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孙林  罗朝阳 《运筹学学报》2015,19(1):125-130
设图\,$G$\,是嵌入到欧拉示性数\,$\chi(\Sigma)\geq 0$\,的曲面\,$\Sigma$\,上的图, $\chi'(G)$\,和\,$\Delta(G)$\,分别表示图\,$G$\,的边色数和最大度. 如果\,$\Delta(G)\geq 4$\,且\,$G$\,满足以下条件: (1)\,图$G$中的任意两个三角形$T_1$, $T_2$的距离至少是$2$; (2)\,图\,$G$\,中\,$i$-圈和\,$j$-圈的距离至少是\,$1$, $i,j\in\{3,4\}$; (3)\,图\,$G$\,中没有\,$5$-圈, 则有\,$\Delta(G)=\chi'(G)$.  相似文献   

设G是一个n阶简单图,q_{1}(G)\geq q_{2}(G)\geq \cdots \geq q_{n}(G)是其无符号拉普拉斯特征值. 图G的无符号拉普拉斯分离度定义为S_{Q}(G)=q_{1}(G)-q_{2}(G). 确定了n阶单圈图和双圈图的最大的无符号拉普拉斯分离度,并分别刻画了相应的极图.  相似文献   

In this paper, the auther considers following initial value problem for the system of nonlinear Schrodinger equation with the magnetic field effect $i\varepsilon _i-\Delta \varepsilon +\beta q(|\varepsilon |^2)\varepsilon +\eta \varepsilon \times (\varepsilon \times \varepsilon )=0$(1.1) $\varepsilon |t=0=\varepsilon _0(x),x\in R^2,$(1.2) where\beta,\eta are real constants, \varepsilon = (\varepsilon ^1, \varepsilon ^2, \varepsilon ^3). First, the existence of the global solution for problem (1.1), (1.2) is established by means of the method of integral estimates, and then the “blow up” theorem is obtained nuder some conditions.  相似文献   

杨士林  刘建振 《中国科学A辑》2008,38(12):1403-1412
设$(\Gamma, I)$是约束循环箭图, 其顶点对应于Abel群$\Z_d$. 给出了所有 $(\Gamma, I)$的不可分解表示以及其中可扩张成相应形变预投射代数 $\Pi^\lambda(\Gamma, I)$的不可分解表示的条件. 证明了由$(\Gamma, I)$的 可扩张不可分解表示提升得到的$\Pi^\lambda(\Gamma, I)$的表示一定是其 所有单表示, 从而通过形变预投射代数的方式实现了限制量子群 $\ol{U}_q({\rm sl}_2)$的所有单表示.  相似文献   

设$k$是正整数, $G$是一个边数给定的简单无向图, 其边数$m\ge 2k$, 最大度$\Delta(G)\le m-k$, 本文给出了图$G$的无符号拉普拉斯谱半径$q(G)$的一个上界. 对边数为$m\ge 8$的两个连通图$G_1$和$G_2$, 利用这个上界我们证明了一个排序定理: 如果$\Delta(G_1)>\Delta(G_2)+1$ 且 $\Delta(G_1)\ge \frac{m}{2}+2$, 那么$q(G_1)>q(G_2)$. 对于不含三角形的图, 我们得到两个更强的结果. 作为上述排序定理的一个应用, 我们完全刻画了无符号拉普拉斯谱半径最大的围长为$c$的$m$边图, 其中$m\ge \max\{ 2c, c+9\}$, 部分解决了陈雯雯等人在[Linear Algebra Appl. 645(2022)123-136]上提出的一个公开问题.  相似文献   

本文研究了多元线性模型当未知参数受不完全椭球约束$\mbox{tr}(\Theta-\Theta_1)'N(\Theta-\Theta_1)\leq\sigma^2$时线性估计的可容许性问题.具体而言,我们研究了约束$\mbox{tr}(\Theta-\Theta_1)'N(\Theta-\Theta_1)\leq\sigma^2$中$N$和非中心点$\Theta_1$对线性估计的可容许性的影响.主要结果表明在两个不同的不完全椭球约束条件$\mbox{tr}(\Theta-\Theta_1)'N(\Theta-\Theta_1)\leq\sigma^2$与$\mbox{tr}(\Theta-\Theta_2)'N(\Theta-\Theta_2)\leq\sigma^2$ 下,当$\Theta_1$和$\Theta_2$满足一定的关系时,可容许的齐次线性估计类是相同的.  相似文献   

