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本使用红外天卫星(IRAS)巡天数据的最新版本IRAS天空巡天图(ISSA),经过进一步处理,得到了S140,S141和S142SharplessHII区一分子云复合体的红外发射强度,温度及其光深的分布。在此基础上以HII区的一些物理参量进行了统计分析,得到了分子云复合体的红外发射总光度以及复合体中尘埃的分布情况,对小尺度法埃(VSG)的丰度进行了分析,并对各恒星形成区中的致密团块进行了研究,  相似文献   

本文使用IRAS巡天数据的最新版本IRAS巡天图(ISSA),经过进一步处理,得到了S141分子云复合体红外发射的强度、温度及尘埃的分布图。分析结果表明,分子云复合体(在15角秒的统计范围内)的红外发射总光度为1.71×103L⊙,热而小的尘埃微粒的平均色温是178.5K,冷而大的尘埃平均色温为26.8K。分子云复合体中有三个明显的密集发射区,在东北边缘另有一相对弱的密度发射区。分析表明,S140电离氢区—分子云复合体中很可能有低质量呈正在形成。电离氢区S141的激发星很可能是位于其边缘的红外点源22268+6122的光学对应体。  相似文献   

本文使用IRAS巡天数据的最新版本IRAS巡天图(ISSA—coadded),经过进一步处理,得到了S140分子云复合体红外发射的强度、温度及尘埃的分布图。分析结果表明,分子云复合体(在35角秒范围内)的红外发射总光度为2.9×104L⊙,S140区在各波段的分布里各向同性,红外连续发射在12μm和100μm有着较大的延伸,热而小的尘埃微粒的平均色温是184K,冷而大的尘埃平均色温为29K。另外,在S140电离氢区—分子云复合体的核心部分(尤其是西部边缘和东部红外点源星团附近区域)有大量恒星正处于形成之中。  相似文献   

本论文用IRAS巡天数据的最新版本ISSA,经过进一步处理,得到了S140、S141、S142SharplessHⅡ区-分子云复合体的红外发射强度、温度及其光深的分布图。在此基础上对各HⅡ区的特性参量进行了统计分析,得到了分子云复合体的红外发射总光度以及复合体中尘埃的分布情况,对尘埃中VSG的丰度作出了分析。  相似文献   

本文使用IRAS巡天数据的最新版本IRAS巡天图(ISSA─coadded),经过进一步处理,得到了S142复合体红外发射的强度、温度及尘埃的分布。分析结果表明,分子云复合体的红外发射(在30角分的尺度范围内)总光度1.1×104L⊙,红外连续发射在12μm和100μm有着较大的延伸,热而小的尘埃微粒的平均色温是170K,冷而大的尘埃平均色温为29K,尘埃粒子密度随着对于最大值位置的偏移而迅速下降,HⅡ区内尘埃是严重衰减的。  相似文献   

本论文用IRAS巡天数据的最新版本ISSA,经过进一步处理,得到了S140、S141、S142SharplessHⅡ区—分子云复合体的红外发射强度、温度及其光深的分布图。在此基础上对各HⅡ区的特性参量进行了统计分析,得到了分子云复合体的红外发射总光度以及复合体中尘埃的分布情况,对尘埃中VSG的丰度作出了分析。并对各恒星形成区中的致密团块进行了研究,揭示出其中一些可能的恒星形成区域。同时对S140区中的有关红外点源作出了能谱分折,并对S141区的激发星进行了讨论。第一章对红外天文学研究及其特点作出了分析,并集中介绍了HⅡ区的有关情况;第二章给出了IRAS红外天文卫星及其数据资料的一些情况;第三章、第四章和第五章,重点给出了ISSA图像资料的处理和各HⅡ区的征对性分析及所得结论。文中图像分析所用的一些辅助工具(如用于ISSA定位分析的IRAF坐标系和赤道坐标系的转换程序等)出于作者之手,另外,本文分析所用红外天空巡天图由IPAC提供,而红外发射强度图、红外色温和光深分布图以及有关统计分析则隶属于作者的图像处理结果。  相似文献   

The infrared emission of the H II region-molecular cloud complexes S 140, S 141 and S 142 is examined using the IRAS Sky Survey Atlases. The IRAF and Skyview software are used to draw the contour maps of infrared intensity, color temperature and optical depth of each source. The total infrared luminosity and dust distribution in the complexes are given. Compact clumps where star formation probably takes place are identified. The exciter star of S 141 is analyzed.  相似文献   

使用IRAS天空流量图,在校正了黄道光发射后,得到了S252复合体的弥散红外发射的强度、温度及尘埃的分布。结果表明,这个复合体的弥散红外发射的总光度为1.8×10~5L_⊙,其中2/3来源于早型星加热,其余的来源于星际辐射场。在电离氢区内,尘埃是严重减损的,复合体有着复杂的结构,这种结构可以用诞生于分子云边缘的早型星HD42088的星风或电离辐射与母云的相互作用来解释。  相似文献   

对恒星形成区CepOB4的IRAS观测结果的详细分析和研究表明,与年轻星团Be59相联系的分子云物质的原始分布是高度成块的。Be59诞生于一个平均密度为100─200cm(-3)云的背向太阳一侧。强烈的电离辐射以及星风已经在其诞生地产生了一个半径大约为5pc的"水泡型(Blister)"电离氢区及与之相关的红外源。电离辐射也穿过云际介质到达与母云分离的另两个云的表面,形成了从侧面看到的电离波前及被压缩和加热的中性物质壳。在这个恒星形成区中,虽然有大量年轻恒星存在,但大质量恒星的形成已经停止。红外发射主要起源于标准尘埃粒子的热平衡发射。但在主激发星团Be59附近的HII区中25μm发射的显著增强可能与某种与电离气体相混合的新型尘埃粒子有关。  相似文献   

