarkably prevented Cu2+-mediated low density lipoprotein (LDL) oxidation and PON1 inactivation. Especially, FHKALY, FHKY or NHP efficiently prevented Cu2+-induced LDL oxidation (24 h), indicating a tight binding of Cu2+ by peptides. In support of this, the peptide/Cu2+ complexes exhibited a superoxide-scavenging activity. Separately, in oxidations by 2,2'-azobis-2-amidinopropane hydrochloride or HOCl, the presence of Tyrosine (Tyr) or Cysteine (Cys) residue markedly enhanced antioxidant action of His-containing peptides. These results indicate that His-containing peptides with Tys or Cys residues correspond to broad spectrum antioxidants in oxidation models employing Cu2+, 2,2'-azobis-2-amidinopropane hydrochloride (AAPH) or HOCl.  相似文献   

Marine organisms have been recognized as rich sources of bioactive compounds with valuable nutraceutical and pharmaceutical potentials. Recently, marine bioactive peptides have gained much attention because of their numerous health beneficial effects. Notably, these peptides exhibit various biological activities such as antioxidant, anti-hypertensive, anti-human immunodeficiency virus, anti-proliferative, anticoagulant, calcium-binding, anti-obesity and anti-diabetic activities. This review mainly presents biological activities of peptides from marine organisms and emphasizing their potential applications in foods as well as pharmaceutical areas.  相似文献   

Prions are suspected as causative agents of several neuropathogenic diseases, even though the mode of their action is still not clear. A combination of chemical and recombinant syntheses can provide suitable probes for explanation of prions role in pathogenesis of neurodegenerative diseases. However, the prions contain several difficult sequences for synthesis by Fmoc/tBu approach. For that reason, the peptide thioesters as the key building blocks for chemical syntheses of proteins by native chemical ligation were employed. A scan of the mouse prion domain 93-231 was carried out in order to discover availability of derived thioesters as the suitable building blocks for a total chemical synthesis of the prion protein based probes. The synthesis on 2-chlorotritylchloride resin was utilized and after a deprotection of the samples for analysis, the peptide segments were purified and characterized. If the problems were detected during the synthesis, the segment was re-synthesized either using the special pseudoproline dipeptides or by splitting its molecule to two or three smaller segments, which were prepared easier. The protected segments, prepared correctly without any deletion and in sufficient amounts, were coupled either with EtSH after DIC/DMAP activation or with p-Ac-NH-Ph-SH using PyBOP activation to yield corresponding thioesters. In some special cases, the other techniques of thioester formation, like sulfonamide-safety catch and/or trimethylaluminium approach were utilized.  相似文献   

Human saliva contains a large number of phosphopeptides derived by cleavage of acidic proline-rich proteins (APRPs). These peptides were purified by column chromatography and they constituted 0.5% of APRPs in parotid saliva, but 11% of APRPs in saliva expectorated from the mouth (whole saliva), indicating that there is considerable cleavage of APRPs after secretion from the gland. Similarly to APRP, the phosphopeptides bind Ca2+, but they accounted for only 4% of protein-bound Ca2+ in whole saliva. APRPs as well as the phosphopeptides inhibited formation of hydroxyapatite, but, whereas 19-20 micrograms of APRP was needed for 50% inhibition, only 0.7-3.3 micrograms of purified peptides was needed for the same degree of activity, and the phosphopeptides accounted for 18% of total inhibitory activity in whole saliva. All phosphopeptides adsorbed on hydroxyapatite in vitro, and adsorption of phosphopeptides on tooth surfaces in vivo could also be demonstrated, indicating that they would be able to inhibit unwanted mineral formation on the tooth surface in vivo. Degradation of APRPs after secretion therefore does not lead to a loss of their biological activities.  相似文献   

