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随着区块链技术的不断发展,其应用变得越来越普及。文章主要针对区块链的数据结构及整体架构进行分析,并审视了区块链为物联网带来的挑战;最后从物联网数据交易系统方面、电网管理方面、车联网方面以及防伪安全管理方面,细化阐述了基于区块链的物联网技术应用,以期为基于区块链的物联网技术发展提供可靠支持。  相似文献   

时晔 《电子测试》2021,(6):73-74,100
区块链技术在物联网中的应用在很大程度上缓解了数据隐私、网络安全等现象,为了拓展区块链技术的应用,需要相关人员重视技术研究.本文阐述了区块链技术概述、区块链技术在物联网中的应用、针对物联网的区块链底层技术研究以及区块链为物联网带来的诸多挑战,希望能够促进区块链技术的应用,从而创造更大的效益.  相似文献   

The Internet of Things (IoT) is a large-scale network of devices capable of sensing, data processing, and communicating with each other through different communication protocols. In today's technology ecosystem, IoT interacts with many application areas such as smart city, smart building, security, traffic, remote monitoring, health, energy, disaster, agriculture, industry. The IoT network in these scenarios comprises tiny devices, gateways, and cloud platforms. An IoT network is able to keep these fundamental components in transmission under many conditions with lightweight communication protocols taking into account the limited hardware features (memory, processor, energy, etc.) of tiny devices. These lightweight communication protocols affect the network traffic, reliability, bandwidth, and energy consumption of the IoT application. Therefore, determining the most proper communication protocol for application developers emerges as an important engineering problem. This paper presents a straightforward overview of the lightweight communication protocols, technological advancements in application layer for the IoT ecosystem. The survey then analyzes various recent lightweight communication protocols and reviews their strengths and limitations. In addition, the paper explains the experimental comparison of Constrained Applications Protocol (CoAP), Message Queuing Telemetry (MQTT), and WebSocket protocols, more convenient for tiny IoT devices. Finally, we discuss future research directions of communication protocols for IoT.  相似文献   

分析了物联网与移动互联网融合发展的趋势,结合我国融合发展的现状,提出我国在融合背景下提升ICT技术产业能力、建立竞争优势的策略。  相似文献   

The Internet of Things (IoT) is a network of interconnected smart objects having capabilities that collectively form an ecosystem and enable the delivery of smart services to users. The IoT is providing several benefits into people's lives through the environment. The various applications that are run in the IoT environment offer facilities and services. The most crucial services provided by IoT applications are quick decision for efficient management. Recently, machine learning (ML) techniques have been successfully used to maximize the potential of IoT systems. This paper presents a systematic review of the literature on the integration of ML methods in the IoT. The challenges of IoT systems are split into two categories: fundamental operation and performance. We also look at how ML is assisting in the resolution of fundamental system operation challenges such as security, big data, clustering, routing, and data aggregation.  相似文献   

针对无线通信频谱资源稀缺的现状,从物联网目前的无线抗干扰技术特征入手,参考IMT-2000服务类别和3G业务的划分方法,归纳出物联网业务为会话级、互动级、流媒体级和背景级4种不同业务类型,并结合不同业务的服务质量QoS需求差异,提出每种物联网业务适合采用的无线抗干扰技术,为物联网无线通信的研究提供了参考.  相似文献   

随着物联网(IoT)规模的不断发展,其业务需求呈现出多样化、全球化的趋势。针对地面物联网无法覆盖全球的缺点,卫星物联网尤其是低轨卫星星座(LEOSC)物联网可以有效地为地面物联网提供覆盖性能上的补充和延伸。由于低轨卫星星座物联网系统广覆盖、高动态的特点,其业务量统计特性需要考虑到环境因素造成的影响,这导致其业务量分布与...  相似文献   

With the rapid development of mobile internet and Internet of Things applications, the conventional centralized cloud computing is encountering severe challenges, such as high latency, low Spectral Efficiency (SE), and non-adaptive machine type of communication. Motivated to solve these challenges, a new technology is driving a trend that shifts the function of centralized cloud computing to edge devices of networks. Several edge computing technologies originating from different backgrounds to decrease latency, improve SE, and support the massive machine type of communication have been emerging. This paper comprehensively presents a tutorial on three typical edge computing technologies, namely mobile edge computing, cloudlets, and fog computing. In particular, the standardization efforts, principles, architectures, and applications of these three technologies are summarized and compared. From the viewpoint of radio access network, the differences between mobile edge computing and fog computing are highlighted, and the characteristics of fog computing-based radio access network are discussed. Finally, open issues and future research directions are identified as well.  相似文献   

Since the publication of Satoshi Nakamoto's white paper on Bitcoin in 2008, blockchain has (slowly) become one of the most frequently discussed methods for securing data storage and transfer through decentralized, trustless, peer-to-peer systems. This research identifies peer-reviewed literature that seeks to utilize blockchain for cyber security purposes and presents a systematic analysis of the most frequently adopted blockchain security applications. Our findings show that the Internet of Things (IoT) lends itself well to novel blockchain applications, as do networks and machine visualization, public-key cryptography, web applications, certification schemes and the secure storage of Personally Identifiable Information (PII). This timely systematic review also sheds light on future directions of research, education and practices in the blockchain and cyber security space, such as security of blockchain in IoT, security of blockchain for AI data, and sidechain security.  相似文献   

Very recently, Alamr et al (J. Supercomput 1‐14 doi: 10.1007/s11227‐016‐1861‐1) presented a radio frequency identifier (RFID) authentication protocol for the Internet of Things (IoT) through elliptic curve cryptography (ECC). They claimed the protocol to achieve several security properties and thwart all known attacks. However, this paper shows that their scheme is having correctness and scalability issues. The reader in their protocol can accommodate only one tag, which is not desirable in the IoT environments. The paper finally suggests an improvement to cater the correctness and scalability issues.  相似文献   