王维凡  李超 《中国科学A辑》2008,38(12):1321-1334
如果图$G$的一个正常染色满足染任意两种颜色的顶点集合导出的子图是一些点不交的路的并,则称这个正常染色为图$G$ 的线性染色.图$G$的线性色数用lc$(G)$表示,是指$G$的所有线性染色中所用的最少颜色的个数. \qquad 证明了: 对于每一个最大度为$\Delta(G)$围长为$g(G)$的非负特征图$G$,若存在一个有序对$(\Delta,g)\in\{(13,7),(9,8),(7,9),(5,10), (3,13)\}$, 使得$G$满足$\Delta(G)\ge\Delta$且$g(G)\ge g$,则lc$(G)=\lceil \frac {\Delta(G)}2\rceil+1$.  相似文献   

本文证明了存在一个一一对应$\varphi: {\cal J}\cup{\cal J}'\longrightarrow\delta\cup\delta'$,它满足: \ \ (1) $\varphi|{\cal J}: ({\cal J},\subset)\longrightarrow(\delta,\leq)$是frame同构. \ \ (2) $\varphi|{\cal J}': ({\cal J}',\subset)\longrightarrow(\delta',\leq)$是coframe同构.  相似文献   

设图$G$的一个列表分配为映射$L: V(G)\bigcup E(G)\rightarrow2^{N}$. 如果存在函数$c$使得对任意$x\in V(G)\cup E(G)$有$c(x)\in L(x)$满足当$uv\in E(G)$时, $|c(u)-c(v)|\geq1$, 当边$e_{1}$和$e_{2}$相邻时, $|c(e_{1})-c(e_{2})|\geq1$, 当点$v$和边$e$相关联时, $|c(v)-c(e)|\geq 2$, 则称图$G$为$L$-$(p,1)$-全可标号的. 如果对于任意一个满足$|L(x)|=k,x\in V(G)\cup E(G)$的列表分配$L$来说, $G$都是$L$-$(2,1)$-全可标号的, 则称$G$是 $k$-(2,1)-全可选的. 我们称使得$G$为$k$-$(2,1)$-全可选的最小的$k$为$G$的$(2,1)$-全选择数, 记作$C_{2,1}^{T}(G)$. 本文, 我们证明了若$G$是一个$\Delta(G)\geq 11$的平面图, 则$C_{2,1}^{T}(G)\leq\Delta+4$.  相似文献   

图的邻点强可区别的全染色   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
设 $G(V, E)$是阶数不小于~3 的简单连通图, $k$ 是自然数, $f$ 是从~$V(G)\cup E(G)$到 ~$\{1, 2, \dots, k\}$ 的映射, 满足: 对任意的 ~$uv\inE(G),f(u)\not= f(v), f(u)\not= f(uv)\not= f(v)$; 对任意的$uv,uw\in E(G)\,(v\neq w), f(uv)\neq f(uw)$; 对任意的$uv\in E(G), C(u)\neq C(v)$, 其中$C(u)=\{f(u)\}\cup \{f(v)|uv\in E(G)\}\cup \{f(uv)|uv\in E(G)\}$, 则称$f$是图$G$ 的一个邻点强可区别的全染色法. 简记作 $k$-AVSDTC, 且称 $ \chi_{\rm ast}(G)=\min\{k\mid G \textrm{ 的所有 }\ k\textrm{-AVSDTC}\} $ 为$G$ 的邻点强可区别的全色数. 得到了圈、完全图、完全二部图、树的邻点强可区别全色数.  相似文献   

Let Γ be a signed graph and A(Γ) be the adjacency matrix of Γ. The nullity ofΓ is the multiplicity of eigenvalue zero in the spectrum of A(Γ). In this paper, the connected bicyclic signed graphs(including simple bicyclic graphs) of order n with nullity n-7 are completely characterized.  相似文献   

Let G be a graph with n(G) vertices and m(G) be its matching number.The nullity of G,denoted by η(G),is the multiplicity of the eigenvalue zero of adjacency matrix of G.It is well known that if G is a tree,then η(G) = n(G)-2m(G).Guo et al.[Jiming GUO,Weigen YAN,Yeongnan YEH.On the nullity and the matching number of unicyclic graphs.Linear Alg.Appl.,2009,431:1293 1301]proved that if G is a unicyclic graph,then η(G)equals n(G)-2m(G)-1,n(G)-2m(G),or n(G)-2m(G) +2.In this paper,we prove that if G is a bicyclic graph,then η(G) equals n(G)-2m(G),n(G)-2m(G)±1,n(G)-2m(G)±2or n(G)-2m(G) + 4.We also give a characterization of these six types of bicyclic graphs corresponding to each nullity.  相似文献   

Let G =(V, E) be a simple graph with vertex set V and edge set E. A signed mixed dominating function of G is a function f:V∪E→ {-1, 1} such that ∑_(y∈N_m(x)∪{x})f(y)≥ 1for every element x∈V∪E, where N_m(x) is the set of elements of V∪E adjacent or incident to x. The weight of f is w(f) =∑_(x∈V∪E)f(x). The signed mixed domination problem is to find a minimum-weight signed mixed dominating function of a graph. In this paper we study the computational complexity of signed mixed domination problem. We prove that the signed mixed domination problem is NP-complete for bipartite graphs, chordal graphs, even for planar bipartite graphs.  相似文献   