Granulysin, a 9-kDa protein localized to human CTL and NK cell granules, is cytolytic against tumor cells and microbes. Molecular modeling predicts that granulysin is composed of five alpha-helices separated by short loop regions. In this report, synthetic peptides corresponding to the linear granulysin sequence were characterized for lytic activity. Peptides corresponding to the central region of granulysin lyse bacteria, human cells, and synthetic liposomes, while peptides corresponding to the amino or carboxyl regions are not lytic. Peptides corresponding to either helix 2 or helix 3 lyse bacteria, while lysis of human cells and liposomes is dependent on the helix 3 sequence. Peptides in which positively charged arginine residues are substituted with neutral glutamine exhibit reduced lysis of all three targets. While reduction of recombinant 9-kDa granulysin increases lysis of Jurkat cells, reduction of cysteine-containing granulysin peptides decreases lysis of Jurkat cells. In contrast, lysis of bacteria by recombinant granulysin or by cysteine-containing granulysin peptides is unaffected by reducing conditions. Jurkat cells transfected with either CrmA or Bcl-2 are protected from lysis by recombinant granulysin or the peptides. Differential activity of granulysin peptides against tumor cells and bacteria may be exploited to develop specific antibiotics without toxicity for mammalian cells.  相似文献   

The polyphosphoinositides phosphatidylinositol 4-monophosphate (PIP) and phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate (PIP2) inactivate the actin filament-severing proteins villin and gelsolin and dissociate them from monomeric and polymeric actin. A potential polyphosphoinositide- (PPI) binding site of human plasma gelsolin regulating filament severing has been localized to the region between residues 150-169 and to the corresponding region in villin which occurs in the second of six homologous domains present in both proteins. Synthetic peptides based on these sequences bind tightly to both PIP and PIP2, in either micelles or bilayer vesicles, compete with gelsolin for binding to PPIs, and dissociate gelsolin-PIP2 complexes, restoring severing activity to the protein. These peptides also bind with moderate affinity to F-actin, suggesting that inactivation of the severing function of the intact proteins by PPIs results from competition between actin and PPIs for a critical binding site on gelsolin-villin. The PPI-binding peptides contain numerous basic amino acids, but their effects on PPIs are far greater than those of Arg or Lys oligomers, a highly basic peptide derived from the calmodulin-binding site of myristoylated, alanine-rich kinase C substrate protein, or the 5-kDa actin-binding protein thymosin beta-4, suggesting that specific aspects of the primary and secondary structure of these basic peptides are important for their interaction with the acidic headgroups of PPIs. In addition to elucidating the structure of PIP2-binding sites in gelsolin, the results describe a sensitive assay for phosphoinositide-binding molecules based on their ability to prevent inhibition of gelsolin function.  相似文献   

Kim J  Hong SY  Park HS  Kim DS  Lee W 《Molecules and cells》2005,19(2):205-211
The Arg-Gly-Asp (RGD) sequence serves as the primary recognition site in extracellular matrix proteins, and peptides containing this sequence can mimic the biological activities of matrix proteins. We have initiated structure-function studies of two RGD containing peptides, RGD-5(AGGDD) and cyclic RGD-6(CARGDDC). Assays have shown that cyclic RGD-peptides inhibit platelet aggregation more efficiently than linear ones. NMR data revealed that RGD-5 and RGD-6 have entirely different conformation. RGD-5 has a linear extended structure and RGD-6 has a stable loop conformation. In RGD-5 the guanidinium group of Arg2 and the carboxyl group of Asp4 lie in parallel, whereas the side-chains of Arg3 and Asp5 of RGD-6 are located in different planes, supporting the idea that the stability of the cyclic form derives from the packing of the side chain of the Arg and Asp residues. The structural features of these peptides could provide a basis for designing new drugs against diseases related to platelet aggregation and as cancer antagonists.  相似文献   