本文从物联网及其体系结构谈起,介绍了嵌入技术及嵌入式处理器,并对嵌入式技术在物联网中的作用及发展前景做了阐述.  相似文献   

随着计算机技术和互联网技术发展的日渐成熟,物联网技术的发展得到了广泛的重视,在未来我国各个发展领域会应用到更多物联网技术,对我国未来科技的发展有着重要的促进作用,例如在产品的生产、设计等方面都有一定的促进与导向作用,能提供更大的发展空间。随之发展的还有无线通信技术,其应用主要体现在家庭上网、企业办公的无线宽带和光纤设备上,使人与人之间的交流突破了空间的限制。文章对无线通信技术在物联网中的应用进行了分析。  相似文献   

电力公司是一项利国利民的事业,为此将物联网融入电力公司是非常重要的举措,但是当前电力物联网安全问题一直以来是困扰其发展的重要因素,如何才能在信息传递中确保安全性就成为重点.文章针对电力物联网的安全防护技术进行了研究,首先对物联网进行概述;其次分析当前电力物联网安全防护技术应用情况;然后提出电力物联网面临的安全隐患;最后...  相似文献   

现阶段我国的科技水平逐渐提高,互联网、云计算等新一代高科技信息技术的应用范围逐渐扩大,我国高校也逐渐实现从数字校园到智慧校园的过渡。建设智慧校园主要是依靠先进的物联网技术,使校园管理模式逐渐趋向科学化、人性化,从而推动智慧校园建设工作的开展,并且促进智慧校园的进一步发展。文章对物联网技术在智慧校园建设中的应用问题进行了深入的分析和探讨。  相似文献   

物联网(IoT)设备资源存在高度异构性,严重影响联邦学习(FL)的训练时间和精度。已有研究未充分考虑物联网设备资源的异构性,且缺乏异构设备间协同训练机制的设计,导致训练效果有限且设备的资源利用率较低。为此,该文提出资源高效的分层协同联邦学习方法(HCFL),设计了端边云分层混合聚合机制,考虑边缘服务器的差异化参数聚合频率,提出自适应异步加权聚合方法,提高模型参数聚合效率。提出资源重均衡的客户端选择算法,考虑模型精度与数据分布特征动态选取客户端,缓解资源异构性对联邦学习性能的影响。设计自组织联邦协同训练算法,充分利用空闲物联网设备资源加速联邦学习训练进程。仿真结果表明,在不同资源异构状态下,与基线方法相比,模型训练时间平均降低15%,模型精度平均提高6%,设备平均资源利用率提高52%。  相似文献   

沈艳  席兵  张治中 《电讯技术》2021,61(7):851-857
针对物联网终端设备类型复杂、数量繁多,传统的识别方法难以对终端进行精准识别的问题,提出了一种新的终端自动识别方法.该方法利用ZMap工具在网络中进行扫描,对扫描出的主机发送"get"请求以获取终端的登录页面,并根据超文本标记语言源代码、超文本传输协议中响应头字段和导航栏信息构建终端特征数据库,并利用长短期记忆(Long...  相似文献   

联邦学习允许数据不出本地的情况下实现数据价值的有效流动,被认为是物联网(IoT)场景下兼顾数据共享与隐私保护的有效方法。然而,联邦学习系统易受拜占庭攻击和推理攻击的影响,导致系统的鲁棒性和数据的隐私性受损。物联网设备的数据异构性和资源瓶颈,也为带有隐私保护的鲁棒聚合算法设计带来巨大挑战。该文提出面向异构物联网的带有数据重采样的鲁棒聚合方法Re-Sim,通过测量方向相似性和标准化更新幅度实现模型的鲁棒聚合,并采用数据重采样技术增强数据异构环境下模型的鲁棒性。同时构建轻量安全聚合协议(LSA),在保证数据隐私性的同时兼顾模型鲁棒性、准确性和计算开销,并从理论上对协议的隐私性进行了分析。仿真结果表明,该方案能在数据异构情况下有效抵抗拜占庭攻击和推理攻击,与基线方法相比,该文所提方案精度提高1%~3%,同时减轻客户端侧计算开销79%。  相似文献   

将信息中心网络(ICN)应用到物联网(IoT)架构(ICN-IoT),可以有效地解决数据分发问题,提高数据的传输效率.但在ICN-IoT中,现有的缓存研究主要是在内容流行度或新鲜度等单一维度上实现缓存配置,无法适应海量和多态的物联网数据特征,导致缓存效率低.针对上述问题,该文首先分析了物联网数据特征,将数据分为周期性数...  相似文献   

刘昕  徐恪  陈文龙  赵玉东 《电信科学》2011,27(11):66-74
近年来,物联网受到各国政府、企业和学术界的广泛关注。然而,作为互联网的网络延伸,当前物联网的发展同样面临着互联网体系结构与地址受限、安全机制不足、移动性欠缺等问题,而以IPv6为标志的下一代互联网技术有望解决这些问题,因此设计融合物联网的下一代互联网体系结构具有重要现实意义。目前一些组织已经提出了多种物联网体系结构,但这些体系结构通常针对特定场景设计,欠缺对互联网体系结构的继承性和对不同应用场景的兼容性。本文提出了一种具有兼容性、自适应性、简单性和高效性的融合物联网的下一代互联网体系结构,并指出该体系结构需要解决的主要技术问题和初步的解决思路。  相似文献   

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