Let π : M~n→P~n be an n-dimensional small cover over P~n and λ : F(P~n)→Z_2~n be its characteristic function. The author uses the symbol c(λ) to denote the cardinal number of the image Im(λ). If c(λ) = n + 1 or n + 2, then a necessary and sufficient condition on the existence of spin structure on Mnis given. As a byproduct, under some special conditions, the author uses the second Stiefel-Whitney class to detect when P~n is n-colorable or(n + 1)-colorable.  相似文献   

本文研究一类二阶脉冲微分方程:■的正解存在性.其中,0<η<1,0<α<1,f:[0,1]×[0,∞)×R→[0,∞),I_i:[0,∞)×R→R,J_i:[0,∞)×R→R,(i=1,2,…,k)均为连续函数.本文所用方法是文献[5]推广的Krasnoselskii不动点定理,此定理为解决依赖于一阶导数的边值问题提供了理论依据.基于此定理,获得了问题正解存在性定理.特别地,我们获得此类问题的Green函数,使问题的解决更直观和简单.  相似文献   

For a finite discrete topological space $X$ with at least two elements, a nonempty set $\Gamma$, and a map $\varphi:\Gamma \to \Gamma$, $\sigma_{\varphi}:X^{\Gamma} \to X^{\Gamma}$with $\sigma_{\varphi}((x_{\alpha})_{\alpha \in \Gamma})=(x_{\varphi(\alpha)})_{\alpha \in \Gamma}$ (for $(x_{\alpha})_{\alpha \in \Gamma} \in X^{\Gamma}$) is a generalized shift. In this text for $\mathcal{S} = \{\sigma_{\varphi}:\varphi \in \Gamma^{\Gamma}\}$ and $\mathcal{H}=\{\sigma_{\varphi}:\Gamma \xrightarrow{\varphi} \Gamma$ is bijective$\}$ we study proximal relations of transformation semigroups $(\mathcal{S}, X^{\Gamma})$ and $(\mathcal{H}, X^{\Gamma})$. Regarding proximal relation we prove: $$P(\mathcal{S}, X^{\Gamma}) = \{((x_{\alpha})_{\alpha \in \Gamma},(y_{\alpha})_{\alpha \in \Gamma}) \in X^{\Gamma} \times X^{\Gamma} : \exists \beta \in \Gamma (x_{\beta} = y_{\beta})\}$$and $P(\mathcal{H}, X^{\Gamma} ) \subseteq \{((x_{\alpha})_{\alpha \in \Gamma},(y_{\alpha})_{\alpha \in \Gamma}) \in X^{\Gamma} \times X^{\Gamma} : \{\beta \in \Gamma : x_{\beta} = y_{\beta}\}$ is infinite$\}$ $\cup\{($ $x,x) : x \in \mathcal{X}\}$. Moreover, for infinite $\Gamma$, both transformation semigroups $(\mathcal{S}, X^{\Gamma})$ and $(\mathcal{H}, X^{\Gamma})$ are regionally proximal, i.e., $Q(\mathcal{S}, X^{\Gamma}) = Q(\mathcal{H}, X^{\Gamma} ) = X^{\Gamma} \times X^{\Gamma}$, also for sydetically proximal relation we have $L(\mathcal{H}, X^{\Gamma}) = \{((x_{\alpha})_{\alpha \in \Gamma},(y_{\alpha})_{\alpha \in \Gamma}) \in X^{\Gamma} \times X^{\Gamma} : \{\gamma ∈ \Gamma :$ $x_{\gamma} \neq y_{\gamma}\}$ is finite$\}$.  相似文献   

In this paper, we first show that for every mapping $f$ from a metric space $Ω$ to itself which is continuous off a countable subset of $Ω,$ there exists a nonempty closed separable subspace $S ⊂ Ω$ so that $f|_S$ is again a self mapping on $S.$ Therefore, both the fixed point property and the weak fixed point property of a nonempty closed convex set in a Banach space are separably determined. We then prove that every separable subspace of $c_0(\Gamma)$ (for any set $\Gamma$) is again lying in $c_0.$ Making use of these results, we finally presents a simple proof of the famous result: Every non-expansive self-mapping defined on a nonempty weakly compact convex set of $c_0(\Gamma)$ has a fixed point.  相似文献   

Let be an infinite, locally finite tree with more than two ends. Let be an acylindrical uniform lattice. Then the boundary algebra is a simple Cuntz-Krieger algebra whose K-theory is determined explicitly.


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