To obtain antibodies suitable to be used in an antigen-capture assay, we have identified, synthesized, and evaluated a series of peptides from different Plasmodium falciparum excretory-secretory proteins: glutamate-rich protein (GLURP); histidine-rich protein 2; histidine-rich protein 3; Falciparum interspersed repeat antigen and, serine-rich antigen homologous. Conformational as well as antigenic predictions were performed using the ANTHEPROT package. Chemical synthesis was carried out by the multiple manual synthesis using the t-boc strategy. The peptides were used as antigens for the preparation of polyclonal antibodies in rabbits. Out of the 14 peptide constructs, eight by ELISA and, six by MABA elicited antibodies that showed correspondence between the predictive study and the immunogenicity obtained in rabbits. All antipeptide (GLURP, HRP2, and FIRA) antisera were found to bind to the corresponding synthetic sequence in an ELISA assay. The binding activity and specificity of antibodies were determined by Western blot with supernatant culture from P. falciparum. Anti-GLURP (IMT-94 and IMT-200) antisera bound to five molecules present in supernatant with molecular weight of 73, 82, 116, 124, and 128 kDa. Anti-HRP2 (IMT-192) antisera recognized a band of 58 kDa. In both cases, the specific molecules were inhibited by preincubation with the homologous peptide. Anti-HRP3, anti-FIRA neither anti-SERPH antisera showed reactivity. Anti-peptides HRP2 antibodies recognized the recombinant protein present in Parasight-F test. The same way, synthetic peptides from HRPII molecule were recognized by monoclonal antibody present in the Parasight-F assay. Our results confirm the potential value of synthetic peptides when inducing monospecific polyclonal antibodies for the development of diagnostic tests based on the capture of antigens.  相似文献   

Two antimicrobial peptides (piceain 1 and 2) derived from sequences encoded Picea sitchensis are identified. Their amino acid sequences are KSLRPRCWIKIKFRCKSLKF and RPRCWIKIKFRCKSLKF, respectively. One intra‐molecular disulfide bridge is formed by these two half‐cysteines in both piceain 1 and 2. Antimicrobial activities of synthesized piceains against several kinds of microorganisms were tested. They showed antimicrobial activities against Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Staphylococcus aureus, and fungus Candida albicans but little antimicrobial activity against Bacillus subtilis. The results of nematicidal test showed they exerted strong nematicidal activities against Caenorhabditis elegans, following exposure for 5 h at concentrations as low as 10 µg/ml. They had weak hemolytic abilities against human and rabbit red cells. At the concentration of 250 µg/ml, they induced red cell hemolysis of less than 5%. Circular dichroism spectra of the two antimicrobial peptides were investigated in several solutions. Their main secondary structure components are β‐sheet and random. The current work provides a novel family of antimicrobial and nematicidal peptides with unique disulfided loop containing nine amino acid residues. Copyright © 2011 European Peptide Society and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Vasodilator effects of peptides derived from egg white proteins   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The aim of this work was to investigate the effect of several peptides, identified before and after simulated gastrointestinal digestion of an egg white hydrolysate, on the vascular function, in rat aorta. The sequences IVF, RADHPFL and YAEERYPIL (0.1 mM) induced vasodilatation in intact aortic rings, with the maximum percentage of dilation corresponding to RADHPFL (40.5 ± 7.0%). Two of the end products of the gastrointestinal digestion, RADHP and YPI, also showed vasodilator activity with degrees of relaxation higher than 50%. However, all these peptides failed to induce relaxation in endothelium-denuded aortic rings. The relaxation induced by RADHP was concentration-dependent and it was partially blocked by the nitric oxide synthase inhibitor l-NAME (100 μM) and by the B1 bradykinin receptor antagonist Des-HOE 140 (30 nM), thus showing that it was mediated by NO production through the activation of B1 bradykinin receptors. These findings suggest that these peptides could reduce the vascular resistance and could be used as functional food ingredients in the prevention and treatment of hypertension.  相似文献   

Peptides derived from extracellular matrix proteins have the potential to function as potent therapeutic reagents to increase neuronal regeneration following central nervous system (CNS) injury, yet their efficacy as pharmaceutical reagents is dependent upon the expression of cognate receptors in the target tissue. This type of codependency is clearly observed in successful models of axonal regeneration in the peripheral nervous system, but not in the normally nonregenerating adult CNS. Successful regeneration is most closely correlated with the induction of integrins on the surface of peripheral neurons. This suggests that in order to achieve optimal neurite regrowth in the injured adult CNS, therapeutic strategies must include approaches that increase the number of integrins and other key receptors in damaged central neurons, as well as provide the appropriate growth-promoting peptides in a “regeneration cocktail.” In this review, we describe the ability of peptides derived from tenascin-C, fibronectin, and laminin-1 to influence neuronal growth. In addition, we also discuss the implications of peptide/receptor interactions for strategies to improve neuronal regeneration.  相似文献   