The first mapping observations of the bipolar HII region S106 in HCN J = 3 - 2 line were made by KOSMA submillimeter telescope in April, 2004. The results show that there is a bipolar outflow centered on the high-mass star S106 IRS4 and that the flat structure of molecular cloud core is perpendicular to the axis of the outflow. This image roughly corresponds to the optical image where a dark lane bisects the bipolar HII region. Together with the optical, infrared and radio data, we conclude that the central UC HII region and molecular outflow formed before the  相似文献   

The galaxy NGC6384 has been observed with an IPCS through and [NII] narrow-band interference filters for direct imagery with the 2.6-m Byurakan telescope. We studied the main physical parameters of the identified 98 HII regions, their diameter and luminosity functions, as well the [NII]/ ratio distribution. The integrated distribution function of the HII region diameters can be well fitted by the exponential function. The characteristic diameter has the value (Do = 217 pc) predicted for a galaxy of its measured luminosity. The luminosity function of HII regions has a double power law profile with relatively shallow slope at low luminosities (α = −0.4), an abrupt turnover at logL() ≈ 38.75, and sharper slope at higher luminosities (α = −2.3). The correlation between the luminosity and diameter of HII regions confirms that in general they are constant density, radiation-bound systems. [NII]/ ratio data for the HII regions show that there is a negative radial gradient of [NII]/. In the central region of the galaxy, nitrogen abundance is higher than in the periphery. The properties of the HII region population of this AGN galaxy do not differ significantly from the properties of the HII region population of the “normal” galaxies. Reexamining the location of the type Ia SN 1971L in the galaxy, we confirm that it lies on the spiral arm at about 8″.6 far from the closest HII region N 53 (F81). Such a location can be taken as proof that the progenitor of this SN does not belong to an old, evolved stellar population. Published in Astrofizika, Vol. 50, No. 4, pp. 519–533 (November 2007).  相似文献   

近红外偏振是研究恒星形成的有效工具.该文介绍了近红外偏振器的工作原理,然后分几个方面介绍了近红外偏振在恒星形成研究中的应用.红外反射云能很好地示踪年轻星天体及分子外流,通过分析偏振矢量的方法确定红外反射云的偏振对称中心,从而确定它的照亮源;偏振波长相关曲线包含了年轻星天体的星周物质的很多信息;年轻星的分子外流导致了红外反射云的形成,因此红外反射云的照亮源通常与年轻星天体成协,并是分子外流的驱动源;一些年轻星天体埋藏得很深,一般在近红外波段无法直接探测到,人们称之为深埋源,通过分析偏振矢量的方法可以找到深埋源;一般认为比较年轻的年轻星天体都是有尘埃盘的,尘埃盘的存在会导致它的偏振形态出现偏振盘,偏振盘町以用来研究尘埃盘;恒星形成区里成员星的偏振主要是由尘埃的二色性消光产生的,这样偏振方向会平行于致使尘埃排列的磁场的方向,从而能够揭示磁场的结构.最后进行了总结,并论述了中远红外偏振研究的优势和意义.  相似文献   

根据文[1]中图1(a)和图1(b),分别对CepB和CepF进行成图处理,得到了它们的强度分布图和速度分段积分等高图,通过对这些强度分布图和速度分段积分等高图的分析和研究,也得到了CegheusOB3巨分子云复合体是成块的,并且这些块是没有被自引力束缚的,同时还得到了CepB和CepF的外流的动力学时标。  相似文献   

We report multi-frequency radio continuum and hydrogen radio recombination line observations of HII regions near l = 24.8°, b = 0.1° using the Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope (GMRT) at 1.28 GHz (n = 172), 0.61 GHz (n = 220) and the Very Large Array (VLA) at 1.42 GHz (n = 166). The region consists of a large number of resolved HII regions and a few compact HII regions as seen in our continuum maps, many of which have associated infrared (IR) point sources. The largest HII region at l = 24.83° and b = 0.1° is a few arcmins in size and has a shell-type morphology. It is a massive HII region enclosing ∼550 M with a linear size of 7 pc and an rms electron density of ∼110 cm−3 at a kinematic distance of 6 kpc. The required ionization can be provided by a single star of spectral type O5.5. We also report detection of hydrogen recombination lines from the HII region at l = 24.83° and b = 0.1° at all observed frequencies near V lsr = 100 km s−1. We model the observed integrated line flux density as arising in the diffuse HII region and find that the best fitting model has an electron density comparable to that derived from the continuum. We also report detection of hydrogen recombination lines from two other HII regions in the field.  相似文献   

Near infrared observation of the infrared source in S140 was made using the 1.26 m infrared telescope of Beijing Observatory, yielding fluxes in the J, H and K bands. Combining with data from satellite and ground-based IR and submillimetre observations, we found the spectral gradient, IR luminosity and the shell structure of the IR source.

We also combined observations of CO and NH3 in an analysis of the heating of the gas associated with the source. Besides through dust, the central source may also input energy into the gas through shock waves. External sources of heat and heating by photoelectric process and cosmic rays are also discussed.  相似文献   

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