African swine fever virus (ASFV), a large icosahedral deoxyvirus, is the causative agent of an economically relevant hemorrhagic disease that affects domestic pigs. The major purpose of the present study was to investigate the nuclear transport activities of the ASFV p37 and p14 proteins, which result from the proteolytic processing of a common precursor. Experiments were performed by using yeast-based nucleocytoplasmic transport assays and by analysis of the subcellular localization of different green fluorescent and Myc fusion proteins in mammalian cells. The results obtained both in yeast and mammalian cells clearly demonstrated that ASFV p14 protein is imported into the nucleus but not exported to the cytoplasm. The ability of p37 protein to be exported from the nucleus to the cytoplasm of both yeast and mammalian cells was also demonstrated, and the results clearly indicate that p37 nuclear export is dependent on the interaction of the protein with the CRM-1 receptor. In addition, p37 was shown to exhibit nuclear import activity in mammalian cells. The p37 protein nuclear import and export abilities described here constitute the first report of a nucleocytoplasmic shuttling protein encoded by the ASFV genome. Overall, the overlapping results obtained for green fluorescent protein fusions and Myc-tagged proteins undoubtedly demonstrate that ASFV p37 and p14 proteins exhibit nucleocytoplasmic transport activities. These findings are significant for understanding the role these proteins play in the replication cycle of ASFV.  相似文献   

Food proteins have been identified as a source of bioactive peptides. These peptides are inactive within the sequence of the parent protein and must be released during gastrointestinal digestion, fermentation, or food processing. Of bioactive peptides, multifunctional cationic peptides are more useful than other peptides that have specific activity in promotion of health and/or the treatment of diseases. We have identified and characterized cationic peptides from rice enzymes and proteins that possess multiple functions, including antimicrobial, endotoxin-neutralizing, arginine gingipain-inhibitory, and/or angiogenic activities. In particular, we have elucidated the contribution of cationic amino acids (arginine and lysine) in the peptides to their bioactivities. Further, we have discussed the critical parameters, particularly proteinase preparations and fractionation or purification, in the enzymatic hydrolysis process for producing bioactive peptides from food proteins. Using an ampholyte-free isoelectric focusing (autofocusing) technique as a tool for fractionation, we successfully prepared fractions containing cationic peptides with multiple functions.  相似文献   

Muroi E  Manabe S  Ikezaki M  Urata Y  Sato S  Kondo T  Ito Y  Ihara Y 《Glycobiology》2007,17(9):1015-1028
C-Mannosylation is a unique type of glycosylation occurring at the first Trp (W) in the WXXW motif, which is found in the thrombospondin type 1 repeat (TSR) of proteins. However, the biological function of C-mannosylation is not fully understood. In this study, we investigated the effect of C-mannosylated TSR-derived peptides on lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-induced signaling in macrophage-like RAW264.7 cells. The cells were stimulated with LPS in the presence or absence of chemically synthesized peptides with or without C-mannose (e.g., (C-Man)-Trp-Ser-Pro-Trp [C-Man-WSPW], C-Man-W, WSPW, etc.), then the effects of the peptides on cellular viability and signaling were examined. We found a cytotoxic effect in the cells treated with LPS and C-Man-WSPW, but not in the cells solely treated with LPS or C-Man-WSPW. We also found that production of tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha) was upregulated more in response to LPS plus C-Man-WSPW, than in response to LPS plus WSPW or LPS alone. Among the LPS-induced signaling pathways that induce production of TNF-alpha, the activation of c-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK) was greatly enhanced by LPS and C-Man-WSPW, and the production of TNF-alpha was suppressed by an inhibitor for JNK. Together, these results demonstrate a novel function of the C-mannosylated TSR-derived peptide motif, to promote LPS-induced JNK signaling, and this leads to an enhancement of cytotoxicity via the upregulation of TNF-alpha production.  相似文献   

A peptide having the strong free radical scavenging activities was separated from casein protein hydrolysate by chromatographic analyses such as ion-exchange and gel filtration. SP-II fraction obtained by SP-Sephadex C-25 chromatography showed the most potent superoxide anion scavenging activity (SOSA), and it was further separated into a peptide using an octadecylsilano-high performance liquid chromatography. The amino acid sequence of the peptide was Tyr-Phe-Tyr-Pro-Glu-Leu (YFYPEL). The concentration of the test compound required to reduce the produced superoxide anion to one-half (IC(50)) value for SOSA was 79.2 microM using tetrazolium salt 3'-{1-[(phenylamino)-carbonyl]-3,4-tetrazolium}-bis(4-methoxy-6-nitro)benzenesulfonic acid hydrate method. The IC50 value for the 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl radical and hydroxyl radical scavenging activities were 98 and 251 microM, respectively, based on the electron spin resonance method. We characterized SOSA of the C-terminal sequence using EL, PEL, YPEL, and FYPEL. The activities preferred sequences were EL>YFYPEL>FYPEL>YPEL>PEL, suggesting that the Glu-Leu sequence is important for the activity.  相似文献   

Functionally active guinea pig factor B was purified by a combination of chromatographic steps including Sephadex G-25, QAE A25, QAE A50, CM C50, and Sepharose 4B coupled with purified cobra venom factor. Purified factor B had a m.w. of 106,000 daltons and a single subunit structure. It was heat labile. After cleavage of native B with cobra venom factor coupled to Sepharose 4B in the presence of D, the resulting two fragments, the larger one (Bb) and the smaller one (Ba), were further purified. The m.w. of Bb and Ba was determined as 64,000 and 53,000 daltons, respectively, by SDS-PAGE. Neither of the fragments evoked a contraction of guinea pig ileum or histamine release from rat mast cells. Only the smaller fragment Ba (at a concentration of 120 nM) stimulated guinea pig peritoneal polymorphonuclear leukocytes to respond with increased movement. This activity as well as the antigenicity of Ba were heat stable, but were sensitive to trypsin digestion, whereas the antigenicity of Bb was heat labile.  相似文献   

Fifteen acetyl-peptide-amides with partial amino acid sequences of RANTES (regulated upon activation, normal T-cell expressed and secreted), all Cys residues of which were substituted by Ala, were synthesized, and screened for anti-HIV-1 activity. Peptides corresponding to 1–10, 37–46, and 57–68 showed marked activity against CC-chemokine receptor 5-using HIV-1JR-CSF (% inhibition at 100 nM 69, 82, 76%, respectively). The results indicate that multiple regions, including the N-terminal part responsible for chemotactic activity, are involved in anti-HIV-1 activity of RANTES, yielding possible lead compounds for anti-HIV-1 agents.  相似文献   

L-Arginine is a source of nitrogen oxide and plays a great role in a number of other biochemical processes. Functions and prospects for practical application of five groups of arginine-containing amino acid sequences and synthetic polyarginine sequences are considered. The physiological characteristics of well-known arginine-containing peptides, such as RGD containing, kyotorphin, and tuftsin, are described in detail.  相似文献   

L-arginine is a source of nitrogen oxide and plays a great role in a number of other biochemical processes. Functions and prospects for practical application of five groups of arginine-containing amino acid sequences and synthetic polyarginine sequences are considered. The physiological characteristics of well-known arginine-containing peptides, such as RGD peptides, kyotorphin, and tuftsin, are described in detail. The English version of the paper: Russian Journal of Bioorganic Chemistry, 2008, vol. 34, no. 2; see also http://www.maik.ru  相似文献   

Based on the amino acid sequence YPFV found in the soy beta-conglycinin beta-subunit, which is common to an opioid peptide human beta-casomorphin-4, peptides YPFVV, YPFVVN, and YPFVVNA were synthesized according to their primary structure. On guinea pig ileum (GPI) assay, they showed opioid activity (IC50 = 6.0, 9.2 and 13 microM respectively) more potent than human beta-casomorphins, and were named soymorphins-5, -6, and -7, respectively. Their opioid activities on mouse vas deferens (MVD) assay were less potent than on GPI assay, suggesting that they are selective for the mu opioid receptor. Human beta-casomorphin-4 and soymorphin-5 were released from the soy 7S fraction (beta-conglycinin) by the action of gastrointestinal proteases. Soymorphins-5, -6, and -7 had anxiolytic activities after oral administration at doses of 10-30 mg/kg in the elevated plus-maze test in mice.  相似文献